Contact Professor Cliff Bowman
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Economist for the UK Civil Aviation Authority 1974-1980
Senior Lecturer then HoS Humberside CHE 1980-1988
Cranfield 1988-2007
Director of Research Ashridge 2007-2008
Cranfield SOM Professor of Strategic Management 2008-date
Current activities
Cliff has undertaken a wide range of consulting assignments which focus on the facilitation of strategy processes within firms. He has written eight books and published over sixty papers. He was Chairman of the European Case Clearing House, and Academic Dean of the School of Management from 1998-2006.
Complex systems
The fundamentals of organising
Empirical evidence of dynamic capabilities
Value creation and capture
Articles In Journals
- Bowman C. (2023). Extending the Scope of Strategy Inquiry: A Capital Strategy Perspective (WITHDRAWN). Academy of Management Proceedings, 2023(1)
- Ambrosini V, Bowman C & Thomas L. (2015). Understanding Value Creation in Business Schools. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2015(1)
- Bowman C. (2015). The role of technology in the creation and capture of value. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 27(2)
- Schoenberg R, Collier N & Bowman C. (2013). Strategies for business turnaround and recovery: a review and synthesis. European Business Review, 25(3)
- Bowman C. (2012). Causal Ambiguity and the Social Construction of Executive Remuneration. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2012(1)
- Bowman C. (2012). Where Does Profit Come From? (WITHDRAWN). Academy of Management Proceedings, 2012(1)
- Ambrosini V, Bowman C & Schoenberg R. (2011). Should Acquiring Firms Pursue More Than One Value Creation Strategy? An Empirical Test of Acquisition Performance. British Journal of Management, 22(1)
- Ambrosini V & Bowman C. (2010). The Impact of Causal Ambiguity on Competitive Advantage and Rent Appropriation. British Journal of Management, 21(4)
- Bowman C & Ambrosini V. (2010). How value is created, captured and destroyed. European Business Review, 22(5)
- Ambrosini V, Bowman C & Collier N. (2010). Using teaching case studies for management research. Strategic Organization, 8(3)
- Bowman C & Toms S. (2010). Accounting for competitive advantage: The resource-based view of the firm and the labour theory of value. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 21(3)
- Ambrosini V & Bowman C. (2009). What are dynamic capabilities and are they a useful construct in strategic management?. International Journal of Management Reviews, 11(1)
- Ambrosini V, Bowman C & Collier N. (2009). Dynamic Capabilities: An Exploration of How Firms Renew their Resource Base. British Journal of Management, 20(s1)
- Ambrosini V & Bowman C. (2008). Surfacing Tacit Sources of Success. International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, 26(4)
- Bowman C & Ambrosini V. (2007). Firm value creation and levels of strategy. Management Decision, 45(3)
- Bowman C & Ambrosini V. (2007). Identifying Valuable Resources. European Management Journal, 25(4)
- Bowman C & Swart J. (2007). Whose Human Capital? The Challenge of Value Capture When Capital is Embedded. Journal of Management Studies, 44(4)
- Ambrosini V, Bowman C & Burton-Taylor S. (2007). Inter-team coordination activities as a source of customer satisfaction. Human Relations, 60(1)
- Bowman C & Collier N. (2006). A contingency approach to resource‐creation processes. International Journal of Management Reviews, 8(4)
- Ambrosini V & Bowman C. (2005). Reducing Causal Ambiguity to Facilitate Strategic Learning. Management Learning, 36(4)
- Bowman C & Ambrosini V. (2003). How the Resource‐based and the Dynamic Capability Views of the Firm Inform Corporate‐level Strategy. British Journal of Management, 14(4)
- Ambrosini V & Bowman C. (2003). Managerial Consensus and Corporate Strategy:. European Management Journal, 21(2)
- Bowman C, Ward K & Kakabadse A. (2002). Congruent, Divergent and Incoherent Corporate Level Strategies. European Management Journal, 20(6)
- Bowman C & Ambrosini V. (2001). "Value" in the Resource-Based View of The Firm: A Contribution to the Debate. Academy of Management Review, 26(4)
- Kakabadse A, Ward K, Korac‐Kakabadse N & Bowman C. (2001). Role and Contribution of Non‐Executive Directors. Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society, 1(1)
- Ambrosini V & Bowman C. (2001). Tacit Knowledge: Some Suggestions for Operationalization. Journal of Management Studies, 38(6)
- Bowman C & Ambrosini V. (2000). Strategy from an individual perspective. European Management Journal, 18(2)
