Contact Susan Adedokun

Areas of expertise

  • Carbon, Climate and Risk
  • Energy and the Environment
  • Energy Policy & Regulation
  • Renewable Energy


Susan Adedokun completed her BEng (Hons) in Computer and Information Engineering, obtained an MBA from Kingston Business School, is a Chartered Engineer (CEng) and a Member of the Institution of Electrical Engineers (MIEE).

Susan has both business and technical expertise in systems analysis, database, data warehouse design/ architecture and project management. Susan has over 20 years experience in public and private sectors, in Europe and Africa, with major blue-chip organisations, in energy, airlines, railway transport, petroleum, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications and a host of other industries.

It is Susan's passion to contribute to the energy sector in developing countries. Hence, her quest to undertake a PhD in energy and power at Cranfield University.

Current activities

Susan is carrying out her PhD research in Energy and Power Theme at Cranfield University. Susan's research focuses on self-sufficient and sustainable energy systems to enhance electricity supply and resilience in developing countries. Her research investigates temporal periods in which power shortages occur and evaluates the solar photovoltaic (PV), storage scales and other distributed energy resources (DERs) to enhance the electricity supply to 100% in Nigeria ward locations.


Conference Papers