Contact Professor Kim Turnbull James
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During her time with Cranfield, Kim’s leadership roles included membership of the School Executive, Dean of Faculty for Academic Affairs, Director of the Executive Doctorate in Business Administration, Director of Faculty Development and Director Women as Leaders programme. She was on the international editorial board of the journal Management Learning of which she was a founding editor for many years, with many publications on leadership and leadership development for both academic and practitioner readership. Kim received her PhD from the University of Aston in Birmingham for research into the leadership development of senior leaders. Kim is a Chartered Psychologist.
Research opportunities
Kim research has explored new leadership practices that enable organizations to respond to complexity, work with adaptive challenges, and create the capacity for rethinking leadership. Her work includes the political and emotional dynamics that impact strategic change, drawing on systems psychodynamic thinking.
Current activities
Kim Turnbull James is Professor (Emerita) of Leadership and Executive Learning at Cranfield School of Management.
Kim designs and delivers leadership development interventions, including leadership programmes, coaching and team consulting, focused on learning embedded in real organisational problems. Her wide range of clients in private, public and not for profit sectors has enabled her to gain insight into many different organisations, cultures and working practices which supports the practicality and applicability of her leadership activity.
Articles In Journals
- Cowley C, Denyer D, Kutsch E & Turnbull James K. (2021). Constructing Safety: Reconciling Error Prevention and Error Management in Oil and Gas and Petrochemical Operations. Academy of Management Discoveries, 7(4)
- Neumann JE, Turnbull James K & Vince R. (2019). Key Tensions in Purposive Action by Middle Managers Leading Change. Research in Organizational Change and Development, 27
- Wang L, James KT, Denyer D & Bailey C. (2014). Western views and Chinese whispers: Re-thinking global leadership competency in multi-national corporations. Leadership, 10(4)
- Probert J & Turnbull James K. (2011). Leadership development: Crisis, opportunities and the leadership concept. Leadership, 7(2)
- Fitzsimons D, James KT & Denyer D. (2011). Alternative Approaches for Studying Shared and Distributed Leadership. International Journal of Management Reviews, 13(3)
- Turnbull James K & Denyer D. (2009). Historical Roots and Future Directions: New Challenges for Management Learning. Management Learning, 40(4)
- Burgoyne J & James KT. (2006). Towards Best or Better Practice in Corporate Leadership Development: Operational Issues in Mode 2 and Design Science research. British Journal of Management, 17(4)
- James KT & Arroba T. (2005). Reading and Carrying. Management Learning, 36(3)
- Belling R, James K & Ladkin D. (2004). Back to the workplace. Journal of Management Development, 23(3)
- Wilson S, Butler M, James K, Partington D, Singh V, .... (2004). The fallacy of integration: work and non‐work in professional services. Women in Management Review, 19(4)
- Huffington C & Turnbull James K. (2004). Containment of Anxiety in Organizational Change: A Case Example of Changing Organizational Boundaries. Organisational and Social Dynamics, 2
- Jarrett M & Turnbull James K. (2003). ‘The Elusive 'Dream Team': CEO or Consultant Fantasy?. Organisational and Social Dynamics, 1
- James K & Clark G. (2002). Service organisations: issues in transition and anxiety containment. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 17(5)
- James K. (1999). Re‐thinking organisational stress: the transition to the new employment age. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 14(7/8)
- Snell R & James K. (1994). Editorial: Historical Roots and Future Directions.
