This course covers key aspects of the gas turbine and prime movers for air, land and sea. It aims to provide you with a thorough knowledge of, and the ability to assess, anthropogenic emissions and abatement technologies.

Power, Propulsion and the Environment is a specialist option of the MSc in Thermal Power and Propulsion.


  • Start dateMarch or October
  • DurationFull-time MSc: one year; PgDip: up to one year
  • DeliveryTaught modules 50%, individual research project 50%
  • QualificationMSc, PgDip
  • Study typeFull-time
  • CampusCranfield campus

Who is it for?

This course is suitable for graduates seeking a challenging and rewarding career in an growing international industry. Graduates are provided with the skills that allow them to deliver immediate benefits in a very demanding and rewarding workplace and therefore are in great demand.

Why this course?

The MSc option in Power, Propulsion and the Environment is structured to enable you to pursue your own specific interests and career aspirations. You may choose from a wide range of modules and select an appropriate research project. An intensive industrial management course is offered which assists in achieving exemptions from some engineering council requirements. You will receive a thorough grounding in the operation of different types of rotating machinery for aeronautical, marine and industrial applications plus environmental management.

We have been at the forefront of postgraduate education in thermal power and gas turbine technology at Cranfield since 1946. We have a global reputation for our advanced postgraduate education, extensive research and applied continuing professional development. 

This MSc programme benefits from a wide range of cultural backgrounds which significantly enhances the learning experience for both staff and students.

Informed by industry

Our industry partners help support our students in a number of ways - through guest lectures, awarding student prizes, recruiting course graduates and ensuring course content remains relevant to leading employers.

The Industrial Advisory Panel meets annually to maintain course relevancy and ensure that graduates are equipped with the skills and knowledge required by leading employers. Knowledge gained from our extensive research and consultancy activity is also constantly fed back into the MSc programme. The Thermal Power and Propulsion MSc Industrial Advisory Panel comprises senior engineers from companies such as:

  • EasyJet,
  • EASA,
  • RMC,
  • Rolls-Royce,
  • Senior Consultant,
  • Uniper Technologies.

Course details

The course is comprised of up to 12 taught modules, depending on the course option chosen. Modules for each option vary; please see individual descriptions for compulsory modules which must be undertaken. There is also an opportunity to choose from an extensive choice of optional modules to match specific interests.

Course delivery

Taught modules 50%, individual research project 50%

Individual project

You are required to submit a written thesis describing an individual research project carried out during the course. Many individual research projects have been carried out with industrial sponsorship, and have often resulted in publication in international journals and symposium papers. This thesis is examined orally in September in the presence of an external examiner.

Previous individual research projects have included:

  • Benchmark of methods to measure the density of atmospheric ice,
  • Green runway: investigation of emissions and noise for large aircraft operation within an airport,
  • Techno economic environmental risk assessment on marine propulsion.


Keeping our courses up-to-date and current requires constant innovation and change. The modules we offer reflect the needs of business and industry and the research interests of our staff and, as a result, may change or be withdrawn due to research developments, legislation changes or for a variety of other reasons. Changes may also be designed to improve the student learning experience or to respond to feedback from students, external examiners, accreditation bodies and industrial advisory panels.

To give you a taster, we have listed the compulsory and elective (where applicable) modules which are currently affiliated with this course. All modules are indicative only, and may be subject to change for your year of entry.

Course modules

Compulsory modules
All the modules in the following list need to be taken as part of this course.


    To make students familiar with design, operation, computation and performance criteria of gas turbine (GT) combustion and reheat systems and to explore issues related to gas turbine pollutant emissions.
    Introduction to GT combustor design considerations and sizing methodologies:
    Diffusion and pre-mixed flame characteristics; GT combustor design features and performance requirements; Design considerations and main functions of the primary, intermediate and dilution zones; Fundamental aspects of the ignition process; Sources of pressure loss; Performance criteria and requirements for pre-combustor diffusers; Faired and dump diffusers; Combustor sizing methodologies based on the pressure loss approach, combustor efficiency requirements and altitude relight requirements.

    Combustion efficiency:
    Definition of combustion efficiency and combustion efficiency requirements; Evaporation rate controlled systems – influence of fuel type, turbulence and pressure, drop size and residence time; Mixing rate controlled systems; Reaction rate controlled systems – derivation and significance of the “” parameter.

    Overview of GT generated pollutants:
    Products of combustion and their consequences; Mechanisms of formation of GT pollutants;
    Effects on the environment and/or human health; Overview of limitation strategies and associated challenges; Emissions legislation and targets.

