Contact Professor Martin Christopher
Martin’s work in the field of logistics and supply chain management has gained international recognition. He has published widely and his recent books include Logistics and Supply Chain Management and Business Operations Models. Martin co-founded the International Journal of Logistics Management and was its joint editor for 18 years. He is a regular contributor to conferences and workshops around the world.
Martin is an Emeritus Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport. He is also a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply. In 1988 he was awarded the Sir Robert Lawrence Gold Medal for his contribution to logistics education, in 1997 he was given the USA Council of Logistics Management's Foundation Award and in 2005 he received the Distinguished Service Award from the USA Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals. In 2007 he was appointed a Foundation Professor of the UK Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply and in 2008 was awarded the Institute's Swinbank Award for lifetime achievement. In 2021, he was awarded an OBE in recognition of his services to industry and academia.
Current activities
He is Visiting Professor/Guest Professor at a number of Universities in Europe and Asia/Pacific.
Articles In Journals
- Marty J, Christopher M & Ageron B. (2024). Making supply chains more sustainable through customer and consumer engagement: The case of rare metals. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 31(2)
- Wills G & Christopher M. (2024). Introduction What do we know about Fashion Dynamics?. Fashion Marketing: An anthology of viewpoints and perspectives
- Gaudenzi B, Christopher M & Khan O. (2020). Guest editorial. The TQM Journal, 32(5)
- Pereira CR, Lago da Silva A, Tate WL & Christopher M. (2020). Purchasing and supply management (PSM) contribution to supply-side resilience. International Journal of Production Economics, 228
- Calatayud A, Mangan J & Christopher M. (2019). The self-thinking supply chain. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 24(1)
- Adivar B, Hüseyinoğlu IÖY & Christopher M. (2019). A quantitative performance management framework for assessing omnichannel retail supply chains. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 48
- Martinelli EM & Christopher M. (2019). 3D printing: enabling customer-centricity in the supply chain. International Journal of Value Chain Management, 10(2)
- Nilsson F, Nilsson F & Christopher M. (2018). Rethinking logistics management: Towards a strategic mind-set for logistics effectiveness and innovation. Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 20(2)
- Christopher M & Holweg M. (2017). Supply chain 2.0 revisited: a framework for managing volatility-induced risk in the supply chain. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 47(1)
- Gaudenzi B & Christopher M. (2016). Achieving supply chain ‘Leagility’ through a project management orientation. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 19(1)
- Gaudenzi B, Confente I & Christopher M. (2015). Managing Reputational Risk: Insights from an European Survey. Corporate Reputation Review, 18(4)
- Liljestrand K, Christopher M & Andersson D. (2015). Using a transport portfolio framework to reduce carbon footprint. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 26(2)
- Potter A, Towill DR & Christopher M. (2015). Evolution of the migratory supply chain model. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 20(6)
- Abrahamsson M, Christopher M & Stensson B-I. (2015). Mastering Supply Chain Management in an Era of Uncertainty at SKF. Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 34(6)
- Christopher M & Ryals LJ. (2014). The Supply Chain Becomes the Demand Chain. Journal of Business Logistics, 35(1)
- Roberta Pereira C, Christopher M & Lago Da Silva A. (2014). Achieving supply chain resilience: the role of procurement. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 19(5/6)
- Rossi S, Colicchia C, Cozzolino A & Christopher M. (2013). The logistics service providers in eco-efficiency innovation: an empirical study. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 18(6)
- Jüttner U & Christopher M. (2013). The role of marketing in creating a supply chain orientation within the firm. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 16(2)
