Contact Professor David Cullen
- Tel: +44 (0) 1234 758340
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Areas of expertise
- Biosensors & Diagnostics
- CBRN Focus Areas
- Defence Sensors
- Instrumentation, Sensors and Measurement Science
- Space Systems
Professor David Cullen's original training was in biochemistry at the University of East Anglia. He developed an interest in biosensor and bioanalytical technology research and development during his PhD and postdoctoral studies at the University of Cambridge.
His initial academic appointment in the mid-nineties within the biotechnology activities at Cranfield University continued this work with applications in the medical and environmental sectors.
His involvement with the space sector began with a chance encounter with a member of the UK Beagle 2 Mars lander team and a discussion about environmental biosensors being relevant to detecting life on Mars. This discussion led to the proposing, selection and then development of the multiplexed immunoassay based Life Marker Chip instrument for the ESA ExoMars rover until the instrument de-selection during the major ExoMars mission revision in 2012.
Since then he has transferred to the Space Group in the School of Aerospace, Transport and Manufacturing at Cranfield University where he holds a professorial chair in Astrobiology and Space Biotechnology. He continues a range of activities involving the development of space relevant technology and instrumentation and especially within areas relevant to astrobiology and biosciences. Current applications include the exploitation of CubeSat spacecraft as platforms to perform microgravity and space radiation bioscience experiments and development of early in situ demonstrations of ISRU on Near Earth Asteroids via CubeSat payloads
Current activities
The development and application of biosensors, bio-diagnostics and related bio-analytical technologies is the theme of Prof Cullen's past and current research. During the past decade, his main focus has been the design and application of such technologies in the field of astrobiology and space systems.
Recent and current projects include:
Joint lead-investigator for the Life Marker Chip (LMC) experiment for evidence of life detection on Mars as part of ESA's ExoMars rover mission (STFC / UKSA funded).
Development of the Bioscience, Astrobiology, Medical and Materials science experiments on CubeSats (BAMMsat) concept to exploit CubeSat platforms for bioscience and materials sciences experiments in LEO and beyond (UKSA funded).
Application and development of suites of in situ life detection and characterisation techniques for subglacial environments at the Svartisen Subglacial Laboratory in the Norwegian Arctic, Leverett Glacier in Western Greenland and glacial and volcanic sites in Iceland (EPSRC funded).
Use of stratospheric balloon platforms to study life in the upper atmosphere including design, build and flight of the Cranfield Astrobiological Stratospheric Sampling Experiment (CASS*E) instrument - flown twice in 2010 (partially ESA funded) and design and use of lightweight, low-cost high altitude balloon (HAB) platforms.
Study to confirm survivability of immunoassay reagents in simulated and real space environments including via the LMC experiment on ESA's Biopan-6 / Foton-M3 low-Earth orbit mission.
Development of the Hypervelocity Artificial Meteoroid Experiment (HAM*E) mission concept that proposes to enter >500kg of artificial meteoroid material into the Earth's atmosphere at >11km/s to contribute understanding to the evolution of the Early Earth and the current threat of Near Earth Objects.
Technology transfer of bioanalytical activities from extreme environment applications to those in medical, environmental, security and defence applications - currently sample processing for solid tissue biopsy samples.
Public outreach activities including schools lectures and appearances on radio and TV.
- Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
- Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
- Science and Technology Facilities Council
- UK Space Agency
- European Commission
- European Space Agency
Articles In Journals
- Cockell CS, Green DA, Caplin N, Grenouilleau J, McDonald FE, .... (2024). BioMoon: a concept for a mission to advance space life sciences and astrobiology on the Moon. Discover Space, 128(1)
- Cable ML, Sessa AM, Rader E, Simpson AC, Hanna AM, .... (2023). Geochemical and physical variability of Icelandic tephra fields and glaciovolcanic sandur to inform spatial sampling in Mars biosignature searches. Planetary and Space Science, 232(August)
- Wright HC, Fountain L, Moschopoulos A, Ryan AJ, Daniell TJ, .... (2023). Space controlled environment agriculture offers pathways to improve the sustainability of controlled environmental agriculture on Earth. Nature Food, 4(8)
- Sitepu E & Cullen D. (2023). Granular sample collection simulation via counter rotating wheels sampler for small-sized system at reduced gravity environment. Planetary and Space Science, 237(November)
