Contact Professor Paul Jeffrey
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Areas of expertise
- Environmental Policy
- Water Science and Engineering
Professor Jeffrey holds a first class honours degree in Science & Society from Middlesex University as well as an MSc in Energy and Environment and a doctorate in Technology Policy from Cranfield. As a post-doc researcher he spent three years studying sustainable development issues in the Middle East, returning to Cranfield in 1996.
Current activities
Paul's research interests span a range of disciplines and topics related to the delivery of sustainable water use. He has led projects on water reuse, the social and economic dimensions of water management, and resilient water systems. He also has wider interests in the relationships between human, natural, and technological systems, particularly as they relate to issues of resource efficiency and social justice. Paul has contributed over 100 journal and conference publications in fields as diverse as water resources management, science and society, technology assessment, and complex systems.
Professor Jeffrey's research has attracted over £15m of funding from organisations from across the water sector as well as government departments, charities, and research councils.
Articles In Journals
- Claveau L, Hudson N, Jeffrey P & Hassard F. (2025). Evaluating flow cytometric metrics for enhancing microbial monitoring in drinking water treatment processes. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 69
- Steadman S, Smith HM, Jeffrey P & Wheat P. (2024). Exploring public perceptions and support for green infrastructure funding mechanisms: a study of the Oxford–Cambridge Arc, England. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 67(11)
- Huang Y, Jeffrey P & Pidou M. (2024). Municipal wastewater treatment with anaerobic membrane Bioreactors for non-potable reuse: A review. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 54(10)
- Claveau L, Hudson N, Jeffrey P & Hassard F. (2024). To gate or not to gate: Revisiting drinking water microbial assessment through flow cytometry fingerprinting. Science of The Total Environment, 912
- Claveau L, Hudson N, Jarvis P, Jeffrey P & Hassard F. (2024). Microbial water quality investigation through flow cytometry fingerprinting: from source to tap. Sustainable Microbiology, 1(1)
- Jeffrey P, Smith H & Hassard F. (2024). Time to revise the terminology we use to regulate water management practices. Nature Water, 2(3)
- Huang Y, Jeffrey P & Pidou M. (2024). UV/TiO2 photocatalysis as post-treatment of anaerobic membrane bioreactor effluent for reuse. Journal of Environmental Management, 356
- Folkes M, Castro-Gutierrez VM, Lundy L, Bajón-Fernández Y, Soares A, .... (2024). Campus source to sink wastewater surveillance of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2). Current Research in Microbial Sciences, 6
- Hassard F, Pidou M & Jeffrey P. (2024). Editorial: Plugging the data gap to enhance standardization in monitoring combined sewer overflows. Water and Environment Journal, 38(4)
- Claveau L, Hudson N, Jeffrey P & Hassard F. (2024). Assessing microbial growth in drinking water using nucleic acid content and flow cytometry fingerprinting. iScience, 27(12)
- Collin T, Cunningham R, MacAdam J, Villa R, Jefferson B, .... (2023). Towards a risk ranking for improved management of discharges of fats, oils, and greases (FOG) from food outlets. H2Open Journal, 6(1)
- Goulas A, Goodwin D, Shannon C, Jeffrey P & Smith HM. (2022). Public Perceptions of Household IoT Smart Water “Event” Meters in the UK—Implications for Urban Water Governance. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 4
- Nansubuga J, Smith H & Jeffrey P. (2022). A de jure study of social accountability for water and sanitation services in Uganda. Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, 12(6)
