Contact Professor Gareth Appleby-Thomas
Areas of expertise
- Armour systems
- Defence manufacturing
- Test and Evaluation
- Vehicle Engineering & Mobility
- Weapons Engineering
1999 - 2003: MSci in Physics and Astronomy, Durham University
2003 - 2007: D.Phil in Materials Science, Department of Materials, University of Oxford. Thesis title: Advanced Materials for Plasma Facing Components in Fusion Devices. Graduated 7th of November 2009. Thesis available at:
2007 - 2012: Research Fellow, Dynamic Response Group, Cranfield University
2012 - 2015: Lecturer and Head of the Dynamic Response Group
2015 - 2017: Senior Lecturer and Head of the Dynamic Response Group
2017 - 2018: Senior Lecturer and Head of Survivability and Advanced Materials (CDE)
2018 - 2019: Reader and Head of Survivability and Advanced Materials (CDE)
2019 - 2021: Reader and Head of the Centre for Defence Engineering (CDE)
2021 - present: Professor of High Strain-Rate Material Response for Defence Applications and Head of the Centre for Defence Engineering (CDE)
Married on 22nd March 2008; new surname of Appleby-Thomas (previously Thomas) adopted.
Research opportunities
Materials (armour / high strain-rate behaviour)
Applications are invited from self-funded PhD students interested in the development of novel material solutions for defence applications
Current activities
As Head of the Centre for Defence Engineering, I am responsible for the growth and development of the Centre, with the overarching aim of creating world-leading academic knowledge within the multiple disciplines that make up defence engineering and technology.
My research in understanding the dynamic behaviour of materials provides a unique underpinning for this role and is particularly helpful when designing structures that are subjected to ballistic impact or shock-wave loading.
This element of my work is based around the fields of Survivability, Lethality and Materials - bridging across several of the groups within the Centre and more widely. A particular focus of my own research is an interest in the dynamic behaviour of materials used in armour systems, vehicular and aerospace structures, and munitions.
Further, I have a background in the shock behaviour of biological structures which has led to a substantial body of research including two PhDs, an MSc by Research and several publications to-date.
These interests, collectively encompassing material behaviour under extreme conditions, has led to an emerging focus on material behaviour under hypervelocity impact (2-8 km/s) - and has led to the opportunity to co-found a 'Consortium for Organotypic Research on Ageing and Microgravity' ( alongside Dr Alexandra Iordachescu from Birmingham.
I'm currently involved with the ShockWaves and Extreme Conditions (SWEC) group of the IoP (a founding member of the Committee, I served as Chair from 2018-2022) and am directly involved in the promotion of physics and engineering to the wider community:
As part of the above, I have successfully stood up a series of SWEC research talks / seminars. Details are available at the following link (all are welcome to attend):
Recordings of the some of the recent talks include
4th webinar - 'Modelling the bone response to extreme environments using organotypic cultures', Alexandra Iordachescu:
5th webinar - 'Tissue analogue selection for ballistic applications', Gareth Appleby-Thomas:
Articles In Journals
- Iordachescu A, Eisenstein N & Appleby-Thomas G. (2023). Space habitats for bioengineering and surgical repair: addressing the requirement for reconstructive and research tissues during deep-space missions. npj Microgravity, 9(1)
- Hes RAG, Painter JD & Appleby-Thomas GJ. (2023). Optimal skin simulant for ballistic testing. Forensic Science International, 346(May)
- Vignjevic R, Djordjevic N, Galka A, Appleby-Thomas G & Hughes K. (2022). Constitutive model for fibre reinforced composites with progressive damage based on the spectral decomposition of material stiffness tensor. Composite Structures, 292(July)
- Rodriguez VM, Grasso M, Zhao Y, Liu H, Deng K, .... (2022). Surface Damage in Woven Carbon Composite Panels under Orthogonal and Inclined High-Velocity Impacts. Journal of Composites Science, 6(10)
- Powell D, Appleby-Thomas G, Painter J & Thirulogasingam T. (2022). The importance of considering both DoP and VoP in forwards-ballistic penetrative experiments.
