Contact Professor Phil Longhurst
- Tel: +44 (0) 1234 754953
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Areas of expertise
- Biomass and Waste
- Energy and the Environment
- Energy Policy & Regulation
- Environmental Policy
Phil is the Director of Partnerships in the School of Water, Energy & Environment, and Professor of Environment & Energy Technology. He has a PhD in Innovation & Technology Assessment, and a degree in Design and Technology and B.Ed. (Hons).
Phil's initial research background was in developing a programme of research assessing the impact of waste management on air quality and neighbouring communities. Adapting measurement and assessment methods from meteorology and agriculture he used these methods to predict the impact of landfill operations on households. Information from these methods were used to inform operators on options for improvement, advise on the potential impacts and opportunities for the control of operations for planning applications, and assess the potential for new methods of operational control and regulation.
Prior to his research career, Phil completed his initial studies at the London College of Furniture and then worked in the furniture industry and associated trades. He trained as a teacher of Design and Technology gaining sponsorship for the development of demonstrator wind tunnels for use in education, then joined Cranfield University to further develop his research and industry interests.
Research opportunities
Applications from postgraduates having developed research questions related to regional and transition of energy systems to net zero, and/or waste & resource management systems for net zero are welcome.
If you are in the process of applying for external funding then you are invited to contact to correspond on your application to complete your research at Cranfield University as you develop your research proposal.
Current activities
Phil holds the Chair of Environment and Energy Technology and is based in the Energy Theme. His research investigates the way that materials can be recovered or diverted from waste streams including landfill to improve resource use and reduce environmental pollution.
This research includes the application of energy from waste to district heating, as well as the diversion of materials, energy from waste, pollution prevention and reducing green-house gas emissions. His work contributes to the activity in the energy theme as well as in water and the environment. His portfolio of projects includes recovering material value from trace metals in contaminated land, nutrient recovery from wastes, risk assessment for PAS100 compost for use in agriculture, and risk assessment for PAS110 Anaerobic Digestion (AD) residues in agriculture. Work related to waste management includes developing benchmarking methods for better environmental regulation, establishing opportunities for SMEs to develop AD infrastructure capacity, and systems modelling for waste minimisation and policy appraisal.
His published outputs include research into: the mechanical-biological treatment (MBT) of solid waste; the production and quality of solid recovered fuels (SRF); bioaerosol emissions from in-vessel and open-windrow composting; and the risk assessment of wastes, including animal carcasses; and a systems analysis of disease incursion networks.
He has developed short courses including training for improved biowaste regulation, training for odour control and measurement as well as advised site operators on methods to reduce the impact of operations and evaluated levels of compliance with site emission measurements and dispersion modelling methods.
Phil contributed to HM Treasury's Infrastructure study by the Engineering Interdependencies Expert Group (EIEG) and provides teaching and research supervision to three teaching themes in: Energy; Environment and Agrifood, as well as supervising doctoral researchers.
Current and previous clients include research councils, government departments, NGOs, and commercial and industrial sponsors.
Collaborating partners and clients include the following: EPSRC, NERC, ESRC, Innovate UK, Defra, BEIS (DECC), Association for London Government, GLA, WRAP, Sniffer, Environment Agency, SEPA, UK Water Industry Research, WRG, Shanks/Renewi, Biffa, Viridor, SITA, Grantscape (Shanks First, EB Nationwide Ltd.) Boeing, ADAS, Jacobs, James Hutton Institute, British Sugar, Anglian Water, Lafarge, London Remade, MJ Carter Associates, Northumbrian Water, Severn Trent Water, South West Water, Thames Water, United Utilities, Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions - Wood PLC, Viridor, and Yorkshire Water.