- Huang Y, Jeffrey P & Pidou M. (2022). A comparative evaluation of reverse osmosis membrane performance when combined with anaerobic or aerobic membrane bioreactors for indirect potable reuse applications. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 50(December)
- Jeffrey P, Yang Z & Judd SJ. (2022). The status of potable water reuse implementation. Water Research, 214(May)
- Xie J, Unnikrishnan D, Williams L, Encinas-Oropesa A, Mutnuri S, .... (2022). Influence of domain experience on icon recognition and preferences. Behaviour & Information Technology, 41(1)
- Jeffrey P & Campo P. (2022). The STREAM Industrial Doctorate Centre. Water and Environment Journal, 36(4)
- Sayles R, Smith HM & Jeffrey P. (2021). Customer priorities for water and wastewater services: a comparative evaluation of three elicitation methods. Water and Environment Journal, 35(1)
- Turner SWD & Jeffrey PJ. (2021). A simple drought risk analysis procedure to supplement water resources management planning in England and Wales. Water and Environment Journal, 35(1)
- Kadewa WW, Knops G, Pidou M, Jeffrey P, Jefferson B, .... (2020). What is the impact of personal care products selection on greywater characteristics and reuse?. Science of The Total Environment, 749
- Harris JA, Denyer D, Harwood S, Braithwaite G, Jude S, .... (2020). Time to invest in global resilience. Nature, 583(7814)
- Masterton GGT & Jeffrey P. (2020). Integrating the liberal arts into the body of knowledge for civil engineering systems engineers. Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems, 37(4)
- Mather W, Hutchings P, Budge S & Jeffrey P. (2020). Association between water and sanitation service levels and soil-transmitted helminth infection risk factors: a cross-sectional study in rural Rwanda. Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 114(5)
- Goodwin D, Raffin M, Jeffrey P & Smith HM. (2019). Stakeholder evaluations of risk interventions for non-potable recycled water schemes: A case study. Science of The Total Environment, 674
- Goodwin D, Raffin M, Jeffrey P & Smith HM. (2019). Collaboration on risk management: The governance of a non-potable water reuse scheme in London. Journal of Hydrology, 573
- Goodwin D, Raffin M, Jeffrey P & Smith HM. (2018). Informing public attitudes to non-potable water reuse – The impact of message framing. Water Research, 145
- Goodwin D, Raffin M, Jeffrey P & Smith HM. (2018). Evaluating media framing and public reactions in the context of a water reuse proposal. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 34(6)
- Smith HM, Brouwer S, Jeffrey P & Frijns J. (2018). Public responses to water reuse – Understanding the evidence. Journal of Environmental Management, 207
- Taylor S, Asimah SA, Buamah R, Nyarko K, Sekuma SP, .... (2017). Towards sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene technology use in sub-Saharan Africa: the Learning Alliance approach. Water Policy, 19(1)
- Besançon A, Pidou M, Jeffrey P, Jefferson B & Le Corre KS. (2017). Impact of pre-treatment technologies on soil aquifer treatment. Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination, 7(1)
- Daneshkhah A, Stocks NG & Jeffrey P. (2017). Probabilistic sensitivity analysis of optimised preventive maintenance strategies for deteriorating infrastructure assets. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 163
- Russell-Verma S, Smith HM & Jeffrey P. (2016). Public views on drought mitigation: Evidence from the comments sections of on-line news sources. Urban Water Journal, 13(5)
- Xerri F, Jeffrey P & Smith HM. (2016). Unpacking organizational capacity in the context of the Water Framework Directive. International Journal of River Basin Management, 14(3)
- Frijns J, Smith H, Brouwer S, Garnett K, Elelman R, .... (2016). How Governance Regimes Shape the Implementation of Water Reuse Schemes. Water, 8(12)
- Hutchings P, Parker A & Jeffrey P. (2016). The political risks of technological determinism in rural water supply: A case study from Bihar, India. Journal of Rural Studies, 45