- David A, Morris S & Appleby-Thomas G. (2021). Social Media User Relationship Framework (SMURF). The Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law
- Fitzmaurice BC, Appleby-Thomas GJ, Painter JD, Wood DC & Hazael R. (2021). The effects of quasi-one-dimensional shock on Escherichia coli while controlling pressure and temperature. Icarus, 359
- Lesmana D, Arifurrahman F, Hameed A, Appleby-Thomas GJ & Santosa SP. (2020). On the importance of the bullet jacket during the penetration process: Reversed-ballistic experimental and numerical study. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 34(5)
- Appleby-Thomas GJ, Jaansalu K, Hameed A, Painter J, Shackel J, .... (2020). A comparison of the ballistic behaviour of conventionally sintered and additively manufactured alumina. Defence Technology, 16(2)
- Henwood BJ & Appleby-Thomas G. (2020). The suitability of Synbone® as a tissue analogue in ballistic impacts. Journal of Materials Science, 55(7)
- Rao P, Painter J, Appleby-Thomas G, Critchley R, Wood D, .... (2020). Fragmentation studies by non-explosive cylinder expansion technique. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 146
- David A. (2020). A Two-Stage Model for Social Network Investigations in Digital Forensics. The Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law, 15
- Agu HO, Hameed A & Appleby-Thomas GJ. (2019). Comparison of the Microstructure of Machined and Laser Sintered Shaped Charge Liner in the Hydrodynamic Regime. Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials, 5(4)
- Agu HO, Hameed A, Appleby-Thomas GJ & Wood DC. (2019). The Dynamic Response of Dense 3 Dimensionally Printed Polylactic Acid. Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials, 5(4)
- Muster M, Hameed A, Wood D, Appleby-Thomas G & Wasmer K. (2019). Damping of post-impact vibrations. Applied Acoustics, 156
- Millett JCF, Whiteman G, Park NT, Case S & Appleby-Thomas G. (2019). The effects of heat treatment upon the shock response of a copper-beryllium alloy. Acta Materialia, 165
- Agu HO, Hameed A & Appleby-Thomas GJ. (2018). Application of shell jetting analysis to determine the location of the virtual origin in shaped charges. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 122
- Wood DC, Appleby-Thomas GJ, Hameed A, Barnes NR, Hughes A, .... (2018). The variance on the shock response of a carbon fibre composite due to the orientation of the weave. Journal of Materials Science, 53(16)
- Appleby-Thomas GJ, Fitzmaurice B, Hameed A, Painter J, Gibson M, .... (2018). On differences in the equation-of-state for a selection of seven representative mammalian tissue analogue materials. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 77
- Appleby-Thomas GJ, Wood DC, Hameed A, Painter J & Fitzmaurice B. (2017). On the effects of powder morphology on the post-comminution ballistic strength of ceramics. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 100
- Hazael R, Fitzmaurice BC, Foglia F, Appleby-Thomas GJ & McMillan PF. (2017). Bacterial survival following shock compression in the GigaPascal range. Icarus, 293
- Millett JCF, Taylor P, Roberts A & Appleby-Thomas G. (2017). The Strength of Two HMX Based Plastic Bonded Explosives During One Dimensional Shock Loading. Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials, 3(1)
- Appleby-Thomas GJ, Wood DC, Hameed A, Painter J, Le-Seelleur V, .... (2016). Investigation of the high-strain rate (shock and ballistic) response of the elastomeric tissue simulant Perma-Gel®. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 94
- Kader MA, Islam MA, Hazell PJ, Escobedo JP, Saadatfar M, .... (2016). Modelling and characterization of cell collapse in aluminium foams during dynamic loading. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 96
- Millett JCF, Lowe MR, Appleby-Thomas G & Roberts A. (2016). The Mechanical and Optical Response of Polychlorotrifluoroethylene to One-Dimensional Shock Loading. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 47(2)
