Contact Dr Ioannis Goulos
- Tel: +44 (0) 1234 754648
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Areas of expertise
- Aeronautical Systems
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Computing, Simulation & Modelling
- Flight Physics
- Gas Turbines & Propulsion
Dr Ioannis Goulos was awarded a 5-year full-time diploma in Mechanical Engineering in 2009 from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. He joined the Propulsion Engineering Centre (PEC) at Cranfield University as a doctoral researcher in 2009.
Ioannis completed his doctorate on Aeroelasticity Simulation of Propulsion Systems for Rotorcraft in 2012 and subsequently joined the Propulsion Engineering Centre as a Research Fellow in Gas Turbine Technology. His research throughout the years has contributed to a wide range of aerospace and gas turbine engineering disciplines including:
Structural and Rotor Dynamics
Rotary-wing Aircraft Aerodynamics
Helicopter Flight Dynamics and Aeroelasticity
Gas Turbine Performance and Installation Aerodynamics
Multidisciplinary Design Optimisation
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Reduced Order Modelling
Propulsion Aerodynamics and Integration
Ioannis currently works as a Senior Lecturer in Propulsion Aerodynamics and Performance Engineering at Cranfield University where he lectures on the topics of thermofluids, gas turbine component technologies, jet engine control, propulsion systems performance and integration integration, rotorcraft aerodynamics, aeromechanics, and aeroacoustics.
Ioannis has published more than 100 technical articles on scientific journals and international peer-reviewed conferences, and is an editorial board member for the MDPI Aerospace Journal.
He was awarded the 'Best Paper Award' on two separate occasions by ASME-IGTI (American Society of Mechanical Engineers - International Gas Turbine Institute) for articles he published in 2012 and 2013, respectively. Furthermore, Ioannis was awarded the Lord Kings Norton Medal by Cranfield University in 2014, for most outstanding doctoral thesis. Ioannis was also bestowed the Valensi Award (Best Paper Award) by the International Society for Air-Breathing Engines (ISABE) in 2019, as well the 2018 Silver Award by the the Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) for best technical article published in the Aeronautical Journal.
Ioannis is a Chartered Engineer (CEng) and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). Ioannis is also a member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), the Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS), and the Technical Chamber of Greece (TCG).
Research opportunities
Cranfield University has been at the forefront of rotorcraft research for the last 13 years, having an established track record on rotorcraft modelling, performance, and propulsion integration. Dr Ioannis Goulos currently offers fully-funded PhD studentships. These are sponsored by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and the Defence and Science Laboratory (DSTL) in the UK.
Novel Methods for Rotorcraft Engine Propulsion Integration PhD
This PhD studentship is within the Propulsion Engineering Centre at Cranfield University, in the field of helicopter-engine propulsion integration. The work will aim to develop and apply design capability which can assist with the prediction of installed engine performance characteristics throughout the rotorcraft design and service-life.
Please follow the link below for more information:
Novel Methods for the Characterisation of Helicopter Aero-acoustics PhD
This PhD studentship is within the Propulsion Engineering Centre at Cranfield University, in the field of helicopter aerodynamic and aero-acoustic modelling. The work will develop and deliver rapid analysis capability, which can assist with the prediction of noise characteristics throughout the vehicle design and service-life. This will be accomplished through the development of a novel tool for the rapid source noise prediction of integrated helicopter-engine systems.
