Contact Professor Nazmiye Ozkan
- Tel: +44 (0) 1234 754296
- Email:
Areas of expertise
- Electric Power Machines
- Energy and the Environment
- Energy Asset Management
- Energy Policy & Regulation
- Environmental Impacts
- Renewable Energy
Prof Ozkan is an interdisciplinary energy economist and the head of Centre for Energy Systems and Strategy
After completing a BSc (Hons) in Urban and Regional Planning (Istanbul Technical University, Turkey) and a MSc in Regional Planning (Istanbul Technical University, Turkey), Prof Ozkan undertook her PhD research in Regional Planning with specialisation on Environmental Economics (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), U.S.A.).
She then worked as a post doctoral researcher at Regional Economics Applications Laboratory at UIUC. Between 2005 and 2014, she worked as a Senior Research Fellow at Policy Studies Institute at University of Westminster where she led a number of research projects.
She is a member of British Institute of Energy Economics.
Research opportunities
I'm interested in supervising PhD students with a research interest in:
- Modelling and analysis of energy transitions at different scales (from households to local to national)
- Development of socio-technical frameworks to inform energy planning and policy
- Development of social and spatial frameworks to study energy transitions and innovation
- Economics of and distributional impacts of energy transition (ie energy justice)
Current activities
Nazmiye's main research interests include energy systems analysis; integration of environment, economy and energy models; social construction of smart grids across space and time as well as its implications for policy. With a background in urban and regional planning, she is interested in understanding the interactions between social, economic, environmental and technological systems, from household up to network and city level.
Nazmiye worked on various projects funded by the UK Government, UK research councils and the EU FP7 programmes. She acted as a peer reviewer for the assessment of various energy models for the EU, New Zealand Government and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. She was on secondment to DECC in 2011 to work on the quantitative analysis of different scenarios for The Carbon Plan: Delivering our Low Carbon Future.
Research Grants:
Protecting Minority Ethnic Communities Online, UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (PRIME, EP/W032082/1, CoI, £1.9M), 2022-2025.
Multi-Actor Governance framework for the electrifICation of airports (MAGIC), UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council/ DTE Network+ (PI, £50K), 2022-2023.
Urban development, energy infrastructure and sustainable mobility, UK Economic and Social Research Council (UDESMO, ES/W01064X/1, PI, £50K), 2022-2023.
DEmonstration of concentrated SOLar power coupled wIth advaNced desAlinaTion system in the gulf regION (DESOLINATION), European Commission Horizon 2020 Programme (Co-I: ~9.995M), 2021-2025.
Low carbon energy demand scenarios for aviation (LOCESA), DfT/ Connected Places Catapult (PI, £50,000), 2021-2022.
Mobility as a service: MAnaging Cybersecurity Risks across Consumers, Organisations and Sectors (MACRO), EPSRC (PI, £550,000), 2021-2023.
Management of Disaster Risk and Societal Resilience (MADIS - replacing TOCO_DR), Belmont Forum (Co-I, ~1.1M), 2020-2023.
South Africa energy infrastructure planning for rural urbanisation based on optimal peer-to-peer energy sharing (Royal Academy of Engineering, 2020-2022, CoI, £27,200).
Advanced grid services provided by optimised EV community and fleet charging (Innovate UK, 2020-2021, CoI, £60,000)
Peer-to-peer energy trading in a community microgrid (Higher Education Innovation Fund, 2019-2020)
'Just' Energy Transitions within SEMLEP Region (JET-SEMLEP) (Higher Education Innovation Fund, 2019-2021)
Sustainable energy transitions in South Africa: socio-economic aspects (Global Challenges Research Fund, 2019-2020, PI: £19,921)
Solving Water Issues for Concentrated Solar Thermal Power Plants (SOLWATT), European Commission Horizon 2020 Programme (Co-I: ~10.8M), 2018-2022.
Harmonising and UPgrading GREENhouse gas removal consequential Life Cycle Assessment (UP-green-LCA), UK Natural Environment Research Council (NE/P019668/1, Co-I: £300K), 2017-2020.
New Methods and Data for Energy Research (NEMDER), UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/R002320/1, PI: £80K), 2017-2018.
Optimising Energy Management in Industry (OPTEMIN), UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/P004636/1, Co-I: £2M), 2016-2021.
Smarter Regulation of Waste in Europe, Scottish Environment Protection Agency (PI: £33K), 2016.