- Bowman C & Ambrosini V. (2000). Value Creation Versus Value Capture: Towards a Coherent Definition of Value in Strategy. British Journal of Management, 11(1)
- Bowman C. (1999). Action‐led strategy and managerial self‐confidence. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 14(7/8)
- Bowman C & Kakabadse A. (1997). Top management ownership of the strategy problem. Long Range Planning, 30(2)
- Bowman C & Ambrosini V. (1997). Perceptions of Strategic Priorities, Consensus and Firm Performance. Journal of Management Studies, 34(2)
- Bowman C & Ambrosini V. (1997). Using Single Respondents in Strategy Research. British Journal of Management, 8(2)
- Bowman C & Ambrosini V. (1996). Tracking Patterns of Realised Strategy. Journal of General Management, 21(3)
- Armistead C, Bowman C & Newton J. (1995). Managers’ perceptions of the importance of supply, overhead and operating costs. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 15(3)
- Bowman C & Daniels K. (1995). The Influence of Functional Experience on Perceptions of Strategic Priorities. British Journal of Management, 6(3)
- Bowman C & Carter S. (1995). Organising for competitive advantage. European Management Journal, 13(4)
- Bowman C. (1995). Strategy workshops and top‐team commitment to strategic change. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 10(8)
- Faulkner D & Bowman C. (1992). Generic strategies and congruent organisational structures: Some suggestions. European Management Journal, 10(4)
- Bowman C & Johnson G. (1992). Surfacing competitive strategies. European Management Journal, 10(2)
Conference Papers
- Bowman C. (2022). The Role of Dependence Relationships in the Value Capture Process
- Nelson WB, Pavlov A & Bowman C. (2021). Theorizing the Nature and Process of Strategic Intent: A Literature Review and Conceptual Synthesis
- Nelson WB, Pavlov A & Bowman C. (2021). Theorizing the nature and process of strategic intent
- Pavlov A & Bowman C. (2020). Reconceptualizing Strategic Change as Emergence: A Theoretical Model of Nested Evolutionary Processes
- Bowman C. (2019). Configurations of Management Cognition and Action in a Complex World
- Pavlov A & Bowman C. (2015). The End of Management Control
- Pavlov A & Bowman C. (2014). Micro-Yes! Foundations-No!
- Bowman C & Pavlov A. (2014). Strategy Practices and the Micro-foundations of Advantage
- Bowman C, Collier N & Schoenberg R. (2012). Transition through turnaround strategies: A special case of ambidexterity
- Bowman C & Collier N. (2012). Deriving Three Knowledge “Forms” from the Knowledge Based Theory of the Firm
- Schoenberg R, Bowman C & Ambrosini V. (2009). Is one dynamic capability better than two?
- Ambrosini V, Bowman C & Collier N. (2008). Could teaching materials be research materials. Using case-studies to inform the resource-based view
- Ambrosini V & Bowman C. (2008). Eliciting sources of success to help strategizing
- Ambrosini V, Bowman C & Collier N. (2008). Dynamic capabilities: Proposing a clearer way forward
- Birnik A & Bowman C. (2007). Marketing mix standardization in multinational corporations: A review of the evidence
- Birnik A & Bowman C. (2007). Beyond induction and deduction: The case for retroductive research in international business
- Bowman C, Ambrosini V & Birnik A. (2007). Local-global tensions in multinational subsidiaries: Cases from mobile communications
- Ambrosini V & Bowman C. (2006). An exploration of the impact of causal ambiguity within the firm
- Ambrosini V, Bowman C, Collier N, Jenkins M & Schoenberg R. (2006). Single loop and double loop dynamic capabilities: An exploration of how firms change
- Birnik A, Bowman C & Ambrosini V. (2006). Challenges to cross-border integration: an exploratory study of MNC subsidiary management
- Birnik A, Bowman C & Ambrosini V. (2006). Practical drift as a response to strategic integration: An exploratory study of MNC subsidiary management
- Birnik A & Bowman C. (2006). Towards a micro-model of the multinational corporation
- Bowman C. (2006). Value Capture in Knowledge Industry Contexts: The Case of the University Business School
- Ambrosini V, Birnik A & Bowman C. (2006). Causes and consequences of practical drift in the multinational subsidiary
- Birnik A & Bowman C. (2006). Unbundling strategic integration in the multinational corporation
- Ambrosini V, Birnik A & Bowman C. (2006). The causes, consequences and mediating effect of practical drift in the multinational subsidiary
- Burton-Taylor S, Ambrosini V & Bowman C. (2005). Inter-team coordination routines as a source of competitive advantage
- Burton-Taylor S, Ambrosini V & Bowman C. (2005). Linking strategic resources with customers' perception of value
- Bowman C & Ambrosini V. (2005). What does value mean to stakeholders?