Articles In Journals
- Du J, Zhu X, Li X, Ünal E & Longhurst P. (2023). Explaining the Green Development Behavior of Local Governments for Sustainable Development: Evidence from China. Behavioral Sciences, 13(10)
- Liu Y, Guo W, Longhurst P & Jiang Y. (2023). Shortening the Standard Testing Time for Residual Biogas Potential (RBP) Tests Using Biogas Yield Models and Substrate Physicochemical Characteristics. Processes, 11(2)
- Alderete Peralta A, Balta-Ozkan N & Longhurst P. (2022). Spatio-temporal modelling of solar photovoltaic adoption: An integrated neural networks and agent-based modelling approach. Applied Energy, 305(January)
- Omar H-C, Isidro D-C, Philip LJ & Adriana E-O. (2022). “Film-stacking method as an alternative Agave tequilana fibre/PLA composite fabrication”. Materials Today Communications, 31(June)
- Yudha SW, Tjahjono B & Longhurst P. (2022). Sustainable Transition from Fossil Fuel to Geothermal Energy: A Multi-Level Perspective Approach. Energies, 15(19)
- Yudha S, Tjahjono B & Longhurst P. (2022). Unearthing the Dynamics of Indonesia’s Geothermal Energy Development. Energies, 15(14)
- Yudha SW, Tjahjono B & Longhurst P. (2021). Stakeholders’ Recount on the Dynamics of Indonesia’s Renewable Energy Sector. Energies, 14(10)
- Jiang J, Zhang S, Longhurst P, Yang W & Zheng S. (2021). Molecular structure characterization of bituminous coal in Northern China via XRD, Raman and FTIR spectroscopy. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 255(July)
- Jiang J, Zhang S, Longhurst P, Zhao K & Wang D. (2021). Influence of coalification on methane diffusion dynamics in middle-high rank coals. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects
- Huerta-Cardoso O, Durazo-Cardenas I, Longhurst P, Simms NJ & Encinas-Oropesa A. (2020). Fabrication of agave tequilana bagasse/PLA composite and preliminary mechanical properties assessment. Industrial Crops and Products, 152
- Huerta-Cardoso O, Durazo-Cardenas I, Marchante-Rodriguez V, Longhurst P, Coulon F, .... (2020). Up-cycling of agave tequilana bagasse-fibres: A study on the effect of fibre-surface treatments on interfacial bonding and mechanical properties. Results in Materials, 8
- Park C, Charnley F, Longhurst P, Bolton S & Evans S. (2020). Too fast to bother Integrity, instrumentality, and externality factors for early sustainable design implementation in the fast-moving-consumer-goods sector. J. of Design Research, 18(1/2)
- Park C, Charnley F, Longhurst P, Bolton S & Evans S. (2020). Too fast to bother Integrity, instrumentality, and externality factors for early sustainable design implementation in the fast-moving-consumer-goods sector. J. of Design Research, 1(1)
- Burnley S, Wagland S & Longhurst P. (2019). Using life cycle assessment in environmental engineering education. Higher Education Pedagogies, 4(1)
- Longhurst PJ, Tompkins D, Pollard SJT, Hough RL, Chambers B, .... (2019). Risk assessments for quality-assured, source-segregated composts and anaerobic digestates for a circular bioeconomy in the UK. Environment International, 127
- Vrancken C, Longhurst P & Wagland S. (2019). Deep learning in material recovery: Development of method to create training database. Expert Systems with Applications, 125
- Jiang Y, McAdam E, Zhang Y, Heaven S, Banks C, .... (2019). Ammonia inhibition and toxicity in anaerobic digestion: A critical review. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 32
- Lei M, Dong Z, Jiang Y, Longhurst P, Wan X, .... (2019). Reaction mechanism of arsenic capture by a calcium-based sorbent during the combustion of arsenic-contaminated biomass: A pilot-scale experience. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 13(2)
- Chowdhury S, Kim G-H, Bolan N & Longhurst P. (2019). A critical review on risk evaluation and hazardous management in carcass burial. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 123