    GT combustor heat transfer and cooling:
    Combustor buckling and cracking; Need for efficient methods of liner cooling; Heat transfer processes (Internal and external radiation, internal and external convection, conduction); Calculation of uncooled liner temperature; Effect of chamber variables on heat transfer terms, liner wall temperature and liner life; Film cooling techniques; Advanced wall cooling techniques; Combustor liner materials and thermal barrier coatings.

    GT fuels
    Appraise types and properties of fuels; Methodologies to calculate combustion temperatures for various fuel types, mixture strengths and pressures (both non-dissociated and dissociated).

    Computational methods for GT Combustors
    Role of CFD in combustor design and development; Application of CFD for preliminary design, prognostics and diagnostics of combustion systems.

    Introduction to GT afterburners:
    Requirement and principle of afterburning; Effects of afterburning on engine performance; General arrangement, main components and design features of afterburners; Ignition methods for GT afterburners; Control requirements and methods for engines with afterburners; Considerations for selection of convergent and convergent-divergent nozzles..

Intended learning outcomes

On successful competition of this module you should be able to:

1. Explain and evaluate the concepts underpinning the design of gas turbine combustors and reheat systems for both aero and stationary gas turbines, and explain the influence of the design choices on overall engine configuration and performance; 
2. Assess the influence of: fuel types and preparation, combustion efficiency, ignition requirements, diffuser performance, operational criteria, pollutant emissions and legislation, cooling and material technology on combustor sizing, design and performance; 
3. Apply heat transfer techniques to the calculation of combustor liner temperature and assess the effect of materials, advanced cooling methods and thermal barrier coatings on the life of a combustor liner; 
4. Employ methodologies to calculate combustion temperatures for various fuel types, mixture strengths and pressures;  
5. Distinguish between simple and more advanced computational methods for combustor performance prediction in terms of their modelling and capabilities.

Engine Systems

    To familiarise students with engine systems or engine designs for stationary and aero gas turbines and technical reporting by examples and sources systematic analysis.

    Assessments of engine systems, auxiliaries, families of engines, and/or engine and component designs for both aero and stationary gas turbines are addressed by means of a 'Systems Symposium', run by the MSc class. Topics covered by the systems symposium include: intake systems for aero engines and industrial gas turbines; anti-icing systems for aeroengines and industrial gas turbines; start systems for aeroengines and industrial gas turbines; start sequences for industrial gas turbines; compressor bleed and variable guide vanes; variable geometry nozzle guide vanes; gas path sealing of aero gas turbines; noise control of gas turbines; air filtration for industrial gas turbines; compressor and turbine cleaning systems; full authority and other electronic control systems; key gas turbine component design technologies, etc. Topics may also cover design technologies of gas turbine engines and their components, different families of engine products of major gas turbine manufacturers in different countries, comparison of competitive engines, etc. The objective is to undertake an evaluation of a specified aspect of gas turbine engineering, to make a presentation and to provide a technical review paper or design and assessment on a particular subject. Another aspect of the module is that the presentations are made in a conference format which requires the MSc students to work together to plan, organise and execute the events.

    Outline syllabus for a few sample individual topics:
    • Ignition system: Requirements and problems of altitude relight. Types of system -booster coils, high frequency, high energy and their applications.
    • Starting Systems: Electrical systems - low and high voltage, turbine systems- cartridge, iso-propyl nitrate, fuel-air, gas turbine, low pressure air and hydraulic systems and their applications.
    • Air systems: requirements, methods of cooling, pressure balancing of end loads, sealing, and applications.
    • Preliminary design of axial high pressure compressor: requirements, design criteria, preliminary design, analysis of design results, etc.
    • CFM56 engines: development history, OEM, product description, key technologies, future development, etc.
Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module a student should be able to:
1. Compose a structured technical report in the form of a conference paper and a technical presentation.
2. Conduct a systematic analysis of a range of sources to identify, analyse and assess the main technologies of a key aspect of gas turbine engineering.
Report and defend the technical outcomes of the systematic analysis in the form of a conference paper and presentation.
Work effectively with others in groups to deliver a Gas Turbine Systems Symposium on the basis of a scientific conference.
Collaborate in different capacities to formulate a business/management plan to market and communicate the Engine Systems Symposium to the wider gas turbine community for encouraging the attendance of external agencies. 

Gas Turbine Performance Simulation and Diagnostics

    To inform course members of the different types of gas turbine; their applications, design and transient performance.
    To provide course members with the ability to undertake gas turbine component performance calculations, diagnostics and to perform evaluations of gas turbine performance and deterioration.

