Contact Dr Pavlos Zachos
- Tel: +44 (0) 1234 754633
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Areas of expertise
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Gas Turbines & Propulsion
- Instrumentation, Sensors and Measurement Science
- Power Systems & Turbines
Dr Pavlos Zachos is a Reader in Propulsion Aerodynamics within the Centre of Propulsion and Thermal Power Engineering. Dr Zachos holds a diploma in Mechanical Engineering from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Before joining Cranfield, he worked within the Aerothermal Methods group at Rolls-Royce plc in Derby as a designer of turbine internal cooling passages and heat transfer optimisation for the Trent engine family.
In 2007, he returned to academia to complete his PhD research at Cranfield University. He was awarded a doctorate in Gas Turbine Sub-idle Performance, Altitude Relight and Windmilling in 2010. Among many other prizes, he was awarded the Cranfield Kings Norton Medal for the university's outstanding doctoral research in 2010.
Since 2010 Dr Zachos has led a number of research programmes in the areas of applied propulsion aerodynamics. His research interests cover a range of areas aeorodynamics of propulsion systems, high-speed flow aerodynamics, air induction systems, propulsion system aerodynamic integration, optical flow diagnostics and aerodynamic covering a range of technology readiness levels from 3 (proof of concept) to 6+ (industrial demonstrations).
As part of his teaching activities, Dr Zachos is leading the Turbomachinery and Blade Cooling module which is part of the Thermal Power MSc programme delivered through the Centre for Propulsion Propulsion and Thermal Power Engineering. He is also the course director of the Axial Compressor Design and Performance continuous professional development programme.
Dr Zachos is a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), a Senior Member of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and the Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS), a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a Chartered Mechanical Engineer (CEng) and member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.
Research opportunities
Aeorodynamics of propulsion systems, high-speed flow aerodynamics, air induction systems, propulsion system aerodynamic integration, optical flow diagnostics, aerodynamic testing.
Current activities
Experimental aerodynamics
Measurement science and instrumentation
Propulsion system integration
Computational fluid dynamics
Gas turbine aerothermal performance
Novel propulsion concepts and design optimisation
Thermal Power MSc - Turbomachinery and Blade Cooling (Module leader)
- Rolls-Royce Holdings PLC
- Airbus SE
- Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd
- Defence Science and Technology Laboratory
Articles In Journals
- Migliorini M, Doll U, Lawson NJ, Melnikov SM, Steinbock J, .... (2025). Advancements on the use of Filtered Rayleigh Scattering (FRS) with Machine learning methods for flow distortion in Aero-Engine intakes. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 160
- Kempaiah KU, Piovesan T, Zachos PK, Michaelis D, Gebbink R, .... (2024). High-resolution turbofan intake flow characterization by automated stereoscopic-PIV in an industrial wind tunnel environment. Measurement Science and Technology, 35(2)
- Doll U, Kapulla R, Dues M, Steinbock J, Melnikov S, .... (2024). Towards time-resolved multi-property measurements by filtered Rayleigh scattering: diagnostic approach and verification. Experiments in Fluids, 65(1)
- Philippou AL, Zachos PK & MacManus DG. (2024). Aerodynamic Instabilities in High-Speed Air Intakes and Their Role in Propulsion System Integration. Aerospace, 11(1)
- Migliorini M, Zachos PK & MacManus DG. (2024). Evaluation of Extreme Value Predictions for Unsteady Flow Distortion of Aero-Engine Intakes. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 146(9)
