Contact Professor Emma Parry
- Tel: +44 (0) 1234 754808
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- Twitter: @dremmaparry
Professor Parry joined Cranfield University in 2002 as a Research Fellow within the Human Resource Research Centre. She has a PhD from Cranfield and an MSc in Applied (Occupational) Psychology, also from Cranfield.
Professor Parry is the author of Managing People in a Contemporary Context (Routledge) and editor of six other books.
Current activities
Professor Parry is Head of the Changing World of Work Group. She is a recognised expert in Human Resource Management (HRM) and plays a leading role in a number of global research projects in this area. These include Cranet, a worldwide network of over 40 business schools that conducts comparative HRM research, and 5C, a global research project involving around 30 academic institutions, examining cultural and age differences in attitudes towards careers.
Professor Parry's research interests relate to the impact of the changing external context on managing people. In particular, she undertakes research on the influence of technological advancement, age demographics and generational diversity, and national context. Professor Parry has also undertaken a large number of research projects in relation to human capability within defence.
Professor Parry is Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Human Resource Management (IJHRM). She is also the Series Editor for the book series The Changing Context of Managing People (Emerald). She is also currently President of the Executive DBA Council (EDBAC), and an elected member of the British Academy of Management (BAM) Council.
Professor Parry is a Fellow of the British Academy of Management and an Honorary Fellow for the Institute for Employment Studies, as well as a Visiting Research Fellow at Westminster Business School. She is also an Academic Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).
Professor Parry teaches on graduate and executive programmes in the areas of Human Resource Management, Talent Management, Organisational Behaviour and Research Methods.
Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl)
Home Office
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)
Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Foundation
Forces in Mind Trust
Department for International Development (DFID)
Articles In Journals
- Wilkinson E, Kutsch E, Parry E & Turner N. (2025). Two World Views? How Regular and Reserve Royal Marines Perceive Each Other. Armed Forces & Society, 51(1)
- Andresen M, Apospori E, Gunz H, Cotton R, Hall DT, .... (2024). Individuals' career perceptions in different institutionalized contexts: A comparative study of career actors in liberal, coordinated, hierarchical and mediterranean market economies. Human Resource Management Journal, 34(4)
- Cooke FL, Dickmann M & Parry E. (2024). Developing organizations’ dynamic capabilities and employee mental health in the face of heightened geopolitical tensions, polarized societies and grand societal challenges. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 35(5)
- Renshaw PSJ, Parry E & Dickmann M. (2024). Exploring the organizational value of international assignments: home versus host. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 35(19)
- Stavrou E, Parry E, Gooderham P, Morley M & Lazarova M. (2023). Institutional duality and human resource management practice in foreign subsidiaries of multinationals. Human Resource Management Journal, 33(1)
- Reichel A, Lazarova M, Apospori E, Afiouni F, Andresen M, .... (2023). The disabling effects of enabling social policies on organisations’ human capital development practices for women. Human Resource Management Journal, 33(1)
- Cooke FL, Dickmann M & Parry E. (2023). Building a sustainable ecosystem of human resource management research: reflections and suggestions. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 34(3)
- Parry E & Battista V. (2023). The impact of emerging technologies on work: a review of the evidence and implications for the human resource function. Emerald Open Research, 1(4)
- Peretz H, Fried Y & Parry E. (2022). Generations in context: The development of a new approach using Twitter and a survey. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 95(2)
- Oleškevičiūtė E, Dickmann M, Andresen M & Parry E. (2022). The international transfer of individual career capital: exploring and developing a model of the underlying factors. Journal of Global Mobility: The Home of Expatriate Management Research, 10(3)
- Cooke FL, Dickmann M & Parry E. (2022). Building sustainable societies through human-centred human resource management: emerging issues and research opportunities. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 33(1)