- Tan GK, Simpson A, Holtzen S, Amador E, Cable ML, .... (2022). Spatial Variation in Results of Biosignature Analyses of Apparently Homogeneous Samples from Mars Analogue Environments in Iceland. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 6(6)
- Rader E, Simpson A, Amador E, Fraser JM, Holtzen S, .... (2020). Preferably Plinian and Pumaceous: Implications of Microbial Activity in Modern Volcanic Deposits at Askja Volcano, Iceland, and Relevancy for Mars Exploration. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 4(9)
- Gentry DM, Amador ES, Cable ML, Chaudry N, Cullen T, .... (2017). Correlations Between Life-Detection Techniques and Implications for Sampling Site Selection in Planetary Analog Missions. Astrobiology, 17(10)
- Payler SJ, Biddle JF, Coates AJ, Cousins CR, Cross RE, .... (2017). Planetary science and exploration in the deep subsurface: results from the MINAR Program, Boulby Mine, UK. International Journal of Astrobiology, 16(2)
- BARNETT MJ, PAWLETT M, WADHAM JL, JACKSON M & CULLEN DC. (2016). Demonstration of a multi-technique approach to assess glacial microbial populations in the field. Journal of Glaciology, 62(232)
- Amador ES, Cable ML, Chaudry N, Cullen T, Gentry D, .... (2015). Synchronous in-field application of life-detection techniques in planetary analog missions. Planetary and Space Science, 106
- Al Qaraghuli MM, Palliyil S, Broadbent G, Cullen DC, Charlton KA, .... (2015). Defining the complementarities between antibodies and haptens to refine our understanding and aid the prediction of a successful binding interaction. BMC Biotechnology, 15(1)
- Seo HB, Kwon YS, Lee J-E, Cullen D, Noh HM, .... (2015). A novel reflectance-based aptasensor using gold nanoparticles for the detection of oxytetracycline. The Analyst, 140(19)
- Court RW, Sims MR, Cullen DC & Sephton MA. (2014). Searching for Life on Mars: Degradation of Surfactant Solutions Used in Organic Extraction Experiments. Astrobiology, 14(9)
- Luong D, Court RW, Sims MR, Cullen DC & Sephton MA. (2014). Extracting organic matter on Mars: A comparison of methods involving subcritical water, surfactant solutions and organic solvents. Planetary and Space Science, 99
- Derveni M, Allen M, Sawakuchi GO, Yukihara EG, Richter L, .... (2013). Survivability of Immunoassay Reagents Exposed to the Space Radiation Environment on board the ESA BIOPAN-6 Platform as a Prelude to Performing Immunoassays on Mars. Astrobiology, 13(1)
- Sephton MA, Sims MR, Court RW, Luong D & Cullen DC. (2013). Searching for biomolecules on Mars: Considerations for operation of a life marker chip instrument. Planetary and Space Science, 86
- Sims MR, Cullen DC, Rix CS, Buckley A, Derveni M, .... (2012). Development status of the life marker chip instrument for ExoMars. Planetary and Space Science, 72(1)
- Derveni M, Hands A, Allen M, Sims MR & Cullen DC. (2012). Effects of Simulated Space Radiation on Immunoassay Components for Life-Detection Experiments in Planetary Exploration Missions. Astrobiology, 12(8)
- Barnett MJ, Wadham JL, Jackson M & Cullen DC. (2012). In-Field Implementation of a Recombinant Factor C Assay for the Detection of Lipopolysaccharide as a Biomarker of Extant Life within Glacial Environments. Biosensors, 2(1)
- Court RW, Rix CS, Sims MR, Cullen DC & Sephton MA. (2012). Extraction of polar and nonpolar biomarkers from the martian soil using aqueous surfactant solutions. Planetary and Space Science, 67(1)
- Court RW, Sims MR, Cullen DC & Sephton MA. (2012). Potential failure of life detection experiments on Mars resulting from adsorption of organic compounds on to common instrument materials. Planetary and Space Science, 73(1)
- Sathe M, Derveni M, Broadbent G, Bodlenner A, Charlton K, .... (2011). Synthesis and characterisation of immunogens for the production of antibodies against small hydrophobic molecules with biosignature properties. Analytica Chimica Acta, 708(1-2)
- Rix CS, Sims MR & Cullen DC. (2011). Immunological Detection of Small Organic Molecules in the Presence of Perchlorates: Relevance to the Life Marker Chip and Life Detection on Mars. Astrobiology, 11(9)
- Sathe M, Derveni M, Allen M & Cullen DC. (2010). Use of polystyrene-supported 2-isobutoxy-1-isobutoxycarbonyl-1,2-dihydroquinoline for the preparation of a hapten–protein conjugate for antibody development. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 20(5)
- Court RW, Baki AO, Sims MR, Cullen D & Sephton MA. (2010). Novel solvent systems for in situ extraterrestrial sample analysis. Planetary and Space Science, 58(11)
- Ashley G, Luo J, Kirby P, Butler T & Cullen D. (2009). Thin Film Bulk Acoustic Wave Resonators for Continuous Monitoring in the Physical, Chemical and Biological Realms. MRS Proceedings, 1222
- Varsamis DG, Touloupakis E, Morlacchi P, Ghanotakis DF, Giardi MT, .... (2008). Development of a photosystem II-based optical microfluidic sensor for herbicide detection. Talanta, 77(1)