- Fawell J, Le Corre K & Jeffrey P. (2016). Common or independent? The debate over regulations and standards for water reuse in Europe. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 32(4)
- Turner SWD, Blackwell RJ, Smith MA & Jeffrey PJ. (2016). Risk-based water resources planning in England and Wales: challenges in execution and implementation. Urban Water Journal, 13(2)
- Smith HM, Rutter P & Jeffrey P. (2015). Public perceptions of recycled water: a survey of visitors to the London 2012 Olympic Park. Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination, 5(2)
- Goodwin D, Raffin M, Jeffrey P & Smith HM. (2015). Applying the water safety plan to water reuse: towards a conceptual risk management framework. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 1(5)
- Nandha M, Berry M, Jefferson B & Jeffrey P. (2015). Risk assessment frameworks for MAR schemes in the UK. Environmental Earth Sciences, 73(12)
- Gormley-Gallagher A, Amezaga J, Shucksmith J, Savic D, Templeton M, .... (2015). Briefing: Negotiating value at the research–practice interface in the water sector. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Management, Procurement and Law, 168(1)
- Turner SWD & Jeffrey PJ. (2015). Industry views on water resources planning methods - prospects for change in England and Wales. Water and Environment Journal, 29(2)
- Spiller M, McIntosh BS, Seaton RAF & Jeffrey PJ. (2015). Integrating Process and Factor Understanding of Environmental Innovation by Water Utilities. Water Resources Management, 29(6)
- Smith HM, Blackstock KL, Wall G & Jeffrey P. (2014). River basin management, development planning, and opportunities for debate around limits to growth. Journal of Hydrology, 519(PC)
- Birkholz S, Muro M, Jeffrey P & Smith HM. (2014). Rethinking the relationship between flood risk perception and flood management. Science of The Total Environment, 478
- Jimenez-Redal R, Parker A & Jeffrey P. (2014). Factors influencing the uptake of household water connections in peri-urban Maputo, Mozambique. Utilities Policy, 28
- Jeffrey P. (2014). Editorial. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Water Management, 167(8)
- Turner SWD, Marlow D, Ekström M, Rhodes BG, Kularathna U, .... (2014). Linking climate projections to performance: A yield‐based decision scaling assessment of a large urban water resources system. Water Resources Research, 50(4)
- Baldwin C & Jeffrey P. (2014). Incorporating water resources in integrated urban and regional planning. Journal of Hydrology, 519(PC)
- Roma E, Bond T & Jeffrey P. (2014). Factors involved in sustained use of point-of-use water disinfection methods: a field study from Flores Island, Indonesia. Journal of Water and Health, 12(3)
- Ker Rault PA, Vreugdenhil H, Jeffrey P & Slinger JH. (2013). Readiness and willingness of the public to participate in integrated water management: some insights from the Levant. Water Policy, 15(S2)
- Allan R, Jeffrey P, Clarke M & Pollard S. (2013). The impact of regulation, ownership and business culture on managing corporate risk within the water industry. Water Policy, 15(3)
- Spiller M, McIntosh BS, Seaton RAF & Jeffrey P. (2013). Implementing Pollution Source Control—Learning from the Innovation Process in English and Welsh Water Companies. Water Resources Management, 27(1)
- Garcia X, Muro M, Ribas A, Llausàs A, Jeffrey P, .... (2013). Attitudes and behaviours towards water conservation on the Mediterranean coast: the role of socio-demographic and place-attachment factors. Water International, 38(3)
- Spiller M, McIntosh BS, Seaton RAF & Jeffrey P. (2013). Pollution source control by water utilities – characterisation and implications for water management: research results from
E ngland andW ales. Water and Environment Journal, 27(2) - Spiller M, McIntosh BS, Seaton RAF & Jeffrey PJ. (2012). An organisational innovation perspective on change in water and wastewater systems – the implementation of the Water Framework Directive in England and Wales. Urban Water Journal, 9(2)
