Contact Professor Andrew Kakabadse
Andrew is currently Visiting Professor/Scholar in Australian, USA, and Irish Universities. He is a Fellow of the International Academy of Management, Fellow of the British Psychology Society and Fellow of the British Academy of Management. Andrew has consulted and lectured in the UK, Europe, USA, SE Asia, China, Japan, Russia, Georgia, the Gulf States, India and Australia. He was also Vice Chancellor of the International Academy of Management and has been Chairman of the Division of Occupational Psychology, British Psychological Society, 2001. Current areas of interest focus on improving the performance of top executives and top executive teams, excellence in consultancy practice, leadership, corporate governance, conflict resolution and international relations. He has databases covering 17 nations and many thousands of private/public/third sector organisations.
Andrew is currently embarked on a major world study of boardroom effectiveness and governance practice. A number of governments are participating in this study, including British Ministers of State. He was awarded a £2 million research grant to examine Governance and Leadership in the private sector and with governments. Andrew has published 38 books, over 210 journal articles and 18 monographs. Best-selling books include: 'Essence of Leadership'; 'Politics of Management'; 'Working in Organisations'; 'The Wealth Creators'. His latest books are entitled, 'Bilderberg People', 'Leading Smart Transformation', 'Rice Wine with the Minister'. Andrew is co-editor of the Journal of Management Development, co-editor of Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society and is an associate editor for Leadership and Organization Development Journal.
Articles In Journals
- Goyal R, Kakabadse N, Kakabadse A & Talbot D. (2025). Seven Mantras for Board Chair Effectiveness—An Enlightened Approach for the 21st Century. Journal of Management Inquiry, 34(1)
- Alawadi A, Kakabadse N, Kakabadse A & Zuckerbraun S. (2024). Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs): Stewardship talks but agency walks. Journal of Business Research, 178
- Goyal R, Kakabadse N, Kakabadse A & Talbot D. (2023). Female board directors' resilience against gender discrimination. Gender, Work & Organization, 30(1)
- Kakabadse AP & Kakabadse N. (2023). Enhancing policy delivery: normalizing four critical contributions. British Politics, 18(2)
- Kakabadse AP & Kakabadse N. (2023). Reading the mindset of the secretary of state: shaping policy delivery effectiveness. British Politics, 18(2)
- Morais F, Kakabadse A & Kakabadse N. (2020). Leading through discontinuous change: A typology of problems and leadership approaches in UK boards. Long Range Planning, 53(2)
- Goyal R, Kakabadse N & Kakabadse A. (2019). Improving corporate governance with functional diversity on FTSE 350 boards: directors’ perspective. Journal of Capital Markets Studies, 3(2)
- Kakabadse A, Goyal R & Kakabadse N. (2018). Value-creating Boards—Diversity and Evolved Processes. Journal of Creating Value, 4(1)
- Morais F, Kakabadse A & Kakabadse N. (2018). The chairperson and CEO roles interaction and responses to strategic tensions. Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society, 18(1)
- Morais F, Kakabadse A & Kakabadse N. (2016). A Typology of Problems and Leadership Approaches in UK Boards. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2016(1)
- Kakabadse A, Khan N & Kakabadse NK. (2016). Company secretary: a role of breadth and majesty. Society and Business Review, 11(3)
- Kakabadse NK, Figueira C, Nicolopoulou K, Hong Yang J, Kakabadse AP, .... (2015). Gender Diversity and Board Performance: Women's Experiences and Perspectives. Human Resource Management, 54(2)
- Kakabadse AP, Kakabadse NK & Lee-Davies L. (2014). Learning CSR for Sustainable Corporate Advantage. International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development, 5(2)
- Kakabadse NK, Kakabadse A, Kouzmin A & Pesqueux Y. (2013). Rethinking the ontology of the shareholder model of the corporation. Society and Business Review, 8(1)
- Lenssen G, Malloch TR, Cornuel E & Kakabadse A. (2012). Practical wisdom in management from the religious and philosophical traditions. Journal of Management Development, 31(9)