- Renshaw PSJ, Dickmann M & Parry E. (2022). The value of international assignments through the lens of real-options-reasoning. Journal of Business Research, 151(November)
- Papavasileiou E, Parry E & Stergiou D. (2022). Generations in the Tourism Workforce: A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-analytic Insights. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2022(1)
- Briscoe JP, Parry E & Mayrhofer W. (2022). Covid-19’s Impact Upon Careers: Findings from a Global Study. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2022(1)
- Parry E, Farndale E, Brewster C & Morley MJ. (2021). Balancing Rigour and Relevance: The Case for Methodological Pragmatism in Conducting Large‐Scale, Multi‐country and Comparative Management Studies. British Journal of Management, 32(2)
- Parry E & Urwin P. (2021). Generational categories: A broken basis for human resource management research and practice. Human Resource Management Journal, 31(4)
- Cooke FL, Dickmann M & Parry E. (2021). IJHRM after 30 years: taking stock in times of COVID-19 and looking towards the future of HR research. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 32(1)
- Renshaw PSJ, Parry E & Dickmann M. (2021). The organizational value of international assignments – the relational underpinning. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 32(1)
- Mayrhofer W, Smale A, Briscoe J, Dickmann M & Parry E. (2020). Laying the foundations of international careers research. Human Resource Management Journal, 30(3)
- Renshaw PSJ, Parry E & Dickmann M. (2020). International assignments – extending an organizational value framework. Journal of Global Mobility: The Home of Expatriate Management Research, 8(2)
- Dello Russo S, Parry E, Bosak J, Andresen M, Apospori E, .... (2020). Still feeling employable with growing age? Exploring the moderating effects of developmental HR practices and country-level unemployment rates in the age – employability relationship. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31(9)
- Cooke FL, Dickmann M & Parry E. (2020). Important issues in human resource management: introduction to the 2020 review issue. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31(1)
- Reichel A, Afiouni F, Andresen M, Apospori E, Bagdadli S, .... (2020). Disabling Effects of Enabling Social Policies on Gender Equality in Organizational HR Development. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2020(1)
- Andresen M, Apospori E, Gunz H, Suzanne PA, Taniguchi M, .... (2020). Careers in context: An international study of career goals as mesostructure between societies' career‐related human potential and proactive career behaviour. Human Resource Management Journal, 30(3)
- Parry E. (2020). Generations Z in Asia: Foreword. The New Generation Z in Asia: Dynamics, Differences, Digitalization
- Parry E. (2020). Foreword. Conflict and Shifting Boundaries in the Gig Economy: An Interdisciplinary Analysis
- Parry E, Dickmann M, Cooke FL & Lepak D. (2019). Introduction: Review issue. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30(1)
- Bourne H, Jenkins M & Parry E. (2019). Mapping Espoused Organizational Values. Journal of Business Ethics, 159(1)
- Dickmann M, Parry E & Keshavjee N. (2019). Localization of staff in a hostile context: an exploratory investigation in Afghanistan. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30(11)
- Di Stefano G, Scrima F & Parry E. (2019). The effect of organizational culture on deviant behaviors in the workplace. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30(17)
- Galanaki E, Parry E, Bučiūnienė I & Panayotopoulou L. (2019). Demographic challenges for management: fad or reality?. Evidence-based HRM: a Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship, 7(1)
- Smale A, Bagdadli S, Cotton R, Dello Russo S, Dickmann M, .... (2019). Proactive career behaviors and subjective career success: The moderating role of national culture. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 40(1)
- Parry E. (2019). Series Editor Foreword. Generations Z in Europe: Inputs, Insights and Implications
- Cleaver J, Dickmann M, Parry E, Dowling P & Smith P. (2018). A tribute to Professor David Lepak. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29(1)
- Lepak D, Dickmann M & Parry E. (2018). Introduction: Review Issue. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29(1)
- Hirsh J, Hu J, Parry E, Brightenburg ME, Francioli S, .... (2018). Millennials in the Workplace. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018(1)