- Petel OE, Appleby-Thomas GJ, Wood DC, Capozzi A, Nabavi A, .... (2016). Lateral stress evolution in chromium sulfide cermets with varying excess chromium. Journal of Applied Physics, 119(13)
- Millett JCF, Brown EN, Gray GT, Bourne NK, Wood DC, .... (2016). The Effects of Changing Chemistry on the Shock Response of Basic Polymers. Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials, 2(3)
- Appleby-Thomas GJ, Wood DC, Hameed A & Leighs JA. (2015). On the ballistic response of an aerospace-grade composite panel to non-spheroidised fragment simulants. Composite Structures, 119
- Goff M, Hazell PJ, Appleby-Thomas GJ, Wood DC, Stennett C, .... (2015). Gas gun ramp loading of Kel-F 81 targets using a ceramic graded areal density flyer system. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 80
- Crouch IG, Appleby-Thomas G & Hazell PJ. (2015). A study of the penetration behaviour of mild-steel-cored ammunition against boron carbide ceramic armours. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 80
- Appleby-Thomas GJ, Hazell PJ, Sheldon RP, Stennett C, Hameed A, .... (2014). The high strain-rate behaviour of selected tissue analogues. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 33(1)
- Hazell PJ, Appleby-Thomas GJ & Toone S. (2014). Ballistic compaction of a confined ceramic powder by a non-deforming projectile: Experiments and simulations. Materials & Design (1980-2015), 56
- Hazell PJ, Appleby-Thomas GJ, Wielewski E & Escobedo JP. (2014). The shock and spall response of three industrially important hexagonal close-packed metals: magnesium, titanium and zirconium. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 372(2023)
- Wielewski E, Appleby-Thomas GJ, Hazell PJ & Hameed A. (2013). An experimental investigation into the micro-mechanics of spall initiation and propagation in Ti–6Al–4V during shock loading. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 578
- Hazell PJ, Appleby-Thomas GJ, Philbey D & Tolman W. (2013). The effect of gilding jacket material on the penetration mechanics of a 7.62 mm armour-piercing projectile. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 54
- Leighs JA, Appleby-Thomas GJ, Stennett C, Hameed A, Wilgeroth JM, .... (2012). A sealed capsule system for biological and liquid shock-recovery experiments. Review of Scientific Instruments, 83(11)
- Hazell PJ, Appleby-Thomas GJ, Wielewski E, Stennett C & Siviour C. (2012). The influence of microstructure on the shock and spall behaviour of the magnesium alloy, Elektron 675. Acta Materialia, 60(17)
- Appleby-Thomas GJ & Hazell PJ. (2012). The impact of structural composite materials. Part 2: hypervelocity impact and shock. The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 47(7)
- Hazell PJ & Appleby-Thomas GJ. (2012). The impact of structural composite materials. Part 1: ballistic impact. The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 47(7)
- Appleby-Thomas GJ, Hazell PJ, Wood DC, Wilgeroth JM & Leighs JA. (2012). On the effects of lateral gauge misalignment in shocked targets. Review of Scientific Instruments, 83(6)
- Hazell PJ & Appleby-Thomas GJ. (2012). More on penetration of ceramic based targets by non-deforming projectiles. Advances in Applied Ceramics, 111(3)
- Appleby-Thomas GJ, Hazell PJ & Cleave R. (2012). Penetration mechanisms in glass laminate/resin structures. Materials & Design, 34
- Leighs JA, Hazell PJ & Appleby-Thomas GJ. (2012). The effect of shock loading on the survival of plant seeds. Icarus, 220(1)
- Wilgeroth JM, Hazell PJ & Appleby-Thomas GJ. (2012). On the behaviour of porcine skeletal muscle tissue under shock compression. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 50
- Wood DC, Appleby-Thomas GJ, Hazell PJ & Barnes NR. (2012). Shock propagation in a tape wrapped carbon fibre composite. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 43(9)
