Welcome to your Cranfield campus accommodation – we hope you will enjoy your time here and that you find your new home comfortable. Whether you’re in single, couple or family campus accommodation there is some information you’ll need to know, such as key contacts, housekeeping, how to pay fees and your tenancy, which you’ll find on this page. We’re here to help, so if you have any further questions don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

Accommodation information for singles

Key contact information

Emergency on-campus

In the event of an emergency call campus Security on:

  • T: 01234 750111
  • Or the Duty Manager on T: 07766 780726

Emergency services – ambulance, police or fire service

To call an ambulance, the police or the fire service dial 999. The external operator will ask for the service you require and your location. These calls are free of charge.

Repair requests/housekeeping

If you need to discuss repairs to items in your room or have a housekeeping related enquiry, please contact the appropriate reception below. Staff may require access to your room for viewing, inspection, maintenance repairs and emergencies. Wherever possible notice will be given via email, however these trusted personnel are authorised to enter in your absence

Lanchester Hall Reception

For those living in Lanchester Hall, Chilver Hall, Baroness Young Hall and shared houses.

Opening times:

  • Monday to Thursday, 08.30 to 19.00
  • Friday, 08.30 to 18.30
  • Saturday, 09.00 to 13.00

Contact information:

Mitchell Hall Reception

For those living in Mitchell Hall or Stringfellow Hall.

Opening times:

  • 07.00 to 23.00

Contact information:

Accommodation Office

Located in Building 41 (Stafford Cripps):

Opening times:

  • Monday to Friday, 08.00 to 17.00

Settling into your new home

In your first few days…

  • Pay your accommodation fees
  • Check your inventory
  • Familiarise yourself with the campus


When you move in you will find a complete list of contents in your room. Please check that you agree with the inventory; add any comments you have and return it to either Lanchester Hall or Mitchell Hall reception within seven days of moving in.


If you need to stock up on groceries, there is a Co-Op supermarket on campus or the Cranfield Students’ Association shop. In Cranfield village there is a Co-Op supermarket. A larger supermarket (Tesco) is located in Kingston. If you order your groceries online, supermarkets will deliver your shopping to your house for a small delivery fee.

TV licence

If you are going to watch TV on your mobile device, PC or television, you are required by law to have a TV licence. To get a licence, visit www.tvlicensing.co.uk/student.


There is a card-operated launderette located at Lanchester Hall, Mitchell Hall, Stringfellow Hall, Baroness Young Hall and East Road. Cards are available from Mitchell Hall Reception.


Please use the noticeboards provided and do not stick things to the walls. Any damage to paint work is chargeable.

Insects and vermin

If you notice any insects or evidence of vermin in your accommodation, please report it to either Lanchester Hall Reception or Mitchell Hall Reception.


Please note that pets are not permitted in University accommodation.

Water supply

Tap water is safe to drink in the UK. It is recommended that only the cold supply is used for drinking. Please see additional information below regarding the University's Legionella management procedures.

Bathroom maintenance

Bathrooms are prone to condensation which can cause mould to form. To prevent this, extractor fans should be kept on. The fan will automatically switch on when the bathroom light is on.

Your tenancy

It is important that you read your tenancy agreement and understand your obligations as a tenant, and the University’s as a landlord. 


It is against the law to smoke inside any building on campus; anyone found to be smoking will incur disciplinary action. Please see the University's smoking policy for more information.


By partnering with Endsleigh, the student insurance provider, we’ve arranged free contents insurance for all students staying with us.

Mail deliveries

Halls of residence

Your mail will arrive at the mail room in Building 108. You will receive an email to collect any mail that arrives for you.

Shared houses

Mail is delivered directly to each house.

Payment of accommodation fees

An invoice for your fees will be sent to you via email approximately one week after you arrive.

Payment methods


You can choose to pay via our payment page.

By instalment

Accommodation fees can be paid by direct debit from a UK bank account. You should complete the direct debit form as soon as your account details are confirmed. It is important that you keep up‑to‑date with your accommodation fees. If you are experiencing any difficulties, please talk to the Accommodation Office.

Payment terms

You will need to pay one quarter of the year’s rent when you receive the invoice and then a further quarter after three months, six months, and nine months.

Home contents insurance

We have arranged some contents insurance cover for you with Endsleigh, the no.1 student insurance provider. Find out more here.


Please consider other occupants at all times, especially regarding noise levels. If you are being affected by noise and the offender does not respond positively to your request for quiet, please contact a member of the accommodation team. If you experience noise outside of office hours, please contact Mitchell Hall Reception (contact details above).