    Gas Turbine Types and Applications
    Effect of design pressure ratio and turbine temperature on the basic gas turbine cycle. Modifications of the basic cycle, compounding, intercooling, reheating, heat exchange, bypass and fan cycles. Simulation of the above.

    Performance and Simulation
    Design point performance of turbojet and turboshaft cycles, effect of bypass ratio. Off design performance, effect of ambient temperature, altitude, throttle setting and flight speed. Non-dimensional representation. Gas turbine simulation. Effects of bleeds and power offtakes. Compressor turbine matching. Gas turbine degradation. Simulation and diagnostics of the above. Component maps. Surge alleviation, performance improvements, steady state and transient performance. Off-design performance calculations and iteration techniques Accelerations, decelerations, effects on surge margin. Transients of single shaft and multi-shaft engines. Transient performance simulation. Effects of heat transfer on transient performance.
    Software used for gas turbine performance simulation: TURBOMATCH

    Diagnostics and Monitoring.
    Description of gas turbine performance degradation and faults.
    Description of most used gas turbine condition monitoring techniques.
    Software used for diagnostics: PYTHIA

Intended learning outcomes On successful completion of this module a student should be able to:
1. Describe the gas turbine components and calculate the performance in terms of power, thrust and specific fuel consumption of various types of gas turbine engines; 
2. Assess the results from quantitative evaluations of gas turbine designs to determine appropriate power or propulsion systems for different applications; 
3. Describe, use and demonstrate numerical iterative methods for the matching of compression and expansion components in engines to produce off-design points on the engine running line; 
4. Through quantitative evaluations, and with supporting discursive descriptions, demonstrate a working knowledge of how thermodynamic laws underpin a wide range of gas turbine engines over a wide range of operating conditions; 
5. Assess the impact of different degradation and faults on gas turbine performance; 
6. Employ computer based diagnostic analysis tools to detect gas turbine faults.

Management for Technology

    The importance of technology leadership in driving the technical aspects of an organisation’s products, innovation, programmes, operations and strategy is paramount, especially in today’s turbulent commercial environment with its unprecedented pace of technological development. Demand for ever more complex products and services has become the norm.  The challenge for today’s manager is to deal with uncertainty, to allow technological innovation and change to flourish but also to remain within planned parameters of performance.  Many organisations engaged with technological innovation struggle to find engineers with the right skills.  Specifically, engineers have extensive subject/discipline knowledge but do not understand management processes in organisational context.  In addition, STEM graduates often lack interpersonal skills.
      • Engineers and Technologists in organisations: The role of organisations and the challenges facing engineers and technologies.
      • People management: Understanding you. Understanding other people. Working in teams. Dealing with conflicts.
      • The Business Environment: Understanding the business environment; identifying key trends and their implications for the organisation.
      • Strategy and Marketing: Developing effective strategies; Focusing on the customer; building competitive advantage; The role of strategic assets.
      • Finance: Profit and loss accounts. Balance sheets. Cash flow forecasting. Project appraisal.
      • New product development: Commercialising technology. Market drivers. Time to market. Focusing technology. Concerns.
      • Business game: Working in teams (companies), students will set up and run a technology company and make decisions on investment, R&D funding, operations, marketing and sales strategy.
      • Negotiation: Preparation for Negotiations. Negotiation process. Win-Win solutions.
      • Presentation skills: Understanding your audience. Focusing your message. Successful presentations. Getting your message across.

Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you should be able to:
1. Recognise the importance of teamwork in the performance and success of organisations with particular reference to commercialising technological innovation.
2. Operate as an effective team member, recognising the contribution of individuals within the team, and capable of developing team working skills in themselves and others to improve the overall performance of a team.
3. Compare and evaluate the impact of the key functional areas (strategy, marketing and finance) on the commercial performance of an organisation, relevant to the manufacture of a product or provision of a technical service.
4. Design and deliver an effective presentation that justifies and supports any decisions or recommendations made
5. Argue and defend their judgements through constructive communication and negotiating skills.

Gas Turbine Operations and Rotating Machines

Module Leader
  • Dr Uyioghosa Igie
    To familiarise the course member with various operations of gas turbines and other driven rotating machines.

    Gas Turbine Operations :
    • An overview of the different operational regimes for gas turbine application. This explores base load, peak load, standby and backup operations, alongside their individual operational requirements. It also include engine control modes such as operating at approximately constant exhaust gas temperature and load following mode. Analysis of gas turbine performance and health using machine sensor data from actual operation is also a key part. This part also highlights the use and impact of ancillary equipment (air filtration and compressor washing systems) in improving the performance and extending the operating hours of gas turbine machines.