- Parry E & Urwin P. (2017). The Evidence Base for Generational Differences: Where Do We Go from Here?. Work, Aging and Retirement, 3(2)
- Berkery E, Morley MJ, Tiernan S, Purtill H & Parry E. (2017). On the Uptake of Flexible Working Arrangements and the Association with Human Resource and Organizational Performance Outcomes. European Management Review, 14(2)
- Bondarouk T, Parry E & Furtmueller E. (2017). Electronic HRM: four decades of research on adoption and consequences. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28(1)
- Kuyken K, Shimada S & Parry E. (2017). Generations in Organizations: Context-Related, Interactional and Edentity-Based perspectives. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2017(1)
- Parry E. (2017). Foreword. Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability, and Ethical Public Relations: Strengthening Synergies with Human Resources
- Parry E. (2017). Foreword. Electronic HRM in the Smart Era
- Parry E. (2017). Foreword. Managing the Ageing Workforce in the East and the West
- Marler JH & Parry E. (2016). Human resource management, strategic involvement and e-HRM technology. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27(19)
- Mayrhofer W, Briscoe JP, Hall DTT, Dickmann M, Dries N, .... (2016). Career success across the globe. Organizational Dynamics, 45(3)
- Peretz H & Parry E. (2016). Impact of National Culture on the Use and Outcomes of E-HRM. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2016(1)
- Ng ES & Parry E. (2016). Multigenerational Research in Human Resource Management. Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management, 34
- Gascoigne C, Parry E & Buchanan D. (2015). Extreme work, gendered work? How extreme jobs and the discourse of ‘personal choice’ perpetuate gender inequality. Organization, 22(4)
- Kelliher C & Parry E. (2015). Change in healthcare: the impact on NHS managers. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 28(4)
- Stavrou ET, Parry E & Anderson D. (2015). Nonstandard work arrangements and configurations of firm and societal systems. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26(19)
- Gooderham PN, Morley MJ, Parry E & Stavrou E. (2015). National and firm-level drivers of the devolution of HRM decision making to line managers. Journal of International Business Studies, 46(6)
- Martin G, Parry E & Flowers P. (2015). Do social media enhance constructive employee voice all of the time or just some of the time?. Human Resource Management Journal, 25(4)
- Tzafrir S, Parry E & Enosh G. (2015). Levels, processes, and social-issues in organizations: integrative introduction. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 30(5)
- Scrima F, Lorito L, Parry E & Falgares G. (2014). The mediating role of work engagement on the relationship between job involvement and affective commitment. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25(15)
- Kramar R & Parry E. (2014). Strategic human resource management in the
A siaP acific region: similarities and differences?. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 52(4) - Bourne H, Jenkins M & Parry E. (2014). The Power of Words: Charting Espoused Organizational Values. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014(1)
- Strohmeier DEPAPS. (2014). HRM in the digital age – digital changes and challenges of the HR profession. Employee Relations, 36(4)
- Alcover CM, Topa G, Parry E, Fraccaroli F & Depolo M. (2014). Preface. Bridge Employment: A Research Handbook
- A. Buchanan D, Parry E, Gascoigne C & Moore C. (2013). Are healthcare middle management jobs extreme jobs?. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 27(5)
- Bown‐Wilson D & Parry E. (2013). Career progression in older managers. Employee Relations, 35(3)
- Parry E & Solidoro A. (2013). Social Media as a Mechanism for Engagement?. Advanced Series in Management, 12
- Shay T, Guy E, Emma P & Dianna S. (2013). CODIFYing social issues in organizations: scope and perspectives. Global Business Perspectives, 1(1)
- Parry E, Stavrou E & Lazarova M. (2013). Introduction: Human resource management across time and context: Comparative research and global trends in HRM. Global Trends in Human Resource Management
- McNamara TK, Parry E, Lee J & Pitt-Catsouphes M. (2012). The effect of training on organizational performance: differences by age composition and cultural context. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23(6)
- Parry E & Tyson S. (2011). Desired goals and actual outcomes of e-HRM. Human Resource Management Journal, 21(3)
- Kelliher C & Parry E. (2011). Voluntary sector HRM: examining the influence of government. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 24(7)
