Who we can help

Emerging risks, disruptions and disturbances can threaten the operations and reputation of an organization. We help organizations to anticipate, prepare for, respond, and adapt to unexpected events in order to survive and prosper.

Shocks and crises, such as environmental hazards, economic and social change, natural disasters, climate change, health/disease risks, terrorism, and cyber-crime, are becoming an everyday occurrence.  Even more difficult in many ways is the adaptation required over a more extended period as the context, product or service requirements in the sector evolve. 

Sticking to the status quo which served well to date may lead to success slowly eroding as other organizations come into the picture with different operating models or latest services. This type of need for change can be insidious, only becoming apparent when it is too late.  Organizations need to be open-minded about the need to future proof their practices and products. Organizational resilience is not only about avoiding or responding to adverse events but also ‘changing before the cost of not changing becomes too great,’ leveraging opportunities and driving innovation to remain competitive in the face of challenging conditions.

Traditional risk management is limited by focusing on vertical operational risk frameworks, a limited range of disruptions, and the potential impact on individual systems and processes. Business continuity plans and incident management processes also tend to have a narrow focus on preserving the continuity of the provision of critical processes and services and on recovery capabilities.

Organizational resilience is a broader perspective that augments, rather than replaces, conventional risk management and business continuity planning approach by taking a strategic, performance-based, organization-wide view that also takes into account the crucial importance of organizational behaviour and culture.  That means a holistic approach built on the big picture to cope with the rapidly changing landscapes in which organizations are now operating.

How we can help

Our research has developed next-generation insights and models for resilience that can provide the secure, safe, and sustainable functioning of critical systems and services for all - ensuring a bedrock for wellbeing and productivity.

We help organizations embed resilience into their core business processes, strategy, and culture.  We help to ensure that plans and interventions are strategic rather than tactical, and help executives to play an active role in setting the resilience agenda.

Our services

Our approach to organizational resilience is embedded in our executive development programmes and consultancy and advisory assignments. Our research has identified key elements that make this approach to organizational resilience successful in supporting our clients’ ambitions for sustainable business performance.  We regularly speak about organizational resilience at international conferences and deliver keynotes at high-profile events. You can learn more about our projects using the links below.