Contact Professor Ronald Corstanje
- Tel: +44 (0) 1234 754817
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Areas of expertise
- Digital Agriculture
- Natural Capital
- Soil
- Soil Resources
- Sustainable Land Systems
- Water Science and Engineering
Professor of Data Sciences at Cranfield and Head of the Cranfield Environment Centre. He specialises in the application of spatio-temporal models to understand the nature and behaviour of natural systems and processes. He is interested in the application of (spatial) modelling tools to understand the structure and function of environmental systems and processes. Environmental systems are complex, and this expresses itself as complex but determinable spatiotemporal patterns. The application of these approaches has led to significant advances in our understanding on the spatial dynamics of ecosystem services, in particular in Urban areas. Another key area in which these techniques have proven invaluable is in the area of resilience as applied to ecological functions, allowing significant insights into the nature and functioning of resilience. Both these areas have significant societal significance, in helping inform how to infer resilience in the natural and man-made systems on which we depend, but also in how to design and plan the built environment to retain the benefits from the natural capital inherent in our greenspaces.
He joined Cranfield in 2008 after periods at Rothamsted Research and the University of Florida. He obtained his PhD from the University of Florida in 2003, Environmental Engineering degree from Wageningen University in 1997.
Current activities
Current and past activities include:
Digital Agriculture; developing agrifood systems models to support sustainable production within its landscape and ecology. Work supported by, BBSRC 'Soils for Life' (BB/M011860/: £236k) award (Co-I); Innovate 'To exploit satellite data for the precision management of grassland systems' (£145k; Co-I); AgriEPI block grant £5.5M for equipment on precision agriculture (no PI/Co-I; co-author together with Mouazen and Terry).
Environmental Informatics; modelling and mapping ecosystem goods and services. Work includes; NERC consortium grant 'Urban Biodiversity Ecosystem Services and Sustainability' (NE/J015067/1: £3.2M; Co-I and overall project manager; WP lead on modelling); BBSRC grant 'Fundamental Basis of Soil Biological Resilience' (BB/J000396/1: £624k; Nottingham lead; Cranfield PI); NERC 'Ecosystem Services Databank and Visualisation for Terrestrial Informatics' (NE/L012774/1: £207k; Co-I); NERC 'Ecosystem Services Scale dependency DTG studentship' (NE/K501360/1; £77k; PI); NERC 'Scaling and thresholds in earthworm abundance and diversity in grassland agricultural systems' (NE/K015338/1: £147k; Natural History Museum lead; Cranfield PI) ; NERC New Investigator grant 'Towards a general framework to assess scale dependency in environmental covariates' (NE/H000917/1: £33k; PI); 'A Bayesian Belief network to operationalize the concepts of Soil Quality and Health' (NE/P014313/1; £252,989; Cranfield PI)
Translational Science: Various UK and US government and agency projects (totalling > £ 500k; PI in all excluding Defra) involving data mining, modelling and predictions of ecological systems sustained by soil. Examples include work on Datamining STA performance (SFWMD, State of Florida); modelling global C stocks for bioenergy (Dept. of Energy and Climate Change, UK government); physical indicators of soil quality (Dept for Food, Agriculture and Rural Affairs, UK government). Various commercial contracts (totalling £150k, PI in all) with Unilever, G's growers on Agricultural Informatics, and Mott MacDonald on Ecosystem Services.
Translational research in which bespoke solutions are developed based on core science for industrial, governmental and non-governmental partners and clients.
