Contact Dr Robert Simmons
- Tel: +44 (0) 1234 750111
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Areas of expertise
- Soil
- Soil Resources
- Water Science and Engineering
Dr Rob Simmons is a Reader in sustainable soil management. Rob is an applied soil scientist with >25 years' experience of sustainable soil management founded on a robust understanding of the associated processes. Rob has an extensive research portfolio and has been PI or CoI on >14 BBSRC, NERC, Innovate UK, Environment Agency, WRAP and AHDB funded projects with funding totalling over £3 million in the last 7 years. This portfolio has focused on mitigating diffuse pollution through applied soil conservation options (grassed water way design, filtersocks, companion crops, mulches), optimizing whole farm 'big data' use, controlling splash detachment and structural sealing through polymer-based solutions and increasing understanding of soil management challenges in high value horticultural crops. His recent research under BBSRC project (BB/J006092/1) has investigated the effect of rainfall-induced structural sealing on the hydrological response of the soil surface. He also has 10 years practical experience of soil management in Southeast and South Asia with 7 years at the International Water Management Institute (IWMI). Rob's research overseas included modelling the off-site impacts of Cd-contaminated sediments on paddy systems and impacts on human health, phytoremediation of Cd, and assessment and mitigation of diffuse pollution in South and Southeast Asia.
Current activities
Current research activities focus on optimising filtersock technologies to concurrently and/or sequentially remove sediment, sediment-bound P, orthophosphate-P and pesticides from agricultural runoff; modelling and mitigating metal (cadmium & arsenic) contamination of rice grain in South Asia (BB/ P02274X/1: Funded by BBSRC-GCRF); polymer-based options to prevent structural sealing and soil splash; management options to improve stand longevity in asparagus.
Articles In Journals
- Ellafi M, Simmons R & Deeks L. (2024). Drainage models: An evaluation of their applicability for the design of drainage systems in arid regions. Water and Environment Journal, 38(1)
- Mašková L, Simmons RW, Deeks LK, De Baets S & Drost DT. (2023). Impacts of long-term application of best management practices on yields and root carbohydrate content in asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) (UK). European Journal of Agronomy, 147(July)
- Fernández-Huarte M, Elphinstone JG, Adams IP, Vicente JG, Bhogal A, .... (2023). A DNA-barcode biodiversity standard analysis method (DNA-BSAM) reveals a large variance in the effect of a range of biological, chemical and physical soil management interventions at different sites, but location is one of the most important aspects determining the nature of agricultural soil microbiology. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 184(September)
- Martins Melo JL, Andrade Feitosa JP, Mota JCA, dos Santos Dias CT, de Lacerda CF, .... (2023). Can a superabsorbent polymer synthesised a CaCO 3 based biofiller improve soil and plant available water and crop growth under salt stress?. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 69(14)
- Sakrabani R, Garnett K, Knox JW, Rickson J, Pawlett M, .... (2023). Towards net zero in agriculture: Future challenges and opportunities for arable, livestock and protected cropping systems in the UK. Outlook on Agriculture, 52(2)
- Cooke AL, Simmons RW, Rickson RJ & Sakrabani R. (2021). Efficacy of selected phosphorus sorbing materials (PSMs) to enhance the orthophosphate sorption capacity of filter socks. Water and Environment Journal, 35(2)
- Lees C, de Baets S, Rickson J & Simmons RW. (2021). Selecting plant traits for soil erosion control in grassed waterways under a changing climate: A growth room study. European Journal of Soil Science, 72(6)
- Nascimento CDV, Simmons RW, Feitosa JPDA, Dias CTDS & Costa MCG. (2021). Potential of superabsorbent hydrogels to improve agriculture under abiotic stresses. Journal of Arid Environments, 189(June)
- Ellafi MA, Deeks LK & Simmons RW. (2021). Application of artificial neural networks to the design of subsurface drainage systems in Libyan agricultural projects. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 35(June)
- Nascimento CDV, Mota JCA, Nascimento ÍV, Albuquerque GHDS, Simmons RW, .... (2021). Temperature limitations in the use of hydrogels on leptosols in a semi-arid region of Brazil. Geoderma Regional, 26(September)
- Mašková L, Simmons RW, Deeks LK & De Baets S. (2021). Best Management Practices to Alleviate Deep-Seated Compaction in Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) Interrows (UK). Soil and Tillage Research, 213(September)
- Nascimento CDVD, Feitosa JPDA, Simmons R, Dias CTDS, Nascimento ÍVD, .... (2021). Durability indicatives of hydrogel for agricultural and forestry use in saline conditions. Journal of Arid Environments, 195(December)
- Storr T, Simmons RW & Hannam JA. (2021). Using frost‐sensitive cover crops for timely nitrogen mineralization and soil moisture management. Soil Use and Management, 37(3)
- Niziolomski JC, Simmons RW, Jane Rickson R & Hann MJ. (2020). Efficacy of mulch and tillage options to reduce runoff and soil loss from asparagus interrows. CATENA, 191
- Arpano S, Simmons RW & Deeks LK. (2020). The efficacy of a novel polyacrylamide spray application method to mitigate soil crusting and enhance seedling emergence on crust susceptible soils.
