Professor Krzysztof Koziol – Professor of Composites Engineering
Prof Koziol leads a team within the Enhanced Composites and Structures Centre to find new and innovative design & structures for lighter, more adaptable hydrogen containment vessels.
Dr Yigeng Xu – Senior Lecturer in Structures
Dr Xu’s main research focus is based on structural integrity prediction under operational conditions, which includes the study of hydrogen-assisted cracking and hydrogen-induced cracking on the safety of machinery for the production, transport and storage of hydrogen. His research group works on the modelling and testing to understand the variety and complexity of mechanisms that can lead to hydrogen embrittlement, with the aim of developing engineering tools for reliable life prediction for the industry.
Dr Zeeshan Rana – Lecturer in Computational Engineering
Dr Rana is interested in exploring the dynamics of H2 gas and its flow through a system at high speeds, analysing flow parameters, such as pressure for the purpose of prediction. Furthermore, he is interested in using machine vision based technologies for the investigation of leakage of H2 from tanks and computer/machine vision based automated online inspection.
Dr Francesco Fanicchia – Senior Lecturer in High Temperature Surface Engineering in the Surface Engineering and Precision Centre, School of Aerospace, Transport and Manufacturing
Dr Fanicchia has both a BSc and an MSc in Materials Science from the University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy) and in 2013 he moved to the UK to pursue his PhD in Materials Science at the University of Nottingham. He then gained industrial research experience in surface engineering at TRT Ltd and TWI Ltd (UK), before joining Cranfield University in 2022 as a Senior Lecturer. Dr Fanicchia's hydrogen related work centres on materials and coatings, and he runs the Hydrogen Fundamentals and Materials Challenges short course.
Dr Marzio Grasso – Senior Lecturer in Automotive and Motorsport Structural Analysis and Optimisation
Dr Grasso graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the University Federico II (Naples) where he also completed a PhD in Engineering of Materials and Structures. Before Joining Cranfield University, he was a Senior Lecturer at Kingston University, University of Hertfordshire and a Lecturer in Solid Mechanics at the Federico II University of Naples. Over the past 13 years, Dr Grasso has been involved in several research projects funded by the EU, Innovate UK and Italian Ministries, and he has been doing consultancy with several companies in the structural dynamics area. Dr Grasso's hydrogen related research includes structures for vehicles, gas tanks and lightweighting.