- Piovesan T, Zachos PK, MacManus DG, Kempaiah K, Michaelis D, .... (2024). Coupled Fan-Intake Dynamic Distortion Characterization at Crosswind Conditions. AIAA Journal
- Piovesan T, Zachos PK, MacManus DG & Sheaf C. (2024). Unsteady Swirl Distortion in a Short Intake Under Crosswind Conditions. AIAA Journal
- Migliorini M, Zachos PK, MacManus DG & Haladuda P. (2023). S-duct flow distortion with non-uniform inlet conditions. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 237(2)
- Logothetis DK, Zachos PK & Rogero J-M. (2023). Drag decomposition of a subsonic wing via a far-field, exergy-based method. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 237(7)
- Migliorini M, Zachos PK & MacManus DG. (2022). Novel Method for Evaluating Intake Unsteady Flow Distortion. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 38(1)
- Doll U, Migliorini M, Baikie J, Zachos PK, Röhle I, .... (2022). Non-intrusive flow diagnostics for unsteady inlet flow distortion measurements in novel aircraft architectures. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 130(April)
- McLelland G, MacManus DG, Zachos PK, Gil-Prieto D & Migliorini M. (2020). Influence of Upstream Total Pressure Profiles on S-Duct Intake Flow Distortion. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 36(3)
- Gil-Prieto D, Zachos PK, MacManus DG & McLelland G. (2019). Unsteady characteristics of S-duct intake flow distortion. Aerospace Science and Technology, 84
- Orts-Gonzalez PL, Zachos PK & Brighenti GD. (2019). The impact of heat exchanger degradation on the performance of a humid air turbine system for power generation. Applied Thermal Engineering, 149
- Gil-Prieto D, MacManus DG, Zachos PK & Bautista A. (2018). Assessment methods for unsteady flow distortion in aero-engine intakes. Aerospace Science and Technology, 72
- D’Ambros A, Kipouros T, Zachos P, Savill M & Benini E. (2018). Computational Design Optimization for S-Ducts. Designs, 2(4)
- Seetharama-Yadiyal V, Brighenti GD & Zachos PK. (2018). Advanced gas turbine performance modelling using response surface methods. The Aeronautical Journal, 122(1258)
- Brighenti GD, Zachos PK & Orts-Gonzalez PL. (2018). Part-load performance modelling of a reheated humid air turbine power cycle. Applied Thermal Engineering, 138
- Orts-Gonzalez PL, Zachos PK & Brighenti GD. (2018). Techno-economic analysis of a reheated humid air turbine. Applied Thermal Engineering, 137
- Gil-Prieto D, MacManus DG, Zachos PK, Tanguy G & Menzies KR. (2017). Convoluted Intake Distortion Measurements Using Stereo Particle Image Velocimetry. AIAA Journal, 55(6)
- Brighenti G, Orts-Gonzalez P, Sanchez-de-Leon L & Zachos P. (2017). Design Point Performance and Optimization of Humid Air Turbine Power Plants. Applied Sciences, 7(4)
- Gil-Prieto D, MacManus DG, Zachos PK, Tanguy G, Wilson F, .... (2017). Delayed Detached-Eddy Simulation and Particle Image Velocimetry Investigation of S-Duct Flow Distortion. AIAA Journal, 55(6)
- MacManus DG, Chiereghin N, Prieto DG & Zachos P. (2017). Complex Aeroengine Intake Ducts and Dynamic Distortion. AIAA Journal, 55(7)
- Zachos PK. (2013). Modelling and Analysis of Turbofan Engines Under Windmilling Conditions. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 29(4)
- Grech N, Koupper C, Zachos PK, Pachidis V & Singh R. (2012). Considerations on the Numerical Modeling and Performance of Axial Swirlers Under Relight Conditions. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 134(11)
- Grech N, Mehdi A, Zachos PK, Pachidis V & Singh R. (2012). Effect of Combustor Geometry on Performance of Airblast Atomizer Under Sub-Atmospheric Conditions. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 6(2)
- Terzis A, Kazakos C, Papadopoulos N, Kalfas A, Zachos PK, .... (2011). Effects of Swirl Velocities From Fan Assemblies Mounted on Lifting Surfaces. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 133(3)
- Terzis A, Zachos P, Charnley B, Pachidis V & Kalfas AI. (2011). ON THE APPLICABILITY OF OIL AND DYE FLOW VISUALIZATION TECHNIQUE DURING THE DESIGN PHASE AND OPERATION OF EXPERIMENTAL RIGS. Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing, 18(3)
