Contact Professor Rafal Zbikowski

Areas of expertise

  • Autonomous Systems
  • Computing, Simulation & Modelling
  • Defence Sensors
  • Flight Physics
  • Instrumentation, Sensors and Measurement Science
  • Mechatronics & Advanced Controls
  • Systems Engineering
  • Vehicle Health Management
  • Weapons Engineering


A control engineer with a strong mathematical background, Rafal Zbikowski has been researching various aspects of bio-inspired engineering since the early 1990s while developing his skills in guidance & control. Rafal Zbikowski's research on bio-inspired engineering has been based on real engagement with biology, coupled with mathematical and physical rigour. Initially, Rafal Zbikowski focused on researching adaptive capabilities of neural networks from the control engineering perspective which resulted in his PhD in neurocontrol completed in 1994 at Glasgow University. His PhD work led to European funding for a joint project with Daimler-Benz. The project entailed further theoretical developments and their verification by trials of a test vehicle in real road traffic. The neural network research was very fruitful, including the survey paper [Automatica, 28(6), 1992, 1083-1112] which has been cited 800+ times as of early 2012. In October 1997 Rafal Zbikowski moved to Cranfield University at Shrivenham, England. There he initiated research on insect-like flapping wing micro air vehicles (FMAVs) while also working on to guidance & control, especially for multiple, co-operating autonomous vehicles. He has led the interdisciplinary FMAV research for more than ten years which entailed several engineering subjects and biology, including collaboration with leading biologists from Cambridge and Oxford. These complementary, engineering and biological, tracks of the FMAV research have been reflected in a series of funded projects, providing valuable experience in management of often challenging and interdisciplinary projects. Reverse engineering of insect flight still is a substantive part of Rafal Zbikowski's bio-inspired research.

Current activities

In August 2012 Rafal Zbikowski moved to the Cranfield campus of Cranfield University, joining the School of Engineering there. Recently, he has turned his attention back to the subject of neurocontrol, because in the last ten years there has been remarkable progress in the understanding of neural networks and their mathematical modelling, which has not been exploited in the engineering context. Another recent strand of Rafal Zbikowski's bioinspired research has recently focused on mitigating the deluge of sensory data via content-activated sensing which means information extraction only in reaction to appearance of the relevant information in the data. Rafal Zbikowski has also been engaged in research on guidance & control, lately dealing with verifiable autonomy and the newly-important subjects of integrated system health management and cyber-physical systems.


UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).

UK Ministry of Defence:

Joint Grants Scheme (JGS)

Competition of Ideas PILOT Scheme

Data and Integrated Fusion - Defence Technology Centre

Centre for Defence Enterprise

Defence Evaluation Research Agency (DERA)


US Department of Defense:



Other US Government:



Alenia Marconi

BAE Systems


Thales General Dynamics UK


Articles In Journals

Conference Papers
