Contact Dr Laszlo Konozsy
- Tel: +44 (0) 1234 758278
- Email:
Areas of expertise
- Advanced Casting Science and Technologies
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Computing, Simulation & Modelling
- Defence Sensors
- Energy and the Environment
- Flight Physics
- Food Safety
- Nanotechnology
- On-Road Vehicle Dynamics
- Process Systems Engineering
- Renewable Energy
- Vehicle Aerodynamics
- Water Science and Engineering
Dr Könözsy received his first PhD degree in engineering sciences at the University of Miskolc, in Hungary (2004). Prior to his position at Cranfield University, he was a guest research fellow at the University of Siegen (2003) and at the Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg (2005), in Germany. He was working on mathematical modelling and numerical method development of isothermal and non-isothermal turbulent flows by using a stochastical turbulence model. He held an Assistant Professor position at the University of Miskolc teaching for seven years in the Hungarian Higher Education system. He became a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the University of Leoben, in Austria, 2006. He took part in and led industrially sponsored research projects working on modelling of multiphase and multicomponent solidification and melting processes of ingot casting. His interest turned to the field of micro- and nanofluidic applications in particular to multiphysics modelling of complex fluid dynamics processes at small physical length scales.
Dr Könözsy decided to further educate himself for a second PhD degree at Cranfield University in the field of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and multiphysics modelling.
Currently, he is working on and developing different numerical methods for complex physical problems with strong collaboration with industry both national and international levels.
Current activities
Dr Laszlo Könözsy is a Reader (Associate Professor) in Fluid Mechanics and Computational Engineering in the Centre for Computational Engineering Sciences at Cranfield University. He is the Course Director of the MSc in Aerospace Computational Engineering. He has a broad range of experience in different fields of fluid mechanics, computational sciences, heat transfer and computer programming for solving complex academic and industrial problems. He is the author of two books on anisotropic turbulence modelling published by Springer. These two books together received 72000+ views on LinkedIn and these books are the only ones on the current book market worldwide which are solely focusing on a novel anisotropic engineering turbulence modelling approach.
Dr Könözsy is the author of two Springer books, an author/co-author of 100+ scientific work including six book chapters in different books, 40+ peer-reviewed journal publications, 50+ conference papers, and 15+ scientific research reports. He supervised 10+ PhD research students and 170+ postgraduate MSc students at different universities. He established the MSc in Aerospace Computational Engineering course at Cranfield University which is among the top 5 computational method-based MSc courses in the field of aerospace engineering in the United Kingdom. He was awarded "The Best Lecturer" and "The Best Research Supervisor" prizes for his teaching and supervisory excellence at the School of Aerospace, Transport and Manufacturing in the Academic Years 2014/2015 and 2015/2016, respectively. He won these Student Led Teaching Awards (SLTA) from the Cranfield Students' Association (CSA) based on the nominations and votes of MSc and PhD postgraduate students at Cranfield University. He was awarded 9 times for supervisory excellence and he taught 2500+ hours over his academic career.
Dr Könözsy has educational and research award-winning PhD and MSc students who have worked under his primary supervision in different research projects. One of my former MSc and PhD students won the Lord Kings Norton Medal in 2019 which medal is the prize awarded only for the best performing doctorate student at Cranfield University, in the United Kingdom. One of my former MSc students was the winner of the Vice-Chancellor's prize in 2020 which is awarded annually to the most outstanding taught course student at Cranfield and he received the Course Director's prize for the best overall achievement on the MSc in Aerospace Computational Engineering course. Another MSc student who worked under my supervision won the Course Director's prize for "The Best MSc Thesis" in 2019 on the MSc in Computational Fluid Dynamics (MSc in CFD) course at Cranfield.
Research areas of Dr Könözsy are as follows:
Development and implementation of an acoustic streaming model for acoustic liquid manipulation (ALM) in microgravity environment for space applications.
Improvement of a three-dimensional anisotropic stochastical turbulence model in particular to external flows for automotive/motorsport industrial applications.
Modelling multiphase and multi-component solidification and melting processes including thermodynmaics for predicting macrosegregation in industrial size ingots.
Mathematical model development for designing high-tech micro- and nanofluidic sensors including modelling of ssDNA and dsDNA flows.
Development of a novel unified method for solving the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in the framework of Godunov-type methods.
Multiphysics modelling of microfluidic devices and industrial applications including non-Newtonian fluid dynamics and magnetohydrodynamics.
Hybrid LES/RANS turbulence modelling for industrial applications.
