Setting course for success

Establishing strategic direction means making big, fundamental decisions. You can learn to make these decisions with confidence by understanding the power of strategic intent in a complex and changing world.

Drawing on our combined expertise in strategic thinking, decision-making and change, we help organisations embed strategic processes, practices and capabilities at the organisational, group and individual levels. This helps you make better, more effective choices about your future direction.


How we can help

Gain understanding

Discover the role of strategic intent in complex social systems, understand change and inertia in dynamic environments, and learn the microfoundations of decision-making and action.

Make impactful choices

Make fundamental decisions about organisational structure and positioning. Strategically choose future direction in a world you cannot control.

Develop skills

Manage large-scale change and the process of transformation. Set the strategy and put in place the people and processes that will see it through to completion.

Effect change

Develop strategic capabilities at an organisational, group and individual level through the application of original models and frameworks.


Gain deeper insight into the value processes you manage and craft appropriate change initiatives that fit your specific organisational context.