Contact Dr Deirdre Anderson
- Tel: +44 (0) 1234 750111
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- Twitter: @drdeeanderson
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Deirdre is an experienced occupational psychologist, having spent over 20 years working within organizations and then as an independent consultant and trainer in the private sector, before obtaining her PhD and taking up academic research and teaching at Cranfield University. Earlier degrees include a BSc (Hons) in Business Studies from the University of Bradford, an MSc in Occupational and Organizational Psychology from the University of East London, and a Masters in Research from Cranfield.
Deirdre is a Chartered Organizational Psychologist, an Academic Fellow of the CIPD and a Senior Fellow of the Foundation for Management Education. She joined Cranfield in 2008 as a Teaching Fellow, progressing to Lecturer in 2010, and Senior Lecturer in 2013, when she also became Director of the Executive MBA from until 2015. From 2017 to 2019 she was Head of Department, People and Organizations at University of Lincoln before returning to Cranfield.
Deirdre has expertise in flexible working, work-life balance, the gendered nature of careers, and inclusion and diversity.
Research opportunities
I am currently interested in supervising doctoral research students in the areas of the changing nature of work including precarious working, the work-family interface, and inclusion within organizations. Please contact me if you are interested in pursuing a doctorate in this area.
Current activities
Deirdre is currently a Senior Lecturer in Organizational Behaviour and Occupational Psychology based in the Organizational Behaviour and Applied Psychology Group.
Her current research project explores individual experiences of enforced remote working during the COVID-19 pandemic. Other research interests include flexible and precarious working, work and family (especially in different cultures), and gendered careers. She is a member of the British Psychological Society's Work-Life Balance Working Group, a voluntary group of academics and practitioners committed to promoting sustainable strategies for organizations to support the management of the work/non-work interface.
She teaches on graduate and executive programmes in the areas of Organizational Behaviour and Research Methods. In all of her work she seeks to increase awareness of inclusion and diversity, challenging the often unconscious processes which can limit individual actions and organizational practices. Deirdre frequently presents her research at academic and practitioner conferences within the UK and internationally, and she has twice been an invited speaker at the United Nations in New York. She publishes in journals of recognized international excellence, and has written several book chapters on flexible working and work-life balance, women's career choices and women-only leadership development. She has recently edited a book "Work-life balance in times of recession, austerity and beyond".
Deirdre is also a member of the British Academy of Management and of the Work and Families Researchers Network.
- Centrica PLC
- Citi
- KPMG International Limited
- Microsoft Corporation
- Pfizer Inc
- Rolls-Royce Holdings PLC
Articles In Journals
- Gottardello D, Cascón-Pereira R & Anderson D. (2025). Muslim employees’ religious and intersectional identities as sources of discrimination: how deeper understanding can improve managerial practice. Journal of Managerial Psychology, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print)
- Abgeller N, Bachmann R, Dobbins T & Anderson D. (2024). Responsible autonomy: The interplay of autonomy, control and trust for knowledge professionals working remotely during COVID-19. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 45(1)
- de Largy C, Anderson D & Vinnicombe S. (2024). Understanding practices which foster inclusion: views from the top. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 43(7)
- Lanka E, Marsh‐Davies K & Anderson D. (2024). Positive During
COVID ‐19: Women Academics' Strategies for Flourishing During a Pandemic. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 34(6) - Michaelides A, Anderson D & Vinnicombe S. (2023). A qualitative exploration of managerial mothers' flexible careers: The role of multiple contexts. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 141(March)
