Areas of expertise
- Mechatronics & Advanced Controls
- On-Road Vehicle Dynamics
Dr Velenis received his MSc and PhD degrees from the School of Aerospace Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology, GA, USA in 2000 and 2006 respectively and his Mechanical Engineering Diploma from the Mechanical Engineering Department at the National Technical University of Athens in 1999. In 2006 he was awarded the Luther Long award for the best PhD dissertation in Engineering Mechanics at Georgia Institute of Technology. Following his PhD, Efstathios held a Post-doctoral researcher position at Georgia Institute of Technology and was a visiting researcher at Ford Motor Company in MI, USA.
Current activities
Dr Velenis is currently a Reader at the Advanced Vehicle Engineering Centre at Cranfield University. His research interests include vehicle dynamics and control, optimal, nonlinear, model predictive control, active chassis control, control of autonomous vehicles, vehicle limit handling, modelling of expert driving techniques.
Selected projects
Advanced Integrated Dynamics for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (AIDCAV): Funded by Innovate UK through the CAV3 programme, Dr Velenis was the PI from Cranfield leading research on path following control of multi-actuated autonomous vehicles near the limit of handling (
Evoque_e: Funded by Innovate UK, Dr Velenis led Cranfield's work in the development and validation of regenerative braking and torque-vectoring controllers for electric and hybrid electric vehicles.
Active Limit Handling for Enhanced Passenger Vehicle Safety: Funded by EPSRC, Dr Velenis was the PI in this project which delivered a novel driver assist system to mitigate terminal understeer inspired by techniques used by expert human drivers (link).
Modelling and Implementation of Expert Driving Techniques: Dr Velenis was the PI in this FP7 Marie Curie International Re-integration Grant, where optimal control methods were used to model the specialised techniques developed by expert human drivers (link).
Articles In Journals
- Li B, Lin C, Ahmadi J, Siampis E, Longo S, .... (2024). An integrated path-tracking and control allocation method for autonomous racing electric vehicles. Vehicle System Dynamics, 62(6)
- Lin C, Li B, Siampis E, Longo S & Velenis E. (2024). Predictive Path-Tracking Control of an Autonomous Electric Vehicle with Various Multi-Actuation Topologies. Sensors, 24(5)
- Lin C, Siampis E & Velenis E. (2024). Path-tracking control at the limits of handling of a prototype over-actuated autonomous vehicle. Vehicle System Dynamics, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print)
- Htike Z, Papaioannou G, Siampis E, Velenis E & Longo S. (2022). Fundamentals of Motion Planning for Mitigating Motion Sickness in Automated Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 71(3)
- Papaioannou G, Htike Z, Lin C, Siampis E, Longo S, .... (2022). Multi-Criteria Evaluation for Sorting Motion Planner Alternatives. Sensors, 22(14)
- Papaioannou G, Koulocheris D & Velenis E. (2021). Skyhook control strategy for vehicle suspensions based on the distribution of the operational conditions. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 235(10-11)
- Xing Y, Lv C, Cao D & Velenis E. (2021). Multi-scale driver behavior modeling based on deep spatial-temporal representation for intelligent vehicles. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 130(September)
- Stryszowski M, Longo S, Velenis E & Forostovsky G. (2021). A Framework for Self-Enforced Interaction Between Connected Vehicles: Intersection Negotiation. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 22(11)
- Stryszowski M, Longo S, D'Alessandro D, Velenis E, Forostovsky G, .... (2021). A Framework for Self-Enforced Optimal Interaction Between Connected Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 22(10)
- Zhang Z, Velenis E, Fotouhi A, Auger DJ & Cao D. (2020). Driver distraction detection using machine learning algorithms: an experimental approach. International Journal of Vehicle Design, 83(2/3/4)
- Cao D, Fotouhi A, Auger DJ, Zhang Z & Velenis E. (2020). Driver distraction detection using machine learning algorithms: an experimental approach. International Journal of Vehicle Design, 83(2/3/4)
- Xing Y, Lv C, Wang H, Cao D & Velenis E. (2020). An ensemble deep learning approach for driver lane change intention inference. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 115