Consumer preferences for smart homes: a comparative study between the United Kingdom, Germany and Italy, E.ON International Research Initiative 2012, (PI: ~200K), 2012-2013.
Scenarios for the development of smart grids in the UK, UK Energy Research Centre/Natural Environment Research Council (NE/J005975/1, PI: £625K), 2011-2014.
Analysing Transition planning and Systemic Energy Planning Tools for the implementation of the Energy Technology Information System (ATEsT), European Commission Framework Prog., (Co-I: ~895K), 2009- 2012.
Carbon Calculations over the Life Cycle of Industrial Activities, UK Engineering Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/F003501/1, Co-I: £1.2M), 2008-2010.
Current PhD students:
Laura Antonia Faerber - Rethinking the organisational structure of energy utilities through innovation
Joel Gordon - Decarbonisation of gas networks via hydrogen: socially acceptable and fair strategies
Zahrau Kasim Yahaya - Domestic energy supply use and women empowerment in Nigeria: A case for renewable energy
Zara Abba - Managing investment risks in the development of decentralised renewable energy systems
Yiming Xu- Development of Peer-to-peer Energy Trading Platform and Pricing Algorithm
Mirac Celik - Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading with Community-Level Virtual Storage Units
- Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
- Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
- Department for Transport
- Committee on Climate Change (DEFRA)
- European Commission
- UK Energy Research Centre
- Environmental Protection Agency
- East West Railway Company Ltd
Articles In Journals
- Kaze K, Balta-Ozkan N & Shrimpton E. (2025). Connecting power to people: Integrating community renewable energy and multi-level governance towards low-carbon energy transition in Nigeria. Energy Research & Social Science, 121
- Raeesi R, Searle C, Balta-Ozkan N, Marsiliani L, Tian M, .... (2024). Hydrogen supply chain and refuelling network design: assessment of alternative scenarios for the long-haul road freight in the UK. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 52
- Gordon JA, Balta-Ozkan N & Nabavi SA. (2024). Gauging public perceptions of blue and green hydrogen futures: Is the twin-track approach compatible with hydrogen acceptance?. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 49
- Mabele B, Marais L, Balta‐Ozkan N, Mirzania P, Mbobo B, .... (2024). Renewable energy, social disruption and formalising the social licence to operate in South Africa. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 31(1)
- Gordon JA, Balta-Ozkan N & Nabavi SA. (2024). Towards a unified theory of domestic hydrogen acceptance: An integrative, comparative review. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 56
- Gordon JA, Balta-Ozkan N & Nabavi SA. (2024). Exploring the contours of consumer heterogeneity: Towards a typology of domestic hydrogen acceptance. Energy Research & Social Science, 108
- Gordon JA, Balta-Ozkan N, Haq A & Nabavi SA. (2024). Coupling green hydrogen production to community benefits: A pathway to social acceptance?. Energy Research & Social Science, 110
- Gordon JA, Balta-Ozkan N & Nabavi SA. (2024). Hopes and fears for a sustainable energy future: Enter the hydrogen acceptance matrix. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 60
- Balta-Ozkan N & Dalkmann H. (2024). Place-based decarbonisation in low and middle income countries: A whole systems view. Transport Policy, 150
- Gordon JA, Balta-Ozkan N, Haq A & Nabavi SA. (2024). Necessary and sufficient conditions for deploying hydrogen homes: A consumer-oriented perspective. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 69
- Gordon JA, Balta-Ozkan N, Haq AU & Nabavi SA. (2024). Heterogeneous preferences for living in a hydrogen home: an advanced multigroup analysis. Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 8(12)
- Xu Y, Alderete Peralta A & Balta-Ozkan N. (2024). Vehicle-to-Vehicle Energy Trading Framework: A Systematic Literature Review. Sustainability, 16(12)
- Sass KS, Konak A, Batalini de Macedo M, Benso MR, Shrimpton E, .... (2024). Enhancing drought resilience and vulnerability assessment in small farms: A global expert survey on multidimensional indicators. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 110
