Contact Professor Zhugen Yang
- Tel: +44 (0) 1234 758310
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- Twitter: @zhugen
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Areas of expertise
- Biomedical Engineering
- Biosensors & Diagnostics
- Environment and Health
- Food Safety
- Instrumentation, Sensors and Measurement Science
- Monitoring and Environmental Informatics
- Water Science and Engineering
Zhugen Yang is a Professor of Biosensing and Environmental Health, leading a UKCRIC-funded Advanced Sensors Laboratory for water-environment-health-nexus since 2019. He joined Cranfield University as a Lecturer in 2019 and was promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2022 and Professor in 2023, after being a Lecturer at the University of Glasgow since 2018. He has received three prestigious Fellowships/awards for different career stages, including the Leverhulme Research Leadership Awards (2023-2028), UKRI NERC Personal Fellowship, and EU Marie Curie Fellow. He completed his postdoc at the University of Cambridge. He was an EU Marie Curie Fellow at the University of Bath, after receiving his PhD at the University of Lyon (Ecole Centrale) in France, MSc (Sun Yat-sen University, SYSU), and BEng (Harbin Institute of Technology, HIT) in China.
His research has been sponsored by a variety of sources (>£20m, PI on £10m) including UKRI (EPSRC, NERC, BBSRC, MRC), The Leverhulme Trust, The Royal Society, The Royal Academy of Engineering, industrial and governmental sectors (e.g., UKHSA, Home Office, Defra, EA), leading to over 100 referred articles (including Nature Water, Cell Res Phys Sci, PNAS, Nature Communications, ACS Nano, Adv Fucnt Mat, ES&T, Water Res, H=41 as of 1/2025), several UK/PCT patents and many invited/keynote talks at international conferences. The key technology around low-cost sensors has led to a spin-out company at Cranfield.
Dr Yang is recognized globally for his work in developing a low-cost origami paper device for the rapid diagnosis of infectious diseases, especially recently on the rapid testing of sewage for early warning of COVID-19 within the population, which is part of the UK National Wastewater Surveillance Program (N-WESP). His work has received many national and international awards including a recent James J Morgan ACS ES&T Early Career Award- Honorable Mention, featuring in Science, and numerous media coverages (e.g., BBC News, The Washington Post, etc.). The origami-paper device is currently featured at the London Science Museum.
Dr Yang serves as editor of a special issue for TrAC -Trends in Analytical Chemistry (IF 14.9), Chemosphere (IF 8.9), Associate Editor for Heliyon Chemical Engineering, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology (IF 6.0); Editorial Advisory/ECR Board for Advance in Sample Preparation (Elsevier), Environment Science & Ecotechnology (Elsevier IF 9.8), co-chairing/session-chairing the international conference. He leads a working group on environmental sensors and wastewater surveillance sponsored by UKRI BBSRC EBNet and led the organising the international conference TTW6 in Oxford in 2023, ISM3S 2024 (Cranfield), and ISM3S 2025 (Oxford).
We now have the opening: 3 PDRAs (11 years FTE, two filled ) and 2 fully-funded PhD studentships on sensing wastewater for public health funded by Leverhulme Trust Research Leadership Awards and NERC.
PhDs (Deadline 23 July):
Research opportunities
Dr Yang is currently leading the UKCRIC-funded Advanced Sensors Laboratory at Cranfield University. His multidisciplinary team on Advanced Sensors for Water-Environment-Health nexus focuses on the development of low-cost, rapid, and point-of-use sensors and devices for environmental science (e.g. microbial contamination in drinking water), public health (e.g. infectious diseases including Sars-CoV-2, illicit drugs), and biomedical diagnostics (e.g. infectious disease and cancer). The recently funded projects are listed below with a research protofolio over £10m. The group has 6 PhD students, 2 PDRAs, 2 academic visitor, with the support of lab technician and admin collegue.
We now have the opening: 3 PDRAs (11 years FTE, two filled ) and 2 fully-funded PhD studentships on sensing wastewater for public health funded by Leverhulme Trust Research Leadership Awards and UKRI-NERC.
- PhDs (Deadline 23 July):
We are consistently recruiting talented researchers/students in the areas of sensors, microfluidics, paper-based devices, molecular diagnostics, water quality, environmental health, and wastewater-based epidemiology, please get in touch for discussion on the potential funding opportunities. We typically recruit 2-3 students each year to ensure quality supervision. Please be in touch for discussion on self-funded or third-source funded opportunities.