    Steam Turbines:
    • Steam turbine fundamentals, applications and selection. This includes an overview of steam turbine plants operating on fossil fuel (combined cycle gas turbines) and nuclear energy. It also covers aspects of heat recovery systems, condensers, pumps and other auxiliary equipment.

    Diesel Engines for Heat and Power:
    • Diesel engine fundamentals; theory and principles. This includes 2-stroke (crosshead engine) and 4-stroke (trunk piston) types, their installation and operations. Utilisation of diesel engine waste heat recovery for district heating hot water systems, cooling systems using chiller and fresh water generation are the common applications explored. Diesel engine fuels and the means of controlling exhaust emissions is included.
Intended learning outcomes On successful completion of this module a student should be able to:
1. Differentiate the operational regimes and requirements related to different gas turbine applications.
2. Evaluate gas turbine performance using machine data from actual operations.
3. Assess engine performance deterioration, as well as propose improved approaches in enhancing performance during operation.
4. Identify components and parameters related to steam turbine theory, performance and operation.
5. Differentiate and assess the applications of steam turbines.
6. Calculate diesel engine performance parameters, differentiate between 2-stroke and 4-stroke engines and differentiate operational requirements for these applications.
7. Differentiate and assess the applications of diesel engines for heat and power.
8. Evaluate the approaches to reducing and controlling harmful exhaust emissions in diesel engines.

Turbomachinery and Blade Cooling

    To familiarise students with compressor and turbine aerodynamic design and performance by instruction, investigation and example. To introduce students to the technology of gas turbine blade cooling through analytical and practical approaches of heat transfer principles, convection cooling, impingement film transpiration cooling and liquid cooling.

    Thermofluids: Introduction to aerodynamics, thermofluids, and compressible flows.

    Compressor Design and Performance

    Overall performance:  Fundamentals of axial flow compressors.  Overall performance, achievable pressure ratio and efficiency. The effect of Reynolds number,                            Mach number, and incidence. Definition of isentropic and polytropic efficiency, effect of pressure ratio, performance at constant speed, surge and surge margin definitions, running line, choking effects.

    The axial compressor stage: Stage loading and flow parameters, limitation in design on pitch line basis. Definition and choice of reaction at design, effect on stage efficiency. Loss sources in turbomachines and loss estimation methods. The ideal and real stage characteristic, stall and choke. The free vortex solution, limitations due to hub/tip ratio. Off-design performance Choice of overall annulus geometry, axial spacing, aspect ratio, limitations of rear hub/tip ratio. Compressor blading: selection of blade numbers, aspect ratio and basic blade profiling.

    Compressor design example: Multi-stage compressor design example carried out for a HPC.

    Turbine Design and Performance

    Overall performance: the expansion process and characteristics, annulus layout and design choices, choice of stage loading and flow coefficient, engine overall performance requirements, overall annulus geometry and layout; rising line, constant mean diameter and falling line.

    The axial turbine stage: Aerodynamic concepts and parameters, velocity triangles, reaction, stage loading, flow coefficients. The ideal and real characteristic. Design  for maximum power: effect of choking and change of inlet temperature and pressure.  Stage efficiency, overtip leakage, profile losses, correlations. Three-dimensional design aspects. Radial equilibrium and secondary flows.

    Turbine blading: choice of base profile, blade numbers and aspect ratio. Zweiffel's and alternative lift coefficients.

    Turbine Design Example: An aerodynamic design example is carried out for a HPT Heat Transfer Principles: Brief review of heat transfer principles and physical significance of non-dimensional groupings. Conditions around blades, boundary layers, external heat transfer coefficient distribution, effect of turbulence. Root cooled blades and NGVs, analytical and numerical methods of determining spanwise temperature distribution. Fibre strengthened and nickel base alloys.

    Need for high turbine entry temperature: effect on engine performance.

    Development of materials, manufacturing processes and cooling systems.

    Convection Cooling: Convectively cooled aerofoils: analytical approach for metal and cooling air spanwise temperature distribution. Cooling passage geometry and heat transfer characteristics. Cooling efficiency, cooling effectiveness and mass flow function: application at project design stage for determining metal and cooling air temperatures. Methods for optimising cooling system design: secondary surfaces and multipass. Internal temperature distribution of cooled aerofoils: calculations, comparisons with experimental results.

    Impingement, Film and Transpiration Cooling: Principles steady state and transient performance, characteristics, advantages, limitations, comparison with convection cooling. Cooling air feed and discharge systems. Integration of cooled turbine with aerodynamic performance and main engine design. Co-ordination of design responsibilities. Example of cooled turbine stage design.

    Liquid Cooling: Liquid cooling: principles, advantages and limitations, practical examples.

Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:

1. Identify and analyse the design and performance characteristics of turbomachinery components;
2. For given inlet conditions and requirements, determine the aerodynamic performance characteristics of a turbomachine and comment on the feasibility of the design; 
3. Differentiate the key design choices for axial compressors and turbines; 
4. Construct an assessment of the aspects which affect the design and performance of axial turbomachines;
5. Apply formulations and critical evaluations of underpinning turbo-machinery theories; 
6. Explain the requirement for ethical and professional conduct in the use of data and in the presentation of results and calculations;
7. Explain the major differences between the various heat transfer and cooling architectures and apply the concepts and theories of heat transfer and different cooling technologies to the cooling of turbine blades to produce a realistic assessment of their cooling requirements. 

Elective modules
One of the modules from the following list needs to be taken as part of this course

Mechanical Design of Turbomachinery


    To familiarise students with the common problems associated with the mechanical design and the lifing of the major rotating components of the gas turbine engine.

    Loads/forces/stresses in gas turbine engines: The origin of loads/forces/stresses in a gas turbine engine such as loads associated with: rotational inertia, flight, precession of shafts, pressure gradient, torsion, seizure, blade release, engine mountings within the airframe and bearings. Discussion of major loadings associated with the rotating components and those within the pressure casing including components subject to heating.

    Failure criteria: Monotonic failure criteria: proof, ultimate strength of materials. Theories of failure applied to bi-axial loads. Other failure mechanisms associated with gas turbine engines including creep and fatigue. Fatigue properties including SN and RM diagrams, the effect of stress concentration, mean stress etc. Cumulative fatigue, the double Goodman diagram technique to calculate the fatigue safety factor of gas turbine components. Methods of calculating the creep life of a component using the Larson-Miller Time-Temperature parameter.

    Applications: The design of discs and blades. Illustration of the magnitude of stresses in conventional axial flow blades by means of a simple desk-top method to include the effects of leaning the blade. The stressing of axial flow discs by means of a discretised hand calculation which illustrates the distribution and relative magnitude of the working stresses within a disc. The design of flanges and bolted structures. Leakage through a flanged joint and failure from fatigue.

    Blade vibration: Resonances. Desk top techniques for calculating the low order natural frequencies of turbomachine blades. Allowances for the effects of blade twist and centrifugal stiffening. Sources of blade excitation including stationary flow disturbance, rotating stall and flutter. Derivation of the Campbell diagram from which troublesome resonances may be identified. Allowances for temperature, pre-twist and centrifugal stiffening. Methods for dealing with resonances.

    Damage Mechanisms and Lifing: Fundamentals of Creep and Fatigue damage mechanisms. Material, design and operational parameters that affect creep and fatigue. Experimental and test procedures to characterise creep and fatigue damage. Classification of Fatigue-Low Cycle and High Cycle and use of appropriate methods: Strain Vs Stress Methods. Cumulative damage assessment using cycling counting and linear damage rules -Milner Approach.  
Intended learning outcomes On successful completion of this module a student should be able to:
1. Describe and distinguish the design requirements and loads encountered by gas turbine components during normal operation; 
2. Analyse, evaluate and assess the loads, stresses, failure criteria and factors of safety used in gas turbine engines;
3. Evaluate impact of vibrations on design and operation of gas turbine;
4. Assess the creep and fatigue damage of gas turbine components based on design and operational parameters; 
5. Derive and evaluate stresses acting on blades and discs.

Propulsion Systems Performance and Integration

    To equip students with background knowledge of aircraft propulsion, component performance integration.
    The course is divided into two major components: Aircraft Engine and Component Performance and System Performance and Integration

    Aircraft Engine and Component Performance
    Three main topics are dealt with in this section: Aircraft Performance, Jet Engine Performance, Intakes and Exhaust Systems.

    • Aircraft Performance:
    Deals with the major topics of flight and aerodynamics, such as lift, drag, range, performance and a section on the design of aircraft for different purposes.

    • Jet Engine Performance:
    Focuses mainly on the off-design performance of jet engines. Engine behaviour at different altitudes, flight speeds, ambient conditions and throttle settings are described. This topic features a presentation on the design of engines for various types of aircraft.

    • Intakes and Exhaust Systems:
    Outlines the major design features and operation of the components for subsonic and supersonic aircraft applications.

