Areas of expertise
- Aerospace Manufacturing
- Advanced Casting Science and Technologies
- Computing, Simulation & Modelling
- Aerospace Materials
- Sustainable Manufacturing
Bachelor of Metallurgy (BMet) from Sheffield University
PhD in Metallurgy at Cambridge University CASE Award with International Tin Research Institute (Rapidly Solidified Tin Alloys)
4 years at AE Developments (Tier 1, Automotive components supplier)
2 years in Battelle Research Centre, Geneva Switzerland (Squeeze Cast Fibre Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites 19 clients including, Alcan, Billiton, Isuzu, Fiat, Bohn, Comalco, Baekart, Alusuisse, Zollner and Morgan Ceramics)
2 years at Foseco International Limited, Birmingham (Manager of Light Alloys Technical Development)
5 years at Foseco (FS) Ltd., Tamworth (UK operating company, product group manager for sand products, coatings and technical software)
In 1995 he set up and managed the Casting Centre (CC) at University of Birmingham. For the first 3 years seed-corn funding from ERDF of £0.5 M was used to support local and UK companies within the foundry sector and supply chain. He developed the CC as a business and was managing 6 staff, controlled the finances, developed contracts and marketing and sales materials. The CC delivered over 120 contracts in its 10 year life. The contracts ranged from one week to two years in duration, thus suiting both SMEs and Large Size Enterprises (LSEs). During this time he was instrumental in setting up and running part of the Luxfer ATC, a collaboration of 5 universities, Birmingham, Manchester, Oxford, Southampton and Warwick to support the Luxfer group research. From 1999 Professor Jolly has managed 14 EPSRC grants (10 as the PI), including 3 (~£1.65 M pre-FEC) under the Materials Processing for Engineering Applications (MaPEA) call; all had multiple industrial partners and one was also with Swansea University. He was PI for an EU FP7 Industry Academia Pathways to Progress (IAPPS) technology transfer project of ~1.7 M with one industry partner (Deputy-Synthes J&J) entitled 'Development of Foundry Casting Methods for Cost-Effective Manufacture of Medical Implants' (MEDCAST). He has led 6 KTP projects and over 50 Industry sponsored contracts outside of the Castings Centre. As well as the KTP projects, Professor Jolly has also run and been involved in other technology/knowledge transfer projects and networks in the UK and EU including MASMEQA, SKISOFOT, VIF and 'Blast from the Past' (an EPSRC PPA project).
Current activities
Mark's main areas of current research are:
Resource efficient manufacturing
Circular economy
Process modelling
Novel casting processes
Resource efficient manufacturing targets traditional and disruptive processes and aims at reducing the materials usage and energy with the ultimate aim of lowering carbon and water footprints of final components. This has been carried out across biomedical, aerospace, automotive and food & drink sectors. Research funding comes from a range of sources including EPSRC, InnovateUK and commercial organisations.
Process modelling is primarily focused on the application of CFD techniques to simulating liquid materials processes as a support tool for designing for manufacture and materials efficiency. Research on how it can also used as a tool for identifying where surface turbulence during casting leads to reduced quality of final components is also being supported. Both Newtonian and non-Newtonian behaviours are being modelled which means that both liquid metal and polymers can be simulated.
He is Director of the recently announced UKRI Transforming the Foundation Industries Research and Innovation Hub (TransFIRe) (EP/V054627/1), co-Director of the Circular Economy Network plus in Transport Systems (CENTS) (EP/S036237/1) and co-Director of the Engineering and Physical sciences Research Council Centre for Doctoral Training in Sustainable Materials and Manufacturing (EP/L016389/1). which offers a triple degree with the Universities of Warwick and Exeter. Mark has sat on the EPSRC Peer Review College since 2003 and sits on the council of the Cast Metals Federation, is a reviewer for the European Space Agency (ESA) and Enterprise Ireland.
