Located in the George Solt Building, this dedicated collaborative space provides an environment for biological and chemical engineers, materials scientists, designers, energy specialists, and others to collaborate on innovations in point-of-use systems and their application.

Point-of-use water treatment systems are seen as an increasingly important water service option in isolated and low-income communities, being low cost, low maintenance, and grid independent. With fully-accessible plumbing systems to enable full-scale point-of-use device installation, spiking of contaminants of concern, water quality monitoring and testing of innovative sensors, researchers will analyse not just technology performance but also (crucially for small systems) reliability and maintenance challenges.

The point-of-use water treatment development lab

Key research themes

  • Decentralised water treatment systems for application in high- and low-income countries.
  • In situ testing and monitoring at the point-of-use to better understand variability and fluctuations in contaminants present in drinking water.

Using the facility

If you wish to use this facility, please contact Professor Peter Jarvis to arrange.