As logistics contributes considerably to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, addressing logistics environmental sustainability is a big concern for practitioners and policymakers.

The term “Green Logistics Practices” (GLPs) indicates many logistics-related initiatives to reduce the impact on the natural environment, yet we are experiencing an “understanding into an action conundrum”: there is a clear understanding of what should be done, and why, but less clarity in terms of how to go about it.

Moreover, companies lack clarity about how to align logistics environmental sustainability with strategic objectives. As this prevents them from coherently turning sustainability into action, we discuss a framework underpinned by five main dimensions: degree of awareness, degree of formalisation, measurement systems, governance and accountability, and budget allocation.

A key message from this webinar is that aligning logistics environmental sustainability with corporate strategy is strengthened by developing a precise measurement of corporate performance, which transforms qualitative aspirations into quantitative evidence. Practical messages follow:

  • Scope 3 emissions now a mandatory focus; transport & logistics are typically outsourced
  • Two main perspectives: shippers vs. logistics/transport players
  • Shippers: need reporting and declare targets, data sources an issue
  • 3PL/Freight Forwarders/Carriers: need to answer yes to CO2e calculation, are starting to qualify their offer
  • CO2e calculation: data availability and data quality are a crucial issue
  • "What if" should be facilitated by good transport flow modelling
  • Cost impact in the near term is often there but not always
  • Collaboration is required especially for new fuels and new vehicle technologies

This webinar will:

  • Discuss the main challenges related to logistics environmental sustainability
  • Present the fundamental principles of green logistics and its alignment with corporate strategy
  • Showcase the impact of measuring logistics environmental impact with insights from a European start-up


Professor Michael Bourlakis, Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Cranfield School of Management
Dr Lorenzo Prataviera, Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Cranfield School of Management
Andrea Fossa, Founder and CEO, GreenRouter


10:00–10:05  Welcome – Professor Emel Aktas
10:05–10:15  Green Logistics: Contemporary Challenges and Opportunities – Professor Michael Bourlakis
10:15–10:30  Aligning Logistics Environmental Sustainability with Corporate Strategy – Dr Lorenzo Prataviera
10:30–10:45  Measuring CO2e: triggering new "what if” and "how much … cost" questions – Andrea Fossa
10:45–10:55  Questions from participants and panel discussion


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