- Bowman C. (2004). Deriving Strategy Process Prescriptions from the Resource-Based View
- Bowman C. (2004). Use value, exchange value, and value: Marx meets the resource-based view
- Ambrosini V & Bowman C. (2004). Creating actionable knowledge: How can consultants intervene and facilitate strategic learning
- Bowman C & Collier N. (2004). Resource-based view and strategy process prescriptions
- Turnbull James K, Kwiatkowski R & Bowman C. (2004). Developing Individual Strategic Capability
- Bowman C & Ambrosini V. (2004). What is a Valuable Resource?
- Turnbull James K, Kwiatkowski R & Bowman C. (2004). Developing Strategic Capability: Managerial imaginings and psychological insights
- Bowman C. (2003). Differential labour and competitive advantage: Embedding resource-based theory within Marx's labour theory of value
- Bowman C & Ambrosini V. (2003). The two sides of causal ambiguity
- Bowman C, James K & Kwiatkowski R. (2003). Developing individual strategic capability: rediscovering psychological capability and context
- Bowman C & Ambrosini V. (2003). What Does Value Mean and How is it Created, Maintained and Destroyed?
- Bowman C & Ambrosini V. (2002). Causal ambiguity: some empirical and conceptual developments
- Bowman C & Gleadle P. (2002). Culture as a dynamic capability: the case of 3M in the UK
- Bowman C & Raspin P. (2001). The relationship between scanning behaviour and beliefs about competitive advantage
- Bowman C & Ambrosini V. (2000). An empirically derived taxonomy of organisational routines
- Bowman C. (2020). Managing Embedded Creative Work: The Challenge of Causal Ambiguity In Hearn G(ed.), he Future of Creative Work: Creativity and Digital Disruption. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Bowman C & Raspin P. (2018). What's Your Competitive Advantage?: 7 strategies for running a more profitable business in a complex world
- Swart J, Bowman C & Howard K. (2018). Knowledge Assets: Identification and Integration In Syed MEA(ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Knowledge Management. Springer International Publishing.
- Swart J, Bowman C & Howard K. (2018). Knowledge assets: identification and integration In Syed J, Murray PA & Hislop D (eds), The Palgrave Handbook of Management Knowledge. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Boulton JG, Allen PM & Bowman C. Boulton J, Allen P & Bowman C (eds). (2015). Embracing Complexity: Strategic Perspectives for an Age of Turbulence
- Schoenberg R & Bowman C. (2010). Value creation in corporate acquisitions: Linking value creation logic, organisational capabilities and implementation processes In Advances in Mergers & Acquisitions (9). Emerald Group Publishing.
- Turnbull James K, Bowman C & Kwiatkowski R. (2008). Strategic Leadership In Turnbull James K & Collins J (eds), Leadership Perspectives: Knowledge into Action. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Bowman C & Schoenberg R. (2008). From Customer Understanding to Strategy Innovation: Practical Tools to Establish Competitive Positioning In Galavan R, Murray J & Markides C (eds), Strategy, Innovation and Change (1). Oxford University Press.
- Ward K, Bowman C & Kakabadse A. (2006). Extraordinary Performance from Ordinary People: Value Creating Corporate Leadership
- Ward K, Bowman C & Kakabadse A. (2005). Theoretical underpinnings In Designing World Class Corporate Strategies. Elsevier.
- Bowman C, Ward K & Kakabadse A. (2004). Designing world class corporate strategies: Value creating roles for corporate centres
- Bowman C. (2003). Formulating strategy In Faulkner D & Campbell A (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Strategy (1: A Stratergy Overv). Oxford University Press.
- Ambrosini V & Bowman C. (2002). Mapping successful organisational routines In Mapping Strategic Knowledge. Sage.
- Bowman C. (1998). Strategy in Practice
- Bowman C & Faulkner D. (1997). Competitive and Corporate Strategy
- Bowman C & Carter S. (1997). Organizing for Competitive Advantage: The Machine Adhocracy In Thomas H, O'Neal D & Ghertman M (eds), Strategy Structure & Style. John Wiley.
- Jarrett M & Bowman C. (1996). Management in Practice: A Framework for Managing Organisational Change (3rd edition)
- Bowman C & Asch D. (1996). Managing Strategy
- Bowman C & Segal-Horn S. (1996). Strategic Management and Business Process Re-engineering In Rowland P & Armistead C (eds), Business Process Re-engineering: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach.
- Bowman C & Faulker D. (1994). The Essence of Competitive Strategy (1st edition)
- Bowman C. (1993). J and M Airframes In Hendry J, Eccles T, Ghoshal S, Jenster P & Williamson P (eds), European Cases in Strategic Management (1). Chapman and Hall.
- Bowman C. (1990). The Essence of Strategic Management
- Bowman C & Asch D. (1989). Readings in Strategic Management
- Bowman C & Asch D. (1987). Strategic Management