Buyer-supplier relationships are essential to the success of many businesses. The analysis of these relationships has evolved, with traditional approaches such as transactional and relational models giving way to more complex, hybrid models that consider the dynamic and multifaceted nature of modern business environments. The important research question is: How can buyer-supplier relationships be designed and managed to meet the demands of contemporary business contexts?

We can advance our understanding of buyer-supplier relationships using dyadic, triadic, and network data. Dyadic data involves a relationship between two parties, typically the buyer and the supplier. Triadic data involves three parties who are interconnected within a relationship, for example, buyer-supplier-supplier and supplier-supplier-buyer relationships. Network data includes multiple parties and their interconnections within the supply chain.

By collecting dyadic, triadic, and network data, researchers and practitioners can offer insights into the complex interplay of factors such as power, trust, communication, and cultural differences that influence multiple parties involved in the supply chain relationships.

This webinar will:


Professor Emel Aktas, Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Cranfield School of Management

Andrea Patrucco, Florida International University, USA

Prab Mukandwal, Wayne State University, USA

Laharish Guntuka, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA


14:00–14:15  Welcome and Introductions – Professor Emel Aktas
14:15–14:30  How to manage multi-tier supply chain relationships – Andrea Patrucco
14:30–14:50  Panel Discussion on questions and answers – all presenters


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