- Christopher M. (2012). Relief Supply Chain Management for Disasters. Relief Supply Chain Management for Disasters: Humanitarian, Aid and Emergency Logistics
- Khan O, Christopher M & Creazza A. (2012). Aligning product design with the supply chain: a case study. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 17(3)
- Christopher M. (2012). Managing Supply Chain Complexity: Identifying the Requisite Skills. Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, 13(2)
- Christopher M, Mena C, Khan O & Yurt O. (2011). Approaches to managing global sourcing risk. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 16(2)
- Datta PP & Christopher MG. (2011). Information sharing and coordination mechanisms for managing uncertainty in supply chains: a simulation study. International Journal of Production Research, 49(3)
- Christopher M & Holweg M. (2011). “Supply Chain 2.0”: managing supply chains in the era of turbulence. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 41(1)
- Jüttner U, Christopher M & Godsell J. (2010). A strategic framework for integrating marketing and supply chain strategies. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 21(1)
- Christopher M, Towill DR, Aitken J & Childerhouse P. (2009). Value stream classification. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 20(4)
- Hilletofth P, Ericsson D & Christopher M. (2009). Demand chain management: a Swedish industrial case study. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 109(9)
- Christopher M & Gaudenzi B. (2009). Exploiting knowledge across networks through reputation management. Industrial Marketing Management, 38(2)
- Khan O, Christopher M & Burnes B. (2008). The impact of product design on supply chain risk: a case study. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 38(5)
- Priya Datta P, Christopher M & Allen P. (2007). Agent-based modelling of complex production/distribution systems to improve resilience. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 10(3)
- Towill DR & Christopher M. (2007). Do not lean too far – evidence from the first decade. International Journal of Agile Systems and Management, 2(4)
- Jüttner U, Christopher M & Baker S. (2007). Demand chain management-integrating marketing and supply chain management. Industrial Marketing Management, 36(3)
- Christopher MG & Lambert DM. (2007). Editorial. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 18(3)
- Christopher M, Peck H & Towill D. (2006). A taxonomy for selecting global supply chain strategies. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 17(2)
- Allen PM, Datta PP & Christopher M. (2006). Improving the Resilience and Performance of Organizations Using Multi-Agent Modelling of a Complex Production–Distribution Systems. Risk Management, 8(4)
- McCullen P, Saw R, Christopher M & Towill D. (2006). The F1 Supply Chain: Adapting the Car to the Circuit - the Supply Chain to the Market. Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, 7(1)
- Towill DR & Christopher M. (2005). An evolutionary approach to the architecture of effective healthcare delivery systems. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 19(2)
- Payne A, Ballantyne D & Christopher M. (2005). A stakeholder approach to relationship marketing strategy. European Journal of Marketing, 39(7/8)
- Mangan J & Christopher M. (2005). Management development and the supply chain manager of the future. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 16(2)
- Aitken J, Childerhouse P, Christopher M & Towill D. (2005). DESIGNING AND MANAGING MULTIPLE PIPELINES. Journal of Business Logistics, 26(2)
- Christopher M & Gattorna J. (2005). Supply chain cost management and value-based pricing. Industrial Marketing Management, 34(2)
- Christopher M, Lowson R & Peck H. (2004). Creating agile supply chains in the fashion industry. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 32(8)
- Christopher M & Peck H. (2004). Building the Resilient Supply Chain. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 15(2)
- Christopher M & Lee H. (2004). Mitigating supply chain risk through improved confidence. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 34(5)
- Jüttner U, Peck H & Christopher M. (2003). Supply chain risk management: outlining an agenda for future research. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 6(4)