- Appleby-Thomas GJ, Hazell PJ, Wilgeroth JM, Shepherd CJ, Wood DC, .... (2011). On the dynamic behavior of three readily available soft tissue simulants. Journal of Applied Physics, 109(8)
- Hazell PJ, Appleby-Thomas GJ, Trinquant X & Chapman DJ. (2011). In-fiber shock propagation in Dyneema®. Journal of Applied Physics, 110(4)
- Nanda H, Appleby-Thomas GJ, Wood DC & Hazell PJ. (2011). Ballistic behaviour of explosively shattered alumina and silicon carbide targets. Advances in Applied Ceramics, 110(5)
- Wood DC, Hazell PJ, Appleby-Thomas GJ & Barnes NR. (2011). Shock behaviour of a phenolic resin. Journal of Materials Science, 46(18)
- Shepherd CJ, Appleby-Thomas GJ, Wilgeroth JM, Hazell PJ & Allsop DF. (2011). On the response of ballistic soap to one-dimensional shock loading. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 38(12)
- Appleby-Thomas GJ, Hazell PJ & Dahini G. (2011). On the response of two commercially-important CFRP structures to multiple ice impacts. Composite Structures, 93(10)
- Hazell PJ, Appleby-Thomas GJ & Kister G. (2010). Impact, penetration, and perforation of a bonded carbon-fibre-reinforced plastic composite panel by a high-velocity steel sphere: An experimental study. The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 45(6)
- Wilgeroth JM, Hazell PJ & Appleby-Thomas GJ. (2010). The shock response of a rendered porcine fat. Journal of Applied Physics, 108(9)
- Appleby-Thomas GJ, Hazell PJ, Wilgeroth JM & Wood DC. (2010). On the interpretation of lateral manganin gauge stress measurements in polymers. Journal of Applied Physics, 108(3)
- Appleby-Thomas GJ & Hazell PJ. (2010). A study on the strength of an armour-grade aluminum under high strain-rate loading. Journal of Applied Physics, 107(12)
- Millett JCF, Bourne NK, Chu MQ, Jones IP, Gray GT, .... (2010). The role of aging on the mechanical and microstructural response of aluminum 6061 to one-dimensional shock loading. Journal of Applied Physics, 108(7)
- Hazell PJ, Beveridge C, Groves K & Appleby-Thomas G. (2010). The shock compression of microorganism-loaded broths and emulsions: Experiments and simulations. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 37(4)
- Hazell PJ, Appleby-Thomas GJ, Herlaar K & Painter J. (2010). Inelastic deformation and failure of tungsten carbide under ballistic-loading conditions. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 527(29-30)
- Appleby-Thomas GJ, Hazell PJ, Stennett C, Cooper G, Helaar K, .... (2009). Shock propagation in a cemented tungsten carbide. Journal of Applied Physics, 105(6)
- Appleby-Thomas GJ, Hazell PJ & Stennett C. (2009). The variation in lateral and longitudinal stress gauge response within an RTM 6 epoxy resin under one-dimensional shock loading. Journal of Materials Science, 44(22)
- Hazell PJ & Appleby-Thomas G. (2009). A study on the energy dissipation of several different CFRP-based targets completely penetrated by a high velocity projectile. Composite Structures, 91(1)
Conference Papers
- Lawrence J, Painter J, Iordachescu A, Footer CJ, Seabright RM, .... (2024). Failure modes of CFRP panels under hypervelocity impact: the effects of strain rate between 1 km/s and 6 km/s
- Appleby-Thomas GJ, Ullah Khan I, Painter J, Zioupos P, Lordachescu A, .... (2023). Characterisation of human tissues analogues for ballistic testing
- Finnegan SG, Appleby-Thomas GJ, Hazael R, Ferguson JW & Goff MJ. (2023). Uncertainty analysis of data collected using embedded magnetic particle velocity gauges
- Powell D, Appleby-Thomas G, Painter J, Brock F, Thirulogasingam T, .... (2023). The importance of considering both depth of penetration and crater volume in forwards-ballistic penetrative experiments
- Hazael R, Matsuda S, Mori Y, Fitzmaurice BC, Appleby-Thomas G, .... (2019). Pressure tolerance of Artemia cysts compressed in water medium