- Sheard G, Kakabadse N & Kakabadse A. (2012). Visceral behaviours and leadership: a dark side of boardroom life?. Journal of Management Development, 32(1)
- Kakabadse A & Kakabadse N. (2012). Editorial. Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society, 12(3)
- Sugarman P & Kakabadse A. (2011). Governance, choice and the global market for mental health. International Psychiatry, 8(3)
- Kakabadse AP & Kakabadse NK. (2011). Eleven sides to the Minister of the Crown. British Politics, 6(3)
- Isaac Mostovicz E, Kakabadse A & Kakabadse NK. (2011). The four pillars of corporate responsibility: ethics, leadership, personal responsibility and trust. Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society, 11(4)
- Isaac Mostovicz E, Kakabadse NK & Kakabadse A. (2011). Corporate governance: quo vadis?. Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society, 11(5)
- Reeves Knyght P, Kakabadse NK, Kouzmin A & Kakabadse A. (2011). Chronic limitations of neo‐liberal capitalism and oligopolistic markets. Society and Business Review, 6(1)
- Kakabadse NK, Kakabadse A, Lee-Davies L & Johnson N. (2011). Deliberative Inquiry: Integrated Ways of Working in Children Services. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 24(1)
- Knyght R, Kakabadse N, Kakabadse A & Kouzmin A. (2011). When Rules and Principles are Not Enough: Insiders’ Views and Narratives On the Global Financial Crisis. Journal of Change Management, 11(1)
- Kakabadse NK, Kakabadse A, Knyght R & Lee-Davies L. (2011). The Invisible Hand Guiding Technology. International Journal of E-Politics, 2(4)
- Sheard G, Kakabadse AP & Kakabadse NK. (2011). Organisational politics: reconciling leadership's rational‐emotional paradox. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 32(1)
- Reeves Knyght P, Kouzmin A, Kakabadse NK & Kakabadse AP. (2010). Auditing employee ownership in a neo‐liberal world. Management Decision, 48(8)
- Kakabadse NK, Kouzmin A & Kakabadse AP. (2010). Radio-Frequency Identification and Human Tagging. International Journal of E-Politics, 1(2)
- Isaac Mostovicz E, Kakabadse NK & Kakabadse AP. (2010). Self‐ or rule‐based governance: analysis of choice‐making behaviour. Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society, 10(4)
- Kakabadse AP, Kakabadse NK & Knyght R. (2010). The chemistry factor in the Chairman/CEO relationship. European Management Journal, 28(4)
- Han Y, Kakabadse NK & Kakabadse A. (2010). Servant leadership in the People's Republic of China: a case study of the public sector. Journal of Management Development, 29(3)
- Kakabadse A, Kakabadse NK, Kouzmin A & Kalu KN. (2010). Calling on Jefferson: the ‘custodiary’ as the fourth estate in the Democratic Project. Contemporary Politics, 16(3)
- Kakabadse NK, Kakabadse AP & Lee‐Davies L. (2009). CSR leaders road‐map. Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society, 9(1)
- Isaac Mostovicz E, Kakabadse NK & Kakabadse AP. (2009). A dynamic theory of leadership development. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 30(6)
- Cornelli F, D'Aveni R, Kakabadse A, Kanter RM, Reitzig M, .... (2009). Coming attraction. Business Strategy Review, 20(1)
- Isaac Mostovicz E, Kakabadse NK & Kakabadse A. (2009). Is an ethical society possible?. Society and Business Review, 4(3)
- Kakabadse NK, Lee‐Davies L & Kakabadse A. (2009). Leadership discretion: a developmental experience. Strategic Change, 18(3-4)
- Mostovicz I, Kakabadse N & Kakabadse A. (2009). CSR: the role of leadership in driving ethical outcomes. Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society, 9(4)
- Sheard AG, Kakabadse AP & Kakabadse NK. (2009). Role as a mechanism for rotating leadership in a group. Journal of Management Development, 28(6)
- Mostovicz EI, Kakabadse NK & Kakabadse AP. (2008). Janusian Mapping: A Mechanism of Interpretation. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 21(3)
- Kakabadse A, Kakabadse N & Uldatsov V. (2008). Men of steel: ascendance of the owner‐manager in the steel industry. Strategic Change, 17(1-2)
- Kakabadse NK, Lee‐Davies L & Kakabadse A. (2008). Smart technology: the leadership challenge. Strategic Change, 17(7-8)
- Kakabadse N & Kakabadse A. (2008). Editorial. Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society, 8(1)
- Kakabadse AP. (2007). Being responsible: Boards are reexamining the bottom line. Leadership in Action, 27(1)
