We recognise the challenges faced in organisational environments, where leading yourself and others increasingly involves influencing and negotiation, often over great distances, functions and even organisational boundaries, in order to achieve results.
High Performance Leadership helps you clarify and better understand these leadership challenges. This programme will help you build your confidence through meeting personal challenges head on, build your capability by identification and development of unique individual leadership practices, and help you navigate your organisation to achieve your aims.
Module one: The calling to leadership
This module helps you clarify and better understand leadership challenges. You will uncover your unique leadership ‘core’, and build your capability by identification and development of your own unique individual leadership practices. These leadership practices are unique to you and developing these is the most effective and rapid way for you to build on your existing strengths as a leader.
Module two: The leadership journey
This module involves you carrying out your leadership role back in your organisation. However, you will also be using this time to experiment with and embed new leadership practices. Far from additional work, this allows you to use your real world experience as the most practical and relevant vehicle for developing your strengths and impact. You will be supported throughout this phase as you tackle development challenges you have identified and selected. Individual and group coaching is used alongside managed peer-to-peer cohort networking to encourage and shape how you achieve your goals through your own leadership discretion.
Module three: Galvanise leadership growth
The final module enables you to expand your perspectives on your organisation and so to cement what you have achieved, address the challenges you have faced and clarify your progress. You will also have the opportunity to celebrate your success and share in the success of your cohort. You will leave the programme energised and more confident about the future you can create and shape in your leadership role. You will have access to greater resilience by being better able to interpret your context and how best to lead within it.