- Ballantyne D, Christopher M & Payne A. (2003). Relationship Marketing: Looking Back, Looking Forward. Marketing Theory, 3(1)
- Christopher M. (2002). You are lean but are you agile?. PPI Pulp and Paper International, 44(5)
- Christopher M & Towill DR. (2002). Developing Market Specific Supply Chain Strategies. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 13(1)
- I. van Hoek R, Harrison A & Christopher M. (2001). Measuring agile capabilities in the supply chain. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 21(1/2)
- Christopher M & Towill D. (2001). An integrated model for the design of agile supply chains. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 31(4)
- Martin C & Towill DR. (2000). Supply chain migration from lean and functional to agile and customised. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 5(4)
- Christopher M & Jüttner U. (2000). Developing strategic partnerships in the supply chain: a practitioner perspective. European Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, 6(2)
- Christopher M. (2000). The Agile Supply Chain. Industrial Marketing Management, 29(1)
- Christopher M & Juttner U. (2000). Supply Chain Relationships: Making the Transition to Closer Integration. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 3(1)
- Christopher M & Ryals L. (1999). Supply Chain Strategy: Its Impact on Shareholder Value. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 10(1)
- Christopher M. (1999). Les enjeux d’une Supply Chain globale. Logistique & Management, 7(1)
- Christopher M & Peck H. (1998). Editorial. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 6(3)
- Christopher M. (1998). Managing the Global Supply Chain. International Marketing Review, 15(5)
- Christopher M, Magrill L & Wills G. (1998). Erratum. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 28(4)
- Christopher M & Peck H. (1997). Managing Logistics in Fashion Markets. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 8(2)
- Inger R, Braithwaite A & Christopher M. (1997). Comment réduire le temps de la chaîne logistique. Logistique & Management, 5(2)
- Christopher M. (1996). From brand values to customer value. Journal of Marketing Practice: Applied Marketing Science, 2(1)
- Christopher M. (1996). Networks and Logistics. Asia-Australia Marketing Journal, 4(1)
- Ballantyne D, Christopher M & Payne A. (1995). Improving the quality of services marketing: Service (Re) design is the critical link. Journal of Marketing Management, 11(1-3)
- INGER ROD, BRAITHWAITE A & CHRISTOPHER M. (1995). Creating a manufacturing environment that is in harmony with the market—the ‘how’ of supply chain management. Production Planning & Control, 6(3)
- Payne A, Christopher M, Clark M & Peck H. (1994). Relationship Marketing and the Relationship Management Chain. Asia-Australia Marketing Journal, 2(1)
- Christopher M. (1994). Logistics and Customer Relationships. Asia-Australia Marketing Journal, 2(1)
- Christopher M. (1993). Logistics and competitive strategy. European Management Journal, 11(2)
- Braithwaite A & Christopher M. (1991). Managing the Global Pipeline. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 2(2)
- Christopher M. (1989). 2001 – The Existential Consumer. European Journal of Marketing, 23(8)
- Anandarajan A & Christopher M. (1987). A Mission Approach to Customer Profitability Analysis. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Materials Management, 17(7)
- Christopher M. (1986). Reaching the customer: Strategies for marketing and customer service. Journal of Marketing Management, 2(1)
- Christopher M. (1986). Implementing Logistics Strategy. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Materials Management, 16(1)
- Christopher M. (1986). Distribution Planning. Management Decision, 24(3)
- Christopher M, Lancioni R & Gattorna J. (1985). MANAGING INTERNATIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE. International Marketing Review, 2(1)
- Christopher M. (1984). Improving the Quality of Service. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 1(3)
- Christopher M. (1984). The Strategy of Customer Service. The Service Industries Journal, 4(3)
- Christopher M. (1982). Value‐in‐use Pricing. European Journal of Marketing, 16(5)
- Christopher MG & Wills GSC. (1975). Market analysis in regional economic development: The Bradford case. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 9(2)