- Kakabadse AP, Kakabadse NK & Lee‐Davies L. (2007). Three temptations of leaders. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 28(3)
- Kakabadse NK, Kakabadse AP & Summers N. (2007). Effectiveness of private finance initiatives (PFI): study of private financing for the provision of capital assets for schools. Public Administration and Development, 27(1)
- Mostovicz EI, Kakabadse NK & Kakabadse AP. (2007). The diamond industry as a virtual organization: past success and challenging future. Strategic Change, 16(8)
- Kakabadse AP, Kakabadse NK & Lake A. (2007). Investment dealers' ways of working: Integrating compensation with relational capital. Thunderbird International Business Review, 49(1)
- Kakabadse NK & Kakabadse AP. (2007). Chairman of the board: demographics effects on role pursuit. Journal of Management Development, 26(2)
- Kakabadse NK, Kakabadse AP & Kalu KN. (2007). Communicative Action through Collaborative Inquiry: Journey of a Facilitating Co-Inquirer. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 20(3)
- Yardley I & Kakabadse A. (2007). Understanding mission command: a model for developing competitive advantage in a business context. Strategic Change, 16(1-2)
- Kakabadse A. (2007). An interview with Bernard Rethore, Emeritus Chairman, Flowserve Corporation, USA. Journal of Management Development, 26(7)
- Alleyne C, Kakabadse A & Kakabadse N. (2007). Using the HR intranet. Personnel Review, 36(2)
- Kakabadse A & Kakabadse N. (2007). The return of the chairman. Business Strategy Review, 18(4)
- Lee‐Davies L, Kakabadse NK & Kakabadse A. (2007). Shared leadership: leading through polylogue. Business Strategy Series, 8(4)
- Kakabadse A. (2007). An interview with Sir John Parker, Chairman, National Grid. Journal of Management Development, 26(4)
- Sheard AG & Kakabadse AP. (2007). A role‐based perspective on leadership decision taking. Journal of Management Development, 26(6)
- Sheard AG & Kakabadse AP. (2007). A role‐based perspective on leadership as a network of relationships. Journal of Management Development, 26(4)
- Kakabadse AP, Savery L, Kakabadse NK & Lee‐Davies L. (2006). 1% for 10%: executive strategies for customer care. Strategic Change, 15(2)
- Kakabadse AP. (2006). Across the boards: How chairmen's roles differ around the world. Leadership in Action, 26(4)
- Kakabadse AP, Kakabadse NK & Kaspurz A. (2006). Inside Out. Business Strategy Review, 17(1)
- Petrovic J, Kakabadse A & Kakabadse NK. (2006). International joint venture (IJV) directors' contribution to board effectiveness. Management Decision, 44(3)
- Kakabadse A, Kakabadse NK & Barratt R. (2006). Chairman and chief executive officer (CEO): that sacred and secret relationship. Journal of Management Development, 25(2)
- Kakabadse NK, Louchart E & Kakabadse A. (2006). Consultant's role: a qualitative inquiry from the consultant's perspective. Journal of Management Development, 25(5)
- Sheard AG & Kakabadse AP. (2006). Mapping the transitional experience of switching leadership roles. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 27(7)
- Hockey J, Kakabadse AP & Kakabadse NK. (2005). Developing a leadership cadre for the 21st century: a case study of management development in the UK’s new civil service. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 71(1)
- Kakabadse N, Kakabadse A & Lee-Davies L. (2005). Visioning the Pathway:. European Management Journal, 23(2)
- Kakabadse NK & Kakabadse A. (2005). Prudence vs professionalism. Personnel Review, 34(5)
- Kakabadse A & Kakabadse N. (2005). Outsourcing: Current and future trends. Thunderbird International Business Review, 47(2)
- Kakabadse NK, Kakabadse A & Lee‐Davies L. (2005). Unique study assesses interactivity, impact of leadership styles. Handbook of Business Strategy, 6(1)
- Hockey J, Kakabadse AP & Kakabadse NK. (2005). Développer le système de leadership pour le 21ème siècle : Étude de cas sur le perfectionnement des cadres dans la nouvelle fonction publique britannique. Revue Internationale des Sciences Administratives, Vol. 71(1)
- Kakabadse NK, Kakabadse A & Kouzmin A. (2004). Directors' remuneration. Personnel Review, 33(5)
- Kakabadse NK, Kakabadse A, Ahmed PK & Kouzmin A. (2004). The ASP phenomenon: an example of solution innovation that liberates organization from technology or captures it?. European Journal of Innovation Management, 7(2)