- Yazdani A & Jeffrey P. (2012). Water distribution system vulnerability analysis using weighted and directed network models. Water Resources Research, 48(6)
- Muro M & Jeffrey P. (2012). Time to Talk? How the Structure of Dialog Processes Shapes Stakeholder Learning in Participatory Water Resources Management. Ecology and Society, 17(1)
- Yazdani A & Jeffrey P. (2012). Applying Network Theory to Quantify the Redundancy and Structural Robustness of Water Distribution Systems. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 138(2)
- Alam U, Dione O & Jeffrey P. (2011). Hydrology vs sovereignty: managing the hydrological interdependency of international rivers. Water Policy, 13(3)
- Beck MB, Thompson M, Ney S, Gyawali D & Jeffrey P. (2011). On governance for re-engineering city infrastructure. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering Sustainability, 164(2)
- Fenner RA & Jeffrey P. (2011). Editorial Addressing the human dimension in sociotechnical systems. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering Sustainability, 164(1)
- Roma E & Jeffrey P. (2011). Using a diagnostic tool to evaluate the longevity of urban community sanitation systems: A case study from Indonesia. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 13(4)
- Yazdani A & Jeffrey P. (2011). Complex network analysis of water distribution systems. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 21(1)
- Ribarova I, Assimacopoulos D, Jeffrey P, Daniell KA, Inman D, .... (2011). Research-supported participatory planning for water stress mitigation. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 54(2)
- Inman D, Blind M, Ribarova I, Krause A, Roosenschoon O, .... (2011). Perceived effectiveness of environmental decision support systems in participatory planning: Evidence from small groups of end-users. Environmental Modelling & Software, 26(3)
- Pahl-Wostl C, Jeffrey P, Isendahl N & Brugnach M. (2011). Maturing the New Water Management Paradigm: Progressing from Aspiration to Practice. Water Resources Management, 25(3)
- Yazdani A, Otoo RA & Jeffrey P. (2011). Resilience enhancing expansion strategies for water distribution systems: A network theory approach. Environmental Modelling & Software, 26(12)
- Kadewa WW, Le Corre K, Pidou M, Jeffrey PJ & Jefferson B. (2010). Comparison of grey water treatment performance by a cascading sand filter and a constructed wetland. Water Science and Technology, 62(7)
- Hochstrat R, Wintgens T, Kazner C, Jeffrey P, Jefferson B, .... (2010). Managed aquifer recharge with reclaimed water: approaches to a European guidance framework. Water Science and Technology, 62(6)
- Roma E, Buckley C, Jefferson B & Jeffrey P. (2010). Assessing users’ experience of shared sanitation facilities: A case study of community ablution blocks in Durban, South Africa. Water SA, 36(5)
- Roma E & Jeffrey P. (2010). Evaluation of community participation in the implementation of community-based sanitation systems: a case study from Indonesia. Water Science and Technology, 62(5)
- Jeffrey P. (2010). Editorial. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering Sustainability, 163(1)
- Gearey M & Jeffrey P. (2010). Using legitimacy dialogues to explore responses to flooding issues in a UK catchment. Water and Environment Journal, 24(4)
- Starkl M, Mbatha S, Roma E, Jeffrey P, Stenström TA, .... (2010). Evaluation of Community and Household Based Sanitation Systems in Ethekwini Municipality, South Africa: Lessons Learned and Recommendations. Water Practice and Technology, 5(4)
- Jeffrey P. (2010). Historical paper: E. F. Schumacher's Small is Beautiful. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering Sustainability, 163(2)
- JEFFREY P. (2010). Book review. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering Sustainability, 163(2)