Please follow the link below for more information:
Current activities
Gas turbine engine installation aerodynamics
Multidisciplinary design optimisation
Analytical aerodynamics
Rotary-wing aircraft aeroelasticity
Helicopter flight dynamics and aerodynamics
Rotorcraft aeroacoustics
Gas turbine performance simulation
Computational fluid dynamics
Propulsion integration and aerodynamics
Propeller aerodynamic analysis and testing
Leader of the "Jet Engine Control" and "Fundamentals of Aircraft Engine Control" MSc modules and short courses
Leader of the "Propulsion Systems Performance and Integration (PSPI)" MSc modules and short courses
Leader of the "Rotorcraft/UAM Aeromechanics and Propulsion Modelling" short course
Lecturing within the "Pre-masters" Thermofluids module
Lecturing within the "Gas Turbine Component Technologies" short courses at Cranfield
Editorial board member for the MDPI Aerospace Journal
Rolls-Royce plc
Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL)
Technology Strategy Board (TSB)
Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI)
Group for Aeronautical Research and Technology in Europe (GARTEUR)
Clean Sky Joint Technology Initiative (JTI)
Articles In Journals
- Tejero F, MacManus D, Goulos I & Sheaf C. (2024). Propulsion integration study of civil aero-engine nacelles. The Aeronautical Journal, 128(1320)
- Goulos I, MacManus D, Rebassa JH, Tejero F, Au A, .... (2024). Impact of Installation on the Performance of an Aero-Engine Exhaust at Wind-Milling Flow Conditions. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 146(8)
- Goulos I, MacManus D, Hueso Rebassa J, Alderman J & Sheaf C. (2024). Impact of Installation on the Performance of a Civil Turbofan Exhaust at Wind-Milling: A Combined Experimental and Numerical Approach. Aerospace Science and Technology
- Tejero F, MacManus D, Hueso-Rebassa J, Sanchez-Moreno F, Goulos I, .... (2023). Aerodynamic optimisation of civil aero-engine nacelles by dimensionality reduction and multi-fidelity techniques. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, 33(4)
- Saias CA, Goulos I, Pachidis V & Bacic M. (2023). On the Effects of Optimal Implementation of Variable Rotor Speed and Power Management on Hybrid-Electric Rotorcraft. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 145(3)
- Tsentis S, Goulos I, Prince S, Pachidis V & Zmijanovic V. (2023). Propulsion Aerodynamics for a Novel High-Speed Exhaust System. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 145(12)
- Hueso-Rebassa J, MacManus D, Tejero F, Goulos I, Sánchez-Moreno F, .... (2023). Design optimisation of non-axisymmetric exhausts for installed civil aero-engines. Aerospace Science and Technology, 142(November)
- Saias CA, Roumeliotis I, Goulos I, Pachidis V & Bacic M. (2022). Design Exploration and Performance Assessment of Advanced Recuperated Hybrid-Electric Urban Air Mobility Rotorcraft. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 144(3)
- Saias CA, Roumeliotis I, Goulos I, Pachidis V & Bacic M. (2022). Assessment of hydrogen fuel for rotorcraft applications. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 47(76)
- Goulos I, Otter J, Tejero F, Hueso Rebassa J, MacManus D, .... (2021). Civil turbofan propulsion aerodynamics: Thrust-drag accounting and impact of engine installation position. Aerospace Science and Technology, 111(April)
- Vouros S, Polyzos ND, Goulos I & Pachidis V. (2021). Impact of optimized variable rotor speed and active blade twist control on helicopter blade–vortex interaction noise and environmental impact. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 104(July)
- Saias CA, Goulos I, Roumeliotis I, Pachidis V & Bacic M. (2021). Preliminary Design of Hybrid-Electric Propulsion Systems for Emerging Urban Air Mobility Rotorcraft Architectures. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 143(11)
- Rao AN, Goulos I & MacManus DG. (2021). Impact of installation on a civil large turbofan exhaust system at idle descent conditions. Aerospace Science and Technology, 119(December)
- Scullion C, Vouros S, Goulos I, Nalianda D & Pachidis V. (2021). Optimal Control of a Compound Rotorcraft for Engine Performance Enhancement. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 143(2)