He was PI for the EPSRC funded 'Small is Beautiful' projects (EP/P012272/1 & EP/M013863/1) and a KTP project with Midland Lead Operations Ltd (KTP009855) aimed at improving materials' efficiency and cutting energy demand in the casting of Pb sheet and CoI for Cranfield in the EPSRC CIM in Industrial Sustainability lead by Cambridge (EP/I033351/1).
Mark is a reviewer for European Space Agency ISS programmes, Enterprise Ireland, NSERC (Canada) and is on the EU Joint Research Centre Eco Management Audit Scheme (EMAS) working group for Metal Fabrication processes.
Mark is a Chartered Engineer, a Chartered Environmentalist, a Fellow and Trustee of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3), he sits on IOM3 Executive Board and Advisory Council (AC) and is Chair of the IOM3 Materials Science and Technology Division (MSTD) Board and sits on the Light Metals, Casting and Solidification and Sustainable Development Group Boards. Mark is also a Fellow of the Institute of Cast Metals Engineers, a Member of TMS and chaired the TMS Solidification Committee from 2016-2018 and a member of the American Foundry Society. Mark has sat on the EPSRC Peer Review College since 2003.
Mark is also a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Founders
2019 ICME John Campbell Gold Medal for 'continual advancement in sustainable manufacturing and promotion of excellence in casting technologies'.
2013 Diploma (ICME) for a technical paper in the Int Foundry Trade Journal
2013 Long & notable Service Award (ICME)
2010 Josiah Mason Award for Business Advancement (University of Birmingham)
2008 Recipient of the Oliver Stubbs Medal (ICME)
- Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
- Innovate UK
- GKN Ltd
- Depuy (Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc)
- Ford Motor Company
- Tenneco Inc
- Aeromet International Ltd
- Cast Metals Federation
- KTN (Innovate UK)
- Glassworks Hounsell Ltd
Articles In Journals
- Sherif Z, Sarfraz S, Jolly M & Salonitis K. (2025). A Critical Review of the Decarbonisation Potential in the U.K. Cement Industry. Materials, 18(2)
- Litos L, Paddea S, Salonitis K & Jolly M. (2024). A Conceptual Assessment Framework for Sustainability in the Foundation Industries. Procedia CIRP, 128
- Cox R, Pagone E, Jolly M, Salonitis K & Birch T. (2024). A bespoke carbon footprint framework to set the path towards Net Zero in foundries. Procedia CIRP, 130(27)
- Jones CA, Jarfors AEW, Rogers E, Vrethed P, Silva P, .... (2023). A mathematical examination of the impact of mould transparency to infrared radiation on solidification during the investment casting process. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1281(1)
- Sherif Z, Sarfraz S, Jolly M & Salonitis K. (2023). Greening Foundation Industries: Shared Processes and Sustainable Pathways. Sustainability, 15(19)
- Sarfraz S, Sherif Z, Jolly M & Salonitis K. (2023). Energy Benchmarking of Manufacturing Processes in Foundation Industries. Procedia CIRP, 120
- Jolly M & Katgerman L. (2022). Modelling of defects in aluminium cast products. Progress in Materials Science, 123(January)
- Stiehler ME, Panagiotopoulos NT, Keeble DS, Ivanov YP, Menelaou M, .... (2022). The effect of Ni or Co additions on the structure of Zr60Cu30Al10 bulk metallic glass revealed by high-energy synchrotron radiation. Materials Today Communications, 31(June)
- Papanikolaou M, Rodriguez-Hernandez F, Jolly M & Salonitis K. (2022). Effects of crystallinity on residual stresses via molecular dynamics simulations. Physical Review E, 106(4)
- Sherif Z, Sarfraz S, Jolly M & Salonitis K. (2022). Identification of the Right Environmental KPIs for Manufacturing Operations: Towards a Continuous Sustainability Framework. Materials, 15(21)
- Sivarupan T, Balasubramani N, Saxena P, Nagarajan D, El Mansori M, .... (2021). A review on the progress and challenges of binder jet 3D printing of sand moulds for advanced casting. Additive Manufacturing, 40(April)
