Contact Professor Michael Bourlakis
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Professor Michael Bourlakis holds the Chair in Logistics, Procurement and Supply Chain Management. He is the Director of Research for Cranfield School of Management and the Director of the Centre of Logistics, Procurement and Supply Chain Management. He was appointed at Cranfield School of Management in 2013. Previously, he worked at Brunel University Business School (Leadership Roles: Director of Postgraduate Studies for 7 MSc programmes, 'Impact' Champion for REF2014, Director of OASIS Research Centre), Kent University Business School (Leadership Roles: Head of Marketing and Supply Chain Management Group, Director of Enterprise), Newcastle University (Leadership Roles: Director of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programmes), Oxford University Templeton College (Oxford Institute of Retail Management), Leicester University Management Centre.
Current activities
Michael is an internationally renowned and established authority in logistics and supply chain management especially in food, retail and sustainable supply chains. He has been very successful in winning substantial external funding. Specifically, he has won more than 25 research and consulting projects (as PI or Co-I) totalling more than £27.5 million (total allocated project funding) from various bodies (EPSRC, Food Standards Agency, Technology Strategy Board, EU [FPVI, FPVII], Horizon 2020, Marie Sklodowska-Curie), local Regional Development Agencies and private companies.
Professor Michael Bourlakis has generated more than 250 publications including 63 journal papers and 3 edited books. He sits on the Editorial Board of 15 journals including most leading logistics, supply chain and operations management journals (e.g. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Production, Planning and Control: The Management of Operations, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, International Journal of Logistics Management etc.). Michael has been a Co-Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Logistics: Research & Applications. He has also acted 11 times as the Guest Editor for journal special issues (European Journal of Marketing, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Production Planning & Control, Technological Forecasting & Social Change etc.). Based on this extensive expertise, Professor Bourlakis acted as an Expert Advisor for the CABS / ABS Journal Ranking List (2015).
Professor Bourlakis has been involved with pre- and post-project evaluations for the European Commission and he has acted as an Expert Reviewer and / or Panel Member for various funding bodies (Academy of Finland, AXA Research Fund, Flanders Research Foundation (Belgium, FWO), Czech Science Foundation, French National Research Agency, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NOW), Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (Canada), Research Grants Council of Hong Kong etc.) In the UK, he has been a Reviewer for the British Academy, ESRC, Leverhulme Trust and he is currently a Member of the EPSRC Associate Peer Review College. Professor Bourlakis has been a Chair, Keynote Speaker and a Committee Member for numerous, leading logistics and supply chain management academic and industry conferences worldwide. Michael has been an External Examiner for Undergraduate (7 times) and MSc programmes (6 times) as well as PhD viva voce (20 times) involving leading universities in the UK and in Europe (Cardiff University, Imperial College, Leeds University, Lund University, Manchester University, Newcastle University, Nottingham University).
He has been a successful PhD / DBA supervisor 8 times and he has led Doctoral Workshops for numerous bodies including the European Logistics Association, BVL (Germany) and the U.K. Logistics Research Network. Professor Bourlakis has been involved as an External Member and / or External Referee of University Panels for Chair appointments (e.g. Aston University, Cardiff University, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Derby University, Norwich University, Surrey University, Wageningen University [Netherlands] etc.) He is / has been a Visiting Professor at various universities including, for example: Grenoble Ecole de Management (France), Krems University (Austria), University of Lorraine (IAE Ecole Business School, Metz, France), University of Modena and Reggio Emillia (Italy).
Michael is a recognised thought leader in logistics and supply chain management. His multidisciplinary research work and impactful thought leadership has received considerable attention by media (BBC News, ITV News, BBC Radio 4 Today, The Guardian, The Scotsman, Wall Street Journal etc.) In the past he had been a member of the European Technology Platform (Food for Life, European Commission). This is a leading industry-led, public/private partnership supported by the European Commission aiming to unite various stakeholders (food industry, academics, policy makers etc.), to strengthen the European innovation process, to improve knowledge transfer and to stimulate European competitiveness across the food supply chain. He has also been a Member of an Expert Panel for the European Commission (DG Research and Innovation) working with leading retailers (Tesco, Carrefour, Metro, Sonae etc.) on "Retail Innovation". He has also acted as an Expert Contributor providing written evidence for an Inquiry for the 'All-Party UK Parliamentary Group on Retail' into the 'Impact of Technology on Retail'. Michael is currently a member of the Academic Committee of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT - Logistics Research Network) and an active Forum Member of CILT's Retail and Food Logistics Forums. He has worked with / consulted most leading retailers in the world as well as numerous multinational organisations. For example, he finalised recently a thought leadership report for Knight Frank (international real estate company) and, since 2017, he has been an Expert Panel Member for TESCO on a 'Future of Food Advisory Panel' - this Panel is chaired by TESCO's CEO Dave Lewis.
Overall, Michael has an applied, industry-led research perspective examining logistics and supply chain management issues via multi- and inter-disciplinary lenses. His current research interests lie in e-commerce / technology issues and supply chain management, sustainability and supply chain management and the marketing and supply chain management interface.
Articles In Journals
- Sawyerr EA, Bourlakis M, Conrad D & Wagstaff C. (2024). Impact pathways: unravelling the hybrid food supply chain – identifying the relationships and processes to drive change. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 44(7)
- Jia F, Shahzadi G, Bourlakis M & John A. (2024). Promoting resilient and sustainable food systems: A systematic literature review on short food supply chains. Journal of Cleaner Production, 435
- Vu N, Ghadge A & Bourlakis M. (2024). The impact of Blockchain adoption on supply chain performance: evidence from food industry. International Journal of Production Research, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print)
- Vu N, Ghadge A & Bourlakis M. (2023). Blockchain adoption in food supply chains: a review and implementation framework. Production Planning & Control, 34(6)
- Bentahar O, Benzidia S & Bourlakis M. (2023). A green supply chain taxonomy in healthcare: critical factors for a proactive approach. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 34(1)
- Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E, Bourlakis M & Dennis C. (2023). The Pandemic Consumer Response: A Stockpiling Perspective and Shopping Channel Preferences. British Journal of Management, 34(2)
- Kühl C, Skipworth HD, Bourlakis M & Aktas E. (2023). The circularity of product-service systems: the role of macro-, meso- and micro-level contextual factors. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 43(4)
- Vu N, Ghadge A & Bourlakis M. (2023). Evidence-driven model for implementing Blockchain in food supply chains. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 26(5)
- Ghadge A, Bourlakis M, Kamble S & Seuring S. (2023). Blockchain implementation in pharmaceutical supply chains: A review and conceptual framework. International Journal of Production Research, 61(19)
- Bourlakis M, Nisar TM & Prabhakar G. (2023). How technostress may affect employee performance in educational work environments. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 193(August)
- Jamalnia A, Gong Y, Govindan K, Bourlakis M & Mangla SK. (2023). A decision support system for selection and risk management of sustainability governance approaches in multi-tier supply chain. International Journal of Production Economics, 264
- Rivera AG, Jarzębowski S, Leon KR & Bourlakis M. (2023). Towards circular cities – exploring the circular economy approach in context of municipal solid waste. Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka, 2023(3)
- Mangla SK, Soni G, Bourlakis M & Kumar V. (2022). Editorial: Operational excellence in the supply chain of perishables at the time of the outbreak. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 33(3)
- Nisar TM, Prabhakar G & Bourlakis M. (2022). Unravelling influential individual level factors during a crowdfunding campaign: Insights from the ALS ice bucket challenge. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 175(February)
- Kühl C, Bourlakis M, Aktas E & Skipworth H. (2022). Product-service systems and circular supply chain practices in UK SMEs: The moderating effect of internal environmental orientation. Journal of Business Research, 146(July)
- Ghadge A, Mogale DG, Bourlakis M, M. Maiyar L & Moradlou H. (2022). Link between Industry 4.0 and green supply chain management: Evidence from the automotive industry. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 169(July)
- Papanagnou C, Seiler A, Spanaki K, Papadopoulos T & Bourlakis M. (2022). Data-driven digital transformation for emergency situations: The case of the UK retail sector. International Journal of Production Economics, 250
- Zaridis A, Vlachos I & Bourlakis M. (2021). SMEs strategy and scale constraints impact on agri-food supply chain collaboration and firm performance. Production Planning & Control, 32(14)
- Manika D, Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis M & Clarke RM. (2021). Drawing on Subjective Knowledge and Information Receptivity to Examine an Environmental Sustainability Policy: Insights from the UK's Bag Charge Policy. European Management Review, 18(3)
- Aktas E, Bourlakis M & Zissis D. (2021). Collaboration in the last mile: evidence from grocery deliveries. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 24(3)
- Francioni B, Curina I, Dennis C, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E, .... (2021). Does trust play a role when it comes to donations? A comparison of Italian and US higher education institutions. Higher Education, 82(1)
- Ghadge A, van der Werf S, Er Kara M, Goswami M, Kumar P, .... (2020). Modelling the impact of climate change risk on bioethanol supply chains. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 160
- Kühl C, Bourlakis M, Aktas E & Skipworth H. (2020). How does servitisation affect supply chain circularity? – A systematic literature review. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 33(4)
- Saghiri SS & Bourlakis M. (2020). Guest editorial. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 50(5)
- Mohri SS, Asgari N, Zanjirani Farahani R, Bourlakis M & Laker B. (2020). Fairness in hazmat routing-scheduling: A bi-objective Stackelberg game. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 140
- Jarzębowski S, Bourlakis M & Bezat-Jarzębowska A. (2020). Short Food Supply Chains (SFSC) as Local and Sustainable Systems. Sustainability, 12(11)
- Aktas E & Bourlakis M. (2020). Preface. Food Supply Chains in Cities: Modern Tools for Circularity and Sustainability
- Acar MF, Aktas E, Agan Y & Bourlakis M. (2019). Does Sustainability Pay? Evidence from the Food Sector. Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 22(3)
- Kalaitzi D, Matopoulos A, Bourlakis M & Tate W. (2019). Supply chains under resource pressure. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 39(12)
- Søgaard B, Skipworth HD, Bourlakis M, Mena C & Wilding R. (2019). Facing disruptive technologies: aligning purchasing maturity to contingencies. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 24(1)
- Eksoz C, Mansouri SA, Bourlakis M & Önkal D. (2019). Judgmental adjustments through supply integration for strategic partnerships in food chains. Omega, 87
- Suriyantphupha P & Bourlakis M. (2019). Information Technology in a Traditional Retail Supply Chain: A Structured Literature Review. Projectics / Proyéctica / Projectique, n°22(1)
- Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis M & See-To E. (2019). Social media in supply chains and logistics: Contemporary trends and themes. International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management, 14(1)
- Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis M & See-To E. (2019). Social media in supply chains and logistics: Contemporary trends and themes. International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management, 2019(1)
- Batista L, Bourlakis M, Liu Y, Smart P & Sohal A. (2018). Supply chain operations for a circular economy. Production Planning & Control, 29(6)
- Kalaitzi D, Matopoulos A, Bourlakis M & Tate W. (2018). Supply chain strategies in an era of natural resource scarcity. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 38(3)
- Zissis D, Aktas E & Bourlakis M. (2018). Collaboration in urban distribution of online grocery orders. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 29(4)
- Batista L, Bourlakis M, Smart P & Maull R. (2018). In search of a circular supply chain archetype – a content-analysis-based literature review. Production Planning & Control, 29(6)
- Kotzab H, Teller C, Bourlakis M & Wünsche S. (2018). Key competences of logistics and SCM professionals – the lifelong learning perspective. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 23(1)
- Saghiri SS, Bernon M, Bourlakis M & Wilding R. (2018). Omni-channel logistics special issue. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 48(4)
- Ageron B, Benzidia S & Bourlakis M. (2018). Healthcare logistics and supply chain – issues and future challenges. Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, 19(1)
- Zeimpekis V, Aktas E, Bourlakis M & Minis I. (2018). Introduction. Operations Research/ Computer Science Interfaces Series, 63
- Ghadge A, Kaklamanou M, Choudhary S & Bourlakis M. (2017). Implementing environmental practices within the Greek dairy supply chain. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 117(9)
- Papagiannidis S, Pantano E, See-To EWK, Dennis C & Bourlakis M. (2017). To immerse or not? Experimenting with two virtual retail environments. Information Technology & People, 30(1)
- Saghiri S, Wilding R, Mena C & Bourlakis M. (2017). Toward a three-dimensional framework for omni-channel. Journal of Business Research, 77
- Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis M, Alamanos E & Dennis C. (2017). Preferences of smart shopping channels and their impact on perceived wellbeing and social inclusion. Computers in Human Behavior, 77
- Braziotis C, Tannock JDT & Bourlakis M. (2017). Strategic and operational considerations for the Extended Enterprise: insights from the aerospace industry. Production Planning & Control, 28(4)
- Manika D, Papagiannidis S & Bourlakis M. (2017). Understanding the effects of a social media service failure apology: A comparative study of customers vs. potential customers. International Journal of Information Management, 37(3)
- Mena C & Bourlakis M. (2016). Retail logistics special issue. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 46(6/7)
- Dennis C, Alamanos E, Papagiannidis S & Bourlakis M. (2016). Does social exclusion influence multiple channel use? The interconnections with community, happiness, and well-being. Journal of Business Research, 69(3)
- Papagiannidis S & Bourlakis M. (2015). Special Issue Theme: “Social Media: A revolution in communication”. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 95
- Maglaras G, Bourlakis M & Fotopoulos C. (2015). Power-imbalanced relationships in the dyadic food chain: An empirical investigation of retailers' commercial practices with suppliers. Industrial Marketing Management, 48
- Manika D, Papagiannidis S & Bourlakis M. (2015). Can a CEO's YouTube apology following a service failure win customers' hearts?. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 95
- Bourlakis M, Maglaras G, Gallear D & Fotopoulos C. (2014). Examining sustainability performance in the supply chain: The case of the Greek dairy sector. Industrial Marketing Management, 43(1)
- Eksoz C, Mansouri SA & Bourlakis M. (2014). Collaborative forecasting in the food supply chain: A conceptual framework. International Journal of Production Economics, 158
- Papagiannidis S, See-To E & Bourlakis M. (2014). Virtual test-driving: The impact of simulated products on purchase intention. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 21(5)
- Braziotis C, Bourlakis M, Rogers H & Tannock J. (2013). Supply chains and supply networks: distinctions and overlaps. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 18(6)
- Beckeman M, Bourlakis M & Olsson A. (2013). The role of manufacturers in food innovations in Sweden. British Food Journal, 115(7)
- Alamanos E, Bourlakis M & Tzimitra‐Kalogianni I. (2013). Segmenting Greek tomato consumers: policy and marketing insights towards a healthy diet. British Food Journal, 115(4)
- Jraisat L, Gotsi M & Bourlakis M. (2013). Drivers of information sharing and export performance in the Jordanian agri-food export supply chain. International Marketing Review, 30(4)
- Bourlakis M, Sodhi MS & Son B-G. (2013). The relative emphasis on supply-chain/logistics topics by UK industry in hiring postgraduates and by UK universities in teaching and research. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 16(6)
- Papagiannidis S, Pantano E, See-To EWK & Bourlakis M. (2013). Modelling the determinants of a simulated experience in a virtual retail store and users’ product purchasing intentions. Journal of Marketing Management, 29(13-14)
- Kim C, Son BG & Bourlakis M. (2012). Factors affecting successful adoption of ubiquitous computing technology in supply chain contexts. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 23(2)
- Papagiannidis S, Coursaris CK & Bourlakis M. (2012). Do websites influence the nature of voting intentions? The case of two national elections in Greece. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(2)
- Kohtamäki M & Bourlakis M. (2012). Antecedents of relationship learning in supplier partnerships from the perspective of an industrial customer: the direct effects model. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 27(4)
- Kohtamaki M & Bourlakis M. (2012). Antecedents of relationship learning in supplier partnerships from the perspective of an industrial customer: the direct effects model. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS & INDUSTRIAL MARKETING, 27(4)
- Matopoulos A & Bourlakis M. (2011). Identifying innovation strategies: insights from the Greek food manufacturing sector. International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development, 3(2)
- Bourlakis M & Melewar TC. (2011). Marketing perspectives of logistics service providers. European Journal of Marketing, 45(3)
- Gupta S, Melewar TC & Bourlakis M. (2010). A relational insight of brand personification in business-to-business markets. Journal of General Management, 35(4)
- Matopoulos A & Bourlakis M. (2010). Sustainability practices and indicators in food retail logistics: findings from an exploratory study. Journal on Chain and Network Science, 10(3)
- Li F, Papagiannidis S & Bourlakis M. (2010). Living in ‘Multiple Spaces’: Extending Our Socioeconomic Environment through Virtual Worlds. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 28(3)
- Tzavaras M, Tzimitra‐Kalogianni I & Bourlakis M. (2010). Consumer behaviour in the Greek floral market. British Food Journal, 112(4)
- Grant DB & Bourlakis M. (2010). Comment on logistics and SCM doctoral education: the European logistics association doctorate workshop. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 13(2)
- Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis M & Li F. (2009). Editorial: I have an avatar therefore I exist. Electronic Commerce Research, 9(1-2)
- Bourlakis M, Papagiannidis S & Li F. (2009). Retail spatial evolution: paving the way from traditional to metaverse retailing. Electronic Commerce Research, 9(1-2)
- Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis M & Li F. (2008). E-fulfilling the e-supply chain of digital print. International Journal of Information Technology and Management, 7(1)
- Mavrogiannis M, Bourlakis MA, Dawson PJ & Ness MR. (2008). Assessing export performance in the Greek food and beverage industry. British Food Journal, 110(7)
- Martin K, Papagiannidis S, Li F, Bourlakis M, Cook S, .... (2008). Early challenges of implementing an e-commerce system in a medical supply company: A case experience from a knowledge transfer partnership (KTP). International Journal of Information Management, 28(1)
- Vlachos IP, Bourlakis M & Karalis V. (2008). Manufacturer–retailer collaboration in the supply chain: Empirical evidence from the Greek food sector. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 11(4)
- Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis M & Li F. (2008). Making real money in virtual worlds: MMORPGs and emerging business opportunities, challenges and ethical implications in metaverses. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 75(5)
- Francis M, Simons D & Bourlakis M. (2008). Value chain analysis in the UK beef foodservice sector. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 13(1)
- Bourlakis M, Papagiannidis S & Fox H. (2008). E-Consumer Behaviour. International Journal of E-Business Research, 4(3)
- Hubbard C, Bourlakis M & Garrod G. (2007). Pig in the middle: farmers and the delivery of farm animal welfare standards. British Food Journal, 109(11)
- Vlachos IP & Bourlakis M. (2006). Supply Chain Collaboration Between Retailers and Manufacturers: Do They Trust Each Other?. Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, 7(1)
- Bourlakis C & Bourlakis M. (2005). Information technology safeguards, logistics asset specificity and fourth‐party logistics network creation in the food retail chain. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 20(2)
- Bourlakis M, Mamalis S & Sangster J. (2005). An in-depth investigation of consumer behaviour during planned and unplanned grocery purchasing. WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, 2(10)
- Mamalis S, Ness M & Bourlakis M. (2005). Tangible and intangible store image attributes in consumer decision making: The case of fast food restaurants. WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, 2(10)
- Simons D, Francis M, Bourlakis M & Fearne A. (2003). Identifying the determinants of value in the U.K. red meat industry: A value chain analysis approach. Journal on Chain and Network Science, 3(2)
- Bourlakis MA. (2003). Factors Affecting European Food Retailers' Internationalisation. Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing, 13(2-3)
- Bourlakis MA & Bourlakis CA. (2001). Deliberate and emergent logistics strategies in food retailing: a case study of the Greek multiple food retail sector. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 6(4)
- Papagiannidis S & Bourlakis M. Staging the New Retail Drama: at a Metaverse near you!. Journal For Virtual Worlds Research, 2(5)
Conference Papers
- Bourlakis M, Sawyerr E, Dicker A & Wagstaff C. (2023). Logistics intervention in food redistribution
- Vu N, Ghadge A & Bourlakis M. (2022). An empirical assessment of the determinants of blockchain implementation in the food industry
- Vu N, Ghadge A & Bourlakis M. (2022). Impact of blockchain implementation on food supply chain performance
- Bourlakis M & Sawyerr E. (2022). Supplying food to disadvantaged communities in the UK: Insights for the food supply chains
- Sawyerr E & Bourlakis M. (2022). Mapping the food supply chain for disadvantaged communities in the UK
- Sawyerr E & Bourlakis M. (2022). Addressing the food supply chain challenges for UK disadvantaged communities
- Bourlakis M, Sawyerr E & Pettinger C. (2022). Mapping food supply chains for UK disadvantaged communities: a focus on Plymouth
- Habib F, Bourklakis M & Aktas E. (2021). Exit Strategies in Buyer-Supplier Relationships - A Dyadic Perspective in East vs. West Context
- Vu N, Ghadge A & Bourlakis M. (2021). Implementing blockchain in the food supply chain: an empirical study
- Vu N, Ghadge A & Bourlakis M. (2020). Blockchain implementation in the food supply chain: a systematic literature review
- Habib F, Bourlakis M & Aktas E. (2019). Exit Strategies for Buyers - A comparison of East vs West
- Tewari A, Ghadge A & Bourlakis M. (2019). Supply chain emergence: A reconceptualisation and evidence from practice
- Batista L, Bourlakis M, Smart P & Maull R. (2019). Business Models in the Circular Economy and the Enabling Role of Circular Supply Chains
- Wei D, Bourlakis M & Aktas E. (2018). How can SMEs capitalise on supply chains to improve financial performance? A systematic review of the literature
- Wei D, Bourlakis M & Aktas E. (2018). The impact of working capital management on financial performance: an empirical research in UK food SMEs
- Kühl C, Tjahjono B, Bourlakis M & Aktas E. (2018). Implementation of Circular Economy principles in PSS operations
- Widmer T, Tjahjono B & Bourlakis M. (2018). Defining value creation in the context of circular PSS
- Nonhoff B, Skipworth H, Bourlakis M, Mena C, Bernon M, .... (2017). Exploring the imperative for purchasing strategic alignment to drive purchasing maturity
- Dennis C, Bourlakis M, Alamanos E, Papagiannidis S & Brakus JJ. (2017). Value Co-Creation Through Multiple Shopping Channels: The Interconnections with Social Exclusion and Well-Being
- Zissis D, Aktas E & Bourlakis M. (2017). A New Process Model for Urban Transport of Food in the UK
- Maglaras G, Sparks L & Bourlakis M. (2016). Power Dynamics and Distribution of Benefits Within Supply Networks: Insights from the UK Grocery Network
- Aktas E, Bourlakis M & Zissis D. (2016). Sustainable Distribution of Online Groceries in the Cities
- Dennis C, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E & Bourlakis M. (2016). The role of brand attachment strength in higher education
- Adebanjo D, Tickle M, Lin Y & Bourlakis M. (2016). E-business capabilities in developed and developing countries: Different or the same?
- Alamanos E, Bourlakis M & Hingley M. (2015). The Impact of Holidays on UK Residents' Future Tourism Preferences and Food Consumer Behaviour: The Case of Greece as Tourism Destination
- Khalaf HB, Bourlakis M & Jackson E. (2015). Co-creation of trust in FMCG supply chains in the Middle East
- Eksoz C, Mansouri A, Bourlakis M & Aktas E. (2015). A Relational View to Collaborative Forecasting in the Food Supply Chains
- Maglaras G, Bourlakis M & Sparks L. (2015). Opportunism in Power-Balanced Retailer-Supplier Relationships: The Case of the Food Supply Chain
- Alamanos E, Charles D, Papagiannidis S & Bourlakis M. (2015). Value Co-Creation, Shopping Channels, Social Exclusion and Well-Being
- Mirzabeiki , Vahid , Julien , Denyse , Mena , .... (2015). Inter-organisational Collaboration for Improving Sustainability Performance of Food Supply Chains, POMS 2015, Washington DC, US.