- Denyer D, Parry E & Flowers P. (2011). “Social”, “Open” and “Participative”? Exploring Personal Experiences and Organisational Effects of Enterprise2.0 Use. Long Range Planning, 44(5-6)
- Parry E, Stavrou-Costea E & Morley MJ. (2011). The Cranet International Research Network on Human Resource Management in retrospect and prospect. Human Resource Management Review, 21(1)
- Parry E. (2011). An examination of e-HRM as a means to increase the value of the HR function. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22(5)
- Parry E & Olivas-Luján MR. (2011). Chapter 9 Drivers of the Adoption of Online Recruitment — An Analysis using Innovation Attributes from Diffusion of Innovation Theory. Advanced Series in Management, 8
- Parry E & Tyson S. (2010). Managing an age-diverse workforce. Managing an Age-Diverse Workforce
- Parry E & Tyson S. (2009). Organizational reactions to UK age discrimination legislation. Employee Relations, 31(5)
- PARRY E. (2009). Anthony Chiva and Jill Manthorpe (eds), Older Workers in Europe, Open University Press/McGraw-Hill Education, Maidenhead, UK, 2009, 200 pp., pbk £21.99, ISBN 13: 978 0 335 22275 9.. Ageing and Society, 29(8)
- Parry E & Wilson H. (2009). Factors influencing the adoption of online recruitment. Personnel Review, 38(6)
- Parry E & Tyson S. (2008). An analysis of the use and success of online recruitment methods in the UK. Human Resource Management Journal, 18(3)
- Parry E & Kelliher C. (2008). Voluntary sector responses to increased resourcing challenges. Employee Relations, 31(1)
- Parry E, Dickmann M & Morley M. (2008). North American MNCs and their HR policies in liberal and coordinated market economies. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 19(11)
- Croucher R, Gooderham P & Parry E. (2006). The Influences on Direct Communication in British and Danish Firms: Country, ‘Strategic HRM’ or Unionization?. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 12(3)
- Parry E, Kelliher C, Mills T & Tyson S. (2005). Comparing HRM in the voluntary and public sectors. Personnel Review, 34(5)
- Buchanan DA, Denyer D, Jaina J, Kelliher C, Moore C, .... How do they manage? A qualitative study of the realities of middle and front-line management work in health care. Health Services and Delivery Research, 1(4)
- Parry E & Battista V. The impact of emerging technologies on work: a review of the evidence and implications for the human resource function. Emerald Open Research, 1
Conference Papers
- Renshaw P, Dickmann M & Parry E. (2019). The value of International Assignments through the lens of real-options-reasoning
- Battista V & Parry E. (2018). Impact of emerging technologies on work and the role of human resource management
- Renshaw P, Parry E & Dickmann M. (2018). The Value of International Assignments as Microfoundations of Dynamic Capabilities
- Renshaw P, St J, Robinson J, Parry E & Saunders MNK. (2018). Standing in the shoes of giants: teaching research philosophy
- Battista V & Parry E. (2018). The impact of technological advancement on the future of work and the role of Human Resources: an evidence-based investigation.
- Renshaw PSJ, Parry E & Dickmann M. (2018). Seconded National Experts and global mobility—Extending the paradigm
- Battista V & Parry E. (2017). Enhancing Employees Performance through Quantified Self Technologies: The Social and the Technical System within Organisations
- Renshaw P, St J, Dickmann M & Parry E. (2017). The Organisational Value of International Assignments – A Systematic Literature Review
- Renshaw P, Dickmann M & Parry E. (2017). The organizational value of international assignments: A systematic literature review
- Kelliher C & Parry E. (2014). Exploring Emotional Reactions to Ongoing Organizational Change in the UK Public Sector
- Gascoigne C, Parry E & Buchanan DA. (2013). Extreme work, normal jobs? How long hours, work intensification, workaholism and occupational identity discourses discourage socially sustainable jobs
- Parry E & Kelliher C. (2012). Shaping HRM in the voluntary sector: The influence of government
- Parry E & Kelliher C. (2011). Contemporary perspectives on people management in the voluntary sector
- Denyer D, Buchanan D, Parry E & Osbourne J. (2011). My job is 'wicked': the pressures and demands of middle management in the UK NHS
- Parry E & Urwin P. (2011). Generational Differences in Work Values: A Review of Theory and Evidence
- Unite J, Parry E, Briscoe JP & Chudzikowski K. (2010). International conceptualisations of career success in early and late career
- Unite J, Parry E, Chudzikowski K & Las Heras M. (2010). Generational differences across national contexts
- Marler J, Parry E & Lepak D. (2009). HRM or SHRM: Which comes first?