- Saxena P, Pagone E, Salonitis K & Jolly MR. (2021). Sustainability metrics for rapid manufacturing of the sand casting moulds: A multi-criteria decision-making algorithm-based approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 311(August)
- Adu C, Zhu C, Jolly M, Richardson RM & Eichhorn SJ. (2021). Continuous and sustainable cellulose filaments from ionic liquid dissolved paper sludge nanofibres. Journal of Cleaner Production, 280
- Papanikolaou M, Pagone E, Jolly M & Salonitis K. (2020). Numerical Simulation and Evaluation of Campbell Running and Gating Systems. Metals, 10(1)
- Prabhakar A, Papanikolaou M, Salonitis K & Jolly M. (2020). Minimising Defect Formation in Sand Casting of Sheet Lead: A DoE Approach. Metals, 10(2)
- Pagone E, Salonitis K & Jolly M. (2020). Automatically weighted high-resolution mapping of multi-criteria decision analysis for sustainable manufacturing systems. Journal of Cleaner Production, 257
- Pagone E, Papanikolaou M, Salonitis K & Jolly M. (2020). Multi-criteria decision-making for the life cycle of sustainable high pressure die casting products. International Journal of Sustainable Manufacturing, 4(2/3/4)
- Salonitis K, Jolly M, Papanikolaou M & Pagone E. (2020). Multi-criteria decision-making for the life cycle of sustainable high pressure die casting products. International Journal of Sustainable Manufacturing, 4(2/3/4)
- Prabhakar A, Papanikolaou M, Salonitis K & Jolly M. (2020). Sand casting of sheet lead: numerical simulation of metal flow and solidification. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 106(1-2)
- Salonitis K, Jolly M, Pagone E & Papanikolaou M. (2019). Life-Cycle and Energy Assessment of Automotive Component Manufacturing: The Dilemma Between Aluminum and Cast Iron. Energies, 12(13)
- Stiehler ME, Jolly MR & Georgarakis K. (2019). On the impact of global interactions on the structure of metallic glasses. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 782
- Adu C, Rahatekar S, Filby J, Ayre D & Jolly M. (2019). Structural packaging foams prepared by uni-directional freezing of paper sludge cellulose nanofibres and poly (vinyl alcohol). Materials Letters, 253
- Papanikolaou M, Salonitis K, Jolly M & Frank M. (2019). Large-Scale Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Homogeneous Nucleation of Pure Aluminium. Metals, 9(11)
- Papanikolaou M, Pagone E, Georgarakis K, Rogers K, Jolly M, .... (2018). Design Optimisation of the Feeding System of a Novel Counter-Gravity Casting Process. Metals, 8(10)
- Adu C, Berglund L, Oksman K, Eichhorn SJ, Jolly M, .... (2018). Properties of cellulose nanofibre networks prepared from never-dried and dried paper mill sludge. Journal of Cleaner Production, 197
- Yang M, Smart P, Kumar M, Jolly M & Evans S. (2018). Product-service systems business models for circular supply chains. Production Planning & Control, 29(6)
- Adu C, Jolly M & Thakur VK. (2018). Exploring new horizons for paper recycling: A review of biomaterials and biorefinery feedstocks derived from wastepaper. Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 13(Resour Conserv Recycl 108 2016)
- Kakaley DE, Jolly MR & Buckner GD. (2018). An offset hub active vibration control system for mitigating helicopter vibrations during power loss: Simulation and experimental demonstration. Aerospace Science and Technology, 77
- Salonitis K, Jolly MR, Zeng B & Mehrabi H. (2016). Improvements in energy consumption and environmental impact by novel single shot melting process for casting. Journal of Cleaner Production, 137
- Jolly M. (2016). Preface. TMS Annual Meeting, 2016-January
- Jolly M. (2016). Sustainable manufacturing: Unlocking the future. Food Manufacture, 2016-MAY
- Jolly MR, Thomas B & Reilly C. (2013). Foreword. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 44(12)