- Vouros S, Goulos I, Scullion C, Nalianda D & Pachidis V. (2021). Impact of Tip-Vortex Modeling Uncertainty on Helicopter Rotor Blade–Vortex Interaction Noise Prediction. Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 66(1)
- Otter JJ, Goulos I, Christie R & MacManus DG. (2020). Design and analysis of non-axisymmetric installed aero-engine exhaust systems. Aerospace Science and Technology, 106
- Polyzos ND, Vouros S, Goulos I & Pachidis V. (2020). Multi-disciplinary optimization of variable rotor speed and active blade twist rotorcraft: Trade-off between noise and emissions. Aerospace Science and Technology, 107
- Otter JJ, Christie R, Goulos I, MacManus DG & Grech N. (2019). Parametric design of non-axisymmetric separate-jet aero-engine exhaust systems. Aerospace Science and Technology, 93
- Goulos I, MacManus D & Sheaf C. (2019). Civil turbofan engine exhaust aerodynamics: Impact of fan exit flow characteristics. Aerospace Science and Technology, 93
- Giangaspero G, MacManus D & Goulos I. (2019). Surrogate models for the prediction of the aerodynamic performance of exhaust systems. Aerospace Science and Technology, 92
- Vouros S, Goulos I & Pachidis V. (2019). Integrated methodology for the prediction of helicopter rotor noise at mission level. Aerospace Science and Technology, 89
- Goulos I & Bonesso M. (2019). Variable rotor speed and active blade twist for civil rotorcraft: Optimum scheduling, mission analysis, and environmental impact. Aerospace Science and Technology, 88
- Goulos I, Stankowski T, MacManus D, Woodrow P & Sheaf C. (2018). Civil turbofan engine exhaust aerodynamics: Impact of bypass nozzle after-body design. Aerospace Science and Technology, 73
- Goulos I, Otter J, Stankowski T, Macmanus D, Grech N, .... (2018). Design optimisation of separate-jet exhausts for the next generation of civil aero-engines. The Aeronautical Journal, 122(1256)
- Ortiz-Carretero J, Castillo Pardo A, Goulos I & Pachidis V. (2018). Impact of Adverse Environmental Conditions on Rotorcraft Operational Performance and Pollutant Emissions. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 140(2)
- Otter JJ, Goulos I, MacManus DG & Slaby M. (2018). Aerodynamic Analysis of Civil Aeroengine Exhaust Systems Using Computational Fluid Dynamics. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 34(5)
- Castillo Pardo A, Goulos I & Pachidis V. (2017). Modelling and analysis of coupled flap-lag-torsion vibration characteristics helicopter rotor blades. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 231(10)
- Kontokostas G & Goulos I. (2017). Techno-Economic Assessment of Gas Turbine Cogeneration Cycles Utilizing Anaerobic Digestion Products for Biogas Fuel. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 139(1)
- Goulos I, Stankowski T, Otter J, MacManus D, Grech N, .... (2016). Aerodynamic Design of Separate-Jet Exhausts for Future Civil Aero-engines—Part I: Parametric Geometry Definition and Computational Fluid Dynamics Approach. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 138(8)
- Ali F, Goulos I & Pachidis V. (2016). A Preliminary Design Tradeoff Study for an Advanced Propulsion Technology Rotorcraft at Mission Level. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 138(1)
- Goulos I. (2016). Generalized Aerodynamic Modeling of Dynamic Wake Curvature for Open Rotors With Slender Blades. Journal of Turbomachinery, 138(6)
- Goulos I. (2016). An Improved Analytical Approach for Modeling the Effect of Rotor Wake Curvature Using Finite-State Induced Flow Models. Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 61(3)
- Giannakakis P, Goulos I, Laskaridis P, Pilidis P & Kalfas AI. (2016). Novel Propeller Map Scaling Method. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 32(6)
- Goulos I, Otter J, Stankowski T, MacManus D, Grech N, .... (2016). Aerodynamic Design of Separate-Jet Exhausts for Future Civil Aero-engines—Part II: Design Space Exploration, Surrogate Modeling, and Optimization. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 138(8)
