Contact Dr Pablo Campo Moreno
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Dr Campo has a BSc and MSc in Chemistry from the University of Valladolid, Spain. In 2009, he obtained his Ph.D. in Environmental Science from the University of Cincinnati, USA where he held a postdoctoral fellowship from 2009 to 2011. Before joining Cranfield University in November 2015, Dr Campo was appointed Research Assistant Professor and Director of the Environmental Analysis Center in the Department of Biomedical, Chemical and Environmental Engineering at the University of Cincinnati.
Current activities
Dr Campo is senior lecturer in applied chemistry at CWSI and a Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry. He is also the Programme manager of STREAM, the Industrial Doctoral Centre for the UK Water Sector.
- Anglian Water
- Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
- Severn Trent PLC
- UK Water Industry Research
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Water Research Foundation
Articles In Journals
- Jikazana A, Garg K, Le Corre Pidou K, Campo P & McAdam EJ. (2025). The role of mixing on the kinetics of nucleation and crystal growth in membrane distillation crystallisation. Separation and Purification Technology, 353
- Wang P, An G, Carra I, Hassard F, Campo Moreno P, .... (2025). Removal of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) by coagulation: Influence of coagulant and dosing conditions. Separation and Purification Technology, 355
- Savvidou P, Dotro G, Campo P, Coulon F & Lyu T. (2024). Constructed wetlands as nature-based solutions in managing per-and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS): Evidence, mechanisms, and modelling. Science of The Total Environment, 934
- Pickering L, Castro-Gutierrez V, Holden B, Haley J, Jarvis P, .... (2024). How bioaugmentation for pesticide removal influences the microbial community in biologically active sand filters. Chemosphere, 363
- Pickering L, Folkes M, Holden B, Jarvis P, Campo P, .... (2024). Biodegradation of (Aminomethyl)phosphonic acid (AMPA) by isolated microbial consortia extracted from biological filters at drinking water treatment plants. Current Research in Biotechnology, 8
- Mensah L, Cartmell E, Fletton M, Scrimshaw M & Campo P. (2024). Proactive monitoring of changes in the microbial community structure in wastewater treatment bioreactors using phospholipid fatty acid analysis. Engineering Microbiology, 4(4)
- Azuazu IN, Sam K, Campo P & Coulon F. (2023). Challenges and opportunities for low-carbon remediation in the Niger Delta: Towards sustainable environmental management. Science of The Total Environment, 900(November)
- Jikazana A, Campo P & McAdam EJ. (2023). Hydrodynamics (Reynolds number) determine scaling, nucleation and crystal growth kinetics in membrane distillation crystallisation. Journal of Membrane Science, 685(November)
- Zoumpouli GA, Herron D, Thornton A, Jefferson B & Campo P. (2023). The role of coagulation on the fate of PFAS, brominated flame retardants and other trace contaminants in tertiary wastewater treatment for phosphorus control. Science of The Total Environment, 887(August)
- Mensah L, Petrie B, Scrimshaw M, Cartmell E, Fletton M, .... (2023). Influence of solids and hydraulic retention times on microbial diversity and removal of estrogens and nonylphenols in a pilot-scale activated sludge plant. Heliyon, 9(9)
- Yadav B, Parker A, Sharma A, Sharma R, Krishan G, .... (2023). Estimation of groundwater recharge in semiarid regions under variable land use and rainfall conditions: A case study of Rajasthan, India. PLOS Water, 2(3)
- Ahmad N, Anae J, Khan MZ, Sabir S, Campo P, .... (2022). A novel CuBi2O4/polyaniline composite as an efficient photocatalyst for ammonia degradation. Heliyon, 8(8)
- Parker AH, Nyangoka J, Rodrigues I, Yadav B, Le Corre KS, .... (2022). The multiple uses of water derived from managed aquifer recharge systems in Kenya and India. Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, 12(2)
- Jeffrey P & Campo P. (2022). The STREAM Industrial Doctorate Centre. Water and Environment Journal, 36(4)
- Ahmad N, Anae J, Khan MZ, Sabir S, Yang XJ, .... (2021). Visible light-conducting polymer nanocomposites as efficient photocatalysts for the treatment of organic pollutants in wastewater. Journal of Environmental Management, 295(October)
- Thomas GE, Brant JL, Campo P, Clark DR, Coulon F, .... (2021). Effects of Dispersants and Biosurfactants on Crude-Oil Biodegradation and Bacterial Community Succession. Microorganisms, 9(6)
- Lourenço C, Campo P, Walton C, Alamar MC & Coulon F. (2021). Overview of Field-Based Analytical Techniques, Devices and Kits to Determine Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Soil. CONCAWE Reports, 21(3)