- Kumar V & Longhurst P. (2018). Recycling of food waste into chemical building blocks. Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 13
- Longhurst P. (2018). Book review. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Waste and Resource Management, 171(2)
- Douglas P, Hayes ET, Williams WB, Tyrrel SF, Kinnersley RP, .... (2017). Use of dispersion modelling for Environmental Impact Assessment of biological air pollution from composting: Progress, problems and prospects. Waste Management, 70
- Douglas P, Tyrrel SF, Kinnersley RP, Whelan M, Longhurst PJ, .... (2017). Predicting Aspergillus fumigatus exposure from composting facilities using a dispersion model: A conditional calibration and validation. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 220(1)
- Garnett K, Cooper T, Longhurst P, Jude S & Tyrrel S. (2017). A conceptual framework for negotiating public involvement in municipal waste management decision-making in the UK. Waste Management, 66
- Sotenko M, Coles S, Barker G, Song L, Jiang Y, .... (2017). Phytoremediation-biorefinery tandem for effective clean-up of metal contaminated soil and biomass valorisation. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 19(11)
- Jiang Y, Zhang Y, Banks C, Heaven S & Longhurst P. (2017). Investigation of the impact of trace elements on anaerobic volatile fatty acid degradation using a fractional factorial experimental design. Water Research, 125
- Delgado J, Pollard S, Pearn K, Snary EL, Black E, .... (2017). U.K. Foot and Mouth Disease: A Systemic Risk Assessment of Existing Controls. Risk Analysis, 37(9)
- Vrancken C, Longhurst PJ & Wagland ST. (2017). Critical review of real-time methods for solid waste characterisation: Informing material recovery and fuel production. Waste Management, 61
- Glass J, Greenfield D & Longhurst P. (2017). Editorial: Circular economy in the built environment. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Waste and Resource Management, 170(1)
- Balampanis DE, Coulon F, Simms N, Longhurst P, Pollard SJT, .... (2017). An assessment of different extraction and quantification methods of penta- and hexa-chlorobenzene from SRF fly-ash. Analytical Chemistry Research, 12
- Duan L, Li X, Jiang Y, Lei M, Dong Z, .... (2017). Arsenic transformation behaviour during thermal decomposition of P. vittata, an arsenic hyperaccumulator. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 124
- Liu B, Papadikis K, Gu S, Fidalgo B, Longhurst P, .... (2017). CFD modelling of particle shrinkage in a fluidized bed for biomass fast pyrolysis with quadrature method of moment. Fuel Processing Technology, 164
- Duan L, Chen J, Jiang Y, Li X, Longhurst P, .... (2017). Experimental and kinetic study of thermal decomposition behaviour of phytoremediation derived Pteris vittata. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 128(2)
- Coulon F, Jones K, Li H, Hu Q, Gao J, .... (2016). China's soil and groundwater management challenges: Lessons from the UK's experience and opportunities for China. Environment International, 91
- Douglas P, Tyrrel SF, Kinnersley RP, Whelan M, Longhurst PJ, .... (2016). Sensitivity of predicted bioaerosol exposure from open windrow composting facilities to ADMS dispersion model parameters. Journal of Environmental Management, 184(Pt 2)
- Ben-Iwo J, Manovic V & Longhurst P. (2016). Biomass resources and biofuels potential for the production of transportation fuels in Nigeria. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 63
- Jiang Y, Ameh A, Lei M, Duan L & Longhurst P. (2016). Solid–gaseous phase transformation of elemental contaminants during the gasification of biomass. Science of The Total Environment, 563-564
- Douglas* P, Hansell A, Kinnerlsey R, Whelan M, Walsh K, .... (2016). Improving exposure assessment of bioaerosol emissions from composting: Dispersion model tests. ISEE Conference Abstracts, 2016(1)
- Chatterton J, Parsons D, Nicholls J, Longhurst P, Bernon M, .... (2015). Carbon brainprint – An estimate of the intellectual contribution of research institutions to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 96