- Marler J, Parry E & Lepak D. (2009). HRM in different national contexts: Strategic trigger or strategic choice
- Kelliher C & Parry E. (2009). HRM in the UK voluntary sector: exploring the influence of government as a purchaser of services
- Gooderham P, Parry E & Ringdal K. (2008). The impact of bundles of strategic human resource management practices on the performance of European firms
- Parry E & Kelliher C. (2008). Human resource management in the UK voluntary sector: Coping with increased resourcing challenge
- Parry E, Dickmann M & Morley M. (2008). North American firms and their HR agenda in liberal and coordinated market economies
- Ollier-Malaterre A, McNamara T, Castsouphes M & Parry E. (2008). Employers-of-Choice in Countries-of-Choice: Mind the Gap
- Tyson S & Parry E. (2008). The need for analysis at the sectoral level in HRM research: Theoretical and methodological implications
- Marler JH & Parry E. (2008). Which comes first e-HRM or SHRM?
- Parry E, Anderson D & Stavrou E. (2008). Flexible working through the configurational approach: The role of firm system and societal clusters
- Parry E & Tyson S. (2008). Can technology transform HR processes? The case of UK recruitment
- Parry E & Tyson S. (2007). Technology in human resource management: a means to change the HR function?
- Stavrou E, Parry E & Anderson D. (2007). Flexible working arrangements through the lens of the Configurational Approach: The role of firm system, societal clusters and organizational antecedents
- Parry E & Tyson S. (2006). The impact of technological systems on the HR role: Does the use of technology enable the HR function to become a strategic business partner?
- Tyson S & Parry E. (2006). Recruitment difficulties and methods for professional, technical and managerial positions at a time of full employment in the UK
- Parry E. (2006). Factors affecting the elimination of age discrimination in the workplace
- Parry E & Wilson H. (2006). Online recruitment within the UK: a model of the factors affecting its adoption
- Parry E & Tyson S. (2006). Organisations' strategies for approaching age discrimination at work
- Parry E. (2006). The attitudes of HR managers towards older and younger workers: is age discrimination still a problem?
- Parry E. (2006). The UK Recruitment Confidence Index
- Croucher R, Gooderham P & Parry E. (2005). Strategic HRM or Unionisation? Their influence on management communication: Britain and Denmark
- Parry E & Wilson H. (2005). Factors affecting the adoption of internet recruitment: An inductive study
- Parry E & Wilson H. (2005). Internet recruitment
- Parry E & Wilson H. (2005). An inductively derived conceptual model of online recruitment adoption
- Parry E. (2004). The effect of assessor team composition on assessment centre decision making
- Mills T, Parry E & Tyson S. (2003). A network HR strategy for the alcohol and drug treatment sector in London
- Parry E, Kelliher C, Mills T & Tyson S. (2003). Voluntary and public sector HRM practices in drug treatment provision
- Parry E, Kelliher C, Mills T & Tyson S. (2003). Voluntary and public HRM practices in drug and alcohol treatment provision: a comparative analysis
- Parry E & Pilbeam C. (2024). Impact in Doctoral Education
- Briscoe J, Dickmann M, Hall DT, Mayrhofer W & Parry E (eds). (2023). Understanding careers around the globe: Stories and sourcebook
- Dickmann M, Parry E & Chudzikowski K. (2023). Careers in turbulent environments: the impact of 'Brexit' on career motivations and behaviour in the United Kingdom In Briscoe J, Dickmann M, Hall DT, Mayrhofer W & Parry E (eds), Understanding Careers Around the Globe. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Mayrhofer W, Briscoe J, Dickmann M, T. Hall D & Parry E. (2023). One, two, many ways - a hands-on guide to how to navigate this book In Briscoe J, Dickmann M, Hall DT, Mayrhofer W & Parry E (eds), Understanding Careers Around the Globe. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Mayrhofer W, Briscoe J, Dickmann M, T. Hall D & Parry E. (2023). Careers: what they are and how to look at them In Briscoe J, Dickmann M, Hall DT, Mayrhofer W & Parry E (eds), Understanding Careers Around the Globe. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- McCarthy J, Bosak J, Cleveland JN & Parry E. (2023). Diversity and Inclusion In Palgrave Studies in Digital Business & Enabling Technologies (Part F1215). Springer International Publishing.