Issuing of keys for student accommodation

Keys will be issued to the occupier of the room upon arrival at the designated accommodation registration point. Prior to the issuing of keys, the resident’s identity will need to be confirmed and their tenancy agreement must be signed by the resident. Identity can be confirmed with a valid proof of ID (student ID, passport, driving licence, bank card). 

Lost Key Procedure 

If a key is lost or access to accommodation is required, please contact Lanchester Hall Reception or Mitchell Hall Reception.

Contact details:

Lanchester Hall Reception: E: lhreception@cranfield.ac.uk T: 01234 750111 ext. 2481
Mitchell Hall Reception E: mhreception@cranfield.ac.uk T: 01234 754343
Outside of office hours, please call the Duty Manager on 07766 780726.

Keys can only be issued to the occupier of the property after the resident’s identity has been confirmed. 
Identity can be confirmed with a valid proof of ID (student ID, passport, driving licence, bank card). 

If the lost key is not returned, Campus Services will arrange for the resident to be charged for a replacement key (this will depend on the circumstances on how and where the key was lost). 
The charge for a replacement key is £50.

You are advised to always keep your room and corridor locked. If staff find it unlocked, they will lock it, so please keep your key with you.

For everyone’s safety and peace of mind, please ensure main entrance doors are kept closed to prevent unauthorised access.

Legionella Management – information for students living on campus

The Legionella Management Procedure for Cranfield University has been developed to ensure that water systems are installed, operated and maintained in a manner that reduces the risk of a legionella outbreak and ensures appropriate water quality for users.

Legionella are a range of bacteria widespread in water which can cause Legionnaires’ disease or Legionellosis, potentially fatal forms of pneumonia, contracted by inhaling small droplets of water (aerosols) suspended in the air, containing the bacteria.

Certain conditions increase the risk:
- Water temperatures 20-45 degrees centigrade
- Stagnant water, water systems that have been unused for a period of time
- Deposits such as scale that support bacterial growth

It is therefore important that:
- Hot water remains hot
- Cold water remains cold
- Water is kept circulated
- Taps and shower heads are kept free from scale and in good condition

How can you help?

- Please do not interfere with the settings on your boiler/hot water system.  The hot water should be set to be heated to 60 degrees centigrade

- Please report hot water not being hot, cold water not being cold, no water, discolouration of water, heavily scaled taps/shower heads

- If you are away from your accommodation for a week or more, on your return run your taps and shower, keeping away from the water for at least two minutes

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Accommodation information for couples or families

Key contact information

Emergency on-campus

In the event of an emergency call campus Security on:

  • T: 01234 750111
  • Or the Duty Manager on T: 07766 780726

Emergency services – ambulance, police or fire service

To call an ambulance, the police or the fire service dial 999. The external operator will ask for the service you require and your location. These calls are free of charge.

Repair requests/housekeeping

If you need to discuss repairs to items in your room or have a housekeeping related enquiry, please contact Lanchester Hall Reception. 

Staff my require access to your room for viewing, inspection, maintenance repairs and emergencies. Wherever possible notice will be given via email, however these trusted personnel are authorised to enter in your absence

Opening times:

  • Monday to Thursday, 08.30 to 19.00
  • Friday, 08.30 to 18.30
  • Saturday, 09.00 to 13.00

Contact information:

Accommodation Office

Located in Building 41 (Stafford Cripps):

Opening times:

  • Monday to Friday, 08.00 to 17.00

Settling into your new home

In your first few days…

  • Pay your accommodation fees
  • Check your inventory
  • Familiarise yourself with the campus


When you move in you will find a complete list of contents in your home. Please check that you agree with the inventory; add any comments you have and return it to either Lanchester Hall or Mitchell Hall reception within seven days of moving in.


If you need to stock up on groceries, there is a Co-Op supermarket on campus or the Cranfield Students’ Association shop. In Cranfield village there is a Co‑Op supermarket. A larger supermarket (Tesco) is located in Kingston. If you order your groceries online, supermarkets will deliver your shopping to your house for a small delivery fee.

TV licence

If you are going to watch TV on your mobile device, PC or television, you are required by law to have a TV licence. To get a licence, visit www.tvlicensing.co.uk/student.

Washing machines

Washing machines are not permitted in couples' accommodation. If you live in a family house and you wish to purchase a washing machine, please contact Lanchester Hall Reception prior to making your purchase to discuss installation.

Bathrooms and maintenance

Bathrooms are prone to condensation which causes mould to form; extractor fans should be kept on to help prevent this. After using the bathroom, open the window for a short time to ventilate it.