- Researcher students:
Self-funded students shall directly contact via email for discussion on the potential any research project.
[1] PhD candidates (3-4 years);
[2] MSc by Research (12 months lab work to get MSc, optional to extend two years more for a PhD degree;
[3] Visiting research students/placements/internships (no less than three months, ideally 6 months or more)
- Postdoc, Fellowship, and Visiting Scholar:
We are always keen to support talented scientists as Research Fellows, and visiting Fellows/scholars to apply for a third funding source (e.g. CSC, Leverhulme Trust, Royal Commission 1851, UK Newton fellowship, EU Marie Curie Fellowship) to explore exciting scientific research.
Current Projects
1. UKRI-BBSRC, Environmental Biotechnology Innovation Centre (EBIC), BB/Y008332/1, (Co-I & Theme Leader on Biosensors, 2024-2029, £13.2M;
2. UKRI-NERC, Developing paper 'origami' eDNA sensors for real-time public surveillance of invasive species, NE/Z503538/1 (Co-I , 2024-2027, £0.5M);
3. UKRI-Innovate UK, AAKTP THE SOURCE PLUS (TSP) FoodSAFE: African Centre of Excellence for Phytosanitary Standards and Food Safety (Co-I, 2024-2026)
4. UK Leverhulme Trust Research Leadership Award, Sensing wastewater for real-time public health (PI, 2023-2028, £1.9M);
5. UKRI-BBSRC, Anglo-Canadian Collaboration on Antimicrobial resistance (ACCAMR), BB/X012840/1 (PI, 2023-2025, £150k) with Universities of Toronto, McGill, Calgary, Laval;
6. UKRI-EPSRC WISER CDT, Paper microfluidics and electrochemical sensors for disinfection process (PI, 2023-2027);
7. UKRI-MRC IAA, Origami paper device for point of care diagnosis of Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (PI in Cranfield, 2023-2024);
8. UK Royal Society Research Grants, Understanding AMR transmission in the environment using the digital molecular method (PI, 2023-2024, RGS\R1\231032);
9. UK Research England, HEIF Spinning Out Novel Pathogen Analysis Technology - Phase 2 (PI, 2023-2024);
10. UK Research England, Single Cell sequencing for wastewater surveillance (PI, 2023-2024)
11. UK Royal Society, Development of microfluidic paper-based biochips for point-of-care detection of multiple cytokines (PI, 2022-2024, IEC\NSFC\211234);
12. UK Royal Academy of Engineering Frontier Follow-on scheme, Low-cost paper-based biosensors for rapid monitoring of water quality in LMICs, (PI, 2020 - 2024, FF\1920\1\36, £310,286); in collaboration with Federal University Lafia, Nigeria & Cameron;
Completed Projects
1. UKRI-Research England, HEIF Spinning Out Novel Pathogen Analysis Technology (PI, 2023-2023);
2. UKRI-BBSRC Proof-of-Concept, CRISPR/Cas-enabled paper-based sensors for rapid monitoring of antimicrobial resistance (PI, 2022-2023)
3. UKRI-NERC, National COVID-19 Wastewater Epidemiology Surveillance Programme (Co-I, 2020 - 2021, NE/V010441/1, £791,191).
