Contact Professor Mark Jenkins
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Mark has held a variety of positions at Cranfield including Head of the Strategy Group, Director of Research and Director of Community: Strategy, People and Leadership. He has also held positions at Nottingham University, Massey Ferguson and the Lex Service Group.
Current activities
Mark's work focuses on competitive strategy, innovation and high performing cultures. He has a particular expertise in the motorsport sector and is the author of many journal papers and a number of books including Performance at the Limit: Business Lessons from Formula One Motor Racing; Advanced Strategic Management and The Customer Centred Strategy.
He has also been a Council member of the Society for Advanced Management Studies (SAMS); a member of the Research Excellence Framework (REF2014) and Research Assessment Exercise (RAE2008) panel for Business and Management. He has also been chairman of the Case Centre (formerly European Case Clearing House) and external advisor to Institute for the Masters of Wine.
Henkel, GKN, Morgan Advanced Materials, JCB, Millbrook, FIA, MIA, Cabinet Office, Kuhne & Nagel, Unilever, Sport England, Mars, AT&T, BT, Colgate Palmolive, Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization, Daylay Foods, Ernst & Young, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Farnell Electronics, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Lufthansa, Masterfoods, Mitie, Philip Morris International, Samaritans, SASOL, Sodexho, Sun Microsystems, T-Mobile, Tesco Stores, United Biscuits.
Articles In Journals
- Aversa P, Furnari S & Jenkins M. (2022). The Primordial Soup: Exploring the Emotional Microfoundations of Cluster Genesis. Organization Science, 33(4)
- Henry N, Angus T & Jenkins M. (2021). Motorsport Valley revisited: Cluster evolution, strategic cluster coupling and resilience. European Urban and Regional Studies, 28(4)
- Bourne H, Jenkins M & Parry E. (2019). Mapping Espoused Organizational Values. Journal of Business Ethics, 159(1)
- Aversa P & Jenkins M. (2018). The primordial soup of cluster genesis:The historical case of the British motor clubs. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018(1)
- Jenkins M & Tallman S. (2016). The geography of learning: Ferrari gestione sportiva 1929–2008. Journal of Economic Geography, 16(2)
- Bourne H, Jenkins M & Parry E. (2014). The Power of Words: Charting Espoused Organizational Values. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014(1)
- Jenkins M. (2014). Innovate or Imitate? The Role of Collective Beliefs in Competences in Competing Firms. Long Range Planning, 47(4)
- Bourne H & Jenkins M. (2013). Organizational Values: A Dynamic Perspective. Organization Studies, 34(4)
- Jenkins M & Tallman S. (2010). The shifting geography of competitive advantage: clusters, networks and firms. Journal of Economic Geography, 10(4)
- Jenkins M. (2010). Technological Discontinuities and Competitive Advantage: A Historical Perspective on Formula 1 Motor Racing 1950–2006. Journal of Management Studies, 47(5)
- Ambrosini V, Collier N & Jenkins M. (2009). A configurational approach to the dynamics of firm level knowledge. Journal of Strategy and Management, 2(1)
- Bourne H & Jenkins M. (2005). Eliciting Managers’ Personal Values: An Adaptation of the Laddering Interview Method. Organizational Research Methods, 8(4)
- Tallman S, Jenkins M, Henry N & Pinch S. (2004). Knowledge, Clusters, and Competitive Advantage. The Academy of Management Review, 29(2)
- Pinch S, Henry N, Jenkins M & Tallman S. (2003). From 'industrial districts' to 'knowledge clusters': a model of knowledge dissemination and competitive advantage in industrial agglomerations. Journal of Economic Geography, 3(4)
- Jenkins M & Floyd S. (2001). Trajectories in the Evolution of Technology: A Multi-Level Study of Competition in Formula 1 Racing. Organization Studies, 22(6)
- Jenkins M & McDonald M. (1997). Market segmentation: organizational archetypes and research agendas. European Journal of Marketing, 31(1)
Conference Papers
- Jenkins M. (2011). Mechanisms for creating architectural knowledge
- Bourne H & Jenkins M. (2009). The dynamics of values in organizations
- Jenkins M. (2008). Ungluing sticky knowledge: the dynamics of knowledge based competitive advantage
- Jenkins M. (2008). Teaching strategy in executive education programmes
- Bourne H & Jenkins M. (2008). Values in organizations
- Jenkins M & Pasternak K. (2007). Formula 1 Motor Racing: the power of rich sports analogies in teaching practitioners and students.