- Kakabadse N & Kakabadse A. (2004). Pension funds governance: an overview of the role of trustees. International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, 1(1)
- Sheard AG & Kakabadse AP. (2004). A process perspective on leadership and team development. Journal of Management Development, 23(1)
- Giacchino S & Kakabadse A. (2003). Successful Policy Implementation: The Route to Building Self-Confident Government. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 69(2)
- Kakabadse A, Korac‐Kakabadse N & Kouzmin A. (2003). Ethics, values and behaviours: comparison of three case studies examining the paucity of leadership in government. Public Administration, 81(3)
- Kakabadse A & Kakabadse N. (2003). Outsourcing best practice: transformational and transactional considerations. Knowledge and Process Management, 10(1)
- Kakabadse NK & Kakabadse A. (2003). Developing Reflexive Practitioners through Collaborative Inquiry: A Case Study of the UK Civil Service. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 69(3)
- Kakabadse NK, Kakabadse A & Kouzmin A. (2003). Reviewing the knowledge management literature: towards a taxonomy. Journal of Knowledge Management, 7(4)
- Kakabadse A, Kakabadse NK & Kouzmin A. (2003). Reinventing the Democratic Governance Project through Information Technology? A Growing Agenda for Debate. Public Administration Review, 63(1)
- Kakabadse NK & Kakabadse A. (2003). Polylogue as a platform for governance: integrating people, the planet, profit and posterity. Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society, 3(1)
- Kakabadse N, Kakabadse A & Kouzmin A. (2003). Pension Fund Trustees:. European Management Journal, 21(3)
- Jackson S, Farndale E & Kakabadse A. (2003). Executive development: meeting the needs of top teams and boards. Journal of Management Development, 22(3)
- KAKABADSE A & KAKABADSE N. (2002). Trends in Outsourcing:. European Management Journal, 20(2)
- Kakabadse NK, Kakabadse A & Kouzmin A. (2002). Ethical Considerations in Management Research: A ‘Truth’ Seeker's Guide. International Journal of Value-Based Management, 15(2)
- Bowman C, Ward K & Kakabadse A. (2002). Congruent, Divergent and Incoherent Corporate Level Strategies. European Management Journal, 20(6)
- Kakabadse A. (2002). Software as a Service via Application Service Providers (ASPs) Model of Sourcing: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research, 4(2)
- Kakabadse A & Kakabadse N. (2002). Making ‘modernising government initiatives’ work: culture change through Collaborative Inquiry (CI). Public Administration and Development, 22(4)
- Masui K & Kakabadse A. (2002). Introducing officer systems in Japanese companies. Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society, 2(1)
- Korac‐Kakabadse N, Kouzmin A & Kakabadse A. (2002). Knowledge management: strategic change capacity or the attempted routinization of professionals?. Strategic Change, 11(2)
- Kakabadse A & Kakabadse N. (2002). Application service providers (ASPs): new impetus for transformational change. Knowledge and Process Management, 9(4)
- Korac‐Kakabadse N, Kouzmin A & Kakabadse A. (2002). Spirituality and leadership praxis. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 17(3)
- Sheard AG & Kakabadse AP. (2002). Key roles of the leadership landscape. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 17(2)
- Sheard AG & Kakabadse AP. (2002). From loose groups to effective teams. Journal of Management Development, 21(2)
- K. Kakabadse N, Kouzmin A & Kakabadse A. (2001). From tacit knowledge to knowledge management: leveraging invisible assets. Knowledge and Process Management, 8(3)
- Kakabadse A & Kakabadse N. (2001). Dynamics of executive succession. Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society, 1(3)
- Kakabadse A & Kakabadse N. (2001). Outsourcing in the public services: a comparative analysis of practice, capability and impact. Public Administration and Development, 21(5)
- Kakabadse A. (2000). From individual to team to cadr�: tracking leadership for the third millennium. Strategic Change, 9(1)
- Kakabadse A & Kakabadse N. (2000). Sourcing: new face to economies of scale and the emergence of new organizational forms. Knowledge and Process Management, 7(2)
- Kakabadse N & Kakabadse A. (2000). Critical review – Outsourcing: a paradigm shift. Journal of Management Development, 19(8)
- Bowman C & Kakabadse A. (1997). Top management ownership of the strategy problem. Long Range Planning, 30(2)