- Pahl-Wostl C, Sendzimir J & Jeffrey P. (2009). Resources Management in Transition. Ecology and Society, 14(1)
- Winward GP, Avery LM, Stephenson T, Jeffrey P, Le Corre KS, .... (2009). Pathogens in urban wastewaters suitable for reuse. Urban Water Journal, 6(4)
- Pidou M, Parsons SA, Raymond G, Jeffrey P, Stephenson T, .... (2009). Fouling control of a membrane coupled photocatalytic process treating greywater. Water Research, 43(16)
- Alam U, Dione O & Jeffrey P. (2009). The benefit-sharing principle: Implementing sovereignty bargains on water. Political Geography, 28(2)
- Fox C, McIntosh BS & Jeffrey P. (2009). Classifying households for water demand forecasting using physical property characteristics. Land Use Policy, 26(3)
- Muro M & Jeffrey P. (2008). A critical review of the theory and application of social learning in participatory natural resource management processes. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 51(3)
- Bertrand N, Jefferson B & Jeffrey P. (2008). Cross sectoral and scale-up impacts of greywater recycling technologies on catchment hydrological flows. Water Science and Technology, 57(5)
- Pidou M, Ali F, Williams RF, Jeffrey P, Stephenson T, .... (2008). Technologies for urban water recycling. Water Practice and Technology, 3(2)
- Pidou M, Avery L, Stephenson T, Jeffrey P, Parsons SA, .... (2008). Chemical solutions for greywater recycling. Chemosphere, 71(1)
- Winward GP, Avery LM, Frazer-Williams R, Pidou M, Jeffrey P, .... (2008). A study of the microbial quality of grey water and an evaluation of treatment technologies for reuse. Ecological Engineering, 32(2)
- Ker Rault PA & Jeffrey PJ. (2008). Deconstructing public participation in the Water Framework Directive: implementation and compliance with the letter or with the spirit of the law?. Water and Environment Journal, 22(4)
- Medema W, McIntosh BS & Jeffrey PJ. (2008). From Premise to Practice: a Critical Assessment of Integrated Water Resources Management and Adaptive Management Approaches in the Water Sector. Ecology and Society, 13(2)
- Hochstrat R, Wintgens T, Melin T & Jeffrey PJ. (2008). Towards a European Water Recycling Policy. Water Practice and Technology, 3(2)
- Pidou M, Memon FA, Stephenson T, Jefferson B & Jeffrey P. (2007). Greywater recycling: treatment options and applications. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering Sustainability, 160(3)
- Winward G, Avery L, Frazer-Williams R, Jeffrey P & Jefferson B. (2007). CHLORINE DISINFECTION OF GREY WATER FOR REUSE: EFFECT OF PARTICULATES AND ORGANICS. Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation, 2007(1)
- Butcher J & Jeffrey P. (2007). A view from the coal face: UK research student perceptions of successful and unsuccessful collaborative projects. Research Policy, 36(8)
- Pahl-Wostl C, Sendzimir J, Jeffrey P, Aerts J, Berkamp G, .... (2007). Managing Change toward Adaptive Water Management through Social Learning. Ecology and Society, 12(2)
- Inman D, Simidchiev D & Jeffrey P. (2007). Elicitation of expert knowledge to develop decision support tools for use in water demand management planning. Water Supply, 7(5-6)
- Alam U, Sahota P & Jeffrey P. (2007). Irrigation in the Indus basin: A history of unsustainability?. Water Supply, 7(1)
- Griggs JC & Jeffrey P. (2007). Proposal for a UK domestic water trading scheme. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering Sustainability, 160(4)
- Rammel C, McIntosh BS & Jeffrey P. (2007). (Co)evolutionary approaches to sustainable development. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 14(1)
- Rammel C, McIntosh BS & Jeffrey P. (2007). Where to now? A critical synthesis of contemporary contributions to the application of (co)evolutionary theory and discussion of research needs. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 14(1)
- McIntosh BS, Seaton RAF & Jeffrey P. (2007). Tools to think with? Towards understanding the use of computer-based support tools in policy relevant research. Environmental Modelling & Software, 22(5)