- Ruiz Diez D, Velenis E, Tavernini D, Smith EN, Siampis E, .... (2019). Front/Rear Axle Torque Vectoring Control for Electric Vehicles. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 141(6)
- Xing Y, Lv C, Wang H, Cao D, Velenis E, .... (2019). Driver Activity Recognition for Intelligent Vehicles: A Deep Learning Approach. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 68(6)
- Xing Y, Lv C, Wang H, Wang H, Ai Y, .... (2019). Driver Lane Change Intention Inference for Intelligent Vehicles: Framework, Survey, and Challenges. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 68(5)
- Xing Y, Lv C, Wang H, Cao D & Velenis E. (2019). Dynamic integration and online evaluation of vision‐based lane detection algorithms. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 13(1)
- Paul D, Velenis E, Humbert F, Cao D, Dobo T, .... (2019). Tyre–road friction μ-estimation based on braking force distribution. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 233(8)
- Siampis E, Velenis E, Gariuolo S & Longo S. (2018). A Real-Time Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Strategy for Stabilization of an Electric Vehicle at the Limits of Handling. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 26(6)
- Xing Y, Lv C, Zhang Z, Wang H, Na X, .... (2018). Identification and Analysis of Driver Postures for In-Vehicle Driving Activities and Secondary Tasks Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 5(1)
- Xing Y, Lv C, Chen L, Wang H, Wang H, .... (2018). Advances in Vision-Based Lane Detection: Algorithms, Integration, Assessment, and Perspectives on ACP-Based Parallel Vision. IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 5(3)
- Smith EN, Velenis E, Tavernini D & Cao D. (2018). Effect of handling characteristics on minimum time cornering with torque vectoring. Vehicle System Dynamics, 56(2)
- Basrah MS, Siampis E, Velenis E, Cao D & Longo S. (2017). Wheel slip control with torque blending using linear and nonlinear model predictive control. Vehicle System Dynamics, 55(11)
- Tavernini D, Velenis E & Longo S. (2017). Feedback brake distribution control for minimum pitch. Vehicle System Dynamics, 55(6)
- Martinez CM, Hu X, Cao D, Velenis E, Gao B, .... (2017). Energy Management in Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Recent Progress and a Connected Vehicles Perspective. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 66(6)
- Paul D, Velenis E, Cao D & Dobo T. (2017). Optimal $\mu $ -Estimation-Based Regenerative Braking Strategy for an AWD HEV. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 3(1)
- Siampis E, Velenis E & Longo S. (2015). Rear wheel torque vectoring model predictive control with velocity regulation for electric vehicles. Vehicle System Dynamics, 53(11)
- Tremlett AJ, Massaro M, Purdy DJ, Velenis E, Assadian F, .... (2015). Optimal control of motorsport differentials. Vehicle System Dynamics, 53(12)
- Tavernini D, Velenis E, Lot R & Massaro M. (2014). The Optimality of the Handbrake Cornering Technique. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 136(4)
- Katzourakis DI, Velenis E, Holweg E & Happee R. (2014). Haptic Steering Support for Driving Near the Vehicle's Handling Limits: Test-Track Case. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 15(4)
- Katzourakis DI, Velenis E, Holweg E & Happee R. (2014). Haptic steering support for driving near the vehicle’s handling limits; skid-pad case. International Journal of Automotive Technology, 15(1)
- Katzourakis DI, Abbink DA, Velenis E, Holweg E & Happee R. (2014). Driver's Arms' Time-Variant Neuromuscular Admittance During Real Car Test-Track Driving. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 63(1)
- Tavernini D, Massaro M, Velenis E, Katzourakis DI & Lot R. (2013). Minimum time cornering: the effect of road surface and car transmission layout. Vehicle System Dynamics, 51(10)
- Katzourakis DI, Velenis E, Abbink D, Happee R & Holweg E. (2012). Race-Car Instrumentation for Driving Behavior Studies. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 61(2)
- Velenis E, Katzourakis D, Frazzoli E, Tsiotras P & Happee R. (2011). Steady-state drifting stabilization of RWD vehicles. Control Engineering Practice, 19(11)
- Velenis E, Frazzoli E & Tsiotras P. (2010). Steady-state cornering equilibria and stabilisation for a vehicle during extreme operating conditions. International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems, 8(2/3/4)
- Velenis E, Tsiotras P & Lu J. (2008). Final Comments by the Authors. European Journal of Control, 14(4)