- Peddireddy S, Longhurst PJ & Wagland ST. (2015). Characterising the composition of waste-derived fuels using a novel image analysis tool. Waste Management, 40
- Jiang Y, Lei M, Duan L & Longhurst P. (2015). Integrating phytoremediation with biomass valorisation and critical element recovery: A UK contaminated land perspective. Biomass and Bioenergy, 83
- Gostelow P, Longhurst P, Parsons S & Stuetz R. (2015). Sampling for Measurement of Odours. Water Intelligence Online, 4(0)
- Tamer Vestlund A, Al-Ashaab R, Tyrrel SF, Longhurst PJ, Pollard SJT, .... (2014). Morphological classification of bioaerosols from composting using scanning electron microscopy. Waste Management, 34(7)
- Phillips KJO, Longhurst PJ & Wagland ST. (2014). Assessing the perception and reality of arguments against thermal waste treatment plants in terms of property prices. Waste Management, 34(1)
- Dewberry E, Cook M, Angus A, Gottberg A & Longhurst P. (2013). Critical Reflections on Designing Product Service Systems. The Design Journal, 16(4)
- Velis CA, Wagland S, Longhurst P, Robson B, Sinfield K, .... (2013). Response to Comment on “Solid Recovered Fuel: Materials Flow Analysis and Fuel Property Development during the Mechanical Processing of Biodried Waste”. Environmental Science & Technology, 47(24)
- Wagland ST, Dudley R, Naftaly M & Longhurst PJ. (2013). Determination of renewable energy yield from mixed waste material from the use of novel image analysis methods. Waste Management, 33(11)
- Delgado J, Pollard S, Snary E, Black E, Prpich G, .... (2013). A Systems Approach to the Policy‐Level Risk Assessment of Exotic Animal Diseases: Network Model and Application to Classical Swine Fever. Risk Analysis, 33(8)
- Velis CA, Wagland S, Longhurst P, Robson B, Sinfield K, .... (2013). Solid Recovered Fuel: Materials Flow Analysis and Fuel Property Development during the Mechanical Processing of Biodried Waste. Environmental Science & Technology, 47(6)
- Stevens PA, Batty WJ, Longhurst PJ & Drew GH. (2012). A critical review of classification of organisations in relation to the voluntary implementation of environmental management systems. Journal of Environmental Management, 113
- Velis C, Wagland S, Longhurst P, Robson B, Sinfield K, .... (2012). Solid Recovered Fuel: Influence of Waste Stream Composition and Processing on Chlorine Content and Fuel Quality. Environmental Science & Technology, 46(3)
- Wagland ST, Veltre F & Longhurst PJ. (2012). Development of an image-based analysis method to determine the physical composition of a mixed waste material. Waste Management, 32(2)
- Cook M, Gottberg A, Angus A & Longhurst P. (2012). Receptivity to the production of product service systems in the UK construction and manufacturing sectors: a comparative analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 32
- Pankhurst LJ, Deacon LJ, Liu J, Drew GH, Hayes ET, .... (2011). Spatial variations in airborne microorganism and endotoxin concentrations at green waste composting facilities. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 214(5)
- Liu J, Pankhurst LJ, Deacon LJ, Abate W, Hayes ET, .... (2011). Evaluation of inflammatory effects of airborne endotoxin emitted from composting sources. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 30(3)
- Wagland ST, Kilgallon P, Coveney R, Garg A, Smith R, .... (2011). Comparison of coal/solid recovered fuel (SRF) with coal/refuse derived fuel (RDF) in a fluidised bed reactor. Waste Management, 31(6)
- Wu S & Longhurst P. (2011). Optimising age-replacement and extended non-renewing warranty policies in lifecycle costing. International Journal of Production Economics, 130(2)
- Black I, Seaton R, Chackiath S, Wagland ST, Pollard SJT, .... (2011). The ‘bankability’ of the new waste technologies: an econometric method for risk sharing in private finance waste contracts. Environmental Technology, 32(15)
