EdgarFinCrime Dynamics (UK)

Dr Edgar Lopez-Rojas (The inventor of FinCrime Vaccines) has a PhD in Computer Science from BTH in Sweden. He is the founder of FinCrime Dynamics (UK). This company specialises in Simulation for Financial Crime Analytics using Synthetic Data to solve financial firms' challenges in benchmarking their controls. He has been working on innovative products for AML Compliance and Optimisation with the FCA, leading AML vendors and financial firms in the UK for the past three years. Previously he was a post-doc researcher at NTNU with more than 20 years of combined academic and industrial work experience in software development and data analytics in corporations and startups across the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway and the UK.

Dr Lopez-Rojas is an international speaker on Fighting Financial Crime using advanced analytics in several scientific and professional venues worldwide in the past five years, including top conferences such as Security and Privacy and prestigious universities such as Oxford University and King’s College. He has been a visionary and a mentor at the FCA TechSprint in 2020 and 2021.

As a researcher, he developed a method to synthesise financial transactions to measure the performance and effectiveness of finCrime analytics. These methods have the advantage over traditional methods in that they can quantify the impact of the countermeasures in FinCrime Analytics. He made available the PaySim simulator for the scientific community in Kaggle, and the code is available on GitHub.