- Reilly C, Green NR, Jolly MR & Gebelin J-C. (2013). The modelling of oxide film entrainment in casting systems using computational modelling. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 37(18-19)
- Reilly C, Green NR & Jolly MR. (2013). The present state of modeling entrainment defects in the shape casting process. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 37(3)
- Dai X & Jolly M. (2012). Potential energy savings by application of the novel CRIMSON aluminium casting process. Applied Energy, 89(1)
- Jolly MR, Dai X & Zeng B. (2012). Energy saving in the foundry industry by using the CRIMSON single shot up-casting process. Foundry Trade Journal International, 186(3700)
- Neelameggham NR, Reddy R, Yurko J, Belt C & Jolly M. (2011). TMS Annual Meeting: Foreword. TMS Annual Meeting
- Jolly M & Clegg A. (2010). Editorial. International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 3(1)
- Reilly C, Green NR & Jolly MR. (2009). Surface Oxide Film Entrainment Mechanisms in Shape Casting Running Systems. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 40(6)
- Hsu F-Y, Jolly MR & Campbell J. (2009). A multiple-gate runner system for gravity casting. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 209(17)
- Jolly M. (2009). High integrity single shot casting process with reduced energy consumption. Materials Technology, 24(3)
- Hartley P, Lin J, Jolly M, Pietrzyk M & Majta J. (2006). Preface. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 177(1-3)
- Hsu F-Y, Jolly MR & Campbell J. (2006). Vortex-gate design for gravity casting. International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 19(1)
- Gebelin J-C, Jolly MR & Hsu F-Y. (2006). 'Designing-in' controlled filling using numerical simulation for gravity sand casting of aluminium alloys. International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 19(1)
- Jolly M. (2005). Prof. John Campbell’s ten rules for making reliable castings. JOM, 57(5)
- Gebelin J-C, Jolly MR, Cendrowicz AM, Blackburn S & Cirre J. (2004). Simulation of die filling for the wax injection process: Part II. Numerical simulation. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 35(4)
- Jones S, Jolly MR, Blackburn S, Gebelin J-C, Cendrowicz A, .... (2004). Measurement of autoclave thermal profiles during high pressure steam de-waxing of investment shells Part 1 - Vessel profiles. Materials Science and Technology, 20(5)
- Jones S, Jolly MR, Blackburn S, Gebelin J-C, Cendrowicz A, .... (2004). Measurement of autoclave thermal profiles during high pressure steam de-waxing of investment shells Part 2 - Wax body profiles. Materials Science and Technology, 20(5)
- Gebelin J-C, Jolly MR, Cendrowicz AM, Blackburn S & Cirre J. (2004). Simulation of die filling for the wax injection process: Part I. Models for material behavior. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 35(4)
- Harris C, Li Q & Jolly MR. (2004). Prediction of extruded microstructures using experimental and numerical modelling techniques. Metallurgia Italiana, 96(3)
- Jones S, Jolly MR, Blackburn S, Gebelin J-C, Cendrowicz A, .... (2003). Effect of moisture upon mechanical properties of ceramic moulds during high pressure steam dewaxing. Materials Science and Technology, 19(7)
- Li Q, Harris C & Jolly MR. (2003). Finite element modelling simulation of transverse welding phenomenon in aluminium extrusion process. Materials & Design, 24(7)
- Jolly M. (2002). Casting simulation: How well do reality and virtual casting match? State of the art review. International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 14(5)
- Jones S, Jolly MR & Lewis K. (2002). Development of techniques for predicting ceramic shell properties for investment casting. British Ceramic Transactions, 101(3)
- Li Q, Smith C, Harris C & Jolly MR. (2002). Finite element simulations and experimental studies on inhomogeneous metal flow in aluminium extrusions with three-dimensional complex geometries. Materials Science and Technology, 18(11)
