Contact Professor Sudi Sudarsanam
Current activities
Sudi joined Cranfield as Professor of Finance and Corporate Control in January 2000 from City University Business School, London where he was Professor of Finance and Accounting. He retired in December 2009 and became an Emeritus Professor. Sudi's main areas of research interest are in corporate restructuring, mergers and acquisitions and corporate strategy. He is one of the leading authorities on mergers and acquisitions in Europe and author of the standard work in this area The Essence of Mergers and Acquisitions (Prentice Hall), which has been translated into five European and Asian languages. His book, 'Creating Value from Mergers and Acquisitions: The Challenges, an International and Integrated Perspective' (FT Prentice Hall, 2003) has been acclaimed by both practitioners and academics. Sudi is a member of the UK Competition Commission.
Articles In Journals
- Vitkova V, Tian S & Sudarsanam S. (2023). Allocative efficiency of internal capital markets: Evidence from equity carve-outs by diversified firms. International Review of Financial Analysis, 86
- Barbopoulos LG, Paudyal K & Sudarsanam S. (2018). Earnout deals: Method of initial payment and acquirers’ gains. European Financial Management, 24(5)
- Sudarsanam S & Broadhurst T. (2012). Corporate governance convergence in Germany through shareholder activism: Impact of the Deutsche Boerse bid for London Stock Exchange. Journal of Management & Governance, 16(2)
- Sudarsanam S, Wright M & Huang J. (2011). Target Bankruptcy Risk and Its Impact on Going Private Buyout Performance and Exit. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 19(3)
- Sudarsanam S & Sorwar G. (2010). Determinants of Takeover Premium in Cash Offers: An Option Pricing Approach. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 37(5-6)
- Moir L & Sudarsanam S. (2007). Determinants of financial covenants and pricing of debt in private debt contracts: the UK evidence. Accounting and Business Research, 37(2)
- Sudarsanam S & Mahate AA. (2006). Are Friendly Acquisitions Too Bad for Shareholders and Managers? Long‐Term Value Creation and Top Management Turnover in Hostile and Friendly Acquirers. British Journal of Management, 17(S1)
- Sudarsanam S, Sorwar G & Marr B. (2006). Real options and the impact of intellectual capital on corporate value. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 7(3)
- Selim GM, Sudarsanam S & Lavine M. (2003). The Role of Internal Auditors in Mergers, Acquisitions and Divestitures: An International Study. International Journal of Auditing, 7(3)
- Sudarsanam S, Salami A & Alexandrou G. (2002). Rational expectations, analysts' forecasts of earnings and sources of value gains for takeover targets. Journal of Banking & Finance, 26(1)
- Sudarsanam S & Lai J. (2001). Corporate Financial Distress and Turnaround Strategies: An Empirical Analysis. British Journal of Management, 12(3)
- Alexandrou G & Sudarsanam S. (2001). Share Holder Wealth Effects of Corporate Selloffs: Impact of Growth Opportunities, Economic Cycle and Bargaining Power. European Financial Management, 7(2)
- Lai J & Sudarsanam S. (1997). Corporate Restructuring in Response to Performance Decline: Impact of Ownership, Governance and Lenders *. Review of Finance, 1(2)
- Sudarsanam S, Holl P & Salami A. (1996). SHAREHOLDER WEALTH GAINS IN MERGERS: EFFECT OF SYNERGY AND OWNERSHIP STRUCTURE. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 23(5-6)
- Sudarsanam S. (1996). LARGE SHAREHOLDERS, TAKEOVERS AND TARGET VALUATION. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 23(2)
Conference Papers
- Barbopoulos L & Sudarsanam S. (2012). Determinants of earnout as acquisition payment currency and bidder’s value gains
- Uang J, Citron DB, Sudarsanam S & Taffler RJ. (2006). Management Going‐concern Disclosures: Impact of Corporate Governance and Auditor Reputation
- Sudarsanam S. (2004). Discussion of Increasing Market Share as a Rationale for Corporate Acquisitions
- Sudarsanam S & Mahate AA. (2003). Glamour Acquirers, Method of Payment and Post‐acquisition Performance: The UK Evidence
- Sudarsanam S. (2012). Value Creation and Value Appropriation in m&a deals In The Handbook of Mergers and Acquisitions. Oxford University Press.
- Sudarsanam S & Huang J. (2007). 10 Executive compensation and managerial overconfidence: Impact on risk taking and shareholder value in corporate acquisitions In International Mergers and Acquisitions Activity Since 1990. Elsevier.
- SUDARSANAM S. (2005). A Finance Perspective on Intellectual Capital In Perspectives on Intellectual Capital. Elsevier.
- Sudarsanam S. (2000). Corporate governance, corporate control and takeovers In Advances in Mergers & Acquisitions (1). Emerald (MCB UP ).