4. UK NERC NPIF Innovation Fellowship, Lab-on-a-Paper for Point-of-Use Microbial Source Tracking (PI, 2018 - 2021, NE/R013349/1, £537,033);
5. UKRI-BBSRC, Paper-based platform for on site, rapid, and multiplexed DNA-based pathogen detection in aquaculture, Co-I, 2018 - 2020, BB/S004335/1, £200,000)
6. UK Home Office, Microwave for on-site extraction nucleic acid (PI in Cranfield, 2023-2023)
7. UKRI-EPSRC-DTP, Diagnostic evaluation of removal of protozoan oocysts (2020-2023)
8. UK Home Office/Health Security Agency, Post-pandemic sensors for wastewater, PI, 2021-2023
9. UK Home Office/ACE, Automation for wastewater surveillance, 2021-2022 (Co-I, £247,620)
10. UK DEFRA -Deloitte MCS Limited, Exploring the development opportunities around the Covid19 WasteWater Sampling, (Co-I, 2022-2022)
11. Africa Honey Consortium, Establishing a rapid testing system for contaminant detection in African honey (Co-I,2021-2022)
12. UKRI-Research England, Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF), Commercialization of origami-paper device for wastewater surveillance, (PI, 2022-2022);
13. UK Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) - Deloitte MCS Limited, Understanding exposure routes and pathways of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in the environment (PI, 2022-2022);
14. UKRI-Research England via Cranfield University, Smart Living Grand Challenges, (Co-I, 2020-2022);
15. UK Home Office/ACE, Paper-origami device for rapid detection of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater, (PI, 2021-2022);
16. Anglian Water, Rapid Covid sensors, PI, 2020-2021;
17. Industry partner, Automatic detection for sewage virus, PI, 2020-2022;
18. UK Royal Academy of Engineering, Low-cost and rapid water sensors for LMICs (PI, 2018 - 2020, FoDSF\1819\1\8); with Federal University Lafia
19. UK Royal Academy of Engineering, Rapid Sepsis Diagnostics (Co-I, 2018 - 2019, FoEST1819\T6\4); with Tran Hung Dao University Hospital, Vietnam;
20. UK Scottish Research Partnership in Engineering, Rapid monitoring of water contamination using cost-effective sensors, (PI, 2018 - 2019, PECRE1819/05)
Current activities
Dr Yang serves as Senior Editor for Critical Insights of Environmental Science and Technology, editor of a special issue for TrAC -Trends in Analytical Chemistry (IF 14.9), Chemosphere (IF 8.9), Associate Editor for Heliyon Chemical Engineering, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology (IF 6.0); Editorial Advisory/ECR Board for Advance in Sample Preparation (Elsevier), Environment Science & Ecotechnology (Elsevier IF 9.8), co-chairing/session-chairing the international conference.
He led a working group on environmental sensors and wastewater surveillance sponsored by UKRI BBSRC EBNet and led organising the international conference TTW6 in Oxford in 2023 and ISM3S 2024 in Cranfield, and ISM3 2025 in Oxford.
Editorship & Editorial Board (selected)
2024- Senior Editor, Critical Insights in Environmental Science and Technology, Taylors and Francis
2024- Associate Editor, Journal of Water Process Engineering, Elsevier
2023-5 Associate Editor, Heliyon, Chemical Engineering Section, Cell Press
2021-2 Editor of Special Issue, TrAC-Trends in Analytical Chemistry (IF 14.9), Elsevier
2021-2 Editor of Special Issue, Chemosphere (IF 7.1), Elsevier
2021- Editorial Advisory Board, Advance in Sample Preparation, Elsevier;
2021- ECR Editorial Advisory Board, Environment Science & Ecotechnology, Elsevier
Fellowship, Awards & Honours (Selected)
2022 Research Leadership Awards (once every three years), Leverhulme Trust, UK
2022 Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), UK
2021 James J Morgan ES&T Early Career Award- Honorable Mention, ACS, USA
2020 Outstanding presentation for Early Career Research at UK EBNet, UKRI
2019 Outstanding academic presentation at UK-CARE, UK
2018 UK NERC NPIF Independent Personal Fellowship, UK
2015 Most Accessed Article, Analyst, Royal Society of Chemistry, UK
2014 Multiple Travel grant from UK Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), British Council etc;
2013 EU Marie Curie Fellowship, EU FP7;
2011 Doctoral Travel grant for international conference, University of Lyon, France;
- UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) including EPSRC, NERC, BBSRC, MRC
- The Leverhulme Trust
- The Royal Society