- James K & Snell R. (1994). Management Learning. Management Learning, 25(1)
- Snell R & James K. (1994). Historical Roots and Future Directions. Management Learning, 25(4)
- Snell R & James K. (1994). Beyond the Tangible in Management Education and Development. Management Learning, 25(2)
- Burnett D & James K. (1993). Body/mind psychology in manager development: A route to enhanced managerial effectiveness. European Management Journal, 11(4)
- Snell R & James K. (1992). Editorial. Management Education and Development, 23(2)
- Baddeley S & James K. (1991). The Power of Innocence: From Politeness To Politics. Management Education and Development, 22(2)
- Arroba T & James K. (1990). Reducing the Cost of Stress: An Organisational Model. Personnel Review, 19(1)
- James K & Arroba T. (1990). Politics and Management: The Effect of Stress on the Political Sensitivity of Managers. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 5(3)
- Baddeley S & James K. (1990). Political Management: Developing the Management Portfolio. Journal of Management Development, 9(3)
- James K & Robertson G. (1989). Politics and Management Development. Management Education and Development, 20(3)
- James K. (1989). Encounter analysis: Front‐line conversations and their role in improving customer service. Local Government Studies, 15(3)
- Arroba T & James K. (1988). Are politics palateable to women managers? how women can make wise moves at work. Women in Management Review, 3(3)
- Baddeley S & James K. (1987). Owl, Fox, Donkey or Sheep: Political Skills for Managers. Management Education and Development, 18(1)
- Baddeley S & James K. (1987). From Political Neutrality to Political Wisdom. Politics, 7(2)
- Turnbull James K. (1980). Management and the Future. Management Bibliographies & Reviews, 6
- Turnbull James K. (1978). Learning Theory and Management Development. Management Bibliographies and Reviews, 4
Conference Papers
- Cantarelli C, Davis K, Kutsch E, Turner N, Denyer D, .... (2024). Touching the void: The loss of containment and the space between operational and entrepreneurial leadership in the K2 disaster
- Neumann JE, James KT & Vince R. (2019). Key Tensions in Purposive Action by Middle Managers Leading Change
- Popkova O & Turnbull James K. (2016). Work-role transitions to senior management: Self-regulation in identity adaptations
- Neumann JE, James KT & Vince R. (2012). Leading Change from the Middle
- Turnbull James K. (2011). The new leadership landscape: do we offer our students and clients the leadership development they ask for - or what they need?
- Turnbull James K & Verity J. (2011). Leading for sustainability: responsible leadership practices in a living eco-system
- Denyer D, Marcos Cuevas J, Turnbull James K & Marcos Cuevas J. (2011). Practicing evidence-based management: enhancing the utilization of management research?
- Ladkin D & Turnbull James K. (2010). The making of moral myopia: The case of British Members of Parliament and their expenses claims
- Turnbull James K. (2009). Beyond a 'deficit model' of leadership development: aligning leadership development programmes with new theories of leadership
- Turnbull James K & Ramos J. (2009). Aligning leadership theory and leadership development
- Collins J, Denyer D & Turnbull James K. (2008). Educating the evidence-based manager: The Executive Doctorate and its impact on management practice
- Turnbull James K & Collins J. (2007). Is corporate leadership up to the global challenge?
- Turnbull James K & Arroba T. (2007). Dilemmas, Organization Politics and Wise Leadership
- James KT, Mann J & Creasy J. (2007). Leaders as Lead Learners
- Turnbull James K & Denyer D. (2006). Learning for sector change: the development of a knowledge sharing and learning network
- Turnbull James K & Denyer D. (2006). Making business schools relevant: impacting management practice through appropriate modes of learning
- Turnbull James K & Collins J. (2006). How does Mode 2 research undertaken on a DBA impact on manager's learning and practice?
- Turnbull James K. (2006). Wise leadership; a framework for learning how emotions in organizations can unconsciously impact how you take up a leadership role
- Collins J & Turnbull James K. (2006). Is there a globe in global leadership?
- Singh V, Vinnicombe S & James K. (2006). Constructing a professional identity: how young female managers use role models
- Turnbull James K, LeGoff M & Molian D. (2005). Leadership in UK based small businesses: do leaders define a "main thing"? Does this concept contribute to our understanding of small business leadership?