Development of analytical and numerical methods for solving ordinary and partial differential equations.
Method and software development of high-order mesh generation methods.
Development of digital image processing method and computer codes for two-phase cavitating flows.
European Space Agency (ESA)
Magnaparva Ltd. UK
Aircraft Research Association (ARA) Ltd. UK
Gillespie Avionics Ltd. Ireland
Pangea Aerospace Company (Spain)
Ricardo Ltd. UK, Reaction Engines Ltd. UK
Pilbeam Racing Designs Ltd. UK
DAF Trucks Company (The Netherlands)
M.I.E. Ltd. UK, Cadminton Ltd. UK
Lionix (The Netherlands)
Böhler Edelstahl GmBH & Co KG Steel Production Company (Austria)
Lambda GmBH (Austria)
MAL Rt. (Hungary)
MIVIZ Rt. (Hungary)
Articles In Journals
- Monokrousos N, Könözsy L, Pachidis V, Sozio E & Rossi F. (2024). A numerical approach to overcome the very-low Reynolds number limitation of the artificial compressibility for incompressible flows. Heliyon, 10(21)
- Nikolett F, Árvai T, Hausel I, Könözsy L & Lakatos I. (2023). Integrated Smart System for the Coordination of Traffic Light Traffic Management and Intelligent Public Lighting in Hungary. Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering, 51(1)
- Bang CS, Rana ZA, Könözsy L, Rodriguez VM & Temple C. (2022). Aeroelastic Analysis of a Single Element Composite Wing in Ground Effect Using Fluid–Structure Interaction. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 144(4)
- Rana ZA, Mauret F, Sanchez-Gil JM, Zeng K, Hou Z, .... (2022). Computational analysis and design of an aerofoil with morphing tail for improved aerodynamic performance in transonic regime. The Aeronautical Journal, 126(1301)
- Bang CS, Rana ZA, Könözsy L, Marchante Rodriguez V & Temple C. (2022). Numerical Investigation and Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) Analysis on a Double-Element Simplified Formula One (F1) Composite Wing in the Presence of Ground Effect. Fluids, 7(2)
- Chaudhary H, Könözsy L & Rana ZA. (2022). A novel combination of mathematical modelling approaches for simulating nearly hypersonic, viscous, reacting magnetogasdynamic flows. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 107(July)
- Townsend JF, Inutsuka S-I, Könözsy L & Jenkins KW. (2022). On high-order numerical schemes for viscous relativistic hydrodynamics through the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 515(1)
- Righi M, Pachidis V, Könözsy L, Giersch T & Schrape S. (2022). Experimental validation of a three-dimensional through-flow model for high-speed compressor surge. Aerospace Science and Technology, 128(September)
- Yeap J-M, Rana ZA, Könözsy L & Jenkins KW. (2022). Evaluation of the SU2 Open-Source Code for a Hypersonic Flow at Mach Number 5. Journal of Computational and Applied Mechanics, 17(1)
- Xiong X & Könözsy L. (2022). Modeling Rapid Solidification and Melting Processes for Multiphase Flows in a Welding Technology Application. Journal of Computational and Applied Mechanics, 17(1)
- Fleischmann D & Könözsy L. (2021). On a Novel Approximate Solution to the Inhomogeneous Euler–Bernoulli Equation with an Application to Aeroelastics. Aerospace, 8(11)
- Chaudhary H, Ledos N & Könözsy L. (2021). A comparative study of URANS, DDES and DES simulations of Jetstream 31 aircraft near the compressibility limit. Journal of Computational and Applied Mechanics, 16(2)
- Könözsy L. (2021). Preface. Fluid Mechanics and its Applications, 125
- Gil JMS, Teschner T-R & Könözsy L. (2021). Implementation of the fractional-step, artificial compressibility with pressure projection (FSAC-PP) method into openfoam for unsteady flows. Multidiszciplináris tudományok, 11(5)
- Townsend JF, Könözsy L & Jenkins KW. (2020). On the development of a rotated-hybrid HLL/HLLC approximate Riemann solver for relativistic hydrodynamics. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 496(2)
- Righi M, Pachidis V & Könözsy L. (2020). On the prediction of the reverse flow and rotating stall characteristics of high-speed axial compressors using a three-dimensional through-flow code. Aerospace Science and Technology, 99
- Hossain MA, Nabavi SA, Ranganathan P, Könözsy L & Manovic V. (2020). 3D CFD modelling of liquid dispersion in structured packed bed column for CO2 capture. Chemical Engineering Science, 225