- Kakabadse A & Myers A. (1996). Boardroom skills for Europe. European Management Journal, 14(2)
- Burns P, Myers A & Kakabadse A. (1995). Are national stereotypes discriminating?. European Management Journal, 13(2)
- Myers A, Kakabadse A & Gordon C. (1995). Effectiveness of French management. Journal of Management Development, 14(6)
- Kakabadse A, Timothy McMaho J & Myers A. (1995). Correlates of internal and external leadership of top management teams. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 16(7)
- Kakabadse A & Myers A. (1995). Qualities of top management: comparisons of European manufacturers. Journal of Management Development, 14(1)
- Kakabadse A & Smyllie H. (1994). Management for Doctors: Effective top teams: luxury or necessity?. BMJ, 309(6969)
- Alderson S & Kakabadse A. (1994). Business ethics and Irish management: A cross-cultural study. European Management Journal, 12(4)
- Kakabadse A. (1993). The Success Levers for Europe: The Cranfield Executive Competences Survey. Journal of Management Development, 12(8)
- Analoui F & Kakabadse A. (1993). Industrial Conflict and Its Expressions. Employee Relations, 15(1)
- Alderson S & Kakabadse A. (1993). TOP TEAMS AND STRATEGIC CHANGE. Management Development Review, 6(2)
- Kakabadse AP, Alderson S, Randlesome C & Myers A. (1993). AUSTRIAN BOARDROOM SUCCESS: A EUROPEAN COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF TOP MANAGEMENT. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 8(4)
- Kakabadse A, Alderson S & Gorman L. (1992). Cream of Irish Management. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 7(2)
- Dainty P & Kakabadse A. (1992). Brittle, Blocked, Blended and Blind:. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 7(2)
- Dainty P & Kakabadse A. (1990). Organizational change: A strategy for successful implementation. Journal of Business and Psychology, 4(4)
- Analoui F & Kakabadse A. (1989). Defiance at Work. Employee Relations, 11(3)
- Kakabadse A & Margerison C. (1988). TOP EXECUTIVES: ADDRESSING THEIR MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT NEEDS. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 9(4)
- Kakabadse A & Dainty P. (1988). Police Chief Officers: A Management Development Survey. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 3(3)
- Kakabadse A & Margerison C. (1987). The Female Chief Executive:An Analysis of Career Progress and Development Needs. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 2(2)
- Kakabadse PA. (1986). Book Reviews : International Perspectives on Management and Organisation Roger Mansfield and Michael Poole (Editors) Gower (Aldershot), 1981. ISBN 0-566-00469-0. 164 pp. £18. Management Education and Development, 17(3)
- Kakabadse AP. (1986). Consultants and the Consultancy Process. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 1(2)
- Kakabadse A. (1986). Organizational Alienation and Job Climate. Small Group Behavior, 17(4)
- Kakabadse A. (1985). The management of the development process in developing countries a needs based perspective. European Management Journal, 3(2)
- Margerison C & Kakabadse A. (1985). What Management Development Means for American CEOs. Journal of Management Development, 4(5)
- Kakabadse A. (1984). Politics in Organisations: An Essential Consideration for Decision Making. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 2(3)
- Kakabadse AP. (1983). How to Use Consultants. International Journal of Manpower, 4(1)
- Kakabadse AP. (1983). FRAMEWORK OF THE SOCIAL SERVICES: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF 11 ENGLISH SOCIAL SERVICE DEPARTMENTS (SSDs). International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 3(3)
- Kakabadse AP. (1982). Politics in Organisations: Re‐examining OD. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 3(3)
- Kakabadse AP. (1977). CORPORATE MANAGEMENT IN LOCAL GOVERNMENT: A CASE STUDY. Journal of Management Studies, 14(3)
- Sheard AG, Kakabadse N & Kakabadse A. Destructive Behaviours and Leadership: The Source of the Shift from a Functional to Dysfunctional Workplace?. International Journal of Social Science Studies, 1(1)
- Goyal R, Kakabadse A & Kakabadse N. (2023). Cybersecurity: Critical Consideration for Boards of Growth Firms In Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics. Springer International Publishing.