- Velis CA, Longhurst PJ, Drew GH, Smith R & Pollard SJT. (2011). ChemInform Abstract: Production and Quality Assurance of Solid Recovered Fuels Using Mechanical—Biological Treatment (MBT) of Waste: A Comprehensive Assessment. ChemInform, 42(35)
- Velis CA, Longhurst PJ, Drew GH, Smith R & Pollard SJT. (2010). Production and Quality Assurance of Solid Recovered Fuels Using Mechanical—Biological Treatment (MBT) of Waste: A Comprehensive Assessment. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 40(12)
- Balampanis DE, Pollard SJT, Simms N, Longhurst P, Coulon F, .... (2010). Residues characterisation from the fluidised bed combustion of East London’s solid recovered fuel. Waste Management, 30(7)
- Séverin M, Velis CA, Longhurst PJ & Pollard SJT. (2010). The biogenic content of process streams from mechanical–biological treatment plants producing solid recovered fuel. Do the manual sorting and selective dissolution determination methods correlate?. Waste Management, 30(7)
- Delgado J, Longhurst P, Hickman GAW, Gauntlett DM, Howson SF, .... (2010). Intervention Strategies for Carcass Disposal: Pareto Analysis of Exposures for Exotic Disease Outbreaks. Environmental Science & Technology, 44(12)
- Gottberg A, Longhurst PJ & Cook MB. (2010). Exploring the potential of Product Service Systems to achieve household waste prevention on new housing developments in the UK. Waste Management & Research: The Journal for a Sustainable Circular Economy, 28(3)
- Schiller F, Raffield T, Angus A, Herben M, Young PJ, .... (2010). Hidden flows and waste processing – an analysis of illustrative futures. Environmental Technology, 31(14)
- Sedmak M & Longhurst P. (2010). Methodological choices in enterprise systems research. Business Process Management Journal, 16(1)
- Velis CA, Longhurst PJ, Drew GH, Smith R & Pollard SJT. (2009). Biodrying for mechanical–biological treatment of wastes: A review of process science and engineering. Bioresource Technology, 100(11)
- Garg A, Smith R, Hill D, Longhurst PJ, Pollard SJT, .... (2009). An integrated appraisal of energy recovery options in the United Kingdom using solid recovered fuel derived from municipal solid waste. Waste Management, 29(8)
- Deacon LJ, Pankhurst LJ, Drew GH, Hayes ET, Jackson S, .... (2009). Particle size distribution of airborne Aspergillus fumigatus spores emitted from compost using membrane filtration. Atmospheric Environment, 43(35)
- Abdul Rashid SH, Evans S & Longhurst P. (2008). A comparison of four sustainable manufacturing strategies. International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 1(3)
- TAHA M, DREW G, TAMER A, HEWINGS G, JORDINSON G, .... (2007). Improving bioaerosol exposure assessments of composting facilities — Comparative modelling of emissions from different compost ages and processing activities. Atmospheric Environment, 41(21)
- Taha MPM, Drew GH, Tamer Vestlund A, Aldred D, Longhurst PJ, .... (2007). Enumerating actinomycetes in compost bioaerosols at source—Use of soil compost agar to address plate ‘masking’. Atmospheric Environment, 41(22)
- Drew GH, Smith R, Gerard V, Burge C, Lowe M, .... (2007). Appropriateness of selecting different averaging times for modelling chronic and acute exposure to environmental odours. Atmospheric Environment, 41(13)
- Pollard SJT, Smith R, Longhurst PJ, Eduljee GH & Hall D. (2006). Recent developments in the application of risk analysis to waste technologies. Environment International, 32(8)
- Lawson CP, Longhurst PJ & Ivey PC. (2006). The application of a new research and development project selection model in SMEs. Technovation, 26(2)
- Taha MPM, Drew GH, Longhurst PJ, Smith R & Pollard SJT. (2006). Bioaerosol releases from compost facilities: Evaluating passive and active source terms at a green waste facility for improved risk assessments. Atmospheric Environment, 40(6)