- Townsend D, Parry S, Bourne NK, Withers PJ, Wood DC, .... (2017). On the compression of aluminium foam structures under shock
- Appleby-Thomas GJ, Fitzmaurice BC, Hameed A, Wood DC, Gibson MC, .... (2017). The shock response and suitability of Synbone® as a tissue simulant
- Wood DC, Appleby-Thomas GJ, Fitzmaurice BC, Hameed A, Millett JCF, .... (2017). On the shock response of PCTFE (Kel-F 81®)
- Whiteman G, Millett J, Appleby-Thomas G, Wood D & Hameed A. (2017). Experimental investigation of the shock response of bismuth under one-dimensional shock-loading
- Fitzmaurice BC, Painter JD, Appleby-Thomas GJ, Wood DC, Hazael R, .... (2017). On the response of Escherichia coli to high rates of deformation
- Shackel J, Appleby-Thomas GJ, Wood DC, Painter J, Patel AK, .... (2017). On the influence of texture on spall evolution in the HCP materials Ti-6Al-4V and Zr
- Painter JD, Fitzmaurice BC, Goff M, Appleby-Thomas GJ, Wood DC, .... (2017). On a novel graded areal density solution to facilitate ramp wave generation in plate-impact studies
- Islam MA, Kader MA, Hazell PJ, Escobedo-Diaz JP, Brown AD, .... (2017). Dynamic crushing response of closed-cell aluminium foams during shock loading
- Fitzmaurice BC, Appleby-Thomas GJ, Painter JD, Ono F, McMillan PF, .... (2017). Tolerance of Artemia to static and shock pressure loading
- Millett JCF, Taylor P & Appleby-Thomas G. (2017). Shock induced shear strength in an HMX based plastic bonded explosive
- Appleby-Thomas G, Hameed A, Wood D, Rowley J & Jaansalu K. (2016). On the ballistic response of rapidly-prototyped alumina
- Appleby-Thomas G, Hameed A, Fitzmaurice B, Painter J & Wood D. (2016). On the selection of tissue simulants for ballistic testing
- Wood D, Appleby-Thomas G, Fitzmaurice B, Franceskides C, Shanker T, .... (2016). On the shock behaviour and response of Ovis Aries vertebrae
- Roberts A, Appleby-Thomas GJ, Wood DC, Hameed A & Crouch IG. (2016). Dynamic jacket removal and the 'bullets journey'
- Wood D, Appleby-Thomas G, Hameed A & Roberson C. (2016). On the shock response of an ultra-high-molecularweight polyethylene composite
- Lock ACH, Brown AD, Blessington RA, Appleby-Thomas G, Quadir MZ, .... (2016). Effect of microstructural anisotropy on the dynamic mechanical behaviour of rolled Ti-6A1-4V
- Islam MA, Escobedo JP, Hazell PJ, Appleby‐Thomas GJ & Quadir MZ. (2015). Characterization of Closed‐Cell Aluminium Foams Subjected to Compressive Loading
- Appleby-Thomas G, Fitzmaurice B, Hameed A, Wood D, Gibson M, .... (2015). On the suitability of Synbone® as a tissue simulant.
- Petel OE, Appleby-Thomas GJ, Hameed A, Capozzi A, Goroshin S, .... (2014). Lateral stress evolution in Chromium Sulfide
- Leighs JA, Appleby-Thomas GJ, Wood DC, Goff MJ, Hameed A, .... (2014). The bactericidal effect of shock waves
- Hameed A, Appleby-Thomas GJ, Wood DC, Hazell PJ & Jaansalu KM. (2014). On the ballistic response of comminuted ceramics
- Appleby-Thomas GJ, Hameed A, Vignjevic R, Hazell PJ, Painter J, .... (2014). On the dynamic tensile strength of Zirconium
- Goff M, Burns M, Gustavsen R, Stennett C, Hazell PJ, .... (2014). Effects observed when using metallic flyers and barriers with the embedded particle velocity gauge technique
- Kister G, Wood DC, Appleby-Thomas GJ, Leighs JA, Goff M, .... (2014). An overview on the effect of manufacturing on the shock response of polymers
- Taylor P, Goff M, Hazell PJ, Leighs J, Wood D, .... (2014). Ramp wave generation using graded areal density ceramic flyers and the plate impact technique
- Wood DC, Appleby-Thomas GJ, Leighs JA, Goff M, Barnes NR, .... (2014). The use of lateral gauges in the assessment of shear strength in a carbon fibre composite
- Neal WD, Appleby-Thomas GJ & Collins GS. (2014). Meso-scopic deformation in brittle granular materials
- Hazell PJ, Appleby-Thomas GJ, Wood DC & Painter JD. (2014). The shock and spall response of AA 7010-T7651