- Storr T, Simmons RW & Hannam JA. (2019). A UK survey of the use and management of cover crops. Annals of Applied Biology, 174(2)
- Campbell S, Simmons R, Rickson J, Waine T & Simms D. (2018). Using Near-Surface Photogrammetry Assessment of Surface Roughness (NSPAS) to assess the effectiveness of erosion control treatments applied to slope forming materials from a mine site in West Africa. Geomorphology, 322
- Niziolomski JC, Simmons RW, Rickson RJ & Hann MJ. (2018). Managing runoff and soil loss in asparagus production systems. Acta Horticulturae, 1223(1223)
- Armenise E, Simmons RW, Ahn S, Garbout A, Doerr SH, .... (2018). Soil seal development under simulated rainfall: Structural, physical and hydrological dynamics. Journal of Hydrology, 556
- Garbout A, Sturrock CJ, Armenise E, Ahn S, Simmons RW, .... (2018). TopCap: A Tool to Quantify Soil Surface Topology and Subsurface Structure. Vadose Zone Journal, 17(1)
- Niziolomski JC, Simmons RW, Rickson RJ & Hann MJ. (2016). Tine options for alleviating compaction in wheelings. Soil and Tillage Research, 161
- Simmons RW, Chaney RL, Angle JS, Kruatrachue M, Klinphoklap S, .... (2015). Towards Practical Cadmium Phytoextraction with Noccaea Caerulescens. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 17(2)
- Simmons RW, Ahmad W, Noble AD, Blummel M, Evans A, .... (2010). Effect of long-term un-treated domestic wastewater re-use on soil quality, wheat grain and straw yields and attributes of fodder quality. Irrigation and Drainage Systems, 24(1-2)
- Simmons RW, Noble AD, Pongsakul P, Sukreeyapongse O & Chinabut N. (2009). Cadmium-hazard mapping using a general linear regression model (Irr-Cad) for rapid risk assessment. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 31(1)
- Marcussen H, Joergensen K, Holm PE, Brocca D, Simmons RW, .... (2008). Element contents and food safety of water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica Forssk.) cultivated with wastewater in Hanoi, Vietnam. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 139(1-3)
- Simmons RW, Noble AD, Pongsakul P, Sukreeyapongse O & Chinabut N. (2008). Analysis of field-moist Cd contaminated paddy soils during rice grain fill allows reliable prediction of grain Cd levels. Plant and Soil, 302(1-2)
- Soda W, Noble AD, Suzuki S, Simmons R, Sindhusen L, .... (2006). Co‐composting of Acid Waste Bentonites and their Effects on Soil Properties and Crop Biomass. Journal of Environmental Quality, 35(6)
- Simmons RW, Pongsakul P, Saiyasitpanich D & Klinphoklap S. (2005). Elevated Levels of Cadmium and Zinc in Paddy Soils and Elevated Levels of Cadmium in Rice Grain Downstream of a Zinc Mineralized Area in Thailand: Implications for Public Health. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 27(5-6)
- Simmons RW & Pongsakul P. (2005). Preliminary Stepwise Multiple Linear Regression Method to Predict Cadmium and Zinc Uptake in Soybean. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 35(13-14)
- Reeves PG, Chaney RL, Simmons RW & Cherian MG. (2005). Erratum: Metallothionein indiction is not involved in cadmium accumulation in the duodenum of mice and rats fed diets containing high-cadmium rice or sunflower kernels and a marginal supply of zinc, iron, and calcium (Journal of Nutrition (2005) 135 (99-108)). Journal of Nutrition, 135(4)
