Contact Jo Swinson


As Director of Partners for a New Economy (P4NE) since 2020, Jo Swinson leads a philanthropic grant-making fund seeking to catalyse transformational change in our economy so that it values and benefits nature and all people.

Previously Jo was Leader of the Liberal Democrats (2019), and a Member of Parliament for twelve years (2005-2015 and 2017-2019). From 2015-17 she advised companies on workplace changes to improve staff retention and diversity, and was Chair of the CIPD Policy Forum for senior HR Directors.

As a Minister in the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) from 2012 to 2015, Jo made significant changes to promote better workplaces and responsible business: introducing shared parental leave, extending the right to request flexible working, naming and shaming employers paying less than the minimum wage, improving corporate transparency, and commissioning research into workplace wellbeing and changes to employment status categories.

In 2018, Jo was awarded the CBE for political and public service. Jo is also the author of Equal Power: Gender Equality and How to Achieve It (Atlantic Books, 2018).