- Gottardello D, Cascón Pereira RM & Anderson D. (2023). Intersectional Labour Market Experiences of Discrimination of Muslim Employees. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2023(1)
- Anderson D & Kelliher C. (2020). Enforced remote working and the work-life interface during lockdown. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 35(7/8)
- Atewologun D, Kutzer R, Doldor E, Anderson D & Sealy R. (2017). Individual‐level Foci of Identification at Work: A Systematic Review of the Literature. International Journal of Management Reviews, 19(3)
- Lewis S, Anderson D, Lyonette C, Payne N & Wood S. (2017). Public sector austerity cuts in Britain and the changing discourse of work–life balance. Work, Employment and Society, 31(4)
- Sealy R, Doldor E, Vinnicombe S, Terjesen S, Anderson D, .... (2017). Expanding the Notion of Dialogic Trading Zones for Impactful Research: The Case of Women on Boards Research. British Journal of Management, 28(1)
- Debebe G, Anderson D, Bilimoria D & Vinnicombe SM. (2016). Women’s Leadership Development Programs. Journal of Management Education, 40(3)
- Stavrou ET, Parry E & Anderson D. (2015). Nonstandard work arrangements and configurations of firm and societal systems. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26(19)
- Debebe G, Bilimoria D, Vinnicombe S & Anderson D. (2014). Special Issue. Journal of Management Education, 38(4)
- Doldor E, Anderson D & Vinnicombe S. (2013). Refining the Concept of Political Will: A Gender Perspective. British Journal of Management, 24(3)
- Kelliher C & Anderson D. (2010). Doing more with less? Flexible working practices and the intensification of work. Human Relations, 63(1)
- Anderson D, Vinnicombe S & Singh V. (2010). Women partners leaving the firm: choice, what choice?. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 25(3)
- Anderson D. (2010). Book Review: Egil J. Skorstad and Helge Ramsdal (eds) Flexible Organizations and the New Working Life: A European Perspective Farnham: Ashgate, 2009, £60.00 hbk, (ISBN: 9780754674207), xvi + 272 pp. Work, Employment and Society, 24(3)
- Anderson D & Kelliher C. (2009). Flexible working and engagement: the importance of choice. Strategic HR Review, 8(2)
- Kelliher C & Anderson D. (2008). For better or for worse? An analysis of how flexible working practices influence employees' perceptions of job quality. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 19(3)
Conference Papers
- Michaelides A & Anderson D. (2022). Extending the 'flexible and sustainable' careers model
- Michaelides A & Anderson D. (2020). Egalitarian Parental Context: understanding Swedish women managers' flexible and sustainable careers
- Hussain N & Anderson D. (2013). How does family influence the career experiences of Emirati female managers?
- Kelliher C & Anderson D. (2013). Implementing flexible working: examining the wider organisational context
- Lewis S, Anderson DA, Lyonette C, Payne N & Wood S. (2013). Public sector austerity cuts in the UK and the work-life balance agenda: Under threat or a burning platform for change?
- Anderson D, Lewis S, Lyonette C, Payne N & Wood S. (2013). Work-life balance policies, practices and discourse and public sector cuts
- Anderson DA & Kerfoot D. (2012). Managing the Unmanageable? Work life balance among long parents and non-resident parents
- Anderson D & Kelliher C. (2011). Managers working flexibly: successful strategies for people management
- Anderson D & Kerfoot D. (2011). Different families work life balance and career challenges among lone parents and non-resident parents
- Anderson D, Sealy R & Vinnicombe S. (2010). Diversity of Governing Bodies of Higher Education Institutions: Positive attitudes, negative practices?
- Anderson D & Sealy R. (2010). Equality and diversity in UK Higher Education Institutes
- Kelliher C & Anderson D. (2009). Flexible working and work intensification: trading choice for effort
- Kelliher C & Anderson D. (2009). Flexible working in organisations: the perspective of co-workers
- Anderson D. (2009). Consistency and adaptability of managers working flexibly: an approach to boundary management
- Vinnicombe S & Anderson D. (2009). Personal reflections on the evolution of women's leadership programmes
- Anderson D. (2008). What is the impact of firm system and societal cluster on the use of flexible working arrangements?
