Cranfield University has won two awards at the 2018 Wildlife Gardening at Work Awards.
Cranfield won in the ‘Overall Winner – Best Wildlife Garden’ and ‘Best Employee Engagement in a Wildlife Garden’ categories. The awards recognise the efforts made by corporate members of the Wildlife Trust (Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire) to look after the wildlife in their local vicinities.
The judge was particularly impressed with Cranfield’s efforts in engaging staff and students in the ‘Honey Harvesting Experience’ day which took place during September 2017.
Gareth Ellis, Energy & Environment Manager at Cranfield, said: “We are thrilled to receive this recognition for the ongoing efforts put in by our green team and groundskeepers, Nurture.
“Looking after the wildlife on campus is crucial for maintaining biodiversity. We encourage staff and students to join us through organised activities including our Spring Watch campaigns, biodiversity walks and honey harvesting.”
The Cranfield campus is a hot spot for biodiversity due to its rural setting among a habitat mosaic of scrubland, woodland, wetland and farmland. Each of the different areas has its own environment action plan which supports the campus’ ‘living laboratory’ philosophy.
Areas of the campus are also devoted to wildflower plots which support natural biodiversity and a ‘wildflower maze’ has recently been installed near the children’s playground. All this adds to the amenity value of the campus, providing more visually appealing natural spaces for staff, students and families, and for visitors to enjoy.
About Cranfield University
Cranfield University is a specialist postgraduate university that is a global leader for education and transformational research in technology and management.