Supply Chain Software: Challenges and Opportunities for the Chief Operations Office (COO)

Oracle, UK funded project aimed to investigate how supply chain software supports and hinders businesses from meeting their operational requirements.

Implementation of Supply Chain Readiness Levels in the Defence Sector

MBDA, with support from Rolls-Royce, Leonardo and BAE Systems partnered with Cranfield's Logistics, Procurement and Supply Chain Management Centre in order to implement the Supply Chain Readiness Levels concept setting the foundations for Next Generation  Combat Air Capabilities.

Realigning UK Food Production and Trade for Transition to Healthy and Sustainable Diets

This project aims to address the two overarching questions posed by the Transforming UK Food Systems Programme: 1) the changes in dietary consumption, food production, and trade patterns required for a transition to healthy and sustainable diets, and 2) the interventions needed across government, business, and civil society to deliver this transformed food system.

Development of a Tool for Assessing Supply Chain Readiness Levels in the Defence Sector

To enable advanced engineering systems and complex programmes to be developed successfully, there must be a viable means of delivery including a fit for purpose supply chain design.  Developing the product (i.e. technology) and the process (i.e. manufacturing) needs to go hand in hand with the supply chain.  

A Novel Events Environmental Sustainability Platform

This project will develop a novel Events Environmental Sustainability Platform to help events management companies and their clients verify their Greenhouse Gas emissions, and to make recommendations on how to reduce event related GHG emissions.

UK National Clean Maritime Research Hub

This project will establish the UK national clean Maritime Research (UK-MaRes) hub to accelerate the decarbonisation and elimination of harmful air pollution for the maritime sector.

Blockchain Implementation in Food & Pharmaceutical Supply Chains

This project explored the true potential of blockchain technology along with developing an implementation framework for food and pharmaceutical supply chain management

IoT-Blockchain Integrated Platform for Maritime Shipping Industry

The Innovate UK funded project aimed to develop an IoT-Blockchain-based integrated platform to track and assess cold-chain containers in maritime shipping operations to achieve improved visibility and sustainability.

Traceability of Fishery Products

This research project aims to assess the state of traceability in the fishery industry in the UK. The project aims to conduct a survey of governmental organizations in the UK by applying a questionnaire to understand the control systems implemented to comply with regulatory requirements on fish traceability. The survey will examine data collection, IT structure, IT standards, level of automation, and exchange of information between systems.

Adopting Additive Manufacturing to Enhance Supply Chain Resilience

This project aims to search for decision support system (DSS) for facilitating additive manufacturing (AM) adoption decisions in supply chains (SCs). Specifically, this project focuses design of a user-friendly DSS tool incorporating different inventory optimisation policies, by which businesses can evaluate long-term cost-benefit impact of AM on their SC performance enabling to make informed decisions about whether to adopt AM and how best to integrate it into their SC designs.


This project will develop a real-time surveillance system, an Observatory offered as an e-platform and as a mobile application aiming to provide real-time assessments for the food system, and update forecasts frequently and consistently.

REshaping Supply CHains for Positive Social Impact (ReSChape)

Project ReSChape analyses recent social, economic and environmental changes and disruptions, including the COVID-19 pandemic, and evaluates their impact on supply chains.

Transition to Lead-Free Shotgun Cartridge Production: A Supply Chain Study

The project investigated the shotgun ammunition supply chain and identified a practical timeline for the UK cartridge industry to completely transit to lead-free production.

Identification of Key Trends in Supply Chains over a 5-to-10-Year Period

We conducted a research study for Leonardo UK to identify "What the Art of the Possible" could be for their supply chain over a 5-to-10-year period.

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Thought Leadership

Building Modern Supply Chain Resilience

Cranfield University's Resilience Grand Challenge is developing a guide to Modern Supply Chain Resilience for Practitioners.

UK National Hydrogen Strategy

Cranfield prepared the UK National Hydrogen Strategy and concluded that decarbonising the nation will require a massive increase in electricity supply.

Co-Production of Healthy, Sustainable Food Systems for Disadvantaged Communities

The project's core aim is to provide citizens of socio-culturally diverse disadvantaged communities with choice over the food they consume, by co-developing new products, new supply chains and new policy frameworks that will deliver an affordable, attractive, healthy and sustainable diet.

Reverse Logistics in Circular Economy

The project will provide clear strategies to enable effective supply chain of servitised products by developing the reverse logistics process based on the circular economy principles.

The Influences of Circular Economy Principles on Value Proposition Development in Business Markets

In this research, we explore the influence of an emerging trend towards 'circular economy' on your customer value proposition design and how the principles of a circular economy influence both your business development practice as well as the customer value.

The project focuses on developing a set of operational strategies that can contribute to prolong the life of the servitised products in the context of circular economy.

Leadership and Performance Behaviours in Next Generation Supply Chains

This research project seeks to identify the leadership and behaviours needed to better steer and secure the successful change required in the strategic leverage of supply chain concepts.

Future trends in logistics and supply chain management

We are identifying the major logistics and supply chain management trends which will have an impact on specific sectors in the next five years.

Cost to serve

Identifying the effects of GS1 standards on apparel (clothing) supply chains


Co-opetition takes place where rival companies come together.


The project will contribute to our understanding of freight distribution in urban areas.


This project aims to reduce waste in the food supply chain.

Service Parts Inventory Management

The project focuses on inventory optimisation of service parts to increase availability and reliability of the system.

Cranfield investigates ways to improve platelet distribution

NHS Blood and Transplant has teamed up with Cranfield to improve nation-wide distribution of these very short shelf life products.

How E-Commerce is Transforming the World of B2B

DHL Express and Cranfield School of Management release a joint white paper which reveals how e-commerce is transforming the world of B2B.