
Read our testimonials from students, alumni and businesses we work with


  • Akhil Kallepalli

    Testimonial from Akhil Kallepalli, PhD researcher

  • large military aerospace and airworthiness 343 482 72

    Alex Bragg

    Alex is a current student at Cranfield University studying Military Aerospace and Airworthiness

  • Andreas Horn

    Andreas is originally from Switzerland and studied Aerospace Vehicle Design course specialising in avionics system design

  • Andreas Manthopoulos

    Andreas gives a testimonial of his time at Cranfield, whilst studying his Automotive Mechatronics MSc

  • Andrew Dickinson

    MSc student in Land Reclamation and Restoration

  • Andrew Sztehlo

    Global R&D Vice President, Ice-cream, Unilever Collaboration partner with Cranfield University

  • machinery

    Anthony Mansfield

    Anthony completed his MSc in Through-life Systems Sustainment at Cranfield University

  • Anthony Nyombi

    Antony Nyombi

    Before coming to Cranfield, Anthony worked at the Directorate of Government Analytical Laboratory in Uganda

  • Anxo Rodríguez Rodríguez

    Anxo studied Aerospace Manufacturing MSc

  • Person filling out forms by hand

    Arun Shanti

    Arun studied for a MBA at Cranfield University

  • Aude Del Mer

    MSc student in Land Reclamation and Restoration

  • Aurelie Percheron

    Aurelie Percheron

    Aurelie shares her experience of studying a Computational & Software Techniques in Engineering MSc at Cranfield

  • Ava Patricia Avila Goldman

    Ava studied part-time for a PhD at Cranfield Defence and Security

  • Beatriz García Navarro

    Beatriz is from Spain and studied for an MSc in Environmental Water Management at Cranfield University

  • MBA Energy at Cranfield School of Management

    Blessing Ekpe

    Blessing comes from Nigeria and is studying a PhD in Energy and Power