- The Royal Academy of Engineering
- Home Office
- Environment Agency
- UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA)
- Scottish Partnership of Research Funds
- Scottish Water
- Anglian Water, and other industry;
Articles In Journals
- Hao Y, Xu L, Peng M, Yang Z, Wang W, .... (2025). Synergistic air pollution exposure elevates depression risk: A cohort study. Environmental Science and Ecotechnology, 23
- Adegoke O, Oyinlola K, Adeniyi KO, Achadu OJ, Yang Z, .... (2025). An organic-inorganic polyacrylamide-based surface imprinted quantum dots for the impedimetric and voltammetric detection of diazepam in saliva with smartphone readout. Talanta, 285
- Wang Y, Pan Y, Han W, Rossi CS, Hui Q, .... (2025). CRISPR-enabled sensors for rapid monitoring of environmental contaminants. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 184
- Feng R, Mao K, Zhang H, Zhu H, Du W, .... (2025). Portable microfluidic devices for monitoring antibiotic resistance genes in wastewater. Microchimica Acta, 192(1)
- Dai J, Wu B, Ai F, Yang Z, Lu Y, .... (2025). Exploiting the Potential of Spherical PAM Antenna for Enhanced CRISPR-Cas12a: A Paradigm Shift toward a Universal Amplification-Free Nucleic Acid Test Platform. Analytical Chemistry, 97(2)
- Zhou J, Xiong D, Zhang H, Xiao J, Huang R, .... (2025). Targeted Enrichment of Nucleic Acid Bionic Arms Enhances the Hydrolysis Activity of Nanozymes for Degradation and Real-Time Monitoring of Organophosphorus Pesticides in Water. Environmental Science & Technology, 59(3)
- Mao K, Zhang H, Ran F, Cao H, Feng R, .... (2024). Portable biosensor combining CRISPR/Cas12a and loop-mediated isothermal amplification for antibiotic resistance gene ermB in wastewater. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 462(January)
- Lv D, Liu H, An Q, Lei C, Wang Y, .... (2024). Association of adverse fetal outcomes with placental inflammation after oral gestational exposure to hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acid (GenX) in Sprague-Dawley rats. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 461(January)
- Wei D, Zhang H, Tao Y, Wang K, Wang Y, .... (2024). Dual-Emission Single Sensing Element-Assembled Fluorescent Sensor Arrays for the Rapid Discrimination of Multiple Surfactants in Environments. Analytical Chemistry, 96(12)
- Zhu N, Wang K, Xiong D, Xiao J, Deng Y, .... (2024). Efficient DNA walker guided by ordered cruciform-shaped DNA track for ultrasensitive and rapid electrochemical detection of lead ion. Analytica Chimica Acta, 1302
- Wu H, Duan Y, Jiang L, Cao X, Xie Z, .... (2024). Label-Free Analysis of Protein Biomarkers Using Pattern-Optimized Graphene-Nanopyramid SERS for the Rapid Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 7(8)
- Yuan X, Glidle A, Yang Z & Wang B. (2024). Rapid enzymatic assays for fecal contamination in aquatic environment: Challenges, advances and prospects. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 176
- Dou J, Yang Z, Singh B, Ma B, Lu Z, .... (2024). Discussion: Embracing microfluidics to advance environmental science and technology. Science of The Total Environment, 937
- Li R, An X-L, Wang Y, Yang Z, Su J-Q, .... (2024). Viral metagenome reveals microbial hosts and the associated antibiotic resistome on microplastics. Nature Water, 2(6)
- Hassard F, Curtis TP, Dotro GC, Golyshin P, Gutierrez T, .... (2024). Scaling-up Engineering Biology for Enhanced Environmental Solutions. ACS Synthetic Biology, 13(6)
- Adeniyi KO, Oyinlola K, Achadu OJ, Menard H, Grillo F, .... (2024). Molecularly Imprinted Viral Protein Integrated Zn–Cu–In–Se–P Quantum Dots Superlattice for Quantitative Ratiometric Electrochemical Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein in Saliva. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 7(15)
- Hu T, Lin Y, Liu Y, Zhao Q, Yu H, .... (2024). Microbial electrochemical enhanced composting of sludge and kitchen waste: Electricity generation, composting efficiency and health risk assessment for land use. Heliyon, 10(15)
- Ji X, Jin H, Qian W, Wang Z, Zhang Z, .... (2024). Flexible, scalable hierarchical graphene foam decorated with nickel layer for highly sensitive enzyme-free glucose sensing. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 1004