- Jolly M, Cox M, Harding R, Griffiths B & Campbell J. (2002). Quiescent filling applied to investment castings. Modern Casting, 92(12)
- Kim WT, Cantor B, Griffith WD & Jolly MR. (1993). TEM characterization of melt spun Al-3Ti-1B and Al-5Ti-1B alloys. International journal of rapid solidification, 7(4)
- Jolly MR. (1990). Opportunities for aluminium based fibre reinforced metal matrix composities (FRMMCs) in automotive castings. Foundryman, 83(11)
Conference Papers
- Zhang J, Stiehler M, Syed A, Moreira Jorge Jr A, Jolly M, .... (2024). Medium entropy alloys for biomedical applications
- Karadimas G, Pagone E, Salonitis K, Jolly M & Williams S. (2024). Environmental Impact Assessment of Titanium Swarf Cleaning Methods
- Pagone E, Jones C, Forde J, Shaw W, Jolly M, .... (2023). Defect Minimisation in Vacuum-Assisted Plaster Mould Investment Casting Through Simulation of High-Value Aluminium Alloy Components
- Sarfraz S, Sherif Z, Jolly M & Salonitis K. (2023). Towards Framework Development for Benchmarking Energy Efficiency in Foundation Industries: A Case Study of Granulation Process
- Sarfraz S, Jolly M & Salonitis K. (2023). The Use of Gentani Approach for Benchmarking Resource Efficiency in Manufacturing Industries
- Georgarakis K, Vian J, Sgardelis D, Souchon B, Chao Y, .... (2023). Counter-Gravity Casting of Al Alloys: Microstructure and Properties
- Jolly M, Salonitis K, Pagone E, Papanikolaou M & Saxena P. (2022). Energy Resilient Foundries: The “Small is Beautiful” Projects
- Jolly M, Velenturf APM, Salonitis K & Paddea S. (2022). The UK Transforming the Foundation Industries Research and Innovation Hub (TransFIRe)
- Saxena P, Murrell P, Sivarupan T, Patsavellas J, Salonitis K, .... (2021). Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on British Foundries
- Papanikolaou M, Salonitis K & Jolly M. (2021). Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Evolution of Residual Stresses During Rapid Solidification of Aluminium
- Pagone E, Saxena P, Papanikolaou M, Salonitis K & Jolly M. (2021). Sustainability Assessment of Rapid Sand Mould Making Using Multi-criteria Decision-Making Mapping
- Jones CA, Jolly MR, Jarfors AEW & Irwin M. (2020). An Experimental Characterization of Thermophysical Properties of a Porous Ceramic Shell Used in the Investment Casting Process
- Saxena P, Papanikolaou M, Pagone E, Salonitis K & Jolly MR. (2020). Digital Manufacturing for Foundries 4.0
- Jones CA, Jolly MR, Jarfors AEW, Irwin M, Svenningsson R, .... (2020). A verification of thermophysical properties of a porous ceramic investment casting mould using commercial computational fluid dynamics software
- Papanikolaou M, Saxena P, Pagone E, Salonitis K & Jolly M. (2020). Optimisation of the filling process in counter-gravity casting
- Papanikolaou M, Pagone E, Salonitis K & Jolly M. (2020). Sustainability-Based Evaluation of Casting Gating Systems: a Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach
- Papanikolaou M, Pagone E, Salonitis K, Jolly M & Makatsoris C. (2019). A Computational Framework Towards Energy Efficient Casting Processes
- Pagone E, Papanikolaou M, Salonitis K & Jolly M. (2019). Metal Casting Energy Efficient Metrics for Material Selection of Automotive Parts
- Jolly MR, Salonitis K, Pagone E & Papanikolaou M. (2019). Substitution of cast iron engine components with aluminium alloys: A life cycle perspective
- 391238 - Citation not available
- Eichhorn S, Adu C, Zhu C, Koutsomitopoulou A, Potter K, .... (2019). Upcycling of paper mill sludge into cellulose fibres by ionic liquid dissolution and dry-jet wet spinning
- Gonçalves M, Jolly MR, Salonitis K & Pagone E. (2018). Resource Efficiency Analysis of High Pressure Die Casting Process
- Pagone E, Salonitis K & Jolly M. (2018). Energy and material efficiency metrics in foundries