- Henry OYF, Piletsky SA & Cullen DC. (2008). Fabrication of molecularly imprinted polymer microarray on a chip by mid-infrared laser pulse initiated polymerisation. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 23(12)
- Karim K, Taylor JD, Cullen DC, Swann MJ & Freeman NJ. (2007). Measurement of Conformational Changes in the Structure of Transglutaminase on Binding Calcium Ions Using Optical Evanescent Dual Polarisation Interferometry. Analytical Chemistry, 79(8)
- Siegert MJ, Behar A, Bentley M, Blake D, Bowden S, .... (2007). Exploration of Ellsworth Subglacial Lake: a concept paper on the development, organisation and execution of an experiment to explore, measure and sample the environment of a West Antarctic subglacial lake. Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology, 6(1-3)
- Parnell J, Cullen D, Sims MR, Bowden S, Cockell CS, .... (2007). Searching for Life on Mars: Selection of Molecular Targets for ESA's Aurora ExoMars Mission. Astrobiology, 7(4)
- Thompson DP, Wilson PK, Sims MR, Cullen DC, Holt JMC, .... (2006). Preliminary Investigation of Proton and Helium Ion Radiation Effects on Fluorescent Dyes for Use in Astrobiology Applications. Analytical Chemistry, 78(8)
- Lee JH, Mitchell RJ, Kim BC, Cullen DC & Gu MB. (2005). A cell array biosensor for environmental toxicity analysis. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 21(3)
- Henry OYF, Cullen DC & Piletsky SA. (2005). Optical interrogation of molecularly imprinted polymers and development of MIP sensors: a review. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 382(4)
- Sims MR, Cullen DC, Bannister NP, Grant WD, Henry O, .... (2005). The specific molecular identification of life experiment (SMILE). Planetary and Space Science, 53(8)
- Lotierzo M, Henry OYF, Piletsky S, Tothill I, Cullen D, .... (2004). Surface plasmon resonance sensor for domoic acid based on grafted imprinted polymer. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 20(2)
- Jawaheer S, White SF, Rughooputh SDDV & Cullen DC. (2003). Development of a common biosensor format for an enzyme based biosensor array to monitor fruit quality. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 18(12)
- Jawaheer S, White SF, Rughooputh SDDV & Cullen DC. (2002). ENZYME STABILIZATION USING PECTIN AS A NOVEL ENTRAPMENT MATRIX IN BIOSENSORS. Analytical Letters, 35(13)
- Weston DG, Kirkham J & Cullen DC. (1999). Photo-modulation of horseradish peroxidase activity via covalent attachment of carboxylated-spiropyran dyes. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects, 1428(2-3)
- Disley DM, Blyth J, Cullen DC, You H-X, Eapen S, .... (1998). Covalent coupling of immunoglobulin G to a poly(vinyl)alcohol-poly(acrylic acid) graft polymer as a method for fabricating the interfacial-recognition layer of a surface plasmon resonance immunosensor. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 13(3-4)
- Disley DM, Cullen DC, You H-X & Lowe CR. (1998). Covalent coupling of immunoglobulin G to self-assembled monolayers as a method for immobilizing the interfacial-recognition layer of a surface plasmon resonance immunosensor. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 13(11)
- Hall C & Cullen DC. (1996). Scanning force microscopy of gypsum dissolution and crystal growth. AIChE Journal, 42(1)
- You HX, Disley DM, Cullen DC & Lowe CR. (1995). A scanning tunnelling microscopic study of covalent immobilization of immunoglobulin G on gold: Effect of the bias voltage on topography. Micron, 26(2)
- Cullen DC & Lowe CR. (1994). AFM Studies of Protein Adsorption. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 166(1)
- You HX, Disley DM, Cullen DC & Lowe CR. (1994). Physical adsorption of immunoglobulin G on gold studied by scanning tunnelling microscopy. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 16(2)
- Cullen DC, Sethi RS & Lowe CR. (1990). Multi-analyte miniature conductance biosensor. Analytica Chimica Acta, 231
- Lowe CR, Yon Hin BFY, Cullen DC, Evans SE, Gray Stephens LD, .... (1990). Biosensors. Journal of Chromatography A, 510
- Cullen DC & Lowe CR. (1990). A direct surface plasmon—polariton immunosensor: Preliminary investigation of the non-specific adsorption of serum components to the sensor interface. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 1(1-6)
- Cullen DC, Brown RGW & Lowe CR. (1987). Detection of immuno-complex formation via surface plasmon resonance on gold-coated diffraction gratings. Biosensors, 3(4)
- Watson LD, Maynard P, Cullen DC, Sethi RS, Brettle J, .... (1987). A microelectronic conductimetric biosensor. Biosensors, 3(2)
Conference Papers
- Shamsul A, Zalasiewicz M, Bolliand A, Cooke M, Sinclair G, .... (2022). A versatile bioCubeSat platform for future space systems: Development of a second-generation BAMMsat payload on a stratospheric balloon technology and operation demonstration flight
- Sutton S, Stockton A, Cable M, Cantrell T, