Wednesday 17 June, 12:00-13:00 BST
The COVID-19 crisis is bringing into sharp relief some of the trends that a focus on corporate sustainability was already bringing to light.
Although circumstances mean we can't meet in person, in our next Ideas, Insight and Innovation webinar Dr Rosina Watson, Head of Sustainability Group, Cranfield School of Management, will discuss ‘Lessons from COVID-19 for building sustainable businesses’.
Register now for this webinar to:
- Explore the interconnected social and environmental risks facing society and business.
- Identify the ways in which the experience of dealing with COVID-19 could help businesses respond positively, and more sustainably to these risks.
- Reflect on what this means for leadership in the 2020s and beyond.
Live viewers will also have the opportunity to participate in a Q&A with Dr Watson at the end of the webinar. Don't miss out, register below.