- Zachos PK, Aslanidou I, Pachidis V & Singh R. (2011). A Sub-idle Compressor Characteristic Generation Method With Enhanced Physical Background. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 133(8)
- Zachos PK, Grech N, Charnley B, Pachidis V & Singh R. (2011). Experimental and Numerical Investigation of a Compressor Cascade at Highly Negative Incidence. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 5(1)
- Zachos PK, Pilidis P & Kalfas AI. (2010). Analysis of turbine performance degradation effects due to geometry variations between actual components and design Intent. The Aeronautical Journal, 114(1159)
- ZACHOS PK, PAPPA M, KALFAS AI, MANSOUR G, TSIAFIS I, .... (2008). Turbine Blading Performance Evaluation Using Geometry Scanning and Flowfield Prediction Tools. Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2(6)
Conference Papers
- Piovesan T, Zachos PK, MacManus DG & Sheaf C. (2024). Unsteady Swirl Distortion in a Short Intake Under Crosswind Conditions
- Piovesan T, Zachos PK & Tsoutsanis P. (2024). Dynamic swirl distortion characteristics in S-shaped diffusers using UCNS3D and time-resolved, stereo PIV methods
- Moreno M, Zachos PK, Gantt EJ, Tobaldini Neto L, Ferolla de Ambreu D, .... (2024). Summary of the 6th Propulsion Aerodynamics Workshop: NASA 1507 Inlet
- Migliorini M, Zachos PK, MacManus DG, Doll U, Dues M, .... (2024). Seeding-free inlet flow distortion measurements using filtered Rayleigh scattering: integration in a complex intake test facility
- Migliorini M, Zachos PK, MacManus D & Giannouloudis A. (2024). Effect of a Fan on the Unsteady Distortion of S-duct Intakes
- Doll U, Kapulla R, Dues M, Steinbock J, Melnikov S, .... (2024). Towards Time-Resolved Multi-Property Measurements By Single-Frequency FRS
- Dues M, Dues F, Melnikov S, Steinbock JJ, Doll U, .... (2024). 2D3C Measurement Of Velocity, Pressure And Temperature Fields In A Intake Flow Of An Air Turbine By Filtered Rayleigh Sattering (FRS) And Validation With LDV And PIV
- Doll U, Kapulla R, Steinbock J, Dues M, Migliorini M, .... (2023). Seeding-free inlet flow distortion measurement by filtered Rayleigh scattering: diagnostic approach and verification
- Migliorini M, Zachos PK & MacManus D. (2023). Characterization of unsteady distortion events for S-duct intakes under non-uniform inlet conditions
- Moreno M, Migliorini M, Zachos PK, Haslam A & MacManus D. (2023). Design and Optimisation of a Mach 2.5 Wind Tunnel Nozzle
- Migliorini M, Szymanski A, Zachos PK, MacManus D & Martin PG. (2023). Design of a high-speed intake distortion simulator for propulsion integration research
- Piovesan T, Wenqiang Z, Vahdati M & Zachos PK. (2022). Investigations of the Unsteady Aerodynamic Characteristics for Intakes at Crosswind
- Zhang W, Tiedemann B, Hegen S, Vahdati M, Zachos P, .... (2022). Non-Intrusive Flow distortion measurements within a Turbofan Intake (NIFTI)- De-risking the test campaigns with CFD analysis
- Terzis A, Zachos PK, Charnley BA & Kalfas AI. (2022). Application of oil and dye flow visualization in incompressible turbomachinery flows
- Migliorini M, Zachos P & MacManus D. (2019). An assessment on the unsteady flow distortion generated by an S-duct intake
- Migliorini M, Zachos P & MacManus D. (2019). The impact of inlet boundary layer thickness on the unsteady aerodynamics of S-duct intakes
- Guerrero-Hurtado M, Zachos P, MacManus D, Migliorini M & Trapani G. (2019). Unsteady swirl distortion characteristics for S-ducts using Lattice Boltzmann and time-resolved, stereo PIV methods
- Migliorini M, Zachos P & MacManus D. (2019). Correction: The impact of inlet boundary layer thickness on the unsteady aerodynamics of S-duct intakes
- Migliorini M, Zachos P & MacManus D. (2019). Correction: An assessment on the unsteady flow distortion generated by an S-duct intake
- Zubizarreta J, Anselmi E, Zachos P & Pachidis V. (2018). The impact of measurement uncertainty on heat exchanger performance measurements in a sCO2 test facility for power cycle applications