Articles In Journals
- Holmquist JR, Klinges D, Lonneman M, Wolfe J, Boyd B, .... (2024). The Coastal Carbon Library and Atlas: Open source soil data and tools supporting blue carbon research and policy. Global Change Biology, 30(1)
- Kim J, Khouakhi A, Corstanje R & Johnston ASA. (2024). Greater local cooling effects of trees across globally distributed urban green spaces. Science of The Total Environment, 911
- Toumasis N, Simms D, Rust W, Harris J, White JR, .... (2024). Emerging resilience metrics in an intensely managed ecological system. Ecological Engineering, 200
- Verma R, Zawadzka JE, Garg PK & Corstanje R. (2024). The relationship between spatial configuration of urban parks and neighbourhood cooling in a humid subtropical city. Landscape Ecology, 39(2)
- Oulaid B, Milne AE, Waine T, El Alami R, Rafiqi M, .... (2024). Stepwise model parametrisation using satellite imagery and hemispherical photography: Tuning AquaCrop sensitive parameters for improved winter wheat yield predictions in semi-arid regions. Field Crops Research, 309
- Asrat TG, Breure T, Sakrabani R, Corstanje R, Hassall KL, .... (2024). A Moroccan soil spectral library use framework for improving soil property prediction: Evaluating a geostatistical approach. Geoderma, 452
- Beka S, Burgess PJ & Corstanje R. (2023). Robust spatial estimates of biomass carbon on farms. Science of The Total Environment, 861(February)
- El Fartassi I, Milne AE, El Alami R, Rafiqi M, Hassall KL, .... (2023). Evidence of collaborative opportunities to ensure long-term sustainability in African farming. Journal of Cleaner Production, 392(March)
- Asrat TG, Sakrabani R, Corstanje R, Breure T, Hassall KL, .... (2023). Spectral soil analysis for fertilizer recommendations by coupling with QUEFTS for maize in East Africa: A sensitivity analysis. Geoderma, 432(April)
- Milne A, Oulaid B, el fartassi I, Zawadzka J, el Alami R, .... (2023). Communicating the Uncertainty in Predictions from a GIS-Modelling Framework.
- Breure TS, Prout JM, Haefele SM, Milne AE, Hannam JA, .... (2022). Comparing the effect of different sample conditions and spectral libraries on the prediction accuracy of soil properties from near- and mid-infrared spectra at the field-scale. Soil and Tillage Research, 215(January)
- Bullock JM, Fuentes‐Montemayor E, McCarthy B, Park K, Hails RS, .... (2022). Future restoration should enhance ecological complexity and emergent properties at multiple scales. Ecography, 2022(4)
- Beka S, Burgess PJ, Corstanje R & Stoate C. (2022). Spatial modelling approach and accounting method affects soil carbon estimates and derived farm-scale carbon payments. Science of The Total Environment, 827(June)
- Breure TS, Haefele SM, Hannam JA, Corstanje R, Webster R, .... (2022). A loss function to evaluate agricultural decision-making under uncertainty: a case study of soil spectroscopy. Precision Agriculture, 23(4)
- Rust W, Bloomfield JP, Cuthbert M, Corstanje R & Holman I. (2022). The importance of non-stationary multiannual periodicities in the North Atlantic Oscillation index for forecasting water resource drought. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 26(9)
- Burton VJ, Contu S, De Palma A, Hill SLL, Albrecht H, .... (2022). Land use and soil characteristics affect soil organisms differently from above-ground assemblages. BMC Ecology and Evolution, 22(1)
- Rust W, Bloomfield J, Cuthbert M, Corstanje R & Holman I. (2022). Multiannual Atmospheric Controls on Drought Stationarity: What the NAO can tell us about past behaviours and future climate change projections?.