- Philip G. R, Rufus L. C, Robert W. S & M. George C. (2005). Metallothionein Induction Is Not Involved in Cadmium Accumulation in the Duodenum of Mice and Rats Fed Diets Containing High-Cadmium Rice or Sunflower Kernels and a Marginal Supply of Zinc, Iron, and Calcium,. The Journal of Nutrition, 135(1)
- Chaney RL, Reeves PG, Ryan JA, Simmons RW, Welch RM, .... (2004). An improved understanding of soil Cd risk to humans and low cost methods to phytoextract Cd from contaminated soils to prevent soil Cd risks. BioMetals, 17(5)
- Simmons RW, Pongsakul P, Chaney RL, Saiyasitpanich D, Klinphoklap S, .... (2003). The relative exclusion of zinc and iron from rice grain in relation to rice grain cadmium as compared to soybean: Implications for human health. Plant and Soil, 257(1)
Conference Papers
- Mašková L, Simmons RW, Deeks LK, De Baets S & Drost DT. (2023). Long-term application of best management practices affects yields and root carbohydrate content in asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) (UK)
- Lees C, Simmons R & Rickson J. (2020). This study
- Mašková L, Simmons RW, De Baets S, Montero EM, Delmer A, .... (2019). Assessment of silt from sand and gravel processing as a suitable sub-soil material in land restoration: A glasshouse study
- Storr T, Simmons RW & Hannam JA. (2018). Soil water and available nitrogen during cover crop growth
- Storr T, Simmons RW & Hannam JA. (2017). Do cover crops give short term benefits for soil health?
- Storr T, Simmons R & Hannam J. (2017). The use of cover crops in the UK: a survey
- Niziolomski J, Simmons R, Rickson J & Hann M. (2014). Optimising soil erosion and runoff control from asparagus: A case study from the UK
- Campbell S, Simmons R & Rickson J. (2013). Differences in runoff, leachate and erosion, generated by rainfall on slope forming materials from an Iron-Ore Mine, West Africa
- Whelan A, Kechavarzi C, Sakrabani R, Coulon F, Simmons RW, .... (2010). The influence of compost addition on the water repellency of brownfield soils.
- Simmons RW, Chaney RL, Angle JS, Kruatrachue M, Reeves R, .... (2009). Towards practical Cd phytoremediation with Thlaspi Caerulescens
- Weckenbrock P, Drescher A, Simmons RW, Amerasinghe P & Jacobi J. (2009). Lower than expected risks of wastewater irrigated agriculture
- Matsuno Y, Ensink JHJ, Van Der Hoek W & Simmons RW. (2003). Assessment of the use of wastewater for irrigation: A case in Punjab, Pakistan
- Ellafi M, Zurqani HA, Deeks LK & Simmons RW. (2022). DRAINMOD Applications to Design Drainage Systems in Libya Using Soil Salinity Data Predicted by GIS, Remote Sensing and Artificial Neural Networks In Environmental Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS in Libya. Springer International Publishing.
- Simmons RW, Qadir M & Drecshel P. (2010). Farm-based measures for reducing human & environmental health risks from chemical constituents in wastewater In Drechsel P, Scott CA, Redwood M & Bahri A (eds), Wastewater irrigation and health: assessing and mitigating risk in low-income countries (First). Earthscan.
- Simmons R, Qadir M & Drechsel P. (2009). Wastewater Irrigation and Health In Bahri A, Drechsel P, Raschid-Sally L & Redwood M (eds), Wastewater Irrigation and Health: Assessing and Mitigating Risk in Low-income Countries. Routledge.
- Simmons RW & Rickson RJ. (2008). Increasing rainfall and erosion. In Water and Food. Swedish Research Council (Formas).