- Jolly MR, Salonitis K, Charnley F, Ball P, Mehrabi H, .... (2017). Energy Efficiency Status-Quo at UK Foundries: The “Small-Is-Beautiful” Project
- Adu C & Jolly M. (2017). Developing Fiber and Mineral Based Composite Materials from Paper Manufacturing By-Products
- Pagone E, Jolly M & Salonitis K. (2017). A Tool to Promote Sustainability in Casting Processes: Development Highlights
- Jolly MR, Salonitis K & Pagone E. (2017). A comparison of embodied and process energy and CO2 for different processes used in the manufacture of a major automotive power train component
- Jolly MR & Salonitis K. (2017). Primary manufacturing, engine production and on-the-road CO2: how can the automotive industry best contribute to environmental sustainability
- Salonitis K, Jolly M & Zeng B. (2017). Simulation Based Energy and Resource Efficient Casting Process Chain Selection: A Case Study
- Jolly M, Ahmad Mehrabi H & Salonitis K. (2016). Sustainable investment casting
- Pagone E, Jolly M & Salonitis K. (2016). The Development of a Tool to Promote Sustainability in Casting Processes
- Salonitis K, Zeng B, Mehrabi HA & Jolly M. (2016). The Challenges for Energy Efficient Casting Processes
- Jolly MR, Prabhakar A, Sturzu B, Hollstein K, Singh R, .... (2015). Review of Non-destructive Testing (NDT) Techniques and their Applicability to Thick Walled Composites
- Swanson D, Black P, Girondin V, Bachmeyer P & Jolly M. (2015). Active vibration control using circular force generators
- Soleimanian N, Jolly M, Dearn K, Brinkman O & Brinkman W. (2014). Effect of Batch Initial Velocity on the Glass Furnace Efficiency
- Zeng B, Jolly MR & Salonitis K. (2014). Investigating the energy consumption of casting process by multiple life cycle method
- Zeng B, Jolly M & Salonitis K. (2014). Manufacturing Cost Modeling of Castings Produced with CRIMSON Process
- Jolly M. (2014). Life cycle analysis and potential energy savings in the foundry industry using the novel CRIMSON single shot up-casting process
- Zeng B, Salonitis K & Jolly M. (2013). Comparison of the environmental impact of the CRIMSON process with normal sand casting process
- Soleimanian N & Jolly M. (2013). Effect of Batch Charging Equipment on Glass Furnace Efficiency
- Jolly M & Kavanagh A. (2012). Tracking the formation and end location of oxides in orthopaedic investment casting running systems
- Dooley G, Blackburn S, Jolly MR, Ramirez S, O'Brien C, .... (2012). Characterisation of Rapid Shell Manufacturing System for improved Lead Times in the Manufacture of Investment Cast Parts
- Kavanagh A, Jolly MR, Ramirez-Garcia S & Williamson K. (2012). Application of CFD Tools to Investigate Pinhole Defects in Cast Orthopaedic Implants
- Dai X, Jolly M & Zhang B. (2012). Reduction of Energy Consumption and GHGs Emission in Investment Casting Process by Application of a New Casting Method
- Dooley G, Kavanagh A, Ramirez-Gomez S, O’Brien C, Fleming T, .... (2012). Advancing Current Materials and Methods used in the Investment Casting of Cobalt Prostheses
- Dai X, Jolly M & Zeng B. (2012). The improvement of aluminium casting process control by application of the new CRIMSON process
- Dai X, Jolly M, Yang X & Campbell J. (2012). Modelling of liquid metal flow and oxide film defects in filling of aluminium alloy castings
- Jolly MR, Dai X & Zeng B. (2012). Energy saving in the foundry industry by using the CRIMSON Single Shot Up-Casting process
- Dai X, Jolly M & Zhang B. (2012). Reduction of energy consumption and GHGs emission in investment casting process by application of a new casting method
- Dooley G, Kavanagh A, Jolly MR & Williamson K. (2011). Development of foundry casting methods for cost effective manufacture of medical implants
- Jolly M & Dai X. (2011). Energy Efficiency Improvement by Implementation of the Novel CRIMSON Aluminium Casting Process
- Reilly C, Green NR & Jolly MR. (2011). State of the Art Review of Modelling Entrainment Defects in the Shape Casting Process