- Ambrosini V, Bowman C, Collier N, Jenkins M & Schoenberg R. (2006). Single loop and double loop dynamic capabilities: An exploration of how firms change
- Ambrosini V, Jenkins M & Collier N. (2005). Knowledge archetypes: a configuration approach to the dynamics of firm level knowledge
- Partington D & Jenkins M. (2004). Deconstructing scholarship: An analysis of citation usage in the organizational sciences
- Filsner G, Jenkins M & Henry N. (2004). New firm formation in industry clusters: co-evolution of resources and organizational population
- Tallman S, Jenkins M, Henry N & Pinch S. (2004). Knowledge, Clusters, and Competitive Advantage
- Partington D & Jenkins M. (2003). Reviewing the literature or picking an argument: a typology of literature usage in academic publications
- Balogun J & Jenkins M. (2003). Re-conceiving Change Management:
- Jenkins M & Collier N. (2002). Managing the knowledge based firm in a knowledge based cluster
- Jenkins M. (2002). US Motorsport Market
- Jenkins M. (2002). Competitive Knowledge Generation: The Case of F1 Motorsport
- Jenkins M. (2002). The Race to Learn from the Competition: Competitive Knowledge Generation in Formula One Racing
- Jenkins M, Henry N & Angus T. (2002). Motorsport Valley And The Global Motorsport Industry: The Development And Growth Of The British Performance Engineering Cluster
- Jenkins M. (2001). The role of knowledge in achieving competitive advantage: the case of Formula One
- Tallman S & Jenkins M. (2001). Alliances, Knowledge Flows and Performance in Regional Clusters
- Bourne H & Jenkins M. (2001). Eliciting Personal Values of Senior Managers: A Development of the Laddering Technique
- Jenkins M. (2001). Strategy as Knowledge Architecture: The Implications for Strategy Innovation
- Balogun J & Jenkins M. (2001). A Knowledge Based Perspective on Change Management
- Bourne H & Jenkins M. (2001). Using laddering to explore managers' personal values: method, findings and implications
- Jenkins M. (2001). Motorsport Valley - Britain's Global Cluster
- Jenkins M. (2001). Codifying the Knowledge of your Competitors: A Study of Technological Innovation in Formula One Auto Racing
- Jenkins M & Collier N. (2001). A study of continuous innovation
- Jenkins M. (2000). Technological Innovation as an Intra or Inter Organizational Process: The Case of Ferrari vs Britain's Motorsport Valley
- Tallman S, Jenkins M, Henry N & Pinch S. (1999). Knowledge Clusters and Competitive Advantage in Global Industries
- Jenkins M & Floyd S. (1999). The Dynamics of Industry and Firm Level Knowledge: A Case Analysis of the Ground Effect Revolution in Formula One Racing
- Jenkins M & Floyd S. (1998). Staying on top in Formula One: the Inter-relationships between industry and firm level knowledge.
- Jenkins M & Floyd S. (1998). Spinning your wheels or winning the race: knowledge resources and advantage in Formula One racing
- Jenkins M. (1998). The Formula One Constructors
- Jenkins M & Floyd S. (1998). Knowledge Resources and Advantage in Formula One Racing
- Jenkins M & Johnson G. (1997). Entrepreneurial Intentions and Outcomes: a Comparative Causal Mapping Study
- Jenkins M & Johnson G. (1996). Linking managerial cognition and organisational performance: some insights from the retail sector
- Ambrosini V, Bowman C & Jenkins M. (1996). Stereotyping as Sensemaking: The Possibility of the Thought-Less Enterprise
- Jenkins M. (1994). The implicit strategies of small business owner/managers
- Baker S & Jenkins M. (1993). The role of values in the design and conduct of management research: perspectives on managerial and consumer cognition
- Johnson G, Jenkins M, Bailey A & Daniels K. (1992). Surfacing managerial understanding of strategy: An academic backwater or mainstream management research?
- Jenkins M. (1992). Making sense of growth: The case for an interpretive perspective
- Jenkins M & de Vita FC. (1991). Customer orientation: An investigation of small independent retailers
- Jenkins M & Knox S. (1989). The PAGESS concept and retail growth strategies: Toward a framework for research
- Jenkins M, Henry N & Angus T. (2023). British Motor Sport and the Rise of the Garagisti In Global Culture and Sport Series. Springer International Publishing.
