Contact Dr Xiaoxiao Sun
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Dr Xiaoxiao Sun is a lecturer in Low Emissions Gas Turbine Combustion. Dr Sun completed her PhD in 2018, which focused on the preliminary design of an aero engine low emissions combustor using a multi-fidelity modelling approach with analyses of fuel injection, heat transfer, emissions and other combustor performance characteristics. She has since led the numerical and experimental resesarch on the development of hydrogen micromix combustion technology within the EU H2020 ENABLEH2 project.
Current activities
Xiaoxiao currently serves as the workpackage lead for CleanSky 2 UTOPEA project. The work aims to assess the feasibility of developing a dual fuel combustor and a novel hydrogen combustor for future aero engine applications. Dr Sun also collaborates with Siemens Energy on the numerical modelling and experimental validation of liquid fuel spray characteristics.
Articles In Journals
- Zghal M, Gauthier P, Sun X, Wijesinghe C & Sethi V. (2024). Validation and Assessment of a Hybrid VOF-Lagrangian Numerical Methodology for Turbulent Liquid Fuel Jets in High-Speed Crossflow. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 146(8)
- Mourouzidis C, Singh G, Sun X, Huete J, Nalianda D, .... (2024). Abating CO2 and non-CO2 emissions with hydrogen propulsion. The Aeronautical Journal, 128(1325)
- Nnabuife SG, Darko CK, Obiako PC, Kuang B, Sun X, .... (2023). A Comparative Analysis of Different Hydrogen Production Methods and Their Environmental Impact. Clean Technologies, 5(4)
- Sethi V, Sun X, Nalianda D, Rolt A, Holborn P, .... (2022). Enabling Cryogenic Hydrogen-Based CO2-Free Air Transport: Meeting the demands of zero carbon aviation. IEEE Electrification Magazine, 10(2)
- Zhu Y, Sun X, Sethi V, Gauthier P, Guo S, .... (2021). Numerical investigation of the breakup mode and trajectory of liquid jet in a gaseous crossflow at elevated conditions. The Aeronautical Journal, 125(1291)
- Liu Y, Sun X, Sethi V, Li Y-G, Nalianda D, .... (2021). Development and application of a preliminary design methodology for modern low emissions aero combustors. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 235(4)
- Yoko MJ, Sun X, van der Spuy SJ & Sethi V. (2021). Multi-fidelity modelling of an impingement/effusion cooled gas turbine combustor liner. Applied Thermal Engineering, 185
- Rolt A, Mart\xednez Bueno V, Romanelli M, Sun X, Gauthier P, .... (2021). Numerical Studies of Novel Aero Engine Secondary Combustors for Low-NOX Emissions.
- Liu Y, Sun X, Sethi V, Nalianda D, Li Y-G, .... (2017). Review of modern low emissions combustion technologies for aero gas turbine engines. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 94
- Li J, Sun X, Liu Y & Sethi V. (2017). Preliminary aerodynamic design methodology for aero engine lean direct injection combustors. The Aeronautical Journal, 121(1242)
Conference Papers
- Sun X, Morsy M, Wijesinghe C, Singh G, Sethi V, .... (2024). Numerical Investigation on the Geometrical Scaling of Hydrogen Micromix Injectors
- Singh G, Zghal M, Sun X, Gauthier P & Sethi V. (2023). Numerical Investigation Into the Impact of Operating Boundary Conditions on NOx Formation in Hydrogen Micromix Combustion System
- Zghal M, Gauthier P, Sun X, Wijesinghe C & Sethi V. (2023). Validation and Assessment of a Hybrid VOF-Lagrangian Numerical Methodology for Turbulent Liquid Fuel Jets in High-Speed Crossflow
- Treleaven NCW, Puggelli S, Mercier R, Leparoux J, Sun X, .... (2023). High Altitude Relight Performance of Hydrogen-Air Micromix Combustion Systems
- Zghal M, Sun X, Gauthier P & Sethi V. (2022). Validation and Assessment of a Numerical Methodology for Turbulent Liquid Fuel Jets in High-Speed Crossflow
- Sun X, Martin H, Gauthier P & Sethi B. (2022). Sensitivity Study on Species Diffusion Models in Turbulent Combustion of Hydrogen/air Jet in Crossflow Structure
- Abbot D, Giannotta A, Sun X, Gauthier P & Sethi V. (2021). Thermoacoustic Behaviour of a Hydrogen Micromix Aviation Gas Turbine Combustor Under Typical Flight Conditions
- Sun X, Abbott D, Vir Singh A, Gauthier P & Sethi B. (2021). Numerical Investigation of Potential Cause of Instabilities in a Hydrogen Micromix Injector Array
- Giannouloudis A, Sun X, Corsar MR, Booden SJ, Singh G, .... (2021). On the development of an experimental rig for hydrogen micromix combustion testing
- Sun X, Agarwal P, Carbonara F, Abbott D, Gauthier P, .... (2020). Numerical Investigation Into the Impact of Injector Geometrical Design Parameters on Hydrogen Micromix Combustion Characteristics
- López-Juárez M, Sun X, Sethi B, Gauthier P & Abbott D. (2020). Characterising Hydrogen Micromix Flames: Combustion Model Calibration and Evaluation
- Zghal M, Sun X, Gauthier PQ & Sethi V. (2020). Comparison of Tabulated and Complex Chemistry Turbulent-Chemistry Interaction Models With High Fidelity Large Eddy Simulations on Hydrogen Flames
- Rolt A, Martínez Bueno V, Romanelli M, Sun X, Gauthier P, .... (2020). Numerical Studies of Novel Aero Engine Secondary Combustors for Low-NOx Emissions
- McClure J, Abbott D, Agarwal P, Sun X, Babazzi G, .... (2019). Comparison of Hydrogen Micromix Flame Transfer Functions Determined Using RANS and LES
- Agarwal P, Sun X, Gauthier PQ & Sethi V. (2019). Injector Design Space Exploration for an Ultra-Low NOx Hydrogen Micromix Combustion System
- Agarwal P, Sethi V, Gauthier PQ, Sun X & Liu Y. (2017). Preliminary CFD Study on the Effect of Fuel Injector Coking on Fuel Spray Characteristics