- Braziotis C & Bourlakis M. (2015). Exploring power attributes within highly partnered supply chains
- Sakali C, Skalkos D & Bourlakis M. (2015). Innovative Agri-Food Supply Chain Network: Leading to Traditional "Back to the Future" Foods
- Kalaitzi D, Matopoulos A & Bourlakis M. (2015). Exploring the Implications of Natural Resource Scarcity on Manufacturing Supply Chains
- Mirza Beiki V, Julien D, Mena Madrazo C, Saghiri S, Bourlakis M, .... (2014). Collaboration for sustainability in food supply chains - A survey
- Mirza Beiki V, Julien D, Mena Madrazo C, Saghiri S, Bourlakis M, .... (2014). Collaborative Relationships for Sustainability Performance of Food Supply Chains - a Conceptual Model
- Maglaras G, Bourlakis M & Sparks L. (2014). Opportunism in Power-Imbalanced Dyadic Food Chain Relationships: The Role of Size and Own Brands
- Dennis C, Alamanos E, Papagiannidis S & Bourlakis M. (2014). Investigating the effect of retail operations on consumers' social inclusion and well being
- Khalaf HB, Bourlakis M & Jackson E. (2014). Risks Affecting Supplier-Distributor Relationships: Evidence from Middle-Eastern Companies
- Braziotis C, Bourlakis M, Rogers H & Pawar K. (2014). Supply Chain and Supply Networks: A Survey-Based Pilot Study
- Kalaitzi D, Matopoulos A & Bourlakis M. (2014). Natural Resource Dependence Implication in Supply Chains: A Conceptual Framework and a Case Study from the Automotive Sector
- Mirzabeiki V, Julien D, Mena C, Saghiri S & Bourlakis M. (2014). The Effects of Collaborative Relationships on Sustainability Performance: A Survey of Food Supply Chains
- Maglaras G & Bourlakis M. (2014). The Role of Retail Power in the Greek Food Supply Chain: Insights from Suppliers' Perceptions
- Eksoz C, Mansouri A, Bourlakis M & Aktas E. (2014). Improving Collaborative Forecasting Performance in the Food Chain
- Sánchez-Pérez M, Marin-Carrillo MB & Bourlakis M. (2014). Exploration and Exploitation Innovation in the Food Firms
- Sánchez-Pérez M & Bourlakis M. (2014). Absorptive Capability and Knowledge Tacitness in the Transfer of Knowledge in the Agri Food Cluster of the South East of Spain
- Alamanos E, Charles D, Papagiannidis S & Bourlakis M. (2014). Social Exclusion, Shopping and Well-Being: A Three - Shopping Channel Approach
- Bourlakis M, Maglaras G, Aktas E, Gallear D & Fotopoulos C. (2014). Firm size and sustainable performance in food supply chains: Insights from Greek SMEs
- Manika D, Papagiannidis S & Bourlakis M. (2013). The effects of a CEO's YouTube apology for service failure on customer's behavioural intentions
- Braziotis C, Bourlakis M, Rogers H & Pawar K. (2013). Operationalising Supply Chain and Supply Network Perspectives
- Kalaitzi D, Matopoulos A & Bourlakis M. (2013). A Conceptual Framework for Analysing Resource Efficiency and Sustainability in the Agri-Food Supply Chain
- Braziotis C, Bourlakis M, Rogers H & Pawar K. (2013). Supply Chain and Supply Network Dimensions: An Exploratory Study
- Aktas E, Bourlakis M, Maglaras G & Fotopoulos C. (2012). Does greater company size lead to better performance? Evidence from Greek food supply chain
- Maglaras G, Bourlakis M & Fotopoulos C. (2012). A Conceptual Model for Possible Opportunism in the Food Supply Chain: Examination of Retailer's Opportunistic Behavior and its Determinants
- Matopoulos A & Bourlakis M. (2012). Analysing perceived consumer responses following an out of stock: the case of fresh products
- Maglaras G, Bourlakis M & Fotopoulos C. (2012). Determinants and impact of retailers' opportunism in the food supply chain: a conceptual model
- Bourlakis M, Maglaras G & Fotopoulos C. (2012). Evaluating Supply Chain Performance: An Empirical Analysis of the Green Dairy Sector
- Matapoulos A, Ranitovic R & Bourlakis M. (2012). Exploring Demand and Production Planning Challenges in the Food Processing Industry: A Case Study
- Bourlakis M, Maglaras G & Fotopoulos C. (2012). Creating a “best value supply chain”? Empirical evidence from the Greek food chain