- Morais F, Simnett J, Kakabadse A, Kakabadse N, Myers A, .... (2022). ESG in Growth Listed Companies: Closing the Gaps In The Palgrave Handbook of ESG and Corporate Governance. Springer International Publishing.
- Simnett J, Morais F & Kakabadse A. (2021). Board committees In Effective Directors. Routledge.
- Goyal R, Kakabadse A & Kakabadse N. (2021). Cybersecurity: Critical Consideration for Boards of Growth Firms In Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics. Springer International Publishing.
- Goyal R, Kakabadse N & Kakabadse A. (2021). Board Members’ Religious Affiliations and Corporate Governance Practice: An Exploratory Study In Palgrave Studies in Governance, Leadership and Responsibility. Springer International Publishing.
- Morais F & Kakabadse A. (2021). The Future Role of the Chair in Europe In Leading a Board. Springer Singapore.
- Brown G, Kakabadse A & Morais F. (2020). The Independent Director in Society
- Morais F, Kakabadse A & Kakabadse NK. (2019). Dealing with strategic tensions on the board: the role of the chair in fostering engagement and debate In Research Handbook on Boards of Directors. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Morais F & Kakabadse A. (2019). The Future Role of the Chair in Europe In Leading a Board. Springer Singapore.
- Kakabadse N & Kakabadse A. (2017). Collaborative Governance: Working Through Misaligned Interests In Innovation, Governance and Entrepreneurship: How Do They Evolve in Middle Income Countries?. Springer International Publishing.
- Kakabadse A & Korac-Kakabadse N. (2016). Governance of the Alignment as a Basis for Renewing Innovation Policy In Revolutionising EU Innovation Policy. Palgrave Macmillan UK.
- Kakabadse A, Korac-Kakabadse N & Khan N. (2015). Cases of Official and Unofficial Business Practices: Examples from Australia, Germany, UK, South Africa, Russia and Pakistan In International Management and Intercultural Communication. Palgrave Macmillan UK.
- Kakabadse A & Kakabadse N. (2014). An Integrated Europe In Rethinking the Future of Europe. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Kakabadse A & Kakabadse N. (2014). An Integrated Europe: Undermined by Transactional Interests In Rethinking the Future of Europe. Palgrave Macmillan UK.
- Kakabadse NK & Kakabadse A. (2013). Privatizing Vulnerability: The Downside to Shareholder-Value Maximization In Kouzmin A, Witt MT & Kakabadse A (eds), State Crimes Against Democracy. Palgrave Macmillan UK.
- Kakabadse A, Kakabadse NK, Pierce C & Horwitz F. (2013). The Leadership Attributes of the Chairman of the Board: An International Study In Kakabadse A & van Den Berghe L (eds), How to Make Boards Work. Palgrave Macmillan UK.
- Kakabadse NK, Knyght R & Kakabadse A. (2013). Aligning the Board In How to Make Boards Work. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Kakabadse NK, Knyght R & Kakabadse A. (2013). High-Performing Chairmen In How to Make Boards Work. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Kakabadse NK, Kakabadse A & Knyght R. (2013). CEO/Chairman Role Duality Desire In How to Make Boards Work. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Kakabadse A, Kakabadse NK, Pierce C & Horwitz F. (2013). The Leadership Attributes of the Chairman of the Board In How to Make Boards Work. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Morais F, Kakabadse A, Kakabadse NK & Pryce A. (2013). Corporate Income Inequality and Corporate Performance In How to Make Boards Work. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Kakabadse A, Kouzmin A, Kakabadse NK & Mouraviev N. (2013). Auditing Moral Hazards for the Post-Global Financial Crisis (GFC) Leadership In State Crimes Against Democracy. Palgrave Macmillan UK.