- Jenkins M, Pasternak K & West R. (2016). Performance at the Limit: Lessons from Formula 1 Motor Racing Third Edition (3)
- Jenkins M, Ambrosini V & Collier N. (2016). Advanced Strategic Management: Strategy as Multiple Perspectives In Jenkins M, Ambrosini V & Collier N (eds), Advanced Strategic Management (2nd). Macmillan Education UK.
- Jenkins M, Ambrosini V & Mowbray N (eds). (2015). Advanced strategic management: a multi-perspective approach (3rd)
- Jenkins M, Pasternak K & West R. (2009). Performance at the Limit: Business Lessons from Formula 1 Motor Racing (2nd edition)
- Henry N, Angus T, Jenkins M & Aylett C. (2007). Motorsport Going Global: The Challenges Facing the World's Motorsport Industry
- Jenkins M, Ambrosini V & Mowbray N (eds). (2007). Advanced strategic management: A multiple perspective approach (2nd edition)
- Jenkins M, Ambrosini V & Collier N. (2007). Case Study: Cosworth Engineering In Advanced Strategic Management. Macmillan Education UK.
- Jenkins M, Ambrosini V & Collier N. (2007). Advanced Strategic Management: Strategy as Multiple Perspectives In Advanced Strategic Management. Macmillan Education UK.
- Jenkins M. (2006). The Formula One constructors In Johnson G & Scholes K (eds), Exploring Corporate Strategy (7th - enhanced media edition text and cases). Prentice Hall.
- Jenkins M, Pasternak K & West R. (2005). Performance at the Limit: Business Lessons from Formula 1 Motor Racing (1st edition)
- Jenkins M. (2005). The Formula 1 constructors In McGee J, Thomas H & Wilson D (eds), Strategy: Analysis and Practice: Text and Cases. McGraw-Hill.
- Jenkins M. (2005). Transforming the Prancing Horse In McGee J, Thomas H & Wilson D (eds), Strategy: Analysis and Practice : Text and Cases. McGraw-Hill.
- Huff A & Jenkins M (eds). (2002). Mapping strategic knowledge
- Jenkins M & Ambrosini V (eds). (2002). Strategic management: a multiple perspectives approach
- Jenkins M(ed.). (2002). Entrepreneurship
- Jenkins M & Ambrosini V (eds). (2002). Managerial cognition
- Ambrosini V, Jenkins M & Mowbray N (eds). (2002). Strategy as multiples perspectives
- Tallman S & Jenkins M. (2002). Alliances, knowledge flows and performance in regional clusters. In Contractor F & Lorange P (eds), Cooperative Strategies and Alliances. Pergamon.
- Jenkins M. (2002). The Formula One constructors In Johnson G & Scholes K (eds), Exploring Corporate Strategy (6th). Prentice Hall.
- Jenkins M, Ambrosini V & Mobray N. (2002). Can multiple perspectives on strategic management inform practice? In Strategic Management: A Multiple Perspective Approach. Palgrave.
- Jenkins M. (2002). Cognitive Mapping In Partington D(ed.), Essential Skills for Management Research (1). Sage Publications.
- Jenkins M & Collier N. (2001). Best Practice Case Studies In Pinch N, Jenkins M, Burridge M & Geach N (eds), The National Survey of Motorsport Engineering and Services. Stoneleigh Park.
- Jenkins M. (1999). Stewart Grand Prix In Johnson G & Scholes K (eds), Exploring Corporate Strategy (5). Prentice Hall.
- Jenkins M. (1998). The Theory and Practice of Casual Maps In Spender J & Eden C (eds), Managerial and Organizational Cognition: Theory, Methods and Research. Sage.
- Jenkins M. (1997). The Customer-Centred Strategy: Thinking Strategically About Your Customers
- Jenkins M. (1995). Trade Marketing In Meldrum M & McDonald M (eds), Key Marketing Concepts. Macmillan.
- Jenkins M & Knox S (eds). (1994). Advances in Consumer Marketing
- Jenkins M(ed.). (1994). How managers define consumer markets
- Jenkins M & Knox SD. (1994). Contemporary Research Themes In Jenkins M & Knox SD (eds), Advances in Consumer Marketing. Kogan Page.
- Jenkins M. (1990). The art of self marketing In The Cambridge Careers Handbook. Cambridge University Careers Service.
- Jenkins M. (1989). The art of self marketing In The Cambridge Careers Handbook. Cambridge University Careers Service.