- Ali F, Tzanidakis K, Goulos I, Pachidis V & d'Ippolito R. (2015). Design Space Exploration and Optimization of Conceptual Rotorcraft Powerplants. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 137(12)
- Goulos I, Ali F, Tzanidakis K, Pachidis V & d'Ippolito R. (2015). A Multidisciplinary Approach for the Comprehensive Assessment of Integrated Rotorcraft–Powerplant Systems at Mission Level. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 137(1)
- Ali F, Tzanidakis K, Goulos I, Pachidis V & d’Ippolito R. (2015). Multidisciplinary design and optimisation of conceptual rotorcraft powerplants for operational performance and environmental impact. The Aeronautical Journal, 119(1217)
- Ali F, Goulos I & Pachidis V. (2015). An integrated methodology to assess the operational and environmental performance of a conceptual regenerative helicopter. The Aeronautical Journal, 119(1211)
- Ali F, Tzanidakis K, Goulos I, Pachidis V & d'Ippolito R. (2015). Optimized Regenerative Powerplant Configurations Targeting Improved Rotorcraft Operational and Environmental Performance. Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 60(2)
- Goulos I & Pachidis V. (2015). Real-Time Aero-elasticity Simulation of Open Rotors With Slender Blades for the Multidisciplinary Design of Rotorcraft. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 137(1)
- Goulos I. (2015). Modelling the aeroelastic response and flight dynamics of a hingeless rotor helicopter including the effects of rotor-fuselage aerodynamic interaction. The Aeronautical Journal, 119(1214)
- Goulos I, Pachidis V & Pilidis P. (2015). Flexible rotor blade dynamics for helicopter aeromechanics including comparisons with experimental data. The Aeronautical Journal, 119(1213)
- Ali F, Tzanidakis K, Goulos I, Pachidis V & d'Ippolito R. (2015). Multi-objective Optimization of Conceptual Rotorcraft Powerplants: Trade-off Between Rotorcraft Fuel Efficiency and Environmental Impact. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 137(7)
- Ali F, Tzanidakis K, Goulos I, Pachidis V & d'Ippolito R. (2015). Multi-objective Optimization of a Regenerative Rotorcraft Powerplant: Trade-off Between Overall Engine Weight and Fuel Economy. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 137(12)
- Goulos I, Pachidis V & Pilidis P. (2014). Lagrangian formulation for the rapid estimation of helicopter rotor blade vibration characteristics. The Aeronautical Journal, 118(1206)
- Goulos I, Pachidis V & Pilidis P. (2014). Helicopter Rotor Blade Flexibility Simulation for Aeroelasticity and Flight Dynamics Applications. Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 59(4)
- Goulos I, Hempert F, Sethi V, Pachidis V, d'Ippolito R, .... (2013). Rotorcraft Engine Cycle Optimization at Mission Level. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 135(9)
- Goulos I, Giannakakis P, Pachidis V & Pilidis P. (2013). Mission Performance Simulation of Integrated Helicopter–Engine Systems Using an Aeroelastic Rotor Model. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 135(9)
- Goulos I, Pachidis V, d’Ippolito R, Stevens J & Smith C. (2012). An Integrated Approach for the Multidisciplinary Design of Optimum Rotorcraft Operations. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 134(9)
Conference Papers
- Tsentis S, Goulos I, Prince S, Pachidis V, Zmijanovic V, .... (2024). Wind Tunnel Installation Effects on the Base Flow for a High-Speed Exhaust System
- Hueso-Rebassa J, MacManus DG, Tejero F, Goulos I, Abdessemed C, .... (2024). Design optimisation of separate-jet exhausts with CFD in-the-loop and dimensionality reduction techniques
- Tsentis S, Goulos I, Prince S, Pachidis V & Zmijanovic V. (2024). Cavity Impact on the Base Flow Unsteadiness for a High-Speed Exhaust System
- Matesanz García J, MacManus DG, Tejero F, Goulos I, Hueso-Rebassa J, .... (2023). Coupled propulsive and aerodynamic analysis of an installed ultra-high bypass ratio powerplant at high-speed and high-lift conditions
- Hueso-Rebassa J, MacManus DG, Goulos I & Tejero F. (2023). Design considerations of non-axisymmetric exhausts for large civil aero-engines
