Contact Professor David Tranfield
David has a distinguished research record focused on strategic change management in organisations, particularly manufacturing. His work incorporates studies of change driven by new technologies, integrated systems and new work methods. He has consulted to managers and management teams for over 30 years, helping them achieve performance improvement through successful formulation and introduction of strategies for change.
Current activities
David is a Fellow of the Sunningdale Institute, the British Academy of Management and the Higher Education Academy.
Articles In Journals
- Adams R, Tranfield D & Denyer D. (2013). Process antecedents of challenging, under‐cover and readily‐adopted innovations. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 27(1)
- Adams R, Tranfield D & Denyer D. (2011). How can toast be radical? Perceptions of innovations in healthcare. International Journal of Clinical Leadership, 17(1)
- Denyer D, Tranfield D & van Aken JE. (2008). Developing Design Propositions through Research Synthesis. Organization Studies, 29(3)
- Baines TS, Lightfoot HW, Evans S, Neely A, Greenough R, .... (2007). State-of-the-art in product-service systems. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 221(10)
- Boaz A, Ashby D, Denyer D, Egan M, Harden A, .... (2006). A multitude of syntheses: a comparison of five approaches from diverse policy fields. Evidence & Policy, 2(4)
- Denyer D & Tranfield D. (2006). Using qualitative research synthesis to build an actionable knowledge base. Management Decision, 44(2)
- Smith DJ & Tranfield D. (2005). Talented suppliers? Strategic change and innovation in the UK aerospace industry. R and D Management, 35(1)
- Tranfield D, Rowe A, Smart PK, Levene R, Deasley P, .... (2005). Coordinating for service delivery in public-private partnership and private finance initiative construction projects: Early findings from an exploratory study. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 219(1)
- Tranfield D, Denyer D & Burr M. (2004). A framework for the strategic management of long‐term assets (SMoLTA). Management Decision, 42(2)
- Tranfield D, Denyer D, Marcos J & Burr M. (2004). Co‐producing management knowledge. Management Decision, 42(3/4)
- Tranfield D & Denyer D. (2004). Linking Theory to Practice: A ‘Grand Challenge’ for Management Research in the 21stCentury?. Organization Management Journal, 1(1)
- Maull RS, Tranfield DR & Maull W. (2003). Factors characterising the maturity of BPR programmes. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 23(6)
- Smart PK, Tranfield D, Deasley P, Levene R, Rowe A, .... (2003). Integrating ‘lean’ and ‘high reliability’ thinking. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 217(5)
- Tranfield D, Denyer D & Smart P. (2003). Towards a Methodology for Developing Evidence‐Informed Management Knowledge by Means of Systematic Review. British Journal of Management, 14(3)
- Tranfield D. (2002). Future Challenges for Management Research. European Management Journal, 20(4)
- Tranfield D. (2002). Formulating the Nature of Management Research. European Management Journal, 20(4)
- Adams R, Meystre C & Tranfield D. (2002). Social and organisational innovation in the NHS: The case of Warwickshire's Integrated Service Directorate for Palliative Care. Clinician in Management, 11(4)
- Tranfield D & Smith S. (2002). Organisation designs for teamworking. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 22(5)
- Sapsed J, Bessant J, Partington D, Tranfield D & Young M. (2002). Teamworking and Knowledge Management: A Review of Converging Themes. International Journal of Management Reviews, 4(1)
- Rakotobe-Joel T, McCarthy IP & Tranfield D. (2002). A Structural and Evolutionary Approach to Change Management. Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory, 8(4)
- Tranfield D. (2000). Some social and psychological consequences of the longwall method of coal getting. Clinician in Management, 9(4)
- Tranfield D, Duberley J, Smith S, Musson G & Stokes P. (2000). Organisational learning – it’s just routine. Management Decision, 38(4)
- Tranfield D, Smith S, Foster M, Wilson S & Ivor Parry . (2000). Strategies for managing the teamworking agenda: Developing a methodology for team-based organisation. International Journal of Production Economics, 65(1)
- Tranfield D. (2000). Valuing Technology—Organisation, Cultures and Change. Technovation, 20(6)
- Tranfield D, Parry I, Wilson S, Smith S & Foster M. (1999). Teamworking: Redesigning the Organization for Manufacturing Improvements. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 11(2)
- Smart PA, Maull RS, Greswell TJ, Childe SJ & Tranfield DR. (1999). Strategies for enterprise integration: The three-lens model. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 32(2)
- Tranfield D & Starkey K. (1998). The Nature, Social Organization and Promotion of Management Research: Towards Policy. British Journal of Management, 9(4)
- Tranfield D, Parry I, Wilson S, Smith S & Foster M. (1998). Teamworked organisational engineering: getting the most out of teamworking. Management Decision, 36(6)
- Parry IJ, Tranfield D, Smith S, Foster M & Wilson S. (1998). Reconfiguring your organisation: a teamwork approach. Team Performance Management: An International Journal, 4(4)
- Tranfield D & Smith S. (1998). The strategic regeneration of manufacturing by changing routines. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 18(2)
- Smith S & Tranfield D. (1996). Approaches to Manufacturing Regeneration: Some Empirical Data1. British Journal of Management, 7(s1)
- Tranfield D. (1995). “Salesman, dreamer and son‐of‐a‐bitch”. Management Decision, 33(4)
- Tranfield D & Akhlaghi F. (1995). Performance measures: relating facilities to business indicators. Facilities, 13(3)
