Contact Tim Wales
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Tim Wales is University Librarian at Cranfield University in the UK. Tim was previously Head of Library Services at Brunel University, London. In the last decade, he has held research and academic library leadership positions at Rothamsted Research, the University of West London and London Business School. He 'earned his stripes' as a manager at Royal Holloway, University of London, a subject librarian at the Open University (Milton Keynes), and a researcher at a boutique investment bank. His first job after graduating from the University of East Anglia was as a trade journalist in the furniture industry before he completed his MSc in Information Science at City St George's, University London.
Research opportunities
Academic librarianship
Current activities
Tim has written on a diverse range of professional topics, including library strategy, business librarianship, library technologies, information literacy, and veterinarian information-seeking behaviour. He is a chartered member of CILIP, a fellow of the Higher Education Academy, and an editorial board member of the New Review of Academic Librarianship as well as a Visiting Lecturer at City University London.
Articles In Journals
- Wales T. (2021). What is the True State and Status of Academic Librarianship in the UK?. New Review of Academic Librarianship, 27(4)
- Wales T. (2018). The View From Within: A Personal Reflection on Library Strategy Development in Three Academic Libraries. New Review of Academic Librarianship, 24(3-4)
- Wales T, Kiely P, Grigson A & Seaman G. (2010). Get Tooled Up: Xerxes at Royal Holloway, University of London. Ariadne, 62
- Wales T & Robertson P. (2008). Captivating Open University students with online literature search tutorials created using screen capture software. Program, 42(4)
- Smith G, Street K & Wales T. (2007). An online library service for Open University MBA alumni — challenges and opportunities. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 39(3)
- Wales T. (2005). Library subject guides: a content management case study at the Open University, UK. Program, 39(2)
- Wales T. (2000). Practice makes perfect? Vets’ information seeking behaviour and information use explored. Aslib Proceedings, 52(7)
- Wales T. (2024). Academic Libraries & Estates Strategy: a Library Leadership Perspective In Everitt R & Everitt N (eds), Privileged Spaces: Academic Libraries in University Estates Strategy. Facet Publishing.
- Wales T. (2021). The View From Within: A Personal Reflection on Library Strategy Development in Three Academic Libraries In Positioning the Academic Library within the University. Routledge.
- Wales T. (2021). Back to the future? Practical consequences and strategic implications of a UK academic library’s COVID response In Libraries, Digital Information, and COVID. Elsevier.
- Wales T. (2016). Library Technologies for Boutique Services In Personalising Library Services in Higher Education: The Boutique Approach.
- Wales T. (2016). Business school libraries in the 21st century
- Wales T. (2016). Business School Libraries’ Futures? In Business School Libraries in the 21st Century. Routledge.
- Wales T. (2016). Introduction: Business school libraries in 2013 In Business School Libraries in the 21st Century. Routledge.
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- Wales T. (2014). Business school libraries in the 21st century
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- Wales T. (2012). Library technologies for boutique services In Personalising Library Services in Higher Education: The Boutique Approach.