- Karimi JD, Corstanje R & Harris JA. (2021). Understanding the importance of landscape configuration on ecosystem service bundles at a high resolution in urban landscapes in the UK. Landscape Ecology, 36(7)
- Rust W, Bloomfield JP, Cuthbert MO, Corstanje R & Holman IP. (2021). Non‐stationary control of the
NAO on European rainfall and its implications for water resource management. Hydrological Processes, 35(3) - Beale J, Waine T, Evans J & Corstanje R. (2021). A Method to Assess the Performance of SAR-Derived Surface Soil Moisture Products. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 14
- Karimi JD, Corstanje R & Harris JA. (2021). Bundling ecosystem services at a high resolution in the UK: trade-offs and synergies in urban landscapes. Landscape Ecology, 36(6)
- Rust W, Cuthbert M, Bloomfield J, Corstanje R, Howden N, .... (2021). Exploring the role of hydrological pathways in modulating multi-annual climate teleconnection periodicities from UK rainfall to streamflow. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 25(4)
- Zawadzka JE, Harris JA & Corstanje R. (2021). Assessment of heat mitigation capacity of urban greenspaces with the use of InVEST urban cooling model, verified with day-time land surface temperature data. Landscape and Urban Planning, 214(October)
- Peng J, Liu Y, Corstanje R & Meersmans J. (2021). Promoting sustainable landscape pattern for landscape sustainability. Landscape Ecology, 36(7)
- Zawadzka JE, Harris JA & Corstanje R. (2021). The importance of spatial configuration of neighbouring land cover for explanation of surface temperature of individual patches in urban landscapes. Landscape Ecology, 36(11)
- Karimi JD, Harris JA & Corstanje R. (2021). Using Bayesian Belief Networks to assess the influence of landscape connectivity on ecosystem service trade-offs and synergies in urban landscapes in the UK. Landscape Ecology, 36(11)
- Hodson ME, Corstanjeb R, Jones DT, Witton J, Burton VJ, .... (2021). Earthworm distributions are not driven by measurable soil properties. Do they really indicate soil quality?. PLOS ONE, 16(8)
- Muhamad Nor AN, Abdul Aziz H, Nawawi SA, Muhammad Jamil R, Abas MA, .... (2021). Evolution of Green Space under Rapid Urban Expansion in Southeast Asian Cities. Sustainability, 13(21)
- Breure TS, Milne AE, Webster R, Haefele SM, Hannam JA, .... (2021). Predicting the growth of lettuce from soil infrared reflectance spectra: the potential for crop management. Precision Agriculture, 22(1)
- Beaujean S, Nor ANM, Brewer T, Zamorano JG, Dumitriu AC, .... (2021). A multistep approach to improving connectivity and co-use of spatial ecological networks in cities. Landscape Ecology, 36(7)
- Zawadzka JE, Harris JA & Corstanje R. (2021). A simple method for determination of fine resolution urban form patterns with distinct thermal properties using class-level landscape metrics. Landscape Ecology, 36(7)
- Zawadzka J, Corstanje R, Harris J & Truckell I. (2020). Downscaling Landsat-8 land surface temperature maps in diverse urban landscapes using multivariate adaptive regression splines and very high resolution auxiliary data. International Journal of Digital Earth, 13(8)
- Grafius DR, Edmondson JL, Norton BA, Clark R, Mears M, .... (2020). Estimating food production in an urban landscape. Scientific Reports, 10(1)
- Weise H, Auge H, Baessler C, Bärlund I, Bennett EM, .... (2020). Resilience trinity: safeguarding ecosystem functioning and services across three different time horizons and decision contexts. Oikos, 129(4)
- Spera AC, White JR & Corstanje R. (2020). Spatial and temporal changes to a hydrologically-reconnected coastal wetland: Implications for restoration. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 238
- Hassall K, Zawadzka J, Milne A, Dailey G, Harris J, .... (2020). Soil Quality and Health – can it be quantified?.
- Zawadzka J, Gallagher E, Smith H & Corstanje R. (2019). Ecosystem services from combined natural and engineered water and wastewater treatment systems: Going beyond water quality enhancement. Ecological Engineering, 142
- Rust W, Holman I, Bloomfield J, Cuthbert M & Corstanje R. (2019). Understanding the potential of climate teleconnections to project future groundwater drought. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 23(8)