- Foster M, Smith S, Whittle S & Tranfield D. (1995). TQM2 – the methodology: an approach to breathing new life into your TQ effort. The TQM Magazine, 7(2)
- Foster M, Smith S, Whittle S & Tranfield D. (1994). Regenerating Your TQM Effort: What to Do When It Runs out of Steam. The TQM Magazine, 6(4)
- Smith S, Tranfield D, Foster M & Whittle S. (1994). Strategies for Managing the TQ Agenda. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 14(1)
- Levy P, Bessant J, Tranfield D, Smith S & Ley C. (1993). Organization design implications of computer‐integrated technologies. International Journal of Human Factors in Manufacturing, 3(2)
- Bessant J, Levy P, Ley C, Smith S & Tranfield D. (1992). Organization design for factory 2000. International Journal of Human Factors in Manufacturing, 2(2)
- Smith S, Tranfield D, Bessant J, Levy P & Ley C. (1992). Factory 2000. International Studies of Management & Organization, 22(4)
- Smith S, Tranfield D, Ley C, Bessant J & Levy P. (1991). A New Paradigm for the Organisation of Manufacturing. Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 2(2)
- Levy P, Bessant J, Levy C, Smith S & Tranfield D. (1991). Organizational strategy for CIM. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 4(2)
- Maull R, Hughes D, Childe S, Weston N, Tranfield D, .... (1990). A Methodology for the Design and Implementation of Resilient CAPM Systems. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 10(9)
- SMITH S & TRANFIELD D. (1989). A catalytic implementation methodology for CIM. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2(3)
- Kirkwood R, Smith S & Tranfield D. (1989). The Implementation Cube for Advanced Manufacturing Systems. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 9(8)
- Tranfield D & Smith S. (1988). Managing Rapid Change. Management Decision, 26(1)
- Tranfield DR. (1986). Management information: Teaching at Sheffield City Polytechnic. International Journal of Information Management, 6(4)
- Tranfield D. (1983). The Psychodynamics of Organization Development Consultants. Human Relations, 36(6)
Conference Papers
- Pilbeam C & Tranfield D. (2006). Working collaboratively in basic research: setting a research management agenda
- Tranfield D, Denyer D, Marcos J & Burr M. (2004). Developing an evidence-based approach to management consultancy by using systematic review
- Tranfield D, Denyer D, Marcos Cuevas J & Marcos Cuevas J. (2004). Creating an evidence-base for policy and practice: a comparison and critique
- Tranfield D, Denyer D, Marcos Cuevas J & Marcos Cuevas J. (2004). Developing an evidence-based approach to management consulting
- Tranfield D & Denyer D. (2003). Democracy and the discourse of management in a knowledge economy
- Denyer D, Marcos Cuevas J, Tranfield D & Marcos Cuevas J. (2003). Organizational and management research into practice: an evaluation of the use of systematic reviews
- Marcos Cuevas J, Tranfield D, Denyer D & Marcos Cuevas J. (2003). Management research into practice: exploring knowledge transfer and utilization
- Tranfield D, Denyer D, Marcos Cuevas J & Marcos Cuevas J. (2003). Knowledge into practice: the adoption and utilization of management research
- Tranfield D, Denyer D, Marcos Cuevas J & Marcos Cuevas J. (2003). Synthesising management research: the development of field tested and grounded technological rules
- Tranfield D, Denyer D & Smart P. (2002). Developing evidence-based management research: lessons from medical science
- Tranfield D, Denyer D & Smart P. (2002). Developing an evidence-based approach to management knowledge using systematic review
- Marcos Cuevas J, Tranfield D, Denyer D & Marcos Cuevas J. (2002). Using systematic review in the management field: an example of its application to high reliability theory
- Rowe A, Smart P, Corley J, Tranfield D, Levene R, .... (2002). New management forms for construction projects
- Parry I. (1997). Reconfiguring your organisation: a teamwork approach
- Tranfield D. (1994). 'Soft side' of change
- Martin V. (1994). Strategies for regenerating manufacturing competitiveness - management by perception
- Maull R, Childe S, Hughes D, Bennett J, Tranfield D, .... (1992). Methodological approaches to the regeneration of competitiveness in manufacturing
- Bessant J, Levy P, Ley C, Smith S & Tranfield D. (1992). Coping with chaos: designing the organisation for factory 2000
- Whittle S, Smith S, Tranfield D & Foster M. (1992). Total quality and change management: integrating approaches for organisation design
- Tranfield D, Young M, Partington D, Bessant J & Sapsed J. (2012). Knowledge Management Routines for Innovation Projects: Developing a Hierarchical Process Model1 In Series on Technology Management (19). IMPERIAL COLLEGE PRESS.
- TRANFIELD D, YOUNG M, PARTINGTON D, BESSANT J & SAPSED J. (2006). Building Knowledge Management Capabilities for Innovation Projects In Series on Technology Management (3). PUBLISHED BY IMPERIAL COLLEGE PRESS AND DISTRIBUTED BY WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHING CO..
- Smith S, Tranfield D, Whittle S & Foster M. (1993). TQM2: A Meta-Methodology for Revitalizing Flagging Quality Initiatives In Proceedings of the Thirtieth International MATADOR Conference. Macmillan Education UK.
- Childe S, Maull R, Hughes D, Weston N, Tranfield D, .... (1991). A Methodology for the Implementation of Integrated CAPM Systems In Achieving Competitive Edge Getting Ahead Through Technology and People. Springer London.
- Tranfield D, Smith S, Ley C, Bessant J & Levy P. (1991). Factory 2000: Organisation Design for the Factory of the Future In Achieving Competitive Edge Getting Ahead Through Technology and People. Springer London.
- Whittle S, Smith S, Tranfield D & Foster M. (1991). Implementing Total Quality: Erecting Tents or Building Palaces In Achieving Competitive Edge Getting Ahead Through Technology and People. Springer London.