- Dai X, Jolly M & Zeng B. (2011). The Capability Enhancement of Aluminium Casting Process by Application of the Novel CRIMSON Method
- Dai X, Jolly M & Zeng B. (2011). Reduction of Energy Consumption in Investment Casting Process by Application of a New Casting Facility
- Jolly M & Dai X. (2011). Energy efficiency improvement by implementation of the novel CRIMSON aluminium casting process
- Jolly M. (2010). Energy saving in the foundry industry by using the "CRIMSON" single shot up-casting process
- Reilly C, Jolly MR, Green NR & Gebelin JC. (2010). Assessment of casting filling by modeling surface entrainment events using CFD
- Jolly M. (2010). Energy saving in the foundry industry by using the "CRIMSON" single shot up-casting process
- Reilly C, Green NR, Gebelin JC & Jolly MR. (2009). Using the calculated froude number for quality assessment of casting filling methods
- Reilly C, Jolly MR & Green NR. (2009). Investigating surface entrainment events using CFD for the assessment of casting filling methods
- Reilly C, Green NR & Jolly MR. (2009). Oxide entrainment structures in horizontal running systems
- Jolly MR & Reilly C. (2008). Quality assessment of casting filling method
- Jolly MR & Reilly C. (2008). Quality assesment of casting filling method
- Hsu FY, Jolly MR & Campbell J. (2007). The design of L-shaped runners for gravity casting
- Smith ACM & Jolly MR. (2007). Redesign of an industry test for hot tearing of high performance aluminium casting alloys using casting simulation software
- Wilson M & Jolly M. (2007). Ground test of a hub mounted active vibration suppressor
- Gebelin JC & Jolly M. (2006). Modeling of wax pattern injection process of investment casting
- Gebelin JC, Cendrowicz AM, Cirre Torres J & Jolly MR. (2006). Real-time transparent mould experiments of filling of wax patterns for investment casting
- Gebelin JC, Lovis M & Jolly MR. (2006). Simulation of tensile test bars: Does the filling method matter?
- Gebelin JC, Jolly MR & Hsu FY. (2005). "Designing-in" controlled filling using numerical simulation for gravity sand casting of aluminum alloys
- Jolly MR. (2005). State of the art review of use of modelling software for shape casting
- Hsu FY, Jolly MR & Campbell J. (2005). Vortex-gate design for gravity casting
- Song JL, Chiti F, Bujalski W, Nienow AW & Jolly MR. (2004). Study of molten aluminium cleaning process using physical modelling and CFD
- Kimata M, Nayan N, Bujalski W, Nienow AW, Song JL, .... (2004). Mixing Studies Related to the Cleaning of Molten Aluminium
- Li Q, Smith CJ, Harris C & Jolly MR. (2003). Finite element modelling investigations upon the influence of pocket die designs on metal flow in aluminium extrusion
- Gebelin J-C & Jolly MR. (2003). Modelling of the investment casting process
- Li Q, Smith CJ, Harris C & Jolly MR. (2003). Finite element investigations upon the influence of pocket die designs on metal flow in aluminium extrusion
- Stefanescu DM, Warren J, Jolly M & Krane M. (2003). Modeling of Casting, Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes: Preface
- Gebelin JC, Jones S & Jolly M. (2001). Modelling of the de-waxing of investment cast shells
- Jolly MR & Gebelin JC. (2001). Modelling filters in metal casting processes
- Gebelin JC, Cendrowicz A & Jolly MR. (2001). Wax injection in the investment casting industry
- Jolly M. (1999). Modelling the shape casting process: A review of where it stands from the foundry perspective
- Griffiths WD, Jolly MR, Kaettlitz W, Kendrick R & Niblett AM. (1991). Effect of simultaneous additions of sodium and strontium on the modification of aluminum silicon alloy
- Sarfraz S, Sherif Z, Drewniok M, Bolson N, Cullen J, .... (2025). Potentials for Energy Savings and Carbon Dioxide Emissions Reduction in Cement Industry In Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer Nature Switzerland.