- de Macedo MB, Benso MR, Sass KS, Mendiondo EM, da Silva GJ, .... (2024). Brief communication: Lessons learned and experiences gained from building up a global survey on societal resilience to changing droughts. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 24(6)
- Shrimpton EA & Balta-Ozkan N. (2024). A Systematic Review of Socio-Technical Systems in the Water–Energy–Food Nexus: Building a Framework for Infrastructure Justice. Sustainability, 16(14)
- Alderete Peralta A, Balta-Ozkan N & Li S. (2024). The road not taken yet: A review of cyber security risks in mobility-as-a-service (MaaS) ecosystems and a research agenda. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 56
- Chu K-F, Yuan H, Yuan J, Guo W, Balta-Ozkan N, .... (2024). A Survey of Artificial Intelligence-Related Cybersecurity Risks and Countermeasures in Mobility-as-a-Service. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 16(6)
- Shrimpton EA, Balta-Ozkan N, Sarmah T, Huo D & Marais L. (2024). Re-evaluating drought indicators: Learning from small-scale farmers in South Africa. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 113
- Omay T, Yildirim J & Balta-Ozkan N. (2024). Historical environmental Kuznets curve for the USA and the UK: cyclical environmental Kuznets curve evidence. Environment, Development and Sustainability
- Gordon JA, Balta-Ozkan N, Haq AU & Nabavi SA. (2024). Modelling the innovation-decision process for hydrogen homes: An integrated model of consumer acceptance and adoption intention. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 94
- Gordon JA, Balta-Ozkan N & Nabavi SA. (2023). Socio-technical barriers to domestic hydrogen futures: Repurposing pipelines, policies, and public perceptions. Applied Energy, 336(April)
- Mirzania P, Gordon JA, Balta-Ozkan N, Sayan RC & Marais L. (2023). Barriers to powering past coal: Implications for a just energy transition in South Africa. Energy Research & Social Science, 101(July)
- Gordon JA, Balta-Ozkan N & Nabavi SA. (2023). Divergent consumer preferences and visions for cooking and heating technologies in the United Kingdom: Make our homes clean, safe, warm and smart!. Energy Research & Social Science, 104(October)
- Gordon JA, Balta-Ozkan N & Nabavi SA. (2023). Price promises, trust deficits and energy justice: Public perceptions of hydrogen homes. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 188(December)
- Chowdhury JI, Asfand F, Ja’fari M, Mukherjee S & Balta-Ozkan N. (2023). Waste heat recovery integration options for commercial bakeries in a thermo-economic-environmental perspective. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 52
- Alderete Peralta A, Balta-Ozkan N & Longhurst P. (2022). Spatio-temporal modelling of solar photovoltaic adoption: An integrated neural networks and agent-based modelling approach. Applied Energy, 305(January)
- Gordon JA, Balta-Ozkan N & Nabavi SA. (2022). Beyond the triangle of renewable energy acceptance: The five dimensions of domestic hydrogen acceptance. Applied Energy, 324(October)
- Abba ZYI, Balta-Ozkan N & Hart P. (2022). A holistic risk management framework for renewable energy investments. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 160(May)
- Gordon JA, Balta-Ozkan N & Nabavi SA. (2022). Homes of the future: Unpacking public perceptions to power the domestic hydrogen transition. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 164(August)
- Gil GO, Chowdhury JI, Balta-Ozkan N, Hu Y, Varga L, .... (2021). Optimising renewable energy integration in new housing developments with low carbon technologies. Renewable Energy, 169(May)
- Hossain MJ, Chowdhury JI, Balta-Ozkan N, Asfand F, Saadon S, .... (2021). Design Optimization of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide (s-CO2) Cycles for Waste Heat Recovery From Marine Engines. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 143(12)
- Parent P-A, Mirzania P, Balta-Ozkan N & King P. (2021). Post subsidy conditions: Evaluating the techno-economic performance of concentrating solar power in Spain. Solar Energy, 218(April)
- Rayit NS, Chowdhury JI & Balta-Ozkan N. (2021). Techno-economic optimisation of battery storage for grid-level energy services using curtailed energy from wind. Journal of Energy Storage, 39(July)
- Alqahtani N & Balta-Ozkan N. (2021). Assessment of Rooftop Solar Power Generation to Meet Residential Loads in the City of Neom, Saudi Arabia. Energies, 14(13)