- Hueso-Rebassa J, MacManus DG & Goulos I. (2023). Computational assessment of non-axisymmetric separate-jet exhausts on test rig configurations
- Swarthout AE, MacManus DG, Tejero F, Matesanz García J, Goulos I, .... (2023). Aerodynamics of a Compact Nacelle at Take-Off Conditions
- Bajimaya R, MacManus DG, Abdessemed C, Goulos I, Matesanz Garcia J, .... (2023). Heat exchanger integration with an aero-engine bypass duct
- Goulos I, MacManus D, Rebassa JH, Tejero F, Au A, .... (2023). Impact of Installation on the Performance of an Aero-Engine Exhaust at Wind-Milling Flow Conditions
- Tsentis S, Goulos I, Prince S, Pachidis V & Zmijanovic V. (2023). Propulsion Aerodynamics for a Novel High-Speed Exhaust System
- Tejero F, MacManus D, Hueso-Rebassa J, Sanchez-Moreno F, Goulos I, .... (2022). Aerodynamic optimisation of civil aero-engine nacelles by dimensionality reduction and multi-fidelity techniques
- Scullion C, Vouros S, Goulos I, Nalianda D & Pachidis V. (2020). Optimal Control of a Compound Rotorcraft for Engine Performance Enhancement
- Zuccolo G, Christie R, MacManus D, Goulos I & Martin P. (2020). Low Order Models for Transonic Afterbody Aerodynamic Characteristics
- Zuccolo G, MacManus D, Goulos I & Martin P. (2020). Geometry Parameterisation and Aerodynamic Characteristics of Axisymmetric Afterbodies
- Tejero F, Goulos I, MacManus D & Sheaf C. (2020). Effects of Aircraft Integration on Compact Nacelle Aerodynamics
- Hueso-Rebassa J, Tejero F, Otter J, Goulos I & MacManus D. (2020). Multi-fidelity assessment of exhaust systems for complete engine-airframe integrations
- Vouros S, Goulos I, Scullion C, Nalianda D & Pachidis V. (2019). Impact of wake modeling uncertainty on helicopter rotor aeroacoustic analysis
- Al-Akam A, Nikolaidis T, MacManus D & Goulos I. (2019). A numerical model for predicting the aerodynamic characteristics of propelling nozzles
- Ortiz-Carretero J, Castillo Pardo A, Pachidis V & Goulos I. (2017). Assessment of the Effect of Environmental Conditions on Rotorcraft Pollutant Emissions at Mission Level
- Enconniere J, Ortiz-Carretero J, Goulos I, Pachidis V, Smith C, .... (2017). The impact of clean sky technology on future 3500 lb single engine light rotorcraft
- Ali F, Goulos I & Pachidis V. (2016). Improvements in the rotorcraft fuel economy and environmental impact through multiple-landing mission strategy
- Goulos I, Otter J, Stankowski T, MacManus DG, Grech N, .... (2016). Aerodynamic design of separate-jet exhausts for future civil aero-engines, Part II: Design space exploration, surrogate modeling, and optimization
- Ali F, Tzanidakis K, Goulos I, Pachidis V & d’Ippolito R. (2015). Multi-Objective Optimization of a Regenerative Rotorcraft Powerplant: Quantification of Fuel Economy and Environmental Impact
- Ali F, d'Ippolito R, Tzanidakis K, Goulos I & Vassilios P. (2015). An Advanced Rotorcraft Powerplant Optimization at Mission Level: Towards High Fidelity Engine Design Optimization
- Fakhre A, Tzanidakis K, Goulos I, Pachidis V & d'Ippolito R. (2015). Conceptual Design and Optimisation of an Advanced Rotorcraft Powerplant Architecture
- Ali F, Tzanidakis K, Goulos I, Pachidis V & d'Ippolito R. (2015). Multi-objective optimization of a regenerative rotorcraft powerplant: Quantification of overall engine weight and fuel economy
- Goulos I, Stankowski T, Otter J, MacManus D, Grech N, .... (2015). Design Space Exploration and Aerodynamic Optimisation of Separate-Jet Exhaust Systems for Civil Gas-Turbine Aero-Engines
- Ali F, Tzanidakis K, Goulos I, Pachidis V & d’Ippolito R. (2015). Design Space Exploration and Optimization of Conceptual Rotorcraft Powerplants
- Ali F, Tzanidakis K, Goulos I, Pachidis V & D'Ippolito R. (2015). Conceptual design and optimisation of an advanced rotorcraft powerplant architecture
- Ali F, Tzanidakis K, Goulos I, Pachidis V & d'Ippolito R. (2015). An advanced rotorcraft powerplant optimization at mission level: Towards high fidelity engine design optimization
- Ali F, Tzanidakis K, Goulos I, Pachidis V & d'Ippolito R. (2015). Multi-objective Optimization of Conceptual Rotorcraft Powerplants: Trade-off between Rotorcraft Fuel Efficiency and Environmental Impact