Water supply

Tap water is safe to drink in the UK. It is recommended that only the cold supply is used for drinking. Please also see the additional information below regarding the University's Legionella management procedures.

Water pipes

To prevent water pipes freezing, please ensure that your heating is kept on during the cold winter months. Please do not pour fats or oils down the kitchen sink, toilet or outside drains, as the fat will solidify and block the pipe.


You are responsible for keeping your garden tidy. The grass is cut by approved contractors; however you are responsible for keeping the garden free from clutter.

Insects and vermin

If you notice any insects or evidence of vermin in your accommodation, please report it to either Lanchester Hall Reception or Mitchell Hall Reception.


Please note that pets are not permitted in University accommodation.

Energy saving

To keep your energy costs down avoid using electric radiators and immersion heaters as they consume high levels of electricity.

Your tenancy

It is important that you read your tenancy agreement and understand your obligations as a tenant, and the University’s as a landlord.


It is against the law to smoke inside any building on campus; anyone found to be smoking will incur disciplinary action. Please see the University's smoking policy for more information.


By partnering with Endsleigh, the student insurance provider, we’ve arranged free contents insurance for all students staying with us.

Payment of accommodation fees

An invoice for your fees will be sent to you via email approximately one week after you arrive.

Payment terms

You will need to pay one quarter of the year’s rent when you receive the invoice and then a further quarter after three months, six months, and nine months.

Payment methods


You can choose to pay via our payment page.

By instalment

Accommodation fees can be paid by direct debit from a UK bank account. You should complete the direct debit form as soon as your account details are confirmed. It is important that you keep up‑to‑date with your accommodation fees. If you are experiencing any difficulties, please talk to the Accommodation Office.

Change of circumstances

If your family circumstances change, it is your responsibility to ensure that you have suitable accommodation. For example, if you have another child while in residence and need more space, you will need to secure accommodation privately as we are unlikely to be able to offer you another house on campus. If you are a resident in Fedden House, please be aware that children are not permitted to stay in the studio apartments under any circumstances.

Home contents insurance

We have arranged some contents insurance cover for you with Endsleigh, the no.1 student insurance provider. Find out more here.

Issuing of keys for student accommodation

Keys will be issued to the tenant upon arrival at the designated accommodation registration point. Prior to the issuing of keys, the resident’s identity will need to be confirmed and their tenancy agreement must be signed by the resident. Identity can be confirmed with a valid proof of ID (student ID, passport, driving licence, bank card). 

Lost Key Procedure 

If a key is lost or access to accommodation is required, please contact Lanchester Hall Reception or Mitchell Hall Reception.

Contact details:

Lanchester Hall Reception: E: lhreception@cranfield.ac.uk T: 01234 750111 ext. 2481
Mitchell Hall Reception E: mhreception@cranfield.ac.uk T: 01234 754343
Outside of office hours, please call the Duty Manager on 07766 780726.

Keys can only be issued to the occupier of the property after the resident’s identity has been confirmed. 
Identity can be confirmed with a valid proof of ID (student ID, passport, driving licence, bank card). 

If the lost key is not returned, Campus Services will arrange for the resident to be charged for a replacement key (this will depend on the circumstances on how and where the key was lost). 
The charge for a replacement key is £50.

You are advised to always keep your property locked.If staff find it unlocked, they will lock it, so please keep your key with you.

Legionella Management

The Legionella Management Procedure for Cranfield University has been developed to ensure that water systems are installed, operated and maintained in a manner that reduces the risk of a legionella outbreak and ensures appropriate water quality for users.

Legionella are a range of bacteria widespread in water which can cause Legionnaires’ disease or Legionellosis, potentially fatal forms of pneumonia, contracted by inhaling small droplets of water (aerosols) suspended in the air, containing the bacteria.

Certain conditions increase the risk:

  • Water temperatures 20-45 degrees centigrade
  • Stagnant water, water systems that have been unused for a period of time
  • Deposits such as scale that support bacterial growth

It is therefore important that:

  • Hot water remains hot
  • Cold water remains cold
  • Water is kept circulated
  • Taps and shower heads are kept free from scale and in good condition


How can you help?

  • Please do not interfere with the settings on your boiler/hot water system. The hot water should be set to be heated to 60 degrees centigrade


  • Please report hot water not being hot, cold water not being cold, no water, discolouration of water, heavily scaled taps/shower heads


  • If you are away from your accommodation for a week or more, on your return run your taps and shower, keeping away from the water for at least two minutes.           

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