Contact Professor Ron Matthews
Prior to Cranfield, Professor Matthews was awarded a BSc in Behavioural Sciences (Aston University), MSc in Financial Economics (University of Wales), MBA (Warwick University) and a PhD in Development Economics (Glasgow University). Subsequently, Professor Matthews gained two Research Fellowships from NATO, undertaking field work in the United States. He also won a World Bank Robert S McNamara Fellowship to research for one year at the Institute of Development Studies, University of Nairobi. Additionally, Professor Matthews was a Visiting Researcher at the Hoover Institute of War, Revolution and Peace (Stanford University) and also at Capetown University, the National University of Singapore and the Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad.
Current activities
Professor Matthews is presently lecturing Defence Economics on the Cranfield MBA (Defence). He also lectures on the Economics of Security at the Shrivenham Faculty and in Addis Ababa. Professor Matthews lectures defence economics and the management of defence technology in Singapore and international business in Hong Kong.
Professor Matthews is engaged in consultancy work on offset effectiveness for such clients as the UK Ministry of Defence, major European defence manufacturers and foreign offset authorities.
Articles In Journals
- Vivoda V & Matthews R. (2024). “Friend-shoring” as a panacea to Western critical mineral supply chain vulnerabilities. Mineral Economics, 37(3)
- Vivoda V, Matthews R & McGregor N. (2024). A critical minerals perspective on the emergence of geopolitical trade blocs. Resources Policy, 89
- Matthews R & Matthews TJ. (2024). Military mimicry: the art of concealment, deception, and imitation. Defense & Security Analysis, 40(3)
- Matthews R & Anicetti J. (2024). The role of defence countertrade in Chinese geoeconomic diplomacy. Journal of Strategic Studies, 47(5)
- Matthews R & Al-Saadi R. (2023). Organisational Complexity of the Eurofighter Typhoon Collaborative Supply Chain. Defence and Peace Economics, 34(2)
- Maharani C & Matthews R. (2023). The Role of Offset in the Enduring Gestation of Indonesia’s Strategic Industries. Defence and Peace Economics, 34(7)
- Matthews R & Fitriani . (2022). When is offset not offset? When it's Australia’s defence policy for industry participation. Defence Review Asia, 22-Jun
- Avila A & Matthews R. (2022). The Philippine defence-development-disaster security paradigm. Defense & Security Analysis, 38(3)
- Matthews R & Koh C. (2021). The decline of South Africa’s defence industry. Defense & Security Analysis, 37(3)
- Ayad A, Darby R & Matthews R. (2021). Evaluation of ‘learning’ as a main thrust in transferor–transferee relationships: Small satellite technology transfer collaborative projects between developed and developing countries – The case of Algeria. International Journal of Technology Management & Sustainable Development, 20(2)
- Matthews R & Anicetti J. (2021). Offset in a Post-Brexit World. The RUSI Journal, 166(5)
- Matthews R. (2021). Beijing’s strategic encirclement of Australia. Asia Pacific Defence Reporter, 47(8)
- Matthews R & Anicetti J. (2020). Death spiral of European offset?. Defense & Security Analysis, 36(4)
- Ayad A, Matthews R & Vitanov I. (2020). Evaluation of Knowledge Flow from Developed to Developing Countries in Small Satellite Collaborative Projects: The Case of Algeria. Space Policy, 51
- Ayad A, Wilkinson E & Matthews R. (2019). Systemic experiential learning model for the evaluation of technological learning: The case of small satellite capability-building in Algeria. International Journal of Technology Management & Sustainable Development, 18(1)
- Li L & Matthews R. (2017). “Made in China”: an emerging brand in the global arms market. Defense & Security Analysis, 33(2)
- Fitriani , Cooper RGS & Matthews R. (2016). Women in Ground Close Combat. The RUSI Journal, 161(1)
- Matthews R & Ansari I. (2015). Economic Orthodoxy v Market Pragmatism: A Case Study of Europe's ‘Abandonment’ of defense offset. Public Finance and Management, 15(4)