- Briscoe J, Dickmann M, Hall DT, Mayrhofer W & Parry E. Briscoe J, Dickmann M, Hall D, Mayrhofer W & Parry E (eds). (2023). Understanding Careers Around the Globe
- Mayrhofer W, Briscoe J, Dickmann M, Hall DT & Parry E. (2023). One, two, many ways - A hands-on guide to how to navigate this book In Understanding Careers Around the Globe: Stories and Sourcebook. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Mayrhofer W, Briscoe J, Dickmann M, Hall DT & Parry E. (2023). Careers: What they are and how to look at them In Understanding Careers Around the Globe: Stories and Sourcebook. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Dickmann M, Parry E & Chudzikowski K. (2023). Careers in turbulent environments: The impact of 'Brexit' on career motivations and behaviour in the United Kingdom In Understanding Careers Around the Globe: Stories and Sourcebook. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Dello Russo S, Parry E, Bosak J, Andresen M, Apospori E, .... (2022). Still feeling employable with growing age? Exploring the moderating effects of developmental HR practices and country-level unemployment rates in the age – employability relationship In HRM and Employability. Routledge.
- Briscoe JP, Dickmann M, Hall DT, Parry E & Mayrhofer W. (2021). Handbook of Research Methods in Careers In Murphy W & Tosti-Kharas J (eds), Handbook of Research Methods in Careers. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Parry E, Morley MJ & Brewster C. (2021). Contextual Approaches to Human Resource Management In The Oxford Handbook of Contextual Approaches to Human Resource Management. Oxford University Press.
- P. Briscoe J, Dickmann M, T. Hall D, Parry E & Mayrhofer W. (2021). The 5C Group: developing and sustaining a cross-cultural team In Handbook of Research Methods in Careers. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Parry E & Kelliher C. (2021). Human Resource Management in the Not-for-Profit Sector In The Oxford Handbook of Contextual Approaches to Human Resource Management. Oxford University Press.
- Parry E, Morley MJ & Brewster C. (2021). The oxford handbook of contextual approaches to human resource management
- Parry E, Morley MJ & Brewster C. (2021). Contextual approaches to human resource management: An introduction In The Oxford Handbook of Contextual Approaches to Human Resource Management.
- Dickmann M, Parry E & Keshavjee N. (2020). Localization of staff in a hostile context: an exploratory investigation in Afghanistan In Bader B, Schuster T & Dickmann M (eds), Danger and Risk as Challenges for HRM. Routledge.
- Parry E & Peretz H. (2020). Organizational Outcomes and e-HRM In Encyclopedia of Electronic HRM. De Gruyter.
- Gentina E & Parry E. Gentina E & Parry E (eds). (2020). The New Generation Z in Asia: Dynamics, Differences, Digitalisation
- Parry E. (2020). Generation Z in Asia: Patterns and Predictions In The New Generation Z in Asia: Dynamics, Differences, Digitalisation. Emerald Publishing Limited.
- Briscoe JP, Dickmann M & Parry E. (2019). Careers across countries In Gunz H, Lazarova M & Mayrhofer W (eds), The Routledge Companion to Career Studies. Routledge.
- Parry E, Martin G & Dromey J. (2019). Scenarios and Strategies for Social Media in Engaging and Giving Voice to Employees In Work, Organization, and Employment. Springer Singapore.
- Galanaki E, Lazazzara A & Parry E. (2019). A Cross-National Analysis of E-HRM Configurations: Integrating the Information Technology and HRM Perspectives In Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation (27). Springer International Publishing.
- Briscoe JP, Dickmann M & Parry E. (2019). Careers across countries In The Routledge Companion to Career Studies. Taylor & Francis.
- Parry E & Battista V. (2019). Generation Z in the UK: More of the Same – High Standards and Demands In Generations Z in Europe. Emerald Publishing Limited.