- Pulleyblank C, Kelleher B, Campo P & Coulon F. (2020). Recovery of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their oxygenated derivatives in contaminated soils using aminopropyl silica solid phase extraction. Chemosphere, 258
- Thomas GE, Cameron TC, Campo P, Clark DR, Coulon F, .... (2020). Bacterial Community Legacy Effects Following the Agia Zoni II Oil-Spill, Greece. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11
- Hermosilla D, Han C, Nadagouda MN, Machala L, Gascó A, .... (2020). Environmentally friendly synthesized and magnetically recoverable designed ferrite photo-catalysts for wastewater treatment applications. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 381
- Cipullo S, Nawar S, Mouazen AM, Campo-Moreno P & Coulon F. (2019). Predicting bioavailability change of complex chemical mixtures in contaminated soils using visible and near-infrared spectroscopy and random forest regression. Scientific Reports, 9(1)
- Campo P, Holmes A & Coulon F. (2019). A method for the characterisation of microplastics in sludge. MethodsX, 6
- Longo S, Mauricio-Iglesias M, Soares A, Campo P, Fatone F, .... (2019). ENERWATER – A standard method for assessing and improving the energy efficiency of wastewater treatment plants. Applied Energy, 242
- Pulleyblank C, Cipullo S, Campo P, Kelleher B & Coulon F. (2019). Analytical progress and challenges for the detection of oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon transformation products in aqueous and soil environmental matrices: A review. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 49(5)
- Mercer E, Davey CJ, Campo P, Fowler D, Williams L, .... (2019). Quantification of liquid phase faecal odourants to evaluate membrane technology for wastewater reuse from decentralised sanitation facilities. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 5(1)
- Cipullo S, Snapir B, Prpich G, Campo P & Coulon F. (2019). Prediction of bioavailability and toxicity of complex chemical mixtures through machine learning models. Chemosphere, 215
- Cipullo S, Negrin I, Claveau L, Snapir B, Tardif S, .... (2019). Linking bioavailability and toxicity changes of complex chemicals mixture to support decision making for remediation endpoint of contaminated soils. Science of The Total Environment, 650(Pt 2)
- Sakaya K, Salam DA & Campo P. (2019). Assessment of crude oil bioremediation potential of seawater and sediments from the shore of Lebanon in laboratory microcosms. Science of The Total Environment, 660
- Cipullo S, Snapir B, Tardif S, Campo P, Prpich G, .... (2018). Insights into mixed contaminants interactions and its implication for heavy metals and metalloids mobility, bioavailability and risk assessment. Science of The Total Environment, 645
- Hargreaves AJ, Vale P, Whelan J, Alibardi L, Constantino C, .... (2018). Correction to: Coagulation–flocculation process with metal salts, synthetic polymers and biopolymers for the removal of trace metals (Cu, Pb, Ni, Zn) from municipal wastewater. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 20(5)
- Hargreaves AJ, Vale P, Whelan J, Alibardi L, Constantino C, .... (2018). Coagulation–flocculation process with metal salts, synthetic polymers and biopolymers for the removal of trace metals (Cu, Pb, Ni, Zn) from municipal wastewater. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 20(2)
- Hargreaves AJ, Vale P, Whelan J, Alibardi L, Constantino C, .... (2018). Impacts of coagulation-flocculation treatment on the size distribution and bioavailability of trace metals (Cu, Pb, Ni, Zn) in municipal wastewater. Water Research, 128
- Cipullo S, Prpich G, Campo P & Coulon F. (2018). Assessing bioavailability of complex chemical mixtures in contaminated soils: Progress made and research needs. Science of The Total Environment, 615
- Deshpande RS, Sundaravadivelu D, Techtmann S, Conmy RN, Santo Domingo JW, .... (2018). Microbial degradation of Cold Lake Blend and Western Canadian select dilbits by freshwater enrichments. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 352
- Lakshminarasimman N, Quiñones O, Vanderford BJ, Campo-Moreno P, Dickenson EV, .... (2018). Biotransformation and sorption of trace organic compounds in biological nutrient removal treatment systems. Science of The Total Environment, 640-641
- Platten WE, Campo P, Suidan MT & Venosa AD. (2018). Evaluation of a Gravity Flow Membrane Bioreactor for Treating Municipal Wastewater. Water Environment Research, 90(2)
- Hargreaves AJ, Constantino C, Dotro G, Cartmell E & Campo P. (2018). Fate and removal of metals in municipal wastewater treatment: a review. Environmental Technology Reviews, 7(1)