- Velenis E, Tsiotras P & Lu J. (2008). Optimality Properties and Driver Input Parameterization for Trail-braking Cornering. European Journal of Control, 14(4)
- Velenis E & Tsiotras P. (2008). Minimum-Time Travel for a Vehicle with Acceleration Limits: Theoretical Analysis and Receding-Horizon Implementation. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 138(2)
- Velenis E, Tsiotras P, Canudas-de-Wit C & Sorine M. (2005). Dynamic tyre friction models for combined longitudinal and lateral vehicle motion. Vehicle System Dynamics, 43(1)
- Tsiotras P, Velenis E & Sorine M. (2004). A LuGre Tire Friction Model With Exact Aggregate Dynamics. Vehicle System Dynamics, 42(3)
- Kim B, Velenis E, Kriengsiri P & Tsiotras P. (2003). Designing a low-cost spacecraft simulator. IEEE Control Systems, 23(4)
- Canudas-de-Wit C, Tsiotras P, Velenis E, Basset M & Gissinger G. (2003). Dynamic Friction Models for Road/Tire Longitudinal Interaction. Vehicle System Dynamics, 39(3)
Conference Papers
- Lin C, Papaioannou G, Siampis E & Velenis E. (2024). Path-Tracking Control Strategy for Enhanced Comfort in All-Wheel-Steering Autonomous Vehicles
- Li B, Li W, Hua W & Velenis E. (2023). The Integrated Trajectory Tracking, Yaw Stability and Roll Stability Model Predictive Control for Autonomous Vehicle in Limited Handling Condition
- Lin C, Siampis E & Velenis E. (2022). Real-Time Path-tracking MPC for an Over-Actuated Autonomous Electric Vehicle
- Papaioannou G, Zhao X, Velenis E, Jerrelind J & Drugge L. (2022). Integrated Active Seat Suspension for Enhancing Motion Comfort
- Papaioannou G, Sekulic D, Velenis E & Antoniadis I. (2021). Investigation of Seat Suspensions with Embedded Negative Stiffness Elements for Isolating Bus Users’ Whole-Body Vibrations
- Li B, Ahmadi J, Lin C, Siampis E, Longo S, .... (2020). Integrated Path-tracking and Control Allocation Controller for Autonomous Electric Vehicle under Limit Handling Condition
- Htike Z, Papaioannou G, Siampis E, Velenis E & Longo S. (2020). Minimisation of Motion Sickness in Autonomous Vehicles
- Ahmadi J, Velenis E, Vagha HE, Lin C, Li B, .... (2020). Multi Actuation Scheme for Path-Following Control of Autonomous Vehicles
- Xing Y, Hu Z, Huang Z, Lv C, Cao D, .... (2020). Multi-Scale Driver Behaviors Reasoning System for Intelligent Vehicles Based on a Joint Deep Learning Framework
- Htike Z, Papaioannou G, Velenis E & Longo S. (2020). Motion Planning of Self-driving Vehicles for Motion Sickness Minimisation
- Htike Z, Papaioannou G, Siampis E, Velenis E & Longo S. (2020). Motion Sickness Minimisation in Autonomous Vehicles Using Optimal Control
- Papaioannou G, Gauci C, Velenis E & Koulocheris D. (2020). Sensitivity Analysis of Vehicle Handling and Ride Comfort with Respect to Roll Centers Height
- Li B, Siampis E, Lin C, Longo S & Velenis E. (2019). A Time-efficient Integrated Path-tracking and Control Allocation Method for Autonomous Electric Vehicle
- Xing Y, Tang J, Liu H, Lv C, Cao D, .... (2018). End-to-End Driving Activities and Secondary Tasks Recognition Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network and Transfer Learning
- Stryszowski M, Longo S, Velenis E & B.R.A. Shah RM. (2018). Energy and Time-Optimal Connected Autonomous Vehicle Interaction: Cruising and Overtaking
- Filipozzi L, Velenis E & Assadian F. (2018). Minimization of steering corruption during front axle torque vectoring
- Zarkadis K, Velenis E, Siampis E & Longo S. (2018). Predictive torque vectoring control with active trail-braking
- Zarkadis K, Velenis E, Siampis E & Longo S. (2018). Predictive Torque Vectoring Control with Active Trail-Braking
- Smith EN, Velenis E, Cao D & Tavernini D. (2017). Evaluation of optimal yaw rate reference for electric vehicle torque vectoring
- Basrah MS, Siampis E, Velenis E, Cao D & Longo S. (2017). Advanced Vehicle Control
- Chang C-W, Lv C, Wang H, Wang H, Cao D, .... (2017). Multi-point turn decision making framework for human-like automated driving
- Tavernini D, Velenis E & Assadian F. (2016). Active brake force distribution for pitch angle minimisation
- Kampanakis A, Siampis E, Velenis E & Longo S. (2016). A Torque Vectoring Optimal Control Strategy for Combined Vehicle Dynamics Performance Enhancement and Electric Motor Ageing Minimisation * *The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support from EPSRC via the ‘FUTURE Vehicle’ project (grant number EP/I038586/1) and the Impact Acceleration Account (grant number EP/K503927/1).