- Mustey A, Leighs JA, Appleby GJ, Wood DC, Hazael R, .... (2014). The effect of hydrostatic vs. shock pressure treatment of plant seeds
- Barnes NR, Hughes A, Wood DC, Appleby GJ, Leighs JA, .... (2014). The effect of fibre orientation on a TWCP composite
- Painter JD, Appleby-Thomas GJ, Hazell P, Winter R, Harris EJ, .... (2012). On the importance of encapsulation environment for lateral gauges
- Roberts A, Appleby-Thomas GJ & Hazell P. (2012). Experimental determination of Grüneisen gamma for polyether ether ketone (PEEK) using the shock-reverberation technique
- Appleby-Thomas GJ, Hazell P & Roberts A. (2012). The effect of gauge misalignment on the measurement of lateral stress
- Hazell P, Appleby-Thomas GJ, Wielewski E, Siviour CR & Stennett C. (2012). On the shock response of the magnesium alloy elektron 675
- De'Ath JM, Proud W, Millett J & Appleby-Thomas GJ. (2012). Phase change in 080M40 plain carbon steel
- Jones DR, Eakins DE, Hazell P, Chapman DJ & Appleby-Thomas GJ. (2012). Development of the gas gun driven expanding cylinder technique
- Leighs JA, Hazell P & Appleby-Thomas GJ. (2012). On the shock response of pisum sativum and lepidium sativum
- Wilgeroth JM, Hazell P & Appleby-Thomas GJ. (2012). The dynamic response and shock-recovery of porcine skeletal muscle tissue
- Eliot J, Harris EJ, Hazell P, Appleby-Thomas GJ, Winter R, .... (2012). Experimental and computational investigation of lateral gauge response in polycarbonate
- Wood DC, Hazell P, Appleby-Thomas GJ & Barnes N. (2012). The shock response of a tape wrapped carbon fiber composite
- Shepherd CJ, Appleby-Thomas GJ, Allsop DF & Hazell PJ. (2010). Modelling penetration events in tissue simulants
- Appleby-Thomas GJ, Hazell PJ, Stennett C, Cooper G & Cleave R. (2009). The dynamic behaviour of a modified polyurethane resin
- Chu M, Millett JCF, Bourne NK, Jones IP, Appleby-Thomas GJ, .... (2009). Shock loading response of 5083 aluminium
- Appleby-Thomas GJ, Hazell PJ, Millett J, Bourne NK, Elert M, .... (2009). DEVIATORIC RESPONSE OF AN ARMOUR-GRADE ALUMINIUM ALLOY
- Shepherd CJ, Appleby-Thomas GJ, Hazell PJ, Allsop DF, Elert M, .... (2009). THE DYNAMIC BEHAVIOUR OF BALLISTIC GELATIN
- Herlaar K, Diederen AM, Appleby-Thomas G & Hazell PJ. (2008). Ballistic impact experiments of tungsten carbide projectiles onto tungsten carbide targets
- Herlaar K, Diederen AM, Appleby-Thomas G & Hazell PJ. (2008). The shock response of a cemented tungsten carbide
- Thomas G, Vincent R, Matthews G, Dance B & Grant PS. (2008). Interface topography and residual stress distributions in W coatings for fusion armour applications
- Lock ACH, Brown AD, Blessington RA, Appleby-Thomas G, Quadir MZ, .... (2016). Effect of Microstructural Anisotropy on the Dynamic Mechanical Behaviour of Rolled Ti-6Al-4V In Characterization of Minerals, Metals, and Materials 2016. Springer International Publishing.
- Lock ACH, Brown AD, Blessington RA, Appleby‐Thomas G, Quadir MZ, .... (2016). Effect of Microstructural Anisotropy on the Dynamic Mechanical Behaviour of Rolled Ti‐6Al‐4V In Characterization of Minerals, Metals, and Materials 2016. Wiley.
- Cranston AL, Hazell PJ, Appleby-Thomas GJ, Zakaria QM & Escobedo JP. (2015). Effects of Microstructural Anisotropy on the Mechanical Properties of Aluminum Alloy AA 7010 — T7651 In TMS 2015 144th Annual Meeting & Exhibition. Springer International Publishing.
- Islam MA, Escobedo JP, Hazell PJ, Appleby-Thomas GJ & Quadir MZ. (2015). Characterization of Closed-Cell Aluminium Foams Subjected to Compressive Loading In Characterization of Minerals, Metals, and Materials 2015. Springer International Publishing.
- Islam MA, Escobedo JP, Hazell PJ, Appleby‐Thomas GJ & Quadir MZ. (2015). Characterization of Closed‐Cell Aluminium Foams Subjected to Compressive Loading In Characterization of Minerals, Metals, and Materials 2015. Wiley.