    System Performance and Integration:
    This portion of the course starts with the analysis of fundamental aerodynamics of unducted and ducted bodies. This is followed by the development, via the formal definitions of thrust and drag and the concept of stream-tube momentum force, of the relationship between the net propulsive force of the powerplant, engine thrust and nacelle forces. Alternative performance accounting relationships are developed for various choices of thrust interface using force, drag and the hybrid force/drag method. These are employed to illustrate the interplay between component forces. The treatment addresses the long and short-cowl podded nacelles, appropriate to civil engine installations, on- and off-wing; and the highly integrated installations encountered in military aircraft.
Intended learning outcomes On successful completion of this module a student should be able to:
1. Analyse and assess aircraft performance in terms of lift, drag and range.
2. Describe the variations in thrust and specific fuel consumption of jet engines over a range of altitudes, flight Mach numbers and spool rotational speeds.
3. Evaluate and assess the various intake and exhaust systems available for different aircraft applications.
4. Compare and differentiate the various engine installation configurations associated with the major aircraft applications.
5. Use component performance accounting relationships to assess the installation performance in respect of the integration of the engine and airframe.

Jet Engine Control


    This module aims to introduce students to aircraft engine control and to explain the philosophy of jet engine control requirements and systems to gas turbine engineers.

    Compressor performance
    The difficulty of compressing air; the overall compressor characteristic and its graphical presentation. Running line and surge line. Performance limitations at low rotational speed and low airflow. Design for surge alleviation. The use of variable inlet guide vanes, variable stators, air bleed, multi-spooling.

    Axial turbine performance
    Physics of expanding gas flows and choking. Performance at maximum flow. Effect of changes in inlet temperature and pressure. The turbine overall performance characteristic and turbine efficiency.

    Gas turbine control
    Needs and Implementation. The gas turbine is a very complex mechanism that has to operate within many constraints including aerodynamic, mechanical and handling issues. At the same time it also needs to be responsive and operate safely. An explanation will be given on these constraints and how different features such as variable stators, bleed valves and variable area nozzles can be used to implement safe and responsive engine handling. An explanation on component matching and the influence of each control feature on the operation of the engine.

    Introduction to fuel systems and fuel pumps
    To include the role of the fuel system; fuel properties; typical fuel flows, temperatures, and pressures in the system, descriptions of low pressure first stage pump, high pressure second stage pumps; typical modern control systems.

    Airframe Fuel Systems
    Low Pressure Engine Fuel Systems. To include typical LP system architecture, fuel pump inlet pressure requirements, the concept of Net Positive Suction Pressure (NPSP), establishing the low pressure pump design points; low pressure first stage pump types; fundamentals of LP pump design.

    High pressure engine fuel pumps
    Difference between positive displacement and rotodynamic pumps, types of positive displacement pumps; selecting the optimum drive speed; sizing a positive displacement pump; the effect of leakage on pump size and heat rejection; mechanical design considerations; journal bearing design; pointing design and minimising cavitation erosion damage.

    Hydro-mechanical fuel metering
    Brief history of fuel control architectures leading to FADEC systems; Functions required by modern FADEC based fuel controls; impact of reliability requirements on modern fuel control architecture; modern fuel control architecture; basic principles of fuel flow; fuel metering; electrical interface devices used on modern fuel controls; engine actuation; demonstration of modern fuel control hardware; fitness for purpose, future trends in fuel control.

    Electronic engine control
    To include circuit design, mechanical design, software.

    Staged Combustion
    To include aircraft emissions, emissions legislation, controlling emissions, fuel control requirements, fuel control, control laws.

    Fuel controls for ‘more/all’ electric engines
    To include impact of the More/All electric engine on fuel control, positive displacement pump based systems, centrifugal pump based systems, technical challenges.

    Airworthiness considerations
    European and USA regulatory requirements relevant to certification and substation of engine controls and fuel systems including their installation. Service history, occurrences and case studies.
Intended learning outcomes On successful completion of this module a student should be able to:
1. Analyse the control needs and operational issues associated with gas turbines used for aircraft propulsion.
2. Describe and distinguish the objectives of the control philosophies of the available systems.
3. Assess jet engine control systems design as applied to different forms of aircraft propulsion.
4. Evaluate the different mechanisms and components that allow the safe and efficient operation of a jet engine.
5. Describe and discuss the regulatory requirements relevant to engine controls and fuel systems.

Computational Fluid Dynamics for Gas Turbines

    To introduce students to computationally-based flow modelling, applicable to turbomachinery components and gas turbine engines. To introduce students to the theoretical background of Computational Fluid Dynamics and to the limitations of CFD when applied to the solution of turbomachinery fluid flow problems. To provide experience in the use of a commercial CFD code through planning and conducting investigations of complex turbomachinery flow cases.
    Flow Modelling Strategies
    Introduction to computational fluid dynamics and the role of CFD in engine component evaluation and improved design. Review of current capabilities and future directions.