- Beck B & Jeffrey P. (2007). Sustainable standpoints - Embracing diversity of opinion. Water 21
- Cartmell E, Gostelow P, Riddell-Black D, Simms N, Oakey J, .... (2006). BiosolidsA Fuel or a Waste? An Integrated Appraisal of Five Co-combustion Scenarios with Policy Analysis. Environmental Science & Technology, 40(3)
- JEFFREY P & MCINTOSH BS. (2006). Description, diagnosis, prescription: a critique of the application of co-evolutionary models to natural resource management. Environmental Conservation, 33(4)
- Gearey M & Jeffrey P. (2006). Concepts of legitimacy within the context of adaptive water management strategies. Ecological Economics, 60(1)
- Inman D & Jeffrey P. (2006). A review of residential water conservation tool performance and influences on implementation effectiveness. Urban Water Journal, 3(3)
- Jeffrey P & Gearey M. (2006). Integrated water resources management: lost on the road from ambition to realisation?. Water Science and Technology, 53(1)
- Muro M & Jeffrey P. (2006). A review of participatory test and evaluation approaches for water management. Water Supply, 6(5)
- Mcintosh B, Fox C & Jeffrey P. (2006). Water demand forecasting for new developments in the UK. Water 21
- Butcher J, Jeffrey P & Stuetz R. (2005). User influences on knowledge structuring on the Internet: literature survey and case study of a global network of water professionals. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 7(4)
- Butcher J & Jeffrey P. (2005). The use of bibliometric indicators to explore industry–academia collaboration trends over time in the field of membrane use for water treatment. Technovation, 25(11)
- Mcintosh BS, Jeffrey P, Lemon M & Winder N. (2005). On the Design of Computer-Based Models for Integrated Environmental Science. Environmental Management, 35(6)
- Winder N, McIntosh BS & Jeffrey P. (2005). The origin, diagnostic attributes and practical application of co-evolutionary theory. Ecological Economics, 54(4)
- Hochstrat R, Wintgens T, Melin T & Jeffrey P. (2005). Wastewater reclamation and reuse in Europe: a model-based potential estimation. Water Supply, 5(1)
- Sahota PS & Jeffrey P. (2005). Decision-support tools: moving beyond a technical orientation. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering Sustainability, 158(3)
- McIntosh BS & Jeffrey P. (2004). Transferring theories of biological (co)evolution to socio-natural science: A reply to Rammel and Staudinger. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 11(1)
- Jeffrey P & Seaton RAF. (2004). A Conceptual Model of ‘Receptivity’ Applied to the Design and Deployment of Water Policy Mechanisms. Environmental Sciences, 1(3)
- Jeffrey P. (2003). Smoothing the Waters. Social Studies of Science, 33(4)
- Pereira ÂG, Rinaudo J-D, Jeffrey P, Blasques J, Quintana SC, .... (2003). ICT Tools to Support Public Participation in Water Resources Governance & Planning: Experiences from the Design and Testing of a Multi-Media Platform. Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 05(03)
- Oxley T, Jeffrey P & Lemon M. (2002). Policy Relevant Modelling: Relationships Between Water, Land Use, and Farmer Decision Processes. Integrated Assessment, 3(1)
- Jeffrey P. (2002). Public Attitudes to In‐House Water Recycling in England and Wales. Water and Environment Journal, 16(3)
- Jeffrey P & Jefferson B. (2001). Water recycling: how feasible is it?. Filtration & Separation, 38(4)
- Campbell NR, Jeffrey P, Kiss K, Jones C & Anton AR. (2001). Building capacity for awareness and risk factor identification in the community: the blood pressure assessment program of the Calgary Fire Department.. Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 17(12)
- Lazarova V, Levine B, Sack J, Cirelli G, Jeffrey P, .... (2001). Role of water reuse for enhancing integrated water management in Europe and Mediterranean countries. Water Science and Technology, 43(10)