- Ramos AM, Whelan MJ, Cosgrove S, Villa R, Jefferson B, .... (2017). A multi‐component method to determine pesticides in surface water by liquid‐chromatography tandem quadrupole mass spectrometry. Water and Environment Journal, 31(3)
- Hargreaves AJ, Vale P, Whelan J, Constantino C, Dotro G, .... (2017). Distribution of trace metals (Cu, Pb, Ni, Zn) between particulate, colloidal and truly dissolved fractions in wastewater treatment. Chemosphere, 175
- Techtmann SM, Zhuang M, Campo P, Holder E, Elk M, .... (2017). Corexit 9500 Enhances Oil Biodegradation and Changes Active Bacterial Community Structure of Oil-Enriched Microcosms. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 83(10)
- Dominguez S, Huebra M, Han C, Campo P, Nadagouda MN, .... (2017). Magnetically recoverable TiO2-WO3 photocatalyst to oxidize bisphenol A from model wastewater under simulated solar light. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24(14)
- Ojoghoro JO, Chaudhary AJ, Campo P, Sumpter JP & Scrimshaw MD. (2017). Progesterone potentially degrades to potent androgens in surface waters. Science of The Total Environment, 579
- Holloway D, Campo P, Nahan K, Donnell A, Landero JA, .... (2016). Investigation of the Elemental Profile of Petroleum Jelly-Based Personal Care Products by ICP-MS. Analytical Letters, 49(15)
- Sundaravadivelu D, Suidan MT, Venosa AD, Rosales PI, Campo-Moreno P, .... (2016). Development of a testing protocol for oil solidifier effectiveness evaluation. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 18(4)
- Zhuang M, Abulikemu G, Campo P, Platten WE, Suidan MT, .... (2016). Effect of dispersants on the biodegradation of South Louisiana crude oil at 5 and 25 °C. Chemosphere, 144
- Chen L, Campo P & Kupferle MJ. (2015). Identification of chlorinated oligomers formed during anodic oxidation of phenol in the presence of chloride. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 283
- Barndõk H, Peláez M, Han C, Platten WE, Campo P, .... (2013). Photocatalytic degradation of contaminants of concern with composite NF-TiO2 films under visible and solar light. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 20(6)
- Scott D, Hidaka T, Campo P, Kleiner E, Suidan MT, .... (2013). Biological nitrogen and carbon removal in a gravity flow biomass concentrator reactor for municipal sewage treatment. Chemosphere, 90(4)
- Campo P, Venosa AD & Suidan MT. (2013). Biodegradability of Corexit 9500 and Dispersed South Louisiana Crude Oil at 5 and 25 °C. Environmental Science & Technology, 47(4)
- Campo P, Zhao Y, Suidan MT & Venosa AD. (2012). Aerobic fate and impact of canola oil in aquatic media. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 14(1)
- Campo P, Platten W, Suidan MT, Chai Y & Davis JW. (2011). Aerobic biodegradation of amines in industrial saline wastewaters. Chemosphere, 85(7)
- Venosa AD, Campo P & Suidan MT. (2010). Biodegradability of Lingering Crude Oil 19 Years after the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. Environmental Science & Technology, 44(19)
- Musson SE, Campo P, Tolaymat T, Suidan M & Townsend TG. (2010). Assessment of the anaerobic degradation of six active pharmaceutical ingredients. Science of The Total Environment, 408(9)
- Campo P, Suidan MT, Chai Y & Davis J. (2010). A liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry study of ethanolamines in high salinity industrial wastewaters. Talanta, 80(3)
- Campo P, Zhao Y, Suidan MT, Venosa AD & Sorial GA. (2007). Biodegradation kinetics and toxicity of vegetable oil triacylglycerols under aerobic conditions. Chemosphere, 68(11)
- Campo P, Sorial GA, Suidan MT & Venosa AD. (2006). Statistical evaluation of an analytical GC/MS method for the determination of long chain fatty acids. Talanta, 68(3)
Conference Papers
- Hargreaves A, Vale P, Whelan J, Constantino C, Dotro G, .... (2017). Removal of Trace Metals from Municipal Wastewater by Coagulation-Flocculation
- Narasimman LM, Vanderford B, Campo P, Dickenson E & McAvoy D. (2016). Biotransformation of trace organic compounds in biological nutrient removal treatment systems
- Campo P, Zhao Y, Suidan MT & Sorial GA. (2005). Biodegradation patterns and toxicity of the constituents of canola oil
- Martin I, Campo P & Lavin C. (1995). Electronic transitions in the Rydberg radical H3O
- Bacci F & Campo P. (2022). Emerging and Less Commonly Recognized Chemical Contaminants: Organic Micropollutants In Encyclopedia of Inland Waters (4). Elsevier.
- Coulon F, Campo-Moreno P, Jiang Y, Longhurst P, Bardos P, .... (2017). Promoting Sino-UK collaboration on developing low carbon and sustainable methodologies for Brownfields and marginal land re-use in China. SPF report 16AG15