- Atescan-Yuksek Y, Paddea S, Jackson S, Jolly M & Salonitis K. (2025). Quantifying the Carbon Footprint of Events: A Life Cycle Assessment-Based Framework for Evaluating Impact of Location and Timing In Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer Nature Switzerland.
- Sarfraz S, Sherif Z, Jolly M & Salonitis K. (2024). Benchmarking of Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions in Cement Production: A Case Study In The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series. Springer Nature Switzerland.
- Sarfraz S, Jolly M & Salonitis K. (2023). The Use of Gentani Approach for Benchmarking Resource Efficiency in Manufacturing Industries In Manufacturing Driving Circular Economy. Springer Nature.
- Jolly M, Velenturf APM, Salonitis K & Paddea S. (2022). The UK Transforming the Foundation Industries Research and Innovation Hub (TransFIRe) In REWAS 2022: Developing Tomorrow’s Technical Cycles (Volume I). Springer Nature.
- Jolly M, Salonitis K, Pagone E, Papanikolaou M & Saxena P. (2022). Energy Resilient Foundries: The “Small is Beautiful” Projects In Light Metals 2022. Springer Nature.
- Papanikolaou M, Salonitis K & Jolly M. (2020). Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Solidification of Pure Aluminium In Tomsett A(ed.), The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series. Springer International Publishing.
- Tiryakioğlu M, Griffiths W & Jolly M (eds). (2019). Shape Casting
- Pagone E, Salonitis K & Jolly M. (2019). Energy-Efficient Casting Processes In Gupta K(ed.), Materials Forming, Machining and Tribology. Springer International Publishing.
- Lyu C, Papanikolaou M & Jolly M. (2019). Numerical Process Modelling and Simulation of Campbell Running Systems Designs In Tiryakioǧlu M, Griffiths W & Jolly M (eds), The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series (7th International Symposium Celebrating Prof. John Campbell's 80th Birthday). Springer International Publishing.
- Prabhakar A, Salonitis K & Jolly M. (2019). Characterisation of Lead Sheet Manufactured Using Traditional Sand-Casting Technique In Tiryakioǧlu M, Griffiths W & Jolly M (eds), The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series. Springer International Publishing.
- Tiryakioğlu M, Griffiths W & Jolly M (eds). (2019). Shape Casting
- Prabhakar A, Mielnicka J, Jolly M & Salonitis K. (2018). Improving Energy Efficiency in Direct Method for Continuous Casting of Lead Sheets In Sun Z, Wang C, Guillen DP, Neelameggham NR, Zhang L, ... (eds), The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series (Part F6). Springer International Publishing.
- Jolly MR & Salonitis K. (2017). Rohstoffverarbeitung, Motorenfertigung und CO2-Ausstoß auf der Straße: Wie kann die Automobilindustrie bestmöglich zu ökologischer Nachhaltigkeit beitragen? /Primary Manufacturing, Engine Production a... In 38. Internationales Wiener Motorensymposium 27.-28. April 2017. VDI Verlag.
- Tiryakioǧlu M, Jolly M & Byczynski G (eds). (2016). Shape Casting: 6th International Symposium
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