Along with the specific research streams, DARTeC is also investigating artificial intelligence (AI) and computer vision, applied psychology, system integration, resilience and safety in the context of digital aviation.

Artificial intelligence and computer vision

At the heart of AI research at DARTeC is the issue of trust. Our AI research aims to bridge the knowledge gap between machine intelligence and human wisdom. The research covers critical AI areas such as explainability models for deep learning, trust metrics and green algorithms to ensure digital aviation sustainability. The application areas range from anomaly detection in flight sensor data, maintenance and flight record knowledge extraction, to enabling autonomous air traffic management. Working closely with the other labs in DARTeC, the AI research here transcends foundation research funded by UK and EU research councils to applied research.

We are extending the boundaries of computer vision through the development of autonomous intelligent algorithms based on deep learning. Our core objective is to develop systems for a seamless passenger experience and the safety of aviation assets. Our research focuses on a spectrum of applications; from providing an excellent experience for passengers to efficient and safe airline/aviation operations, covering tracking/identification, behavioural analysis and sign language identification. We are developing cutting-edge solutions for drone intrusion detection and mitigation for the safety of aircraft around airports. Our research partners include leading companies in the aviation sector, airports and government agencies who support our research through collaboration.

Applied psychology

We focus on how humans work and use technology across the wider aviation systems. Psychological theories and methods can help us to answer questions such as ‘How might technology change the way in which people work?’, ‘What is the best way to design work to ensure continued safety and efficiency?’, ‘How can we measure human performance?’ and ‘How could new approaches to training be applied?’. We work across DARTeC to provide insight and research into the people who use and depend on safe aviation systems and technologies.