- Lazarova M, Mayrhofer W, Briscoe J, Dickmann M, Hall DT, .... (2018). Comparative career studies: conceptual issues and empirical results In Brewster C, Mayrhofer W & Farndate E (eds), Handbook of Research on Comparative Human Resource Management (2nd). Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Briscoe J, Dickmann M, Hall DT, Parry E, Mayrhofer W, .... (2018). Career Success in Different Countries: Reflections on the 5C Project In Dickmann M, Suutari V & Wurtz O (eds), The Management of Global Careers: Exploring the Rise of International Work. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Dickmann M & Parry E. (2018). Migration: Managing macro talent management at the country and city level In Vaiman V, Sparrow P, Schuler R & Collings D (eds), Macro Talent Management in Emerging and Emergent Markets: A Global Perspective. Routledge.
- Dickmann M & Parry E. (2018). Migrations: Managing macro talent management at the country and city level In Vaiman V, Sparrow P, Schuler R & Collings DG (eds), Macro Talent Management in Emerging and Emergent Markets. Routledge.
- Briscoe J, Dickmann M, Hall T, Parry E, Mayrhofer W, .... (2018). Career Success in Different Countries: Reflections on the 5C Project In The Management of Global Careers. Springer International Publishing.
- Parry E. (2018). Age and generational diversity in careers In Research Handbook of Diversity and Careers.
- Parry E & McCarthy J. (2017). Introduction In The Palgrave Handbook of Age Diversity and Work. Palgrave Macmillan UK.
- Urwin P & Parry E. (2017). Age, Generations, and the Labour Market In The Palgrave Handbook of Age Diversity and Work. Palgrave Macmillan UK.
- Bondarouk T, Ruël HJM & Parry E. Bondarouk T, Ruël HJM & Parry E (eds). (2017). Electronic HRM in the Smart Era
- Parry E & McCarthy J (eds). (2016). The Palgrave Handbook of Age Diversity and Work (1)
- Parry E, Schröder H, Flynn M & Anderson D. (2016). Age and diversity in Europe In International Human Resource Management: Contemporary HR Issues in Europe.
- Urwin P & Parry E. (2016). Two decades of employee retention, tenure and turnover In Research Handbook on Employee Turnover.
- Psychogios A, Brewster C & Parry E. (2016). Western European HRM: Reactions and adjustment to crises In International Human Resource Management: Contemporary HR Issues in Europe.
- Dickmann M, Brewster C & Sparrow P. Dickmann M, Brewster C & Sparrow P (eds). (2016). International Human Resource Management (3)
- Alcover C, Topa G, Parry E, Fraccaroli F & Depolo M (eds). (2015). Bridge Employment: A Research Handbook
- Parry E, Dickmann M, Unite J, Shen Y & Briscoe J. (2015). Careers in emerging markets In Horwitz F & Budhwar P (eds), Handbook of Human Resource Management in Emerging Markets. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
- Parry E, Dickmann M, Unite J, Shen Y & Briscoe J. (2015). Careers in emerging markets In Handbook of Human Resource Management in Emerging Markets. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Parry E(ed.). (2014). Generational Diversity at Work: New Research Perspectives
- Parry E, Stavrou E & Lazarova M (eds). (2014). Global Trends in Human Resource Management (1)
- Parry E. (2014). e-HRM: A Catalyst for Changing the HR Function? In Progress in IS. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Parry E. (2014). Generational Diversity at Work
- Parry E. (2014). New perspectives on generational diversity at work: Introduction In Generational Diversity at Work: New Research Perspectives.
- Unite J, Shen Y, Parry E & Demel B. (2014). Generational differences in the factors influencing career success across countries In Generational Diversity at Work: New Research Perspectives.
- Parry E & Wilson DB. (2014). Career transitions at retirement age in the United Kingdom: Bridge employment or continued career progression? In Bridge Employment: A Research Handbook.
- Alcover CM, Topa G, Parry E, Fraccaroli F & Depolo M. (2014). Bridge employment: Lessons learned and future prospects for research and practice In Bridge Employment: A Research Handbook.
- Alcover CM, Topa G, Parry E, Fraccaroli F & Depolo M. (2014). Bridge employment: An introduction and overview of the handbook In Bridge Employment: A Research Handbook.
- Alcover CM, Topa G, Parry E, Fraccaroli F & Depolo M. Alcover C-M, Topa G, Parry E, Fraccaroli F & Depolo M (eds). (2014). Bridge Employment
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