- Hassall KL, Dailey G, Zawadzka J, Milne AE, Harris JA, .... (2019). Facilitating the elicitation of beliefs for use in Bayesian Belief modelling. Environmental Modelling & Software, 122
- Grafius DR, Corstanje R, Warren PH, Evans KL, Norton BA, .... (2019). Using GIS-linked Bayesian Belief Networks as a tool for modelling urban biodiversity. Landscape and Urban Planning, 189
- Norton BA, Bending GD, Clark R, Corstanje R, Dunnett N, .... (2019). Urban meadows as an alternative to short mown grassland: effects of composition and height on biodiversity. Ecological Applications, 29(6)
- Okonkwo EI, Corstanje R & Kirk GJD. (2018). Digital soil assessment for quantifying soil constraints to crop production: a case study for rice in Punjab, India. Soil Use and Management, 34(4)
- Rust W, Holman I, Corstanje R, Bloomfield J & Cuthbert M. (2018). A conceptual model for climatic teleconnection signal control on groundwater variability in Europe. Earth-Science Reviews, 177
- Grafius DR, Corstanje R & Harris JA. (2018). Linking ecosystem services, urban form and green space configuration using multivariate landscape metric analysis. Landscape Ecology, 33(4)
- Todman LC, Fraser FC, Corstanje R, Harris JA, Pawlett M, .... (2018). Evidence for functional state transitions in intensively-managed soil ecosystems. Scientific Reports, 8(1)
- Snapir B, Waine TW, Corstanje R, Redfern S, De Silva J, .... (2018). Harvest Monitoring of Kenyan Tea Plantations With X-Band SAR. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 11(3)
- Corstanje R, Mercer TG, Rickson JR, Deeks LK, Newell-Price P, .... (2017). Physical soil quality indicators for monitoring British soils. Solid Earth, 8(5)
- Nor ANM, Corstanje R, Harris JA, Grafius DR & Siriwardena GM. (2017). Ecological connectivity networks in rapidly expanding cities. Heliyon, 3(6)
- Nor ANM, Corstanje R, Harris JA & Brewer T. (2017). Impact of rapid urban expansion on green space structure. Ecological Indicators, 81
- Grafius DR, Corstanje R, Siriwardena GM, Plummer KE & Harris JA. (2017). A bird’s eye view: using circuit theory to study urban landscape connectivity for birds. Landscape Ecology, 32(9)
- Zawadzka JE, Corstanje R, Fookes J, Nichols J & Harris J. (2017). Operationalizing the ecosystems approach: Assessing the environmental impact of major infrastructure development. Ecological Indicators, 78
- Fraser FC, Todman LC, Corstanje R, Deeks LK, Harris JA, .... (2016). Distinct respiratory responses of soils to complex organic substrate are governed predominantly by soil architecture and its microbial community. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 103
- Fraser FC, Corstanje R, Deeks LK, Harris JA, Pawlett M, .... (2016). On the origin of carbon dioxide released from rewetted soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 101
- Grafius DR, Corstanje R, Warren PH, Evans KL, Hancock S, .... (2016). The impact of land use/land cover scale on modelling urban ecosystem services. Landscape Ecology, 31(7)
- Todman LC, Fraser FC, Corstanje R, Deeks LK, Harris JA, .... (2016). Defining and quantifying the resilience of responses to disturbance: a conceptual and modelling approach from soil science. Scientific Reports, 6(1)
- Corstanje R, Grafius DR, Zawadzka J, Moreira Barradas J, Vince G, .... (2016). A datamining approach to identifying spatial patterns of phosphorus forms in the Stormwater Treatment Areas in the Everglades, US. Ecological Engineering, 97
- Albanito F, Beringer T, Corstanje R, Poulter B, Stephenson A, .... (2016). Carbon implications of converting cropland to bioenergy crops or forest for climate mitigation: a global assessment. GCB Bioenergy, 8(1)
- Xiong X, Grunwald S, Corstanje R, Yu C & Bliznyuk N. (2016). Scale-dependent variability of soil organic carbon coupled to land use and land cover. Soil and Tillage Research, 160
- Chiverton A, Hannaford J, Holman I, Corstanje R, Prudhomme C, .... (2015). Which catchment characteristics control the temporal dependence structure of daily river flows?. Hydrological Processes, 29(6)
