The threat of targeted vehicle ramming incidents remains a significant consideration in the design of the built environment. However, the implementation of solutions (e.g. protective barriers) can be complex due to the range of site constraints. Considerations such as pedestrian through-put, accessibility, sustainability and architectural aesthetics in addition to challenges around existing in-ground services and complex supporting structures can create a mix of often conflicting requirements.
Arup is a multi-disciplinary engineering organisation focussed on providing sustainability led solutions for the built environment. To support the integration of protective security solutions, Arup have been developing advanced simulation techniques to model the impacts of threat vehicles and provide estimations of performance of protective design solutions. The high level of fidelity achieved through modelling has been shown to offer many benefits when applied to projects. Advantages such as reduced cost and time during solution development coupled with an increased understanding of complex load paths and load transfer into supporting structures has allowed Arup to apply these techniques on a range of global projects.
In this talk, Jon Farley will present an overview of the protective design approach adopted by Arup on urban realm projects and provide some insights based on past project experience. Jon will provide an introduction into the development of validated vehicle models and some examples of their application in barrier product development. Jon will discuss some of the challenges typically observed on protective design projects within the urban streetscape and offer some tips on potential solutions.
The Terrorism Risk Assessment, Modelling and Mitigation Seminar Series (TRAMMSS) is a virtual seminar series focused on technical topics related to terrorism risk assessment, and modelling, including blast modelling and response; IEDs; vehicles as weapons; CBRN; big data for risk assessment, security and screening; and associated mitigation measures.
Dr Jon Farley is a protective security consultant with Arup, specialising in physical and cyber security. Jon completed a degree in Mechanical engineering and PhD in material science and has spent the last 15 years working on protective design projects in defence, aviation, commercial and public realm environments. Jon recently returned to the UK following 7 years in Australia where he was leading physical and cyber security on projects throughout Australasia. Jon is a Principal of the RSES in Hostile Vehicle Mitigation.
Who should attend
This seminar is open to guests from outside Cranfield, who may work in academia, research, or industry. Due to the potentially sensitive nature of this seminar series, guests should be able to show that they are affiliated with an appropriate bona fide organisation.
The event is free of charge, but participants must register for the TRAMMSS mailing list in advance.How to register
To attend this seminar, you must register for the TRAMMSS mailing list via the online form. Further information on the TRAMMSS community can be found on the main website at