- Matapoulos A, Michaelidou L & Bourlakis M. (2011). Healthcare Supply Chains: A Case Study of Hospital-Vendor Collaborative Practices
- Fotopoulos C, Bourlakis M & Maglaras G. (2011). Becoming a "Best Value Supply Chain"? The Case of the Greek Food Chain
- Balmer J, Bourlakis M & Gupta S. (2011). Exploring the Ability of Relationship Marketing to Integrate Just-in-Time and Efficient Business Processes to Drive Brand Preferences of Customers in Industrial Networks
- Djorai M, Bourlakis M, Laffey D & Taylor M. (2011). Customer-Based Brand Equity in a B2B Service Environment: The Case of Erlang Solutions
- Bourlakis M, Clear F & Patten L. (2011). Understanding the UK hospital supply chain in an era of patient choice
- Papagiannidis S, Coursaris C & Bourlakis M. (2010). Do Web Sites Affect Voting Decisions? Exploring the Findings from Two General Elections in Greece
- Jraisat L, Bourlakis M & Gotsi M. (2010). Information sharing in the exporter-producer supply chain: developing and testing a conceptual model
- Rahman NA, Bourlakis M & Melewar TC. (2010). Relationship Marketing in Logistics: An Investigation of the Buyer-Supplier Relationship
- Fotopoulos C & Bourlakis M. (2010). Supply Chain Performance Evaluation: The Case of the Greek Food Chain
- Gupta S, Melewar TC & Bourlakis M. (2010). Transfer of brand knowledge in business‐to‐business markets: a qualitative study
- Rahman NA, Bourlakis M & Melewar TC. (2009). Investigation into Satisfaction in the Buyer-Seller Logistics Outsourcing Relationship: The Case of 3PL Company
- Mamalis S, Ness M & Bourlakis M. (2009). Canonical Correlation Analysis of Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in the Context of Fast-Food Restaurants
- Fotopoulos C, Bourlakis M & Maglaras G. (2009). Supply Chain Performance Evaluation: The Case of the Greek Dairy Sector
- Rahman NA, Bourlakis M & Melewar TC. (2009). Antecedents and Consequences of Customer Relationship Satisfaction in Business-to-Business Environment: The Case of Third Party Logistics Companies
- Spence LJ & Bourlakis M. (2009). Unilateral Standards for Social Responsibility: Corporations as Social Watchdogs?
- Papagiannidis S & Bourlakis M. (2009). Experiencing Metaverse Retailing: A Glimpse of the Future?
- Bourlakis M, Vlachos I & Melewar TC. (2009). Ex Ante Selection Criteria and Ex Post Reasons for Dissatisfaction in Logistics Outsourcing: Empirical Insights from Greek Food SMEs
- Spence L & Bourlakis M. (2009). The evolution from corporate social responsibility to supply chain responsibility: the case of Waitrose
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- Li F, Papagiannidis S & Bourlakis M. (2008). Multiple Spaces: MMORPGs and their Business Implications
- Bourlakis M & Papagiannidis S. (2008). Examining the Intertwined Spatial Relationships in Food Retailing: the Case of Second Life
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- Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis M & Li F. (2007). From E-Retailing to Meta-Retailing: evolution or revolution?
- Bourlakis M. (2007). Logistics and Procurement Requirements of the UK North East Public Sector: Insights from a Food Supplier Capacity Study
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- Papagiannidis S & Bourlakis M. (2007). The Consumer Ethics of the Virtual Environment: An Aetiology
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- Bourlakis M & Clark K. (2006). Sustainable Price Promotion Strategies in the UK Food Chain: The Consumer Viewpoint
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- Bourlakis MA, Ness MR & ‐ Vasilios Priporas C. (2006). The Greek food shopper: Segmentation on the basis of attitudes to store features
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- Bourlakis M & Grant D. (2005). Logistics and supply chain issues in event management: the case of the 2004 Athens Olympic Games
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- Bourlakis M & Zazopoulos T. (2003). An Empirical Investigation of Consumer Responses to Stock-Outs During In-Store Promotion
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