- Ali F, Tzanidakis K, Goulos I, Pachidis V & d'Ippolito R. (2015). Multi-objective optimization of a regenerative rotorcraft powerplant: quantification of overall engine weight and fuel economy
- Ali F, d'Ippolito R, Tzanidakis K, Goulos I & Vassilios P. (2015). Multi-Objective Optimization of a Regenerative Rotorcraft Powerplant: Quantification of Overall Engine Weight and Fuel Economy
- Fakhre A, Tzanidakis K, Goulos I, Pachidis V & D'Ippolito R. (2014). Optimized powerplant configurations for improved rotorcraft operational performance
- Kontokostas G, Goulos I & Stamatis A. (2014). Techno–Economic Evaluation of Recuperated Gas Turbine Cogeneration Cycles Utilizing Animal Manure and Energy Crops for Biogas Fuel
- Ali F, Goulos I, Tzanidakis K, Pachidis V & d’Ippolito R. (2014). A Multidisciplinary Approach for the Comprehensive Assessment of Integrated Rotorcraft–Powerplant Systems at Mission Level
- Goulos I & Pachidis V. (2014). Real-Time Simulation of Rotor Blade Aeroelasticity for the Multidisciplinary Design of Rotorcraft
- Fakhre A, Syed M, Goulos I & Pachidis V. (2014). A preliminary parametric study for an advanced propulsion technology helicopter
- Karamolegkos K, Goulos I, Pachidis V, Stevens J, Smith C, .... (2014). Helicopter Mission Analysis Using a Multidisciplinary Simulation Framework
- Ali F, Tzanidakis K, Goulos I, Pachidis V & d'Ippolito R. (2014). Multidisciplinary Design and Optimization of Conceptual Powerplant Configurations
- Smith C, Karamolegkos K, Goulos I, Pachidis V, Stevens J, .... (2014). Achieving rotorcraft noise and emissions reduction for ‘clean sky’ – The measurement of success
- Ali F, Tzanidakis K, Goulos I, Pachidis V & D'Ippolito R. (2014). Multidisciplinary design and optimization of conceptual powerplant configurations targeting improved rotorcraft operational performance
- Fakhre A, Tzanidakis K, Goulos I, Pachidis V & Ippolito RD. (2014). Optimized powerplant configurations for improved rotorcraft operational performance
- Goulos I & Pachidis V. (2014). Real-time simulation of rotor blade aeroelasticity for the multidisciplinary design of rotorcraft
- Ali F, d'lppolito R, Goulos I, Vassilios P & Konstantinos T. (2014). Optimized Powerplant Configurations for Improved Rotorcraft Operational Performance
- Fakhre A, Pachidis V, Goulos I, Pervier H & Tashfeen M. (2013). Helicopter mission analysis for a regenerative turboshaft engine
- Goulos I, Giannakakis P, Pachidis V & Pilidis P. (2013). Mission Performance Simulation of Integrated Helicopter–Engine Systems Using an Aeroelastic Rotor Model
- Fakhre A, Pachidis V, Goulos I, Tashfeen M & Pilidis P. (2013). Helicopter Mission Analysis for a Regenerated Turboshaft
- Goulos I, Hempert F, Sethi V, Pachidis V, d’Ippolito R, .... (2013). Rotorcraft Engine Cycle Optimization at Mission Level
- Goulos L, Hempert F, Sethi V, Pachidis V, d'Ippolito R, .... (2013). Rotorcraft engine cycle optimization at mission level
- Goulos I, Pachidis V, d’Ippolito R, Stevens J & Smith C. (2012). An Integrated Approach for the Multidisciplinary Design of Optimum Rotorcraft Operations
- Goulos I, Pachidis V, d'Ippolito R, Stevens J & Smith C. (2012). Multidisciplinary Optimization of Commercial Rotorcraft Operations
- Smith C, Thevenot L, d'Ippolito R, Stevens J, Junior A, .... (2011). Rotorcraft Noise and Emissions Reduction - Process for Clean Sky: The Measurement of Success
- Goulos I, Pachidis V, Celis C, D’Ippolito R & Stevens J. (2010). Simulation Framework Development for Aircraft Mission Analysis
- d'Ippolito R, Stevens J, Pachidis V, Berta A, Goulos I, .... (2010). A Multidisciplinary Simulation Framework for Optimization of Rotorcraft Operations and Environmental Impact
- Goulos I, Mohseni M, Pachidis V, D’Ippolito R & Stevens J. (2010). Simulation Framework Development for Helicopter Mission Analysis
- Goulos I, Zachos P, Kalfas A & Pilidis P. (2009). Turbine Performance Effects from Geometry Variations between Manufactured Components and Design Intent
- Ali F, Goulos I, Tzanidakis K, Pachidis V & D'Ippolito R. A multidisciplinary approach for the comprehensive assessment of integrated rotorcraft-powerplant systems at mission level