- BAGUL P, RANA ZA, JENKINS KW & KÖNÖZSY L. (2020). Computational engineering analysis of external geometrical modifications on MQ-1 unmanned combat aerial vehicle. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 33(4)
- Righi M, Pachidis V, Könözsy L, Zhao F & Vahdati M. (2020). Three-dimensional low-order surge model for high-speed axial compressors. Journal of the Global Power and Propulsion Society, 4
- Könözsy L. (2019). Introduction. Fluid Mechanics and its Applications, 120
- Könözsy L. (2019). Preface. Fluid Mechanics and its Applications, 120
- Casadei L, Könözsy L & Lawson NJ. (2019). Unsteady Detached-Eddy Simulation (DES) of the Jetstream 31 aircraft in One Engine Inoperative (OEI) condition with propeller modelling. Aerospace Science and Technology, 91
- Teschner T-R, Könözsy L & Jenkins KW. (2019). A generalised and low-dissipative multi-directional characteristics-based scheme with inclusion of the local Riemann problem investigating incompressible flows without free-surfaces. Computer Physics Communications, 239
- Frank M, Kio M, Drikakis D, Könözsy L & Asproulis N. (2018). Mass and Stiffness Effects on Thermal Resistance at the Solid–Liquid Interface of Nanofluidic Channels. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 15(1)
- Sebastia-Saez D, Gu S, Könözsy L, Repke J-U & Arellano-García H. (2018). On the effect of the Froude number on the interface area of gravity-driven liquid rivulets. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 130
- Zingaro A & Könözsy L. (2018). Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Investigation on the Fully-Compressible Navier–Stokes Equations for Microscale Shock-Channels. Aerospace, 5(1)
- Righi M, Pachidis V, Könözsy L & Pawsey L. (2018). Three-dimensional through-flow modelling of axial flow compressor rotating stall and surge. Aerospace Science and Technology, 78
- Teschner T-R, Könözsy L & Jenkins K. (2018). Predicting Non-Linear Flow Phenomena through Different Characteristics-Based Schemes. Aerospace, 5(1)
- Szőke M, Józsa TI, Koleszár Á, Moulitsas I & Könözsy L. (2018). Performance Evaluation of a Two-Dimensional Lattice Boltzmann Solver Using CUDA and PGAS UPC Based Parallelisation. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 44(1)
- Salmon P, Könözsy L, Temple C & Grove S. (2017). Numerical investigation on various heat exchanger performances to determine an optimum configuration for charge air cooler, oil and water radiators in F1 sidepods. Applied Thermal Engineering, 117
- El Rafei M, Könözsy L & Rana Z. (2017). Investigation of Numerical Dissipation in Classical and Implicit Large Eddy Simulations. Aerospace, 4(4)
- Silva EP, Nele M, e Melo PFF & Könözsy L. (2016). Underground parallel pipelines domino effect: An analysis based on pipeline crater models and historical accidents. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 43
- Teschner T-R, Könözsy L & Jenkins KW. (2016). Progress in particle-based multiscale and hybrid methods for flow applications. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 20(4)
- Tsoutsanis P, Kokkinakis IW, Könözsy L, Drikakis D, Williams RJR, .... (2015). Comparison of structured- and unstructured-grid, compressible and incompressible methods using the vortex pairing problem. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 293
- Könözsy L & Drikakis D. (2014). A Unified Fractional-Step, Artificial Compressibility and Pressure-Projection Formulation for Solving the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations. Communications in Computational Physics, 16(5)
- Wu M, Könözsy L, Ludwig A, Schützenhöfer W & Tanzer R. (2008). On the formation of macrosegregations in steel ingot castings. Steel Research International, 79(8)
- Grasser M, Mayer F, Ishmurzin A, Könözsy L, Wu M, .... (2008). Numerical Modelling of the Effect of Global Transport Phenomena on the Microstructure Formation. BHM Berg- und Hüttenmännische Monatshefte, 153(7)
- Monokrousos N, Könözsy L, Pachidis V, Sozio E & Rossi F. Temperature-dependent solid material properties of GRCop-42 for an additively manufactured liquid rocket engine LOx cooling channel. Multidiszciplináris Tudományok, 14(3)
Conference Papers
- Righi M, Pachidis V, Könözsy L, Zhao F & Vadhati M. (2020). Three-dimensional low-order surge model for high-speed axial compressors