- Zachos PK, Frascella M, MacManus DG & Gil-Prieto D. (2017). Pressure Flowfield and Inlet Flow Distortion Metrics Reconstruction from Velocity Data
- Tanguy G, MacManus DG, Zachos P, Gil-Prieto D & Garnier E. (2017). Passive Flow Control Study in an S-Duct Using Stereo Particle Image Velocimetry
- Tanguy G, Zachos P, MacManus DG, Gil-Prieto D & Garnier E. (2016). Passive flow control study in a convoluted intake using Stereo Particle Image Velocimetry
- Gil-Prieto D, Zachos P, MacManus DG & Tanguy G. (2016). Convoluted Intake Distortion Measurements Using Stereo Particle Image Velocimetry
- Frascella M, Zachos P, Gil-Prieto D & MacManus DG. (2016). Pressure flow field and inlet flow distortion metrics reconstruction from velocity data
- Brighenti G, Anselmi E & Zachos P. (2016). Parametric evaluation of S-CO2 Brayton cycles for bottoming applications
- Anselmi E, Zachos P, Collins R & Hassan M. (2016). Development of an experimental S-CO2 loop for bottoming cycle applications
- Gil-Prieto D, MacManus DG, Zachos P, Tanguy G, Wilson F, .... (2016). Dynamic Flow Distortion Investigation in an S-duct using DDES and SPIV data
- Zachos PK, MacManus DG, Prieto DG & Chiereghin N. (2016). Flow Distortion Measurements in Convoluted Aeroengine Intakes
- Zachos P, MacManus DG & Chiereghin N. (2015). Flow distortion measurements in convoluted aero engine intakes
- MacManus DG, Chiereghin N, Gil Prieto D & Zachos P. (2015). Complex aero-engine intake ducts and dynamic distortion
- Doligalski A, Sanchez de Leon L, Zachos PK & Pachidis V. (2014). Assessing the Potential of Gas-Recuperation in Reheated Gas Turbines Within Combined Gas-Steam Power Plants
- Sanchez de Leon L, Zachos PK & Pachidis V. (2013). A Comparative Assessment of Dry Gas Turbine Cycles for Marine Applications
- Lecoq M, Grech N, Zachos PK & Pachidis V. (2013). Probabilistic and Numerical Modelling of a Lobed Mixer at Windmilling Conditions
- Illana E, Grech N, Zachos PK & Pachidis V. (2013). Axial Compressor Aerodynamics Under Sub-Idle Conditions
- Piscopo G, Zachos PK & Pilidis P. (2013). Considerations on the Compression System Preliminary Design of a Short Haul Aircraft Propulsion System
- Koupper C, Grech N, Zachos PK, Pachidis V & Singh R. (2012). Considerations on the Numerical Modelling and Performance of Axial Swirlers Under Relight Conditions
- Zachos PK, Ruelke C, Pachidis V & Singh R. (2011). Compressor Blade Modelling Under Highly Negative Incedence
- Terzis A, Kazakos C, Zachos P, Kalfas A & Ott P. (2011). Swirl jet and crossflow interaction at low velocity ratios and incompressible flows
- Ruelke C, Terzis A, Zachos PK, Pachidis V & Singh R. (2010). Experimental evaluation and analytical modelling of the pressure loss through a compressor cascade operating at highly negative incidence
- Terzis A, Kazakos C, Papadopoulos N, Zachos PK, Pilidis P, .... (2010). The effect of the swirl velocity of a jet in cross flow typically used for turbine cooling applications
- Aslanidou I, Zachos PK, Pachidis V & Singh R. (2010). A Physically Enhanced Method for Sub-Idle Compressor Map Generation and Representation
- Terzis A, Kazakos C, Papadopoulos N, Kalfas AI, Zachos PK, .... (2010). Effects of the Swirl Velocity of a Jet in Crossflow From Fan Assemblies Mounted on Lifting Surfaces
- Kozaily J, Zachos PK, Pachidis V & Singh R. (2009). Gas Turbine Fuel Atomisation Dynamics Under Sub-atmospheric Conditions
- Gallar L, Pachidis V, Zachos PK & Singh R. (2009). Compressor IGV Off Design Performance and Loss Modelling
- Zachos PK, Pengue F, Pachidis V & Pilidis P. (2009). Flowfield Investigation of a Compressor Cascade at High Incidence—Part 2: Numerical Analysis
- Zachos PK, Pachidis V, Charnley B & Pilidis P. (2009). Flowfield Investigation of a Compressor Cascade at High Incidence—Part 1: Pneumatic Probe Measurements
- Laskaridis P & Zachos P. (2009). Effects of engine parameters on secondary power extraction and evaluation of engine performance penalties