- Anderson D. (2008). An exploratory study of the career progression of managers working flexibly
- Parry E, Anderson D & Stavrou E. (2008). Flexible working through the configurational approach: The role of firm system and societal clusters
- Anderson D, Singh V & Vinnicombe S. (2007). Up and out: the exit of women partners from a global consultancy firm
- Anderson D & Kelliher C. (2007). Flexible working in gendered cultures: formal v informal practices
- Kelliher C & Anderson D. (2007). Different workplaces, different work day: an examination of the impact of remote working on lives
- Stavrou E, Parry E & Anderson D. (2007). Flexible working arrangements through the lens of the Configurational Approach: The role of firm system, societal clusters and organizational antecedents
- Anderson D, Vinnicombe S & Singh V. (2007). Women above the glass ceiling: Exploring why women partners leave
- Anderson D, Singh V & Vinnicombe S. (2006). Women above the glass ceiling: Exit
- Vinnicombe S, Singh V & Anderson D. (2006). Exploring why women partners leave
- Singh V, Anderson D & Vinnicombe S. (2006). Stepping out from gendered cultures: Fond farewells from successful women
- Kelliher C & Anderson D. (2006). Flexible working and performance: balancing the needs of the employer and the employee
- Anderson D. (2006). Flexible working as a form of social exchange: An exploratory study
- Anderson D. (2005). An exploratory study of the career/life balance of managers and professionals who have a flexible working pattern
- Anderson D. (2005). The introduction of flexible working practices: An organization theory perspective
- Anderson D. (2004). Flexible working and managers' career/life balance
- Anderson D & Kelliher C. (2018). Work, Working and Work Relationships in a Changing World In Kelliher C & Richardson J (eds), Work, Working and Work Relationships in a Changing World. Routledge.
- Lyonette C, Anderson D, Lewis S, Payne N & Wood S. (2016). Work-life balance and austerity: implications of new ways of working in British Public Sector Organizations In Lewis S, Anderson DA, Lyonette C, Payne N & Wood S (eds), Work-life balance in times of recession, austerity and beyond. Routledge.
- Anderson D, Swan J & Lewis S. (2016). Towards a triple agenda beyond recession and austerity: innovations in policy and practices In Lewis S, Anderson DA, Lyonette C, Payne N & Wood S (eds), Work-life balance in times of recession, austerity and beyond. Routledge.
- Parry E, Schröder H, Flynn M & Anderson D. (2016). Age and diversity in Europe In International Human Resource Management: Contemporary HR Issues in Europe.
- Dickmann M, Brewster C & Sparrow P. Dickmann M, Brewster C & Sparrow P (eds). (2016). International Human Resource Management (3)
- Anderson DA & Vinnicombe S. (2015). Chapter 27: Senior women, work-life balance and the decision to quit: a generational perspective In Broadbridge AM & Fielden SL (eds), Handbook Of Gendered Careers In Management: Getting In, Getting On, Getting Out. Edward Elgar.
- Anderson DA & Vinnicombe S. (2015). Senior women, work–life balance and the decision to quit: a generational perspective In Handbook of Gendered Careers in Management. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Vinnicombe S, Moore LL & Anderson D. (2013). Women’s leadership programmes are still important In Vinnicombe S, Burke RJ, Blake-Beard S & Moore LL (eds), Handbook of Research on Promoting Women’s Careers. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Vinnicombe S, Moore LL & Anderson D. (2013). Chapter 20: Women’s leadership programmes are still important In Handbook of Research on Promoting Women’s Careers. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Anderson D & Kelliher C. (2011). Spatial Aspects of Professionals’ Work-Life Integration In Creating Balance?. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Anderson D & Kelliher C. (2010). Spatial aspects of professional's work-life integration In Kaiser S, Cunha M & Eikhof D (eds), Creating balance? Internation perspectives on the work-life integration of professionals. Springer Publications.
- Anderson D, Vinnicombe S & Singh V. (2008). Women only leadership development: A conundrum In Turnbull James K & Collins J (eds), Leadership Learning: Knowledge into Action. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Anderson D, Vinnicombe S & Singh V. (2008). Women becoming leaders In Turnbull James K & Collins J (eds), Leadership Learning: Knowledge into Action. Palgrave.