- Herrera M & Matthews R. (2014). Latin America in Step with Global Defence Offset Phenomenon. The RUSI Journal, 159(6)
- Matthews R & Lozano A. (2012). The mercurial development of Russia's United Aircraft Corporation. Defense & Security Analysis, 28(2)
- Krasnopolsky P, Matthews R & Di W. (2011). Ukraine’s Defence Disentanglement from Russia. Defence Studies, 11(2)
- Balakrishnan K & Matthews R. (2009). THE ROLE OF OFFSETS IN MALAYSIAN DEFENCE INDUSTRIALISATION. Defence and Peace Economics, 20(4)
- Pardesi MS & Matthews R. (2007). India's Tortuous Road to Defence-Industrial Self-Reliance. Defense & Security Analysis, 23(4)
- Matthews R & Williams R. (2000). Technology transfer: Examining Britain's defence industrial participation policy. The RUSI Journal, 145(2)
- Matthews R. (1999). Greek‐Turkish tensions fuel defence industrialization. The RUSI Journal, 144(1)
- Matthews R. (1996). Saudi Arabia's defence offset programmes: Progress, policy and performance. Defence and Peace Economics, 7(3)
- Matthews R. (1994). Country survey IV: Pakistan. Defence and Peace Economics, 5(4)
- Matthews R. (1993). The militarisation of Asia. The RUSI Journal, 138(6)
- Matthews R. (1991). Offset to decline for Britain's defence‐industrial base?. The RUSI Journal, 136(4)
- Matthews R. (1990). Dangerous new twists in the Middle East's arms race spiral. The RUSI Journal, 135(4)
- Matthews R. (1989). The ARMSCOR paradox. The RUSI Journal, 134(4)
- Matthews RG. (1989). The Development of India's Defence‐Industrial Base. Journal of Strategic Studies, 12(4)
- Matthews R. (1988). India's growth industry: Militarism1. The RUSI Journal, 133(1)
- Matthews R. (1987). The Development of a Local Machinery Industry in Kenya. The Journal of Modern African Studies, 25(1)
- Matthews R(ed.). (2019). The Political Economy of Defence
- Matthews R. (2019). Chapter 25: Singapore’s defence-industrial ecosystem In Belin J & Hartley K (eds), The economics of the global defence industries. Taylor and Francis.
- Matthews R. (2019). The Rise and Demise of Government-Mandated Offset Policy In Matthews R(ed.), The Political Economy of Defence (Part III - autarky versus globalisation). Cambridge University Press.
- Matthews R. (2019). Drawing Threads, Weaving Patterns In Matthews R(ed.), The Political Economy of Defence. Cambridge University Press.
- Matthews R. (2019). The Political Economy of Defence In Matthews R(ed.), The Political Economy of Defence (Part 1: national security). Cambridge University Press.
- Matthews R. (2018). European Collaboration in the Development of New Weapon Systems In Innovation, Technology, and Knowledge Management. Springer International Publishing.
- Matthews R, Darby R & Cleary LR. (2016). Southeast Asia In Dorman AM, O’Brien T & Craig M (eds), Security Sector Horizon-Scanning 2016 - Southeast Asia. Cranfield University.
- Matthews R. (2016). Malaysia In Dorman AM, O’Brien T & Craig M (eds), Security Sector Horizon-Scanning 2016 - Southeast Asia. Cranfield University.
- Matthews R & Lozano A. (2013). India’s Defence Acquisition and Offset Strategy In Basrur R, Das AK & Pardesi MS (eds), India's Military Modernization. Oxford University Press.
- Matthews R & Maharani C. (2009). Iron Triangle Revisited In Bitzinger R(ed.), The Modern Defence Industry: Political, Economic, and Technological Issues (1). Praeger.
- Matthews R. (2008). Globalisation and Defence in the Asia-Pacific In Till G, Chew E & Ho J (eds), Globalisation and Defence in the Asia-Pacific: Arms Across Asia (1). Routledge.
- Matthews R. (2008). Military Transformation and Strategy In Loo B(ed.), Military Transformation and Strategy: Revolutions in Military Affairs and Small States (1). Routledge.
- Matthews R & Yan NZ. (2007). Small Country ‘Total Defence’: A Case Study of Singapore In Markowski S, Hall P & Wylie R (eds), Defence Procurement and Industrial Policy: A Small Country Perspective (1st, 7). Informa UK Limited.
- Matthews RG. (2002). Saudi Arabia: Development through Technology Offsets In Arming the South. Palgrave.
- Matthews R(ed.). (2001). Managing the revolution in military affairs (2001 edition)