- Figueroa-González A, Oliveira J, Teschner TR, Könözsy L, Moulitsas I, .... (2020). Validation of an in-house lattice Boltzmann solver for a multiphase flow application
- Parry L, Könözsy L & Temple C. (2018). Airbox Design, Analysis and Improvement for a High Performance Road Racing Sidecar
- Silva EP, Nele M, Frutuoso Melo PF & Könözsy L. (2017). A numerical approach for evaluation of underground parallel pipelines domino effect - Computational aspects and validation
- Teschner T-R, Könözsy L & Jenkins KW. (2017). A Three-Stage Algorithm for Solving Incompressible Flow Problems
- Silva EP, Nele M, Frutuoso Melo PF & Könözsy L. (2017). A computational study on underground parallel pipelines escalation failure caused by a rupture of a natural gas adjacent pipeline
- Teschner T-R, Könözsy L & Jenkins KW. (2016). Numerical Investigation of an Incompressible Flow Over a Backward Facing Step Using a Unified Fractional-Step, Artificial Compressibility and Pressure-Projection (FSAC-PP) Method
- Klajbár C & Könözsy L. (2016). Multiphase Eulerian simulations of a sedimentation process in a solid-fluid particle-laden flow
- Könözsy L, Drikakis D, Ashcroft M, Dixon A & Persson J. (2015). Experimental and numerical investigation of acoustic liquid manipulation for trapping and positioning cryogenic propellants
- Könözsy L, Kokkinakis IW, Antoniadis AF, Rana ZA, Tsoutsanis P, .... (2015). High-order methods for shock wave turbulent boundary layer interaction
- Michael K, Asproulis N, Konozsy L & Dimitris D. (2014). Equilibrium molecular dynamics modeling of diffussion and adsorption of fluids in armchair single walled carbon-nanotube
- Könözsy L & Drikakis D. (2012). A coupled high-resolution fractional-step artificial compressibility and pressure-projection formulation for solving incompressible multi-species variable density flow problem at low Reynolds numbers
- Könözsy L, Asproulis N & Drikakis D. (2012). High-resolution characteristics-based Godunov-type method for modelling acoustic waves in conjunction with incompressible microscale laminar flow
- Könözsy L & Drikakis D. (2012). A unified fractional-step artificial-compressibility and pressure-projection formulation for solving incompressible, variable density mixing layer problem
- Könözsy L, Ishmurzin A, Grasser M, Wu MH, Ludwig A, .... (2010). Columnar to Equiaxed Transition During Ingot Casting Using Ternary Alloy Composition
- Könözsy L, Kharicha MS, Eck S, Wu MH & Ludwig A. (2010). Numerical and Experimental Investigation of NH4Cl Solidification
- Tanzer R, Schützenhöfer W, Reiter G, Fauland H-P, Könözsy L, .... (2009). Validation of a Multiphase Model for the Macrosegregation and Primary Structure of High-Grade Steel Ingots
- Könözsy L, Eck S, Kharicha MS, Wu M & Ludwig A. (2009). Experimental and numerical investigations of NH4Cl solidification in a mould Part 2: numerical results
- Kharicha MS, Eck S, Könözsy L, Kharicha A & Ludwig A. (2009). Experimental and numerical investigations of NH4Cl solidification in a mould Part 1: Experimental results
- Könözsy L, Ishmurzin A, Mayer F, Grasser M, Wu M, .... (2009). Numerical investigation of grid influence on formation of macrosegregation
- Cserta E, Könözsy L, Hegedus G & Raupenstrauch H. (2008). Experimental and numerical investigation of wood drying process using modified infra-red heating treatment
- Wu M, Könözsy L, Ludwig A, Schützenhöfer W & Tanzer R. (2008). On the Formation of Macrosegregations in Steel Ingot Castings
- Mayer F, Gruber-Pretzler M, Könözsy L, Wu M & Ludwig A. (2007). Numerical study of the shrinkage flow induced macrosegregation in continuous casting of steel
- Wu M, Könözsy L, Fjeld A & Ludwig A. (2007). Understanding the macrosegregation formation in steel ingot castings: examples of multiphase modeling
- Wu M, Könözsy L, Fjeld A & Ludwig A. (2007). Using a multiphase approach to study the mechanisms which cause macrosegregation
- Gruber-Pretzler M, Könözsy L, Mayer F, Wu M, Ludwig A, .... (2007). A numerical study of the impact of gravity and Marangoni force on the droplet distribution of hypermonotectic al-bi alloys
- Könözsy L. (2003). Numerical computation of fully-developed turbulent pipe flow based on the streamfunction-vorticity formulation
- Könözsy L. (2003). Comparison of the analytical and numerical solution of fully-developed turbulent pipe flow