- Pan Y, Wang B, Cooper JM & Yang Z. (2024). Paper microfluidic sentinel sensors enable rapid and on-site wastewater surveillance in community settings. Cell Reports Physical Science, 5(10)
- Mao K, Zhang H & Yang Z. (2024). Editorial: FEAST of biosensors: food, environmental, and agricultural sensing techniques. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 12
- Lin W, Li R, Cao S, Li H, Yang K, .... (2024). High-Throughput Single-Cell Metabolic Labeling, Sorting, and Sequencing of Active Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria in the Environment. Environmental Science & Technology, 58(40)
- Liu J, Yang Z, Wang Y, Wang L & Li Z. (2024). Editorial: Micro/nano devices and technologies for neural science and medical applications. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 12
- Hassard F, Singh S, Coulon F & Yang Z. (2023). Can wastewater monitoring protect public health in schools?. The Lancet Regional Health - Americas, 20(April)
- Spatola Rossi C, Coulon F, Ma S, Zhang YS & Yang Z. (2023). Microfluidics for Rapid Detection of Live Pathogens. Advanced Functional Materials, 33(21)
- Wang J, Wang K, Peng H, Zhang Z, Yang Z, .... (2023). Entropy-Driven Three-Dimensional DNA Nanofireworks for Simultaneous Real-Time Imaging of Telomerase and MicroRNA in Living Cells. Analytical Chemistry, 95(8)
- Li W, Ma X, Yong Y-C, Liu G & Yang Z. (2023). Review of paper-based microfluidic analytical devices for in-field testing of pathogens. Analytica Chimica Acta, 1278(October)
- Wang K, Zhu N, Li Y, Zhang H, Wu B, .... (2023). Poly-adenine-mediated tetrahedral DNA nanostructure with multiple target-recognition sites for ultrasensitive and rapid electrochemical detection of Aflatoxin B1. Analytica Chimica Acta, 1283(December)
- Adegoke O, Oyinlola K, Achadu OJ & Yang Z. (2023). Blue-emitting SiO2-coated Si-doped ZnSeS quantum dots conjugated aptamer-molecular beacon as an electrochemical and metal-enhanced fluorescence biosensor for SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. Analytica Chimica Acta, 1281(November)
- Liu Y, Lu S, Zhang Z, Yang Z, Cui X, .... (2023). Printable biosensors towards next-generation point-of-care testing: paper substrate as an example. Lab on a Chip, 23(15)
- Yang Z & Barceló D. (2023). Biosensors and new analytical methods for wastewater-based epidemiology. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 162(May)
- Yang K, Lu Z-J, Zhu T-Y, Wang J-X, Yang F-Q, .... (2023). Tailoring the whole-cell sensing spectrum with cyborgian redox machinery. Analytica Chimica Acta, 1252(April)
- Ji X, Zhao X, Zhang Z, Si Y, Qian W, .... (2023). Scalable fabrication of graphene-assembled multifunctional electrode with efficient electrochemical detection of dopamine and glucose. Nano Research, 16(5)
- Ma X-M, Wang J-W, Zhao L-T, Zhang Y, Liu J-Y, .... (2023). Self-Assembled Microfiber-Like Biohydrogel for Ultrasensitive Whole-Cell Electrochemical Biosensing in Microdroplets. Analytical Chemistry, 95(5)
- Wang S-H, Wang J-W, Zhao L-T, Abbas S, Yang Z, .... (2023). Soil Microbial Fuel Cell Based Self-Powered Cathodic Biosensor for Sensitive Detection of Heavy Metals. Biosensors, 13(1)
- Chen Z-B, Jin H-H, Yang Z-G & He D-P. (2023). Recent advances on bioreceptors and metal nanomaterials-based electrochemical impedance spectroscopy biosensors. Rare Metals, 42(4)
- Fu H, Wang Z, Li P, Qian W, Zhang Z, .... (2023). Well-structured 3D channels within GO-based membranes enable ultrafast wastewater treatment. Nano Research, 16(2)
- Yang Z. (2023). Low-cost and rapid sensors for wastewater surveillance at low-resource settings. Nature Water, 1(5)
- Wu H, Niu G, Ren W, Yang Z, Xu Q, .... (2022). Large-Area and Clean Graphene Transfer on Gold-Nanopyramid-Structured Substrates: Implications for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Detection. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 5(3)
- Liu Y, Pinto F, Wan X, Yang Z, Peng S, .... (2022). Reprogrammed tracrRNAs enable repurposing of RNAs as crRNAs and sequence-specific RNA biosensors. Nature Communications, 13(1)
- Nnachi RC, Sui N, Ke B, Luo Z, Bhalla N, .... (2022). Biosensors for rapid detection of bacterial pathogens in water, food and environment. Environment International, 166(August)
- Pan Y, Mao K, Hui Q, Wang B, Cooper J, .... (2022). Paper-based devices for rapid diagnosis and wastewater surveillance. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 157(December)