    Physical Modelling
    Governing Navier-Stokes equations. Approximate forms. Turbulence - turbulent averaging, mathematical closure and turbulence modelling. Scalar transport and chemical reaction. Reynolds averaging, Large Eddy Simulation, Direct Numerical Simulation.

    Finite Difference Equations
    Problem classification. Discretisation. Solution methods. Pressure correction. Boundary conditions. Mesh generation for practical flow geometries.

    Practical Demonstration
    Introduction to commercially available general purpose CFD codes (FLUENT and CFX) Case study tutorials and assessed assignment.

Intended learning outcomes On successful completion of this module a student should be able to:
1. Summarise the key steps associated with the CFD modelling approach whilst adhering to good practice in the employment of numerical tools.
2. Design effective turbomachinery grid generation strategies to ensure numerical models are successfully employed.
3. Describe the fundamentals of turbulence modelling when applied to turbomachinery flows.
4. Plan, conduct, analyse and evaluate an engineering fluid problem using a commercial CFD package (Ansys Fluent/CFX).
5. Use CFD tools to generate effective analyses, evaluations and reporting of turbomachinery flow simulations.

Space Propulsion

    To provide an understanding of the thermofluid dynamic concepts underlying rocket and air-breathing space propulsion and of your implications for launch vehicle and spacecraft system performance and design.
    Introduction: The interactions between propulsion system, mission & spacecraft design.

    Launch Vehicle Performance: Mission requirements, Vehicle dynamics, Tsiolkovski rocket equation, Launch vehicle sizing & multi-staging, Illustrative launcher performance (Scout, Ariane, Shuttle programmes) - launch site / range safety constraints, Geostationary orbit acquisition.
    Expendable Launch Vehicles - Current Options: Vehicle design summaries, Orbital transfer vehicles, Comparative launch costs, Reusable launchers.

    Propulsion Fundamentals:
    Systems classification, Nozzle flows, Off-design considerations (under/over-expanded flows), Thermochemistry.

    Space Propulsion Systems and Performance: Propellants and combustion, Solid and liquid propellant systems, Engine cycles: Spacecraft propulsion - orbit raising, station-keeping and attitude control, Propellant management at low-g - alternative storage and delivery systems: Electric propulsion, Separately-powered rocket performance, Low thrust manoeuvres, Thruster concepts and configurations.

    Air-Breathing Propulsion for Launcher Applications:
    Motivation, Concepts and Mach number Constraints: Ramjet cycle analysis - implications of alternative fuels, intake design, Supersonic combustion, Air liquefaction cycles, Future trends in launcher configuration.
Intended learning outcomes On successful completion of this module you should be able to:
1. ​Demonstrate a critical understanding the constraints imposed by launch vehicle performance & operation on mission analysis.
2. Perform preliminary mission design studies which accommodate the capabilities of the major launch systems currently available.
3. Use one-dimensional gas dynamic relationships to perform initial propulsion system design point and off-design calculations.
4. Be familiar with the principal options for propulsion system design in relation to both boosters and secondary spacecraft propulsion, and to be able to assess critically their relative strengths in a range of mission applications.
5. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the determining factors in high speed flows which constrain the application of air-breathing propulsion to space launcher applications and the current responses to the technical challenges posed.

Marine Propulsion System Integration


    To familiarise you with various marine propulsion technologies, propulsion auxiliary and their integration


    The module will be covered in the following four parts:

    1. Ship Propulsion Systems
      • An overview of Gas Turbine, Diesel, Steam propulsion systems and their combination. This will include evaluating their advantages/disadvantages, optimal performance of various configurations, performance analysis and integration.
      • An overview of hybrid and electric technology for ship propulsion and their relative merits and demerits.
    2. Ships Auxiliary systems
      • Introduction to ship design concepts, fundamentals of ship resistance, control surfaces, boundary layers and propulsion coefficients.
      • Overview of propulsion train which includes different types of propellers, shafting, ‘A’ Brackets, gearbox and other components.
      • Understanding principles of hull vibration, propeller cavitation, shaft torsional vibration and their effect on the propulsion system performance.
    3. Propulsion System Integration
      • This part focuses on understanding the integration of propulsion system which includes the prime-movers, auxiliaries, and other associated systems/ control mechanism.
      • Introduction to Cranfield’s Poseidon+ simulation for propulsion system integration.
    4. Alternative fuels and Regulatory framework
      • An overview of predicted future energy trends/sources, alternative fuels for marine usage (natural gas, di-methyl ether, hydrogen, ammonia, nuclear options, photo-voltaic, etc..) in the light of decarbonisation in the maritime sector.
      • Introduction to emissions, MARPOL, SOLAS, Flag & Port state, marine safety issues etc.
Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you should be able to:

  1. Compare different marine propulsions technologies, evaluate their performance, and specify parameters for selecting a suitable propulsion system.
  2. Distinguish between various ship auxiliaries, their performance and examine suitability for a given propulsion system.
  3. Evaluate the performance of a given propulsion system as a whole and highlight integration issues.
  4. Compare different types of fuels/energy sources for a given propulsion system and analyse its compliance with the prevailing regulatory and safety framework.
  5. Assess Techno-Economic parameters and sustainability of the selected propulsion system.