- Christopher M. (1975). Rail Freight Marketing: Some UK Perspectives. European Journal of Marketing, 9(3)
- Christopher M. (1974). Logistics systems engineering— solving the distribution planning problem. Long Range Planning, 7(6)
- Christopher M & Wills G. (1974). Developing Customer Service Policies. International Journal of Physical Distribution, 4(6)
- Christopher M. (1973). Marketing and logistics — A new area of management concern. Industrial Marketing Management, 2(2)
- Christopher M. (1972). Logistics in its marketing context. European Journal of Marketing, 6(2)
- CHRISTOPHER M, MAGRILL L & WILLS G. (1971). Educational development for marketing logistics. International Journal of Physical Distribution, 1(2)
- Christopher M. (1970). 2001 – The existential customer. European Journal of Marketing, 4(3)
- Morris M, Christopher M & Cowell D. (1970). Facing up to below‐the‐line. Management Decision, 4(4)
- Christopher M. (1969). Cluster analysis and market segmentation. European Journal of Marketing, 3(2)
- Christopher M. (1969). Multi‐dimensional analysis as a technique for a real and ecological comparison. European Journal of Marketing, 3(3)
- Christopher M, Kirkland J, Jeffries J & Wilson R. (1968). Status report on marketing theory. European Journal of Marketing, 2(3)
Conference Papers
- Jiang Y, Tran TH, Williams L, Palmer J, Simson E, .... (2021). Enhancing the Customer Experience by Mixed Reality in the Retail Industry
- Godsell J, Diefenbach T, Clemmow C, Towill D & Christopher M. (2011). Enabling supply chain segmentation through demand profiling
- Rossi S, Cozzolino A, Colicchia C, Christopher M & Bernon M. (2010). Logistics Providers' Strategies Concerning Eco-Efficiency: A Supply Chain Perspective
- Mena C, Christopher M & Jia F. (2008). Innovation in UK logistics: enablers and inhibitors
- Jüttner U, Godsell J & Christopher MG. (2006). Demand chain alignment competence — delivering value through product life cycle management
- Wills G, Midgley D, Christopher M & Hayhurst R. (2024). Fashion Marketing
- Christopher M & Peck H. (2023). Fashion Logistics In Logistics And Retail Management insights Into Current Practice And Trends From Leading Experts. CRC Press.
- Christopher M & Debra C. (2019). Textiles for Military and Law Enforcement Personnel In High Performance Technical Textiles. Wiley.
- Christopher M, van Hoek R & Mena C. (2018). Leading Procurement Strategy: Driving Value Through the Supply Chain (2nd Edition)
- Christopher M. (2018). New Directions in Logistics In Global Logistics and Distribution Planning. Routledge.
- Christopher M. (2017). Creating agile supply chains In Gower Handbook of Supply Chain Management: Fifth Edition.
- Christopher M. (2017). Relationships and alliances Embracing the era of network competition In Strategic Supply Chain Alignment. Routledge.
- Christopher M, Harrison A & van Hoek R. (2016). Creating the Agile Supply Chain: Issues and Challenges In Developments in Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Palgrave Macmillan UK.
- Christopher M, Payne A & Ballantyne D. (2013). Relationship Marketing
- Foxall GR. (2013). Marketing in the Service Industries In Foxall G(ed.), Marketing in the Service Industries: Marketing Service Industries (4). Routledge.
- Jüttner U, Christopher M & Deigendesch T. (2013). Integrating Marketing and Supplier Network Management In The SAGE Handbook of Strategic Supply Management. SAGE Publications Ltd.
- Peck H, Christopher M, Clark M & Payne A. (2013). Relationship Marketing In Warner M(ed.), International encyclopedia of business and management (2nd ed.). Routledge.
- Christopher M & Payne A. (2012). Integrating customer relationship management and supply chain management In Baker M(ed.), The Marketing Book (5). Butterworth Heinemann.
- Khan O, Christopher M & Burnes B. (2009). The Role of Product Design in Global Supply Chain Risk Management In International Series in Operations Research & Management Science (124). Springer US.
- McDonald M, Christopher M, Payne A & Knox S. (2001). Creating a Company for Customers: The Way Forward for Business Leaders
- Peck H, Payne A, Christopher M & Clark M. (1999). Relationship Marketing: Strategy and Implementation - Text and Cases
- CHRISTOPHER M. (1998). Strategic marketing networks In CIM Handbook of Strategic Marketing. Elsevier.
- Christopher M & McDonald M. (1995). Marketing