Undertaking a Full-time MBA is a significant investment in both cost and time, and so various options are available to our students in terms of scholarships and/or financial loans. If pursuing the latter, you should consider the implications of your chosen funding carefully to ensure it meets your precise needs, now and in the future.


The below financing options are specifically designed to support the funding of an MBA – some are industry-wide, whereas others are underwritten by Cranfield University. This list is not exhaustive; other funding sources may be available elsewhere, and Cranfield does not specifically endorse or recommend any particular product. The information below has been provided by the relevant funding provider, and you should always check the latest terms on the relevant provider’s website.

Prodigy Finance Loan Programme*

  • No co-signer, collateral or guarantor required
  • 150 nationalities eligible
  • For current and incoming international students
  • Min loan $10,001 / Max loan dependent on the
    cost of attendance

Once you have a firm offer of a place to study on the
Cranfield MBA, you are eligible to apply for the Prodigy
Finance Loan Programme, which offers an innovative way
of helping you finance your studies.

Founded by three MBA alumni, Prodigy Finance provides
funding for students through contributions sourced from
the university, alumni and friends of the school.

Apply via Prodigy Finance

Lendwise Postgraduate Student Loan*

  • Available to UK-domiciled students
  • Up to £100,000 available
  • No repayments during full-time study

Through its innovative online platform, Lendwise offers
fair, sensible and student-friendly loans at competitive rates.
Lendwise offers personalised loans that take into account
your specific profile including future earnings potential when
assessing your credit worthiness.

Apply via Lendwise

StepEx Future Earnings Agreement*

  • Available to UK and EU students
  • Up to £20,000 available
  • Repay after you graduate, once earning above
    minimum threshold  (currently £25,000*)

StepEx Future Earnings Agreement (FEA) provides the
ability to pay for a qualification with a share of a student’s
future earnings. Instead of paying the full fee upfront,
participants can instead pay a fixed share of their earnings
for 36 or 60 months after they graduate. The amount repaid
is; variable based on earnings, capped, is for a finite period
of time and likely to be suitable even for those who are
unable to secure traditional financing.

Find out more

Postgraduate Master’s Loan*

  • Available to UK / Irish nationalities or those with
    settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme.
  • Approximately £12,000* but subject to government
    updates. Please check www.gov.uk for most
    up-to-date figures.
  • Repay 6% of everything earned above £21,000

The UK Government offers Postgraduate Master’s Loans
to help with course fees and living costs while you study.
Postgraduate Loans have to be paid back. If you have a
disability, including a mental health condition or specific
learning difficulty, you might be able to get Disabled
Students’ Allowances (DSAs) which do not require

Find out more

Information accurate as of May 2024.


Cranfield School of Management is delighted to offer a range of scholarships, many of which are funded by our generous MBA alumni. We are proud to offer awards that support diversity, recognise leadership potential, and strive to improve the practice of management across various sectors and regions worldwide. If you wish to be considered for a scholarship, please indicate this in your application form. The MBA Admissions Team will decide on scholarship awards on an ongoing basis throughout the year, but applicants are strongly encouraged to apply early.