- Wang S, Balta-Ozkan N, Yildirim J, Chen F & Wang Y. (2021). Can Compulsory Ecological Compensation for Land Damaged by Mining Activities Mitigate CO2 Emissions in China?. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 9
- Balta-Ozkan N, Yildirim J, Connor PM, Truckell I & Hart P. (2021). Energy transition at local level: Analyzing the role of peer effects and socio-economic factors on UK solar photovoltaic deployment. Energy Policy, 148
- Mirzania P, Balta-Ozkan N & Marais L. (2020). One technology, two pathways? Strategic Niche Management and the diverging diffusion of concentrated solar power in South Africa and the United States. Energy Research & Social Science, 69
- Mirzania P, Balta-Ozkan N & Ford A. (2020). An innovative viable model for community-owned solar PV projects without FIT: Comprehensive techno-economic assessment. Energy Policy, 146
- Chowdhury JI, Balta-Ozkan N, Goglio P, Hu Y, Varga L, .... (2020). Techno-environmental analysis of battery storage for grid level energy services. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 131
- Goglio P, Williams AG, Balta-Ozkan N, Harris NRP, Williamson P, .... (2020). Advances and challenges of life cycle assessment (LCA) of greenhouse gas removal technologies to fight climate changes. Journal of Cleaner Production, 244
- Markusson N, Balta-Ozkan N, Chilvers J, Healey P, Reiner D, .... (2020). Social Science Sequestered. Frontiers in Climate, 2
- Balta-Ozkan N, Watson T, Connor PM, Axon CJ, Whitmarsh L, .... (2020). FAR out? An examination of converging, diverging and intersecting smart grid futures in the United Kingdom. Energy Research & Social Science, 70
- Chowdhury JI, Thornhill D, Soulatiantork P, Hu Y, Balta-Ozkan N, .... (2019). Control of Supercritical Organic Rankine Cycle based Waste Heat Recovery System Using Conventional and Fuzzy Self-tuned PID Controllers. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 17(11)
- Hu Y, Tan CK, Niska J, Chowdhury JI, Balta-Ozkan N, .... (2019). Modelling and simulation of steel reheating processes under oxy-fuel combustion conditions – Technical and environmental perspectives. Energy, 185
- Chowdhury JI, Hu Y, Haltas I, Balta-Ozkan N, Matthew GJ, .... (2018). Reducing industrial energy demand in the UK: A review of energy efficiency technologies and energy saving potential in selected sectors. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 94
- Chowdhury J, Nguyen B, Thornhill D, Hu Y, Soulatiantork P, .... (2018). Fuzzy Nonlinear Dynamic Evaporator Model in Supercritical Organic Rankine Cycle Waste Heat Recovery Systems. Energies, 11(4)
- Balta-Ozkan N & Le Gallo J. (2018). Spatial variation in energy attitudes and perceptions: Evidence from Europe. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 81
- Connor PM, Axon CJ, Xenias D & Balta-Ozkan N. (2018). Sources of risk and uncertainty in UK smart grid deployment: An expert stakeholder analysis. Energy, 161
- Faerber LA, Balta-Ozkan N & Connor PM. (2018). Innovative network pricing to support the transition to a smart grid in a low-carbon economy. Energy Policy, 116
- Beitzen-Heineke EF, Balta-Ozkan N & Reefke H. (2017). The prospects of zero-packaging grocery stores to improve the social and environmental impacts of the food supply chain. Journal of Cleaner Production, 140
- Balta-Ozkan N, Watson T & Mocca E. (2015). Spatially uneven development and low carbon transitions: Insights from urban and regional planning. Energy Policy, 85
- Xenias D, Axon CJ, Whitmarsh L, Connor PM, Balta-Ozkan N, .... (2015). UK smart grid development: An expert assessment of the benefits, pitfalls and functions. Renewable Energy, 81
- Balta-Ozkan N, Yildirim J & Connor PM. (2015). Regional distribution of photovoltaic deployment in the UK and its determinants: A spatial econometric approach. Energy Economics, 51
- Connor PM, Baker PE, Xenias D, Balta-Ozkan N, Axon CJ, .... (2014). Policy and regulation for smart grids in the United Kingdom. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 40
- Balta-Ozkan N, Amerighi O & Boteler B. (2014). A comparison of consumer perceptions towards smart homes in the UK, Germany and Italy: reflections for policy and future research. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 26(10)
- Balta-Ozkan N, Boteler B & Amerighi O. (2014). European smart home market development: Public views on technical and economic aspects across the United Kingdom, Germany and Italy. Energy Research & Social Science, 3(C)