- Chiverton A, Hannaford J, Holman IP, Corstanje R, Prudhomme C, .... (2015). Using variograms to detect and attribute hydrological change. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 19(5)
- Taalab K, Corstanje R, Zawadzka J, Mayr T, Whelan MJ, .... (2015). On the application of Bayesian Networks in Digital Soil Mapping. Geoderma, 259-260
- Zawadzka J, Mayr T, Bellamy P & Corstanje R. (2015). Comparing physiographic maps with different categorisations. Geomorphology, 231
- Corstanje R, Deeks LR, Whitmore AP, Gregory AS & Ritz K. (2015). Probing the basis of soil resilience. Soil Use and Management, 31(S1)
- Taalab K, Corstanje R, Mayr TM, Whelan MJ & Creamer RE. (2015). The application of expert knowledge in Bayesian networks to predict soil bulk density at the landscape scale. European Journal of Soil Science, 66(5)
- Simo I, Schulte RPO, Corstanje R, Hannam JA & Creamer RE. (2015). Validating digital soil maps using soil taxonomic distance: A case study of Ireland. Geoderma Regional, 5
- Rust W, Corstanje R, Holman IP & Milne AE. (2014). Detecting land use and land management influences on catchment hydrology by modelling and wavelets. Journal of Hydrology, 517
- Veronesi F, Corstanje R & Mayr T. (2014). Landscape scale estimation of soil carbon stock using 3D modelling. Science of The Total Environment, 487(1)
- Cavazzi S, Corstanje R, Mayr T, Hannam J & Fealy R. (2013). Are fine resolution digital elevation models always the best choice in digital soil mapping?. Geoderma, 195-196
- Taalab KP, Corstanje R, Creamer R & Whelan MJ. (2013). Modelling soil bulk density at the landscape scale and its contributions to C stock uncertainty. Biogeosciences, 10(7)
- Veronesi F, Corstanje R & Mayr T. (2012). Mapping soil compaction in 3D with depth functions. Soil and Tillage Research, 124
- Kral F, Corstanje R, White JR & Veronesi F. (2012). A Geostatistical Analysis of Soil Properties in the Davis Pond Mississippi Freshwater Diversion. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 76(3)
- Dunne EJ, Clark MW, Corstanje R & Reddy KR. (2011). Legacy phosphorus in subtropical wetland soils: Influence of dairy, improved and unimproved pasture land use. Ecological Engineering, 37(10)
- M. Bostic E, White JR, Corstanje R & Reddy KR. (2010). Redistribution of Wetland Soil Phosphorus Ten Years after the Conclusion of Nutrient Loading. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 74(5)
- Savvides A, Corstanje R, Baxter SJ, Rawlins BG & Lark RM. (2010). The relationship between diffuse spectral reflectance of the soil and its cation exchange capacity is scale-dependent. Geoderma, 154(3-4)
- Corstanje R, Portier KM & Reddy KR. (2009). Discriminant analysis of biogeochemical indicators of nutrient enrichment in a Florida wetland. European Journal of Soil Science, 60(6)
- Lark RM & Corstanje R. (2009). Non‐homogeneity of variance components from spatially nested sampling of the soil. European Journal of Soil Science, 60(3)
- Marchant BP, Newman S, Corstanje R, Reddy KR, Osborne TZ, .... (2009). Spatial monitoring of a non‐stationary soil property: phosphorus in a Florida water conservation area. European Journal of Soil Science, 60(5)
- Wright AL, Reddy KR & Corstanje R. (2009). Patterns of heterotrophic microbial activity in eutrophic and oligotrophic peatlands. European Journal of Soil Biology, 45(2)
- Corstanje R, Kirk GJD & Lark RM. (2008). The behaviour of soil process models of ammonia volatilization at contrasting spatial scales. European Journal of Soil Science, 59(6)
- Corstanje R, Kirk GJD, Pawlett M, Read R & Lark RM. (2008). Spatial variation of ammonia volatilization from soil and its scale‐dependent correlation with soil properties. European Journal of Soil Science, 59(6)
- White JR, Gardner LM, Sees M & Corstanje R. (2008). The Short‐Term Effects of Prescribed Burning on Biomass Removal and the Release of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in a Treatment Wetland. Journal of Environmental Quality, 37(6)
- Corstanje R & Lark RM. (2008). On effective linearity of soil process models. European Journal of Soil Science, 59(5)
- Corstanje R, Grunwald S & Lark RM. (2008). Inferences from fluctuations in the local variogram about the assumption of stationarity in the variance. Geoderma, 143(1-2)