Propulsion Electrification


    The module will give you the opportunity to review and analyse environmental and operational requirements of future power and propulsion systems and emerging technologies in electrified propulsion. You will synthesise and compare electrified power and propulsion architectures applied to future transportation concepts to meet the above requirements and make use of the emerging technologies reviewed. Furthermore, the module will enable you to develop and use simulation and numerical models/methods/skills for the modelling and analysis of electrified power and propulsion systems used with various aircraft and marine platforms. This will be undertaken while carrying out a critical assessment of the impact of novel electric technologies on the performance of integrated vehicle and propulsion system design.


    Challenges, opportunities & drivers for electrification 

    Need for change & the environment.

    Electrified and distributed power and propulsion systems

    Architectures, topologies, metrics, parameters/variables.

    Platforms, missions, and requirements.

    Energy management strategies.

    Electrified gas turbine configuration and cycles

    Novel turbofan engines.

    Turboshaft and open rotor engines.

    Advanced Thermodynamic Cycles.

    Turbo-electric architectures for marine applications  

    Comparison of Turboelectric architecture Aero vs Marine.

    Turboelectric config. selection, performance, and integration.

    Evaluation of turboelectric marine architecture.

    Aerodynamic Integration of Electrified and Distributed Propulsion Systems

    Overview of electrified propulsor aerodynamics.

    Case study Boundary Layer Ingestion.

    Case study wing tip propellers.

    Synergies with Hydrogen and Thermal Management System

    Hydrogen as a coolant.

    Thermal Management requirements for electrified aircraft.

    Tutorials & Case Studies 




Intended learning outcomes On successful completion of this module you should be able to:

1. Create and collect requirements for future electrified airborne and marine platforms.
2. Synthesise and assess electrified architectures based on derived requirements and metrics.
3. Compute impact of electrification on the design space of future gas turbines and evaluate changes in overall performance.
4. Review and summarise aerodynamic integration benefits and challenges of electrified propulsion systems.
5. Compose thermal management requirements and evaluate synergies with hydrogen.

Teaching team

Our teaching team are active researchers as well as tutors and have extensive experience of gas turbine design, in both industrial and research and development environments. Continuing close collaboration with major engine manufacturers in both the UK and overseas, through teaching and research, ensures that this course maintains the relevance and professionalism for which it is internationally renowned. Knowledge gained working with our clients is continually fed back into the teaching programme, to ensure that you benefit from the very latest knowledge and techniques affecting industry. The course also includes visiting lecturers from industry who will relate the theory to current best practice. The Course Director for the October intake for this programme is Dr Devaiah Nalianda. The March intake Course Director is Professor Pericles Pilidis.


The Thermal Power and Propulsion MSc is accredited by Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) and the Institute of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) on behalf of the Engineering Council as meeting the requirements for further learning for registration as a Chartered Engineer (CEng). Candidates must hold a CEng accredited BEng/BSc (Hons) undergraduate first degree to show that they have satisfied the educational base for CEng registration. Please note accreditation applies to the MSc award and PgDip do not meet in full the further learning requirements for registration as a Chartered Engineer.

Your career

Over 90% of the graduates of the course have found employment within the first year of completion. Many of our graduates are employed in the following industries and positions:

  • Gas turbine engine manufacturers,
  • Airframe manufacturers,
  • Airline operators,
  • Regulatory bodies,
  • Aerospace/Energy consultancies,
  • Power production industries,
  • Academia: doctoral studies.

Cranfield’s Career Service is dedicated to helping you meet your career aspirations. You will have access to career coaching and advice, CV development, interview practice, access to hundreds of available jobs via our Symplicity platform and opportunities to meet recruiting employers at our careers fairs. Our strong reputation and links with potential employers provide you with outstanding opportunities to secure interesting jobs and develop successful careers. Support continues after graduation and as a Cranfield alumnus, you have free life-long access to a range of career resources to help you continue your education and enhance your career.

How to apply

Click on the ‘Apply now’ button below to start your online application.

See our Application guide for information on our application process and entry requirements.