- Smith EN, Tavernini D, Claret C, Velenis E & Cao D. (2016). Effects of different excitation spectra on virtual suspension damper design
- Siampis E, Velenis E & Longo S. (2016). Stability of towed wheels in cornering manoeuvre
- Tavernini D, Velenis E & Assadian F. (2016). Vehicle stability self-tuning control strategy based on joint criterion
- Siampis E, Velenis E & Longo S. (2015). Model Predictive torque vectoring control for electric vehicles near the limits of handling
- Siampis E, Velenis E & Longo S. (2015). Predictive rear wheel torque vectoring control with terminal understeer mitigation using nonlinear estimation
- Basrah MS, Velenis E & Cao D. (2015). Four wheel torque blending for slip control in a hybrid electric vehicle with a single electric machine
- Tavernini D, Velenis E & Longo S. (2015). Model-based active brake force distribution for pitch angle minimization
- Paul D, Velenis E & Cao D. (2015). Tire-road-friction-estimation-based braking force distribution for AWD electrified vehicles with a single electric machine
- Balakrishnnan VK, Longo S, Velenis E & Barber P. (2014). Sensor configurations and testbed for vehicle state estimation
- Martinez CM, Velenis E, Tavernini D, Gao B & Wellers M. (2014). Modelling and estimation of friction brake torque for a brake by wire system
- Siampis E, Massaro M & Velenis E. (2013). Electric rear axle torque vectoring for combined yaw stability and velocity control near the limit of handling
- Tavernini D, Velenis E, Lot R & Massaro M. (2013). On the optimality of handbrake cornering
- Katzourakis D, Happee R, Holweg E & Velenis E. (2012). Haptic steering support in extreme steering
- Katzourakis D, Velenis E, Holweg E & Happee R. (2012). Haptic steering support when driving at the tires’ cornering limits
- Velenis E. (2011). FWD vehicle drifting control: The handbrake-cornering technique
- Katzourakis D, Velenis E & Happee R. (2011). Driver Control Actions in High-Speed Circular Driving
- Velenis E, Frazzoli E & Tsiotras P. (2009). On steady-state cornering equilibria for wheeled vehicles with drift
- Jain S, Tsiotras P & Velenis E. (2008). Optimal feedback velocity profile generation for a vehicle with given acceleration limits: A level set implementation
- Velenis E, Tsiotras P & Lu J. (2007). Aggressive maneuvers on loose surfaces: Data analysis and input parametrization
- Velenis E, Tsiotras P & Lu J. (2007). Modeling aggressive maneuvers on loose surfaces: The cases of Trail-Braking and Pendulum-Turn
- Velenis E & Tsiotras P. (2005). Optimal velocity profile generation for given acceleration limits: theoretical analysis
- Velenis E & Tsiotras P. (2005). Optimal velocity profile generation for given acceleration limits: receding horizon implementation
- Velenis E & Tsiotras P. (2005). Minimum Time vs Maximum Exit Velocity Path Optimization During Cornering
- Velenis E & Tsiotras P. (2005). Optimal Velocity Profile Generation for Given Acceleration Limits; The Half-Car Model Case
- Tsiotras P, Velenis E & Sorine M. (2004). A LuGre tire friction model with exact aggregate dynamics
- Tsiotras P, Velenis E & Sorine M. (2004). A LuGre tire friction model with exact aggregate dynamics
- Canudas-de-Wit C, Tsiotras P & Velenis E. (2002). Dynamic friction models for longitudinal road/tire interaction: theoretical advances
- Velenis E, Tsiotras P & Canudas-de-Wit C. (2002). Extension of the LuGre dynamic tire friction model to 2D-motion
- Canudas-de-Wit C, Tsiotras P, Velenis E, Basset M & Gissinger G. (2002). Dynamic friction models for longitudinal road/tire interaction: experimental results
- Kim B, Velenis E, Kriengsiri P & Tsiotras P. (2001). A spacecraft simulator for research and education
- Tsiotras P & Velenis E. (2000). Low-bias control of AMBs subject to saturation constraints
- Siampis E, Velenis E & Longo S. The Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks
- Velenis E, Tsiotras P & Lu J. Trail-Braking Driver Input Parameterization for General Corner Geometry
- Sun Y, Velenis E & Krishnakumar A. (2024). Steering Noise Cancelling for Drift Assist Control In Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer Nature Switzerland.
- Prost M, Cvok I & Velenis E. (2024). Energy-Efficient Optimal Torque Vectoring for a Four-Motor High-Performance Electric Vehicle In Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer Nature Switzerland.
- Smith E, Tavernini D, Claret C, Cao D & Velenis E. (2016). Optimal understeer gradient target for electric vehicle torque vectoring system In Rosenberger M, Plochl M, Six K & Edelmann J (eds), The Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks : The Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks (Volume 1). CRC Press.