- Corstanje R, Schulin R & Lark RM. (2007). Scale‐dependent relationships between soil organic carbon and urease activity. European Journal of Soil Science, 58(5)
- Corstanje R, Reddy KR & Portier KM. (2007). Soil microbial ecophysiology of a wetland recovering from phosphorus eutrophication. Wetlands, 27(4)
- Corstanje R, Reddy KR, Prenger JP, Newman S & Ogram AV. (2007). Soil microbial eco-physiological response to nutrient enrichment in a sub-tropical wetland. Ecological Indicators, 7(2)
- Corstanje R, Grunwald S, Reddy KR, Osborne TZ & Newman S. (2006). Assessment of the Spatial Distribution of Soil Properties in a Northern Everglades Marsh. Journal of Environmental Quality, 35(3)
- Grunwald S, Corstanje R, Weinrich BE & Reddy KR. (2006). Spatial Patterns of Labile Forms of Phosphorus in a Subtropical Wetland. Journal of Environmental Quality, 35(1)
- Corstanje R & Reddy KR. (2006). Microbial Indicators of Nutrient Enrichment. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 70(5)
- Corstanje R, Reddy KR & Portier KM. (2006). Typha latifolia and Cladium jamaicense litter decay in response to exogenous nutrient enrichment. Aquatic Botany, 84(1)
- Boeije G, Corstanje R, Rottiers A & Schowanek D. (1999). Adaptation of the CAS test system and synthetic sewage for biological nutrient removal. Chemosphere, 38(4)
- Rottiers A, Boeije G, Corstanje R, Decraene K, Feijtel TCJ, .... (1999). Adaptation of the cas test system and synthetic sewage for biological nutrient removal. Chemosphere, 38(4)
Conference Papers
- fraser F, Corstanje R, Todman L, Bello-Curás D, Bending G, .... (2022). Evidence of ecological critical slowing-down in temperate soils
- Beale J, Waine T, Corstanje R & Evans J. (2021). Improved soil moisture estimation with Sentinel-1 for arable land at the field scale
- Breure T, Haefele SM, Webster R, Hannam JA, Corstanje R, .... (2021). Agricultural decision-making under uncertainty: a loss function on the kriging variance from soil properties predicted by infrared and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy
- Campbell GA, Lilly A, Corstanje R, Mayr TR & Black HIJ. (2017). Are existing soils data meeting the needs of stakeholders in Europe? An analysis of practical use from policy to field
- Halcro G, Corstanje R & Mouazen AM. (2013). Site-specific land management of cereal crops based on management zone delineation by proximal soil sensing
- Hobbs SE, Mitchell C, Snapir B, Burren R, Whittaker P, .... (2013). Simulation of geosynchronous radar and atmospheric phase compensation constraints
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- Nawar S, Corstanje R, Halcro G, Mulla D & Mouazen AM. (2017). Delineation of Soil Management Zones for Variable-Rate Fertilization In Advances in Agronomy (143). Elsevier.
- Casado MR, Corstanje R, Bellamy P & Marchant B. (2015). Issues of Sampling Design in Wetlands In SSSA Book Series. American Society of Agronomy and Soil Science Society of America.
- Simó I, Corstanje R, Fealy R, Hallett S, Hannam J, .... (2014). Mapping soils in Ireland In Arrouays , D , McKenzie , N , Hempel , ... (eds), GlobalSoilMap. CRC Press.
- Rivas Casado M, Corstanje R, Bellamy P & Marchant B. (2013). Issues of sampling design in wetlands In DeLaune RD, Reddy KR, Richardson CJ & Megonigal JP (eds), Methods in Biogeochemistry of Wetlands. Soil Science Society of America, Madison, Wisconsin, USA..
- Mayr T, Rivas-Casado M, Bellamy P, Palmer R, Zawadzka J, .... (2010). Two Methods for Using Legacy Data in Digital Soil Mapping In Boettinger JL, Howell DW, Moore AC, Hartemink AE & Kienast-Brown S (eds), Digital Soil Mapping (2). Springer Netherlands.
- Portier KM & Corstanje R. (2007). Issues of Study Design and Statistical Analysis for Environmental Microbiology In Manual of Environmental Microbiology. ASM Press.
- Ogram AV, Bridgham S, Corstanje R, Drake H, Kusel A, .... (2006). Linkages between microbial community composition and biogeochemical processes across scales. Wetlands as a natural resources. In Ecological Studies. Springer.
- Inglet PI, Reddy KR & Corstanje R. (2004). Anaerobosis In Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment.. Elsevier.