- Kakabadse NK, Kakabadse A & Knyght R. (2013). CEO/Chairman Role Duality Desire: Resistance to Separation Irrespective of Effect In How to Make Boards Work. Palgrave Macmillan UK.
- Kakabadse NK, Knyght R & Kakabadse A. (2013). Aligning the Board: The Chairman’s Secret In How to Make Boards Work. Palgrave Macmillan UK.
- Morais F, Kakabadse A, Kakabadse NK & Pryce A. (2013). Corporate Income Inequality and Corporate Performance: Any Correlations? In How to Make Boards Work. Palgrave Macmillan UK.
- Kakabadse NK, Knyght R & Kakabadse A. (2013). High-Performing Chairmen: The Older the Better In How to Make Boards Work. Palgrave Macmillan UK.
- Kakabadse A & Kakabadse N (eds). (2012). Global Elites: The Opaque Nature of Transnational Policy Determination (1st)
- Yardley I, Kakabadse A & Neal D. (2012). From Battlefield to Boardroom: Making the difference through values-based leadership
- Kouzmin A, Witt M & Kakabadse A (eds). (2012). State crimes against democracy political forensics in public affairs
- Kakabadse NK, Kakabadse A & Kouzmin A. (2012). From Local Elites to a Globally Convergent Class: A Historical Analytical Perspective In Kakabadse A & Kakabadse N (eds), Global Elites. Palgrave Macmillan UK.
- Richardson IN, Kakabadse AP & Kakabadse NK. (2012). The Creation of Shared Understanding: Political and Economic Consensus and the Role of the Market in Transformational Policy Discourse In Kakabadse A & Kakabadse N (eds), Global Elites. Palgrave Macmillan UK.
- Kakabadse A & Grayson D. (2012). Embedding the governance of responsibility in the business of the board In Grayson D & Exter N (eds), Cranfield on Corporate Sustainability. Greenleaf Publishing.
- Sheard AG, Kakabadse NK & Kakabadse AP. (2012). Leadership Hubris: Achilles’ Heel of Success In Kakabadse A & Kakabadse N (eds), Global Elites. Palgrave Macmillan UK.
- Witt MT & Kakabadse A. (2012). Introduction: state crimes against democracy - political forensics in public affairs In Kouzmin A, Witt MT & Kakabadse A (eds), State crimes against democracy : political forensics in public affairs. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Kakabadse A, Kouzmin A, Kakabadse NK & Mouraviev N. (2012). Auditing Moral Hazards for the Post-Global Financial Crisis (GFC) Leadership In Kouzmin A, Witt MT & Kakabadse A (eds), State Crimes Against Democracy. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Yardley I, Kakabadse A & Neal D. (2012). Empowerment and risk as a source of competitive advantage In From Battlefield to Boardroom. Palgrave Macmillan UK.
- Yardley I, Kakabadse A & Neal D. (2012). You’ve got to find what you love: engagement beyond transaction In From Battlefield to Boardroom. Palgrave Macmillan UK.
- Yardley I, Kakabadse A & Neal D. (2012). Culture: an essential framework for output performance In From Battlefield to Boardroom. Palgrave Macmillan UK.
- Yardley I, Kakabadse A & Neal D. (2012). When a cold wind blew in (the dilemma of business leadership, one for all or all for one?) In From Battlefield to Boardroom. Palgrave Macmillan UK.
- Yardley I, Kakabadse A & Neal D. (2012). The tools of the trade In From Battlefield to Boardroom. Palgrave Macmillan UK.
- Yardley I, Kakabadse A & Neal D. (2012). The changing face of leadership in the global context In From Battlefield to Boardroom. Palgrave Macmillan UK.
- Yardley I, Kakabadse A & Neal D. (2012). Youâve got to find what you love In From Battlefield to Boardroom. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Yardley I, Kakabadse A & Neal D. (2012). The tools of the trade In From Battlefield to Boardroom. Palgrave Macmillan.
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