Cranfield University and the University of Aeronautics in Querétaro, (UNAQ), a Higher Education Institution in Mexico, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to develop joint academic research and education.
UNAQ is a higher education institution located in the state of Querétaro in Mexico, which is the hub for the aerospace industry in the country.
The two universities will work together to develop joint degrees and academic research.
Pericles Pilidis, Professor of Gas Turbine Performance at Cranfield University said: “We have been discussing collaboration for several years and we look to a collaborative future at a moment of deep change in aerospace arising from radical and widespread technology developments to enhance the protection to the environment.
“Partnerships such as this bring great opportunities for international collaborations, delivering advanced research and development, and the stream of talent needed to drive us towards sustainable aviation.”
Dr Enrique Sosa, UNAQ said: "It is an honour for us to be able to collaborate with Cranfield University, which is an institution that is leading the world in technological change for a more sustainable aviation. We share goals, however, above all, we share values, and I am sure that this is just the start of a long and fruitful alliance."