- Lazarova V, Cirelli G, Jeffrey P, Salgot M, Icekson N, .... (2000). Enhancement of integrated water management and water reuse in Europe and the Middle East. Water Science and Technology, 42(1-2)
- Jeffrey P, Seaton RAF, Parsons SA, Judd SJ, Stephenson T, .... (2000). An interdisciplinary approach to the assessment of water recycling technology options. International Journal of Water, 1(1)
- Browne B, Seaton RAF & Jeffrey P. (2000). Some propositions on the nomenclature of aquatic ecologies for water treatment. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 35(8)
- Clark T, Jeffrey P & Stephenson T. (2000). Complex agendas for new technology adoption in the UK water industry. Technovation, 20(5)
- Jeffrey P, Seaton R, Parsons S, Stephenson T & Jefferson B. (1999). Exploring water recycling options for urban environments: a multi-criteria modelling approach. Urban Water, 1(3)
- Jeffrey P, Seaton RAF, Stephenson T & Parsons S. (1998). Infrastructure configurations for wastewater treatment and reuse: a simulation based study of membrane bioreactors. Water Science and Technology, 38(11)
- Lemon M, Jeffrey P & Seaton R. (1998). Deconstructing the orange: the evolution of an agricultural milieu in Southern Greece. International Journal of Sustainable Development, 1(1)
- Jeffrey P. (1997). Management strategies in turbulent operating environments: A case study of managers and decision support practitioners in Israel. Israel Affairs, 4(2)
- Jeffrey P, Seaton R, Parsons S & Stephenson T. (1997). Evaluation methods for the design of adaptive water supply systems in urban environments. Water Science and Technology, 35(9)
- Jeffrey P, Seaton R, Parsons S & Stephenson T. (1997). Evaluation methods for the design of adaptive water supply systems in urban environments. Water Science and Technology, 35(9)
- Jeffrey P. (1996). Evolutionary analogies and sustainability. Futures, 28(2)
- Jeffrey P & Seaton R. (1995). The Use of Operational Research Tools: A Survey of Operational Research Practitioners in the UK. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 46(7)
- Jeffrey P. (1995). A Misattribution. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 46(9)
- Jeffrey P. (1995). A Misattribution: The Use of Operational Research Tools: A Survey of Operational Research Practitioners in the UK. The Journal of the Operational Research Society, 46(9)
- Jeffrey P & Seaton R. (1995). The Use of Operational Research Tools: A Survey of Operational Research Practitioners in the UK. The Journal of the Operational Research Society, 46(7)
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Conference Papers
- Allan R, Mauelshagan C, Luís AM, Jeffrey P & Pollard S. (2013). Making Risk Management Stick: Reflections on Risk Governance in Water Utilities
- Yazdani A & Jeffrey P. (2011). Robustness and Vulnerability Analysis of Water Distribution Networks Using Graph Theoretic and Complex Network Principles
- Baggett S, Jefferson B & Jeffrey P. (2008). Just how different are stakeholder group opinions on water management issues?
- Williams RF, Avery L, Winward G, Jeffrey P, Smith CS, .... (2008). Constructed wetlands for urban grey water recycling
- Jeffrey P. (2007). Perspectives on Alternative Water Sources in Europe and the Middle East
- McIntosh BS, Di Pierro F, Jeffrey P, Thiam-Khu S, Fox C, .... (2006). Taking account of water supply infrastructure in landuse planning: An integrated supply-demand approach
- Torregrosa T, Mcintosh BS & Jeffrey P. (2006). Institutional perspectives on the value and valuation of water
- Medema W & Jeffrey P. (2006). A Review of the Adaptive Management Theory in the Context of Integrated Water Resources Management
- Ker Rault P, Bouzit M, Jeffrey P, Salman A, Al-Karablieh E, .... (2006). Application of a participatory foresight methodology at river basin scale in Jordan and Turkey
- Alam UZ & Jeffrey P. (2006). Benefit-sharing: A principle for intelligent water management ?