- Sun X, Duan M, Li R, Meng Y, Bai Q, .... (2022). Ultrathin Graphdiyne/Graphene Heterostructure as a Robust Electrochemical Sensing Platform. Analytical Chemistry, 94(39)
- Cao H, Mao K, Ran F, Xu P, Zhao Y, .... (2022). Paper Device Combining CRISPR/Cas12a and Reverse-Transcription Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification for SARS-CoV-2 Detection in Wastewater. Environmental Science & Technology, 56(18)
- Bai Q, Luo H, Yi X, Shi S, Wang L, .... (2022). Nitrogen-Doped Graphdiyne Quantum-dots as an Optical-Electrochemical sensor for sensitive detection of dopamine. Microchemical Journal, 179(August)
- Jeffrey P, Yang Z & Judd SJ. (2022). The status of potable water reuse implementation. Water Research, 214(May)
- Bai Q, Luo H, Shi S, Liu S, Wang L, .... (2022). AuAg nanocages/graphdiyne for rapid elimination and detection of trace pathogenic bacteria. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 613(May)
- Wang Y, Xu H, Dong Z, Wang Z, Yang Z, .... (2022). Micro/nano biomedical devices for point-of-care diagnosis of infectious respiratory diseases. Medicine in Novel Technology and Devices, 14(June)
- Sabir F, Ain QU, Rahdar A, Yang Z, Barani M, .... (2022). Correction to: Functionalized Nanoparticles in Drug Delivery: Strategies to Enhance Direct Nose-to-Brain Drug Delivery via Integrated Nerve Pathways. Synthesis and Applications of Nanoparticles
- Anae J, Ahmad N, Kumar V, Thakur VK, Gutierrez T, .... (2021). Recent advances in biochar engineering for soil contaminated with complex chemical mixtures: Remediation strategies and future perspectives. Science of The Total Environment, 767
- Li W, Coulon F, Singer A, Zhu Y-G & Yang Z. (2021). Paper-Based Devices As a New Tool for Rapid and on-Site Monitoring of “Superbugs”. Environmental Science & Technology, 55(18)
- Zhou C, Pan Y, Ge S, Coulon F & Yang Z. (2021). Rapid methods for antimicrobial resistance diagnosis in contaminated soils for effective remediation strategy. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 137
- Ou Y, Cao S, Zhang J, Dong W, Yang Z, .... (2021). Droplet microfluidics on analysis of pathogenic microbes for wastewater-based epidemiology. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 143(October)
- Zhang K, Zhang H, Cao H, Jiang Y, Mao K, .... (2021). Rolling Circle Amplification as an Efficient Analytical Tool for Rapid Detection of Contaminants in Aqueous Environments. Biosensors, 11(10)
- Witkowska McConnell W, Davis C, Sabir SR, Garrett A, Bradley-Stewart A, .... (2021). Paper microfluidic implementation of loop mediated isothermal amplification for early diagnosis of hepatitis C virus. Nature Communications, 12(1)
- Pena-Pereira F, Bendicho C, Pavlović DM, Martín-Esteban A, Díaz-Álvarez M, .... (2021). Miniaturized analytical methods for determination of environmental contaminants of emerging concern – A review. Analytica Chimica Acta, 1158
- Ali W, Zhang H, Wang Z, Chang C, Javed A, .... (2021). Occurrence of various viruses and recent evidence of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater systems. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 414(July)
- Mao K, Yang Z, Zhang H, Li X & Cooper JM. (2021). Paper-based nanosensors to evaluate community-wide illicit drug use for wastewater-based epidemiology. Water Research, 189
- Mao K, Zhang H, Pan Y & Yang Z. (2021). Biosensors for wastewater-based epidemiology for monitoring public health. Water Research, 191
- Ali W, Zhang H, Junaid M, Mao K, Xu N, .... (2021). Insights into the mechanisms of arsenic-selenium interactions and the associated toxicity in plants, animals, and humans: A critical review. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 51(7)
- Ming T, Luo J, Liu J, Sun S, Xing Y, .... (2020). Paper-based microfluidic aptasensors. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 170
- Teng D, Zhang B, Xu G, Wang B, Mao K, .... (2020). Efficient removal of Cd(II) from aqueous solution by pinecone biochar: Sorption performance and governing mechanisms. Environmental Pollution, 265(Pt A)
- Bai Q, Zhang C, Li L, Zhu Z, Wang L, .... (2020). Subsequent monitoring of ferric ion and ascorbic acid using graphdiyne quantum dots-based optical sensors. Microchimica Acta, 187(12)