- Balta-Ozkan N, Davidson R, Bicket M & Whitmarsh L. (2013). The development of smart homes market in the UK. Energy, 60
- Balta-Ozkan N, Davidson R, Bicket M & Whitmarsh L. (2013). Social barriers to the adoption of smart homes. Energy Policy, 63
- Balta-Ozkan N & Baldwin E. (2013). Spatial development of hydrogen economy in a low-carbon UK energy system. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38(3)
- STRACHAN N, BALTAOZKAN N, JOFFE D, MCGEEVOR K & HUGHES N. (2009). Soft-linking energy systems and GIS models to investigate spatial hydrogen infrastructure development in a low-carbon UK energy system. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34(2)
- Donaghy KP, Balta-Ozkan N & Hewings GJD. (2007). Modeling Unexpected Events in Temporally Disaggregated Econometric Input–Output Models of Regional Economies. Economic Systems Research, 19(2)
Conference Papers
- Guder M & Balta-Ozkan N. (2024). An Integrated Agent-Based Modelling and Machine Learning Framework for Enhancing the Digital Service Access of Minority Ethnic Communities
- Guder M & Balta-Ozkan N. (2024). A Data-Driven Approach to Understanding Online Service Access and Technological Energy Injustice Among Minority Ethnic Communities
- Xu Y, Zhang L, Ozkan N & Long C. (2023). An Anti-fraud Double Auction Model in Vehicle-to-Vehicle Energy Trading with the K-factor Approach
- Adedokun SO, Luo Z, Luk P, Balta-Ozkan N, Khan MF, .... (2022). ML Self-Sufficient Sustainable Energy Resiliency Management System: Outage Forecasting, Classification and Restoration with Maintenance Indicators for All Types of Power Outages
- Tian Y, Zhang X & Balta-Ozkan N. (2021). MULTI-ENERGY SYSTEMS IN GREEN AIRPORTS
- Karim M, Almond H, Sansom C, Balta-Ozkan N, Mirzania P, .... (2020). The effect of concentrated solar power plants on the socio-economic and livelihood assets of the local community and environment
- Guo Z, Zhang X, Balta‐ozkan N & Luk P. (2020). Aviation to Grid: Airport Charging Infrastructure for Electric Aircraft
- Hu Y, Chowdhury JI, Katsaros G, Tan CK, Balta-Ozkan N, .... (2019). Feasibility Study of Biomass Gasification Integrated with Reheating Furnaces in Steelmaking Process
- Chowdhury JI, Asfand F, Hu Y, Balta-Ozkan N, Varga L, .... (2019). Waste heat recovery potential from industrial bakery ovens using thermodynamic power cycles
- Hu Y, Tan CK, Niska J, Chowdhury JI, Balta-Ozkan N, .... (2018). Thermal Performance Analysis of Flameless Oxy-fuel Combustion Trials on a Reheating Furnace Using Zone Method-based Models
- Wang P, Wang C, Hu Y, Wang W, Li J, .... (2018). Optimal Scheduling of Multi-Carrier Energy Networks Considering Liquid Air Energy Storage
- Hu Y, Balta-ozkan N, Varga L & Chowdhury JI. (2018). Contemporary enlightenment on energy efficiency in industry
- Chowdhury JI, Balta-Ozkan N, Goglio P, Hu Y, Varga L, .... (2018). Potentials of load-shifting with renewable energy storage: An environmental and economic assessment for the UK
- Chowdhury JI, Balta-Ozkan N, Hu Y & Varga L. (2018). Factors affecting the adoption of energy efficiency in heat intensive industries: a case study of UK commercial bakeries
- Islam MS, Chaussalet T, Ozkan N, Chahed S, Demir E, .... (2011). The impact of temperature disparity on emergency readmissions and patient flows
- Islam MS, Chaussalet T, Ozkan N & Demir E. (2010). An approach to exploring the effect of weather variations on chronic disease incidence rate and potential changes in future health systems
- Mirzania P, Balta-Ozkan N & Marais L. Spatial divergence of South Africa’s energy transition and its implications for energy justice
- Mirzania P, Balta-Ozkan N & Ford A. For Post-Subsidy Solar PV Uptake in the UK: Techno-Economic Assessment of Integrating Solar PV and Battery Storage
- Makanga J, Mirzania P & Balta-Ozkan N. Concentrated Solar Power in South Africa: A Techno-Economic Assessment
- Balta-Ozkan N & Strachan N. (2010). Hydrogen system modelling In Ekins Paul (ed.), Hydrogen Energy: Economic and Social Challenges.
- Balta-Ozkan N, Donaghy KP & Wymer CR. (2007). Effects of Trade on Emissions in an Enlarged European Union: Some Comparative Dynamics Analyses with an Empirically Based Endogenous Growth Model In Cooper RJ, Donaghy KP & Hewings GJD (eds), Advances in Spatial Science. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Ekins P(ed.). Hydrogen Energy