- Turnbull James K & Burgoyne J. (2005). Learning to lead, leading to learn
- Cooper D, James K, Kwiatkowski R & Taffler R. (2004). The shadow in the balance sheet: The spectre of Enron and how accountants use the past as a psychological defence against the future
- Turnbull James K, Kwiatkowski R & Bowman C. (2004). Developing Individual Strategic Capability
- Turnbull James K, Kwiatkowski R & Bowman C. (2004). Developing Strategic Capability: Managerial imaginings and psychological insights
- James K, Mann J & Creasy J. (2003). Collaborative leadership learning; developing facilitation skills for collaborative learning in leadership learning groups
- Bowman C, James K & Kwiatkowski R. (2003). Developing individual strategic capability: rediscovering psychological capability and context
- Burgoyne J & James K. (2002). Towards best or better practice in corporate leadership development: issues in mode 2 research
- Turnbull James K & Clark G. (2002). Introducing managers on a management development programme to the relevance of unconscious dynamics to their leadership roles
- James K & Huffington C. (1999). Issues in Management Research, and the Value of a Psychoanalytic Perspective; A Case Study in Organisational Stress in a Japanese Multi-National Company
- James K & Clark G. (1997). The Coping Zone: Stress and Quality
- James K & Clark G. (1997). The Service Shop; Extending the service operations taxonomy, understanding the management issues in different service environments, and managing transitions
- James K, Jarrett M & Neumann J. (1996). Group Dynamics and the unconscious at work; helping students understand the non-rational aspects of implementing intentional change; a new development in teaching organisational behaviour on the MBA
- James K, Burnett D & Jarrett M. (1995). Psychological Dynamics and Organisational Learning: From the psychopathology of the dysfunctional organisation to the healthy organisation
- Burnett D & James K. (1994). Using the Outdoors to Facilitate Personal Change in Managers
- James K & Burnett D. (1993). An Increasing Demand: Body/Mind Approaches to Manager Development
- Burnett D & James K. (1993). How Body-Mind Psychology can Assist Innovation and Performance
- James K & Lucas D. (1989). Managing Learning in an Organisation that Understands Teaching
- James K & Baddeley S. (1987). Political skills: Extending the management portfolio
- James K. (1979). The future development of managers in the Dunlop organisation
- Popkova O & Turnbull James K. Self-regulation mechanism in senior management transitions
- Huffington C, James K & Armstrong D. (2018). What is the emotional cost of distributed leadership? In Huffington C, Armstrong D, Halton W, Hoyle L & Pooley J (eds), Working Below the Surface. Routledge.
- Denyer D & James KT. (2016). Leadership-as-Practice In Raelin JA(ed.), Leadership-as-Practice: Theory and Application. Routledge.
- James KT & Collins J. (2016). Leading and Managing in Global Contexts In Gold J, Thorpe R & Mumford A (eds), Gower Handbook of Leadership and Management Development. Routledge.
- Denyer D & Turnbull James K. (2016). Doing leadership-as-practice development In Leadership-as-Practice. Routledge.
- Wang L & Turnbull James K. (2013). Cameo: the challenge for authentic leadership in multi-cultural settings In Ladkin D & Spiller C (eds), Authentic Leadership. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Verity J & Turnbull James K. (2013). Case Study: Adnams - a living company In Johnson G, Whittington R, Scholes K, Angwin D & Regner P (eds), Exploring Strategy: Text and Cases (10th). Pearson.
- Turnbull James K. Turnbull James K & Collins J (eds). (2010). Leadership Learning Knowledge into Action
- Turnbull James K. Turnbull James K & Collins J (eds). (2010). Leadership Learning Knowledge into Action
- Turnbull James K. Turnbull James K & Collins J (eds). (2009). Leadership Perspectives: Knowledge into Action
- Turnbull James K. Turnbull James K & Collins J (eds). (2009). Leadership Perspectives: Knowledge into Action
- Turnbull James K, Bowman C & Kwiatkowski R. (2008). Strategic Leadership In Turnbull James K & Collins J (eds), Leadership Perspectives: Knowledge into Action. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Turnbull James K & Collins J. (2008). New Perspectives on Leadership: How Practical is a Good Theory? In Turnbull James K & Collins J (eds), Leadership Perspectives: Knowledge into Action. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Turnbull James K & Ladkin D. (2008). Meeting the challenge of leading in the 21st century: Beyond the 'deficit model' of leadership development In Turnbull James K & Collins J (eds), Leadership Learning: Knowledge into Action. Palgrave Macmillan.
- James K & Vinnicombe S. (2002). Acknowledging the Individual in the Researcher In Partington D(ed.), Essential Skills for Management Research. Sage Publications.
- James K & Arroba T. (1999). Energizing the Workplace: A Strategic Response to Stress
- James K, Jarrett M & Neumann JE. (1998). Group Dynamics and Unconscious Organizational Behaviour: Educating MBA Students in Non-Rational Aspects of Change. In Milter RG, Stinson JE & Gijselaers WH (eds), Educational Innovation in Economics and Business III (3). Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Arroba T & James K. (1992). Pressure at Work: A Survival Guide for Managers (2nd Edition)
- James K. (1980). The Development of Senior Managers for the Future In Beck J & Cox C (eds), Advances in Management Education. John Wiley & Sons.