- Mao K, Zhang H & Yang Z. (2020). An integrated biosensor system with mobile health and wastewater-based epidemiology (iBMW) for COVID-19 pandemic. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 169
- Mao K, Zhang H, Pan Y, Zhang K, Cao H, .... (2020). Nanomaterial-based aptamer sensors for analysis of illicit drugs and evaluation of drugs consumption for wastewater-based epidemiology. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 130
- Castrignano E, Yang Z, Feil EJ, Bade R, Castiglioni S, .... (2020). Corrigendum to “Enantiomeric profiling of quinolones and quinolones resistance gene qnrS in European wastewaters” [Water Res. 175 (2020) 115653]. Water Research, 182
- Bhalla N, Pan Y, Yang Z & Payam AF. (2020). Opportunities and Challenges for Biosensors and Nanoscale Analytical Tools for Pandemics: COVID-19. ACS Nano, 14(7)
- Ali W, Mao K, Zhang H, Junaid M, Xu N, .... (2020). Comprehensive review of the basic chemical behaviours, sources, processes, and endpoints of trace element contamination in paddy soil-rice systems in rice-growing countries. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 397
- Mao K, Min X, Zhang H, Zhang K, Cao H, .... (2020). Paper-based microfluidics for rapid diagnostics and drug delivery. Journal of Controlled Release, 322
- Wang Y, Sun S, Luo J, Xiong Y, Ming T, .... (2020). Low sample volume origami-paper-based graphene-modified aptasensors for label-free electrochemical detection of cancer biomarker-EGFR. Microsystems & Nanoengineering, 6(1)
- Chang C, Chen C, Yin R, Shen Y, Mao K, .... (2020). Bioaccumulation of Hg in Rice Leaf Facilitates Selenium Bioaccumulation in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Leaf in the Wanshan Mercury Mine. Environmental Science & Technology, 54(6)
- Li P, Wang Z, Song R, Qian W, Wen P, .... (2020). Customizable fabrication for auxetic graphene assembled macrofilms with high conductivity and flexibility. Carbon, 162
- Castrignanò E, Yang Z, Feil EJ, Bade R, Castiglioni S, .... (2020). Enantiomeric profiling of quinolones and quinolones resistance gene qnrS in European wastewaters. Water Research, 175
- Mao K, Zhang H & Yang Z. (2020). Can a Paper-Based Device Trace COVID-19 Sources with Wastewater-Based Epidemiology?. Environmental Science & Technology, 54(7)
- Mao K, Zhang H, Wang Z, Cao H, Zhang K, .... (2020). Nanomaterial-based aptamer sensors for arsenic detection. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 148
- Hui Q, Pan Y & Yang Z. (2020). Paper-based devices for rapid diagnostics and testing sewage for early warning of COVID-19 outbreak. Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering, 2
- Mao K, Ma J, Li X & Yang Z. (2019). Rapid duplexed detection of illicit drugs in wastewater using gold nanoparticle conjugated aptamer sensors. Science of The Total Environment, 688
- Reboud J, Xu G, Garrett A, Adriko M, Yang Z, .... (2019). Paper-based microfluidics for DNA diagnostics of malaria in low resource underserved rural communities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(11)
- Pan YW, Mao K, Tuerk F & Yang ZG. (2019). Electrochemical Biosensors for Wastewater-Based Epidemiology. Journal of Electrochemistry, 25(3)
- Mao K, Zhou Z, Han S, Zhou X, Hu J, .... (2018). A novel biosensor based on Au@Ag core-shell nanoparticles for sensitive detection of methylamphetamine with surface enhanced Raman scattering. Talanta, 190
- Yang Z, Xu G, Reboud J, Ali SA, Kaur G, .... (2018). Rapid Veterinary Diagnosis of Bovine Reproductive Infectious Diseases from Semen Using Paper-Origami DNA Microfluidics. ACS Sensors, 3(2)
- Castrignanò E, Yang Z, Bade R, Baz-Lomba JA, Castiglioni S, .... (2018). Enantiomeric profiling of chiral illicit drugs in a pan-European study. Water Research, 130
- Wei B, Mao K, Liu N, Zhang M & Yang Z. (2018). Graphene nanocomposites modified electrochemical aptamer sensor for rapid and highly sensitive detection of prostate specific antigen. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 121
- Alzahrani H, Bentley C, Burrows R, Cao C, Cai Q, .... (2018). Dynamics of nanointerfaces: general discussion. Faraday Discussions, 210(0)
- Alzahrani H, Antoine C, Aoki K, Baker L, Balme S, .... (2018). Processes at nanoelectrodes: general discussion. Faraday Discussions, 210(0)
- Alzahrani H, Bentley C, Bohn PW, Chikere C, Commandeur D, .... (2018). Energy conversion at nanointerfaces: general discussion. Faraday Discussions, 210(0)