- Hochstrat R, Wintgens T, Melin T & Jeffrey P. (2006). Assessing the European wastewater reclamation and reuse potential — a scenario analysis
- Rivero MJ, Parsons SA, Jeffrey P, Pidou M & Jefferson B. (2006). Membrane chemical reactor (MCR) combining photocatalysis and microfiltration for grey water treatment
- Baggett S, Jeffrey P & Jefferson B. (2006). Risk perception in participatory planning for water reuse
- Jeffrey P. (2005). Championing good governance through the appreciation of legitimation dialogues
- Jeffrey P. (2005). A bibliometric study of industry-academia collaboration in the field of membrane applications for water treatment
- Jeffrey P. (2005). An evaluation of single - house greywater recycling systems
- Jeffrey P. (2005). Legitimacy and efficiency of water governance regimes; an emerging agenda to support policy tool development
- Jeffrey P. (2005). Designing ICT tools to support participative catchment management processes
- Jeffrey P. (2005). A generic approach to the assessment of cross-media pollution potentials within catchment scale landscapes
- Jeffrey P & Jefferson B. (2005). Water resource management and participatory planning: A preliminary analysis of survey data on the perceptions, needs and requirements of different stakeholder groups
- Jeffrey P. (2005). Factors for success with Case and EngD Studentships
- Jeffrey P & Guimaraes Pereira A. (2005). Application of a TIDDD to a case study in the Argolid Valley, Greece
- Jeffrey P & Guimaraes Pereira A. (2005). Principles and design of a tool to Inform Debates, Dialogues and Deliberations
- Jeffrey P. (2005). Societal responses to water conservation policy instruments: a literature review and some comments on emerging theory
- Hobson C, Mcintosh BS & Jeffrey P. (2005). Domestic water demand forecasting for regional planning
- Hobson C, Mcintosh BS & Jeffrey P. (2005). Domestic water demand forecasting for regional planning: the role of housing characteristics
- Jeffrey P & Jefferson B. (2005). Identification and management of risk perception in participatory planning for water reuse
- Jeffrey P. (2005). Assessment of water savings from single house domestic greywater recycling systems
- Jefferson B, Palmer A, Jeffrey P, Stuetz R & Judd S. (2004). Grey water characterisation and its impact on the selection and operation of technologies for urban reuse
- Mcintosh BS, Seaton RAF & Jeffrey P. (2004). Tools to think with? Towards understanding the use and impact of model-based support tools
- Swinford A, Mcintosh BS & Jeffrey P. (2004). Supporting the Strategic Objectives of Participative Management; an Evaluation of the Performance of Four ICT Tools
- Swinford A, Mcintosh BS & Jeffrey P. (2004). ICT Tools to Support public participation; the importance of strategic functions
- Jeffrey P, Stephenson T & Temple C. (2004). Ever deeper and wider: incorporating sustainability into a practitioner oriented engineering curriculum
- Pollard S, Cartmell E, Riddell-Black D, Gostelow P, Oakey JE, .... (2004). Sewage sludge - waste or fuel? An integrated appraisal of five co-combustion scenarios
- Jeffrey P & Jefferson B. (2004). Participatory Water Reuse Planning: a conceptual model based on Social Learning and Personal Constructs
- Sahota P, Jeffrey P & Lemon M. (2004). Improving decision making and embracing the sustainability agenda
- Alegre N, Jeffrey P, McIntosh B, Thomas JS, Hardwick I, .... (2004). Strategic options for sustainable water management at new developments: the application of a simulation model to explore potential water savings
- Mcintosh BS, Jeffrey P & Lemon M. (2003). Exploring socio-natural processes using model-based methods: problems and prospects
- Hobson C, Jeffrey P & Mcintosh BS. (2003). Water demand forecasting for regional development: The nature of the problem and an analysis of available methods
- Jeffrey P & Jefferson B. (2003). Public receptivity regarding “in-house” water recycling: results from a UK survey
- Jefferson B, Judd SJ, Jeffrey P & Palmer A. (2002). Reliability of biological processes for urban reuse of grey and black waters: Risk and Impact
- Swinford A, Mcintosh BS & Jeffrey P. (2002). The Design of Information and Communication Technologies to support participative processes under the Water Framework Directive: A model for design and evaluation
- Swinford A, Jeffrey P & Mcintosh BS. (2002). Designing ICT Tools to support participative catchment management processes
- Boyce D, Mcintosh BS, Hallett SH, Winder N, Giraud F, .... (2002). SCAPT - A Support Tool for Utility Oriented Strategic River Basin Planning
- Lemon M, Jefferson B & Jeffrey P. (2001). My land, my water, your problem: Coevolutionary processes and the development of appropriate water policy tools
- Laine A, Jefferson B, Jeffrey P, Judd SJ & Stephenson T. (2000). Water recycling from grey to black, the process engineering solution to the water resource problem
- Jeffrey P, Seaton RAF, Stephenson T & Parsons S. (1998). Infrastructure configurations for wastewater treatment and reuse: A simulation based study of membrane bioreactors
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