All students must provide the University with an emergency contact when they register. Those nominated will only be contacted if there has been an emergency (accident/illness), or when there is a significant concern about a student’s physical or mental health and wellbeing, or safety. The University will always seek to gain informed consent from students at the appropriate time, but there may be exceptional occasions where it is in a student’s best interests for the University to use the emergency contact, in situations which are not necessarily life-threatening, but where there is significant concern about a student’s physical or mental health, wellbeing or safety.

Students should provide their emergency contact’s:

  • Mobile / landline phone number
  • Email address

We advise, wherever possible, that the emergency contact is someone near the student’s location of study (usually in the UK) and someone who can speak and understand English.

Students can update the emergency contact details at any time, and we advise them to keep the details up to date, as in an emergency (or other situation of significant concern) it may not be possible to check with the student first.

Informing third parties

The University may also pass contact details and relevant information to external parties. This can include the police, emergency services at the hospital or NHS mental health services. Further details can be found in our Privacy Policy.