- Jefferson B, Nazareno C, Georgaki S, Gostelow P, Stuetz RM, .... (2005). Membrane Gas Absorbers for H2S Removal – Design, Operation and Technology Integration into Existing Odour Treatment Strategies. Environmental Technology, 26(7)
- Hurst C, Longhurst P, Pollard S, Smith R, Jefferson B, .... (2005). Assessment of municipal waste compost as a daily cover material for odour control at landfill sites. Environmental Pollution, 135(1)
- Coldrick S, Longhurst P, Ivey P & Hannis J. (2005). An R&D options selection model for investment decisions. Technovation, 25(3)
- Sarkar U, Longhurst PJ & Hobbs SE. (2003). Community modelling: a tool for correlating estimates of exposure with perception of odour from municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills. Journal of Environmental Management, 68(2)
- Sarkar U, Hobbs SE & Longhurst P. (2003). Dispersion of odour: a case study with a municipal solid waste landfill site in North London, United Kingdom. Journal of Environmental Management, 68(2)
- Stubbs M, Lemon M & Longhurst P. (2000). Intelligent Urban Management: Learning to Manage and Managing to Learn Together for a Change. Urban Studies, 37(10)
- Hobbs SE, Longhurst P, Sarkar U & Sneath RW. (2000). Comparison of dispersion models for assessing odour from municipal solid wastes. Waste Management & Research: The Journal for a Sustainable Circular Economy, 18(5)
- Burgess JE, Longhurst PJ, Quarmby J & Stephenson T. (2000). Innovational adaptation in the UK water and wastewater industry: a case study of introducing DTA. Technovation, 20(1)
- Burgess JE, Longhurst P, Quarmby J & Stephenson T. (2000). Direct toxicity assessment: adaptation and the proactive roles of regulators and operators. Technovation, 20(6)
- Hobbs SE, Longhurst P, Sarkar U & Sneath RW. (2000). Comparison of dispersion models for assessing odour from municipal solid wastes. Waste Management and Research, 18(5)
Conference Papers
- Jiang Y, Banks C, Zhang Y, Heaven S & Longhurst P. (2018). Quantifying the percentage of methane formation via acetoclastic and syntrophic acetate oxidation pathways in anaerobic digesters
- Taylor M, Chambers B, Litterick A, Longhurst P, Tyrrel S, .... (2012). Risk-based Guidance for BSI PAS110 Digestates in GB Agriculture
- Longhurst P, Chambers B, Gale P, Litterick A, Taylor M, .... (2012). Risk assessment of the use of source-segregated anaerobic digestates in GB agriculture
- Wagland ST & Longhurst PJ. (2012). Monitoring of renewable energy yield of mixed wastes by image analysis of input residual waste materials
- Deacon L, Pankhurst L, Liu J, Drew GH, Hayes ET, .... (2009). Endotoxin emissions from commercial composting activities
- Taha MPM, Pollard SJT, Sarkar U & Longhurst P. (2005). Estimating fugitive bioaerosol releases from static compost windrows: Feasibility of a portable wind tunnel approach
- Bouzalakos S, Jefferson B, Longhurst PJ & Stuetz RM. (2004). Developing methods to evaluate odour control products
- Longhurst PJ, Cotter M & Gostelow P. (2004). Odour management plans: a risk-based approach using stakeholder data
- Burgess JE, Harkness J, Longhurst PJ & Stephenson T. (2000). Nutrient balancing for enhanced activated sludge reactor performance: UK perspective
- Coulon F, Campo-Moreno P, Jiang Y, Longhurst P, Bardos P, .... (2017). Promoting Sino-UK collaboration on developing low carbon and sustainable methodologies for Brownfields and marginal land re-use in China. SPF report 16AG15
- Chowdhury S, Khan N, Kim G-H, Harris J, Longhurst P, .... (2016). Chapter 22 Zeolite for Nutrient Stripping From Farm Effluents In Environmental Materials and Waste. Elsevier.
- Chowdhury S, Khan N, Kim G-H, Harris J, Longhurst P, .... (2016). Zeolite for Nutrient Stripping From Farm Effluents In Environmental Materials and Waste. Elsevier.
- Pankhurst LJ, Deacon LJ, Liu J, Drew GH, Hayes ET, .... (2009). Microbial and endotoxin emission from composting facilities: characterisation of release and dispersal patterns In Brebbia CA & Popov V (eds), Air Pollution XVII (1). WIT Press.