- Könözsy L. (2003). Fully-developed turbulent pipe flow based on the vorticity transport
- Szabó S, Könözsy L, Benke M & Gyulai L. (2003). Introduction of the Department of Fluid and Heat Engineering of the University of Miskolc
- Könözsy L & Benke M. (2002). Comparison of the analytical and numerical solution of a one-dimensional non-stationary cooling problem
- Schifter F, Szabó S & Könözsy L. (2001). Investigation of heat-exchangers of thermal water utilization system
- Könözsy L. (2001). Mesh generation for the meridional section of a mixed-flow hydraulic machine with given discrete points on its boundary
- Könözsy L. (2001). Ortogonális trajektóriák meghatározása egy járókerék meridian metszetében
- Könözsy L. (2000). Determination of the trajectories on the meridional section of an impeller
- Lakatos K, Tolvaj B & Könözsy L. (2000). Analysis of energetic pipeline systems
- Könözsy L. (2000). Computation of a cavity downstream a sixty-degree wedge
- Könözsy L. (1999). Simulation possibilities of K�rm�n vortex street in two-dimensional cavitation flow [in Hungarian]
- Könözsy L. (1999). The K�rm�n vorticities in cavitation flow
- Könözsy L. (2021). A New Hypothesis on the Anisotropic Reynolds Stress Tensor for Turbulent Flows
- Könözsy L. (2021). Three-Dimensional Simulations with an Anisotropic Hybrid k-$$\omega $$ SST/STM Approach In Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications (125). Springer International Publishing.
- Könözsy L. (2021). Implementation of the Anisotropic Hybrid k-$$\omega$$ SST/STM Closure Model In Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications (125). Springer International Publishing.
- Könözsy L. (2021). The Anisotropic Hybrid k-$$\omega $$ SST/Stochastic Turbulence Model In Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications (125). Springer International Publishing.
- Könözsy L. (2021). Two-Dimensional Simulations with an Anisotropic Hybrid k-$$\omega $$ SST/STM Approach In Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications (125). Springer International Publishing.
- Könözsy L. (2021). Introduction to Classical Analytical Solutions for Wall-Bounded Turbulence In Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications (125). Springer International Publishing.
- Könözsy L. (2019). A New Hypothesis on the Anisotropic Reynolds Stress Tensor for Turbulent Flows
- Könözsy L. (2019). Three-Dimensional Anisotropic Similarity Theory of Turbulent Velocity Fluctuations In Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications (120). Springer International Publishing.
- Könözsy L. (2019). The k- $$\omega $$ ω Shear-Stress Transport (SST) Turbulence Model In Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications (120). Springer International Publishing.
- Könözsy L. (2019). Theoretical Principles and Galilean Invariance In Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications (120). Springer International Publishing.
- Könözsy L. (2019). A New Hypothesis on the Anisotropic Reynolds Stress Tensor In Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications (120). Springer International Publishing.
- Mantzalis D, Karantonis K, Mantzalis D, Asproulis N, Drikakis D, .... (2012). Computational Modelling of Aqueous Environments in Micro and Nanochannels In Zuccheri G & Asproulis N (eds), Detection of Pathogens in Water Using Micro and Nano-Technology (First). IWA Publishing.
- Baranyi L & Könözsy L. (2006). Finite difference method In Kalmár L & Baranyi L (eds), Numerical modelling of heat transfer and flow tasks [Hungarian]. University of Miskolc.
- Könözsy L & Baranyi L. (2006). Solution of linear system of equations In Kalmár L & Baranyi L (eds), Numerical modelling of heat transfer and flow tasks [Hungarian]. University of Miskolc.
- Baranyi L & Könözsy L. (2005). Solution of linear system of equations: In Kalmár L, Baranyi L & Könözsy L (eds), Numerical modelling of heat transfer and flow problems: HEFOP Lecture Notes (Under Contract HEFOP-3.3.1.-2004-06-0012/1.0), HEFOP 3.3.1-ME-AHT 5.3. EU-Project [Hungarian]. University of Miskolc.
- Könözsy L & Baranyi L. (2005). Finite difference method In Kalmár L, Baranyi L & Könözsy L (eds), Numerical modelling of heat transfer and flow problems: HEFOP Lecture Notes (Under Contract HEFOP-3.3.1.-2004-06-0012/1.0), HEFOP 3.3.1-ME-AHT 5.3. EU-Project [Hungarian]. University of Miskolc.