- Gracia-Lor E, Rousis NI, Zuccato E, Bade R, Baz-Lomba JA, .... (2017). Estimation of caffeine intake from analysis of caffeine metabolites in wastewater. Science of The Total Environment, 609
- Mao K, Yang Z, Li J, Zhou X, Li X, .... (2017). A novel colorimetric biosensor based on non-aggregated Au@Ag core–shell nanoparticles for methamphetamine and cocaine detection. Talanta, 175
- Yang Z, Xu G, Reboud J, Kasprzyk-Hordern B & Cooper JM. (2017). Monitoring Genetic Population Biomarkers for Wastewater-Based Epidemiology. Analytical Chemistry, 89(18)
- Rousis NI, Gracia-Lor E, Zuccato E, Bade R, Baz-Lomba JA, .... (2017). Wastewater-based epidemiology to assess pan-European pesticide exposure. Water Research, 121
- Gracia-Lor E, Castiglioni S, Bade R, Been F, Castrignanò E, .... (2017). Measuring biomarkers in wastewater as a new source of epidemiological information: Current state and future perspectives. Environment International, 99
- Yang Z, Castrignanò E, Estrela P, Frost CG & Kasprzyk-Hordern B. (2016). Community Sewage Sensors towards Evaluation of Drug Use Trends: Detection of Cocaine in Wastewater with DNA-Directed Immobilization Aptamer Sensors. Scientific Reports, 6(1)
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- Yang Z, Chevolot Y, Géhin T, Dugas V, Xanthopoulos N, .... (2013). Characterization of Three Amino-Functionalized Surfaces and Evaluation of Antibody Immobilization for the Multiplex Detection of Tumor Markers Involved in Colorectal Cancer. Langmuir, 29(5)
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Conference Papers
- Yang Z, Pan Y & Hui Q. (2023). Low-cost and rapid paper-based microfluidic device for wastewater surveillance at low-resource settings
- Reboud J, Xu G, Yang Z, Garrett A, Witkowska W, .... (2018). Paper origami DNA diagnostics for infectious diseases
- Yang Z, Chevolot Y, Géhin T, Solassol J, Mange A, .... (2013). Improvement of protein immobilization for the elaboration of tumor-associated antigen microarrays: Application to the sensitive and specific detection of tumor markers from breast cancer sera
- Yang Z, Chevolot Y, Ataman-Önal Y, Choquet-Kastylevsky G, Souteyrand E, .... (2012). Cancer biomarkers detection using 3D microstructured protein chip: Implementation of customized multiplex immunoassay
- Yang Z, Laurenceau E, Chevolot Y, Önal YA, Choquet-Kastylevsky G, .... (2011). Cancer Biomarkers Detection using Microstructured Protein Chip: Implementation of Customized Multiplex Immunoassay
- Laurenceau E, Yang Z, Chevolot Y, Attaman Y, Choquet-Kastylevsky G, .... (2011). Tumor antigens titration on novel miniaturized immunoassay: 3D-Protein chip performance evaluation
- Hui Q, Pan Y, Cullen D & Yang Z. (2025). Advanced sensors enabled rapid and on-site wastewater surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 and beyond In Barceló D & Pico Y (eds), Sample Handling and Trace Analysis of Pollutants (2nd). Elsevier.
- Altintas Z, Sehit E, Pan Y, Ma X & Yang Z. (2025). Comparison of MIP-, Antibody- and Aptamer-Based Biosensors for Diagnostic Technologies In Altintas Z(ed.), Springer Series on Polymer and Composite Materials. Springer International Publishing.
- Li W, Spatola Rossi C, Coulon F & Yang Z. (2023). Smartphone-based sensors for water quality In Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry (101). Elsevier.
- Pan Y, Li W, Hui Q & Yang Z. (2023). Biosensors for bacteria detection In Barhoum A & Altintas Z (eds), Advanced Sensor Technology: Biomedical, Environmental, and Construction Applications. Elsevier.
- Pan Y & Yang Z. (2023). Paper-based devices for virus detection in water In Regan F, Hansen P-D & Barceló D (eds), Biosensors for the Marine Environment: Present and Future Challenges. Springer.
- Xu Q, Pan Y, Li W & Yang Z. (2023). 6 Amperometric sensors In Fundamentals of Sensor Technology. Elsevier.
- Pan Y & Yang Z. (2023). Paper-Based Devices for Virus Detection in Water In The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry (122). Springer International Publishing.
- Sabir F, Ain QU, Rahdar A, Yang Z, Barani M, .... (2022). Functionalized Nanoparticles in Drug Delivery: Strategies to Enhance Direct Nose-to-Brain Drug Delivery via Integrated Nerve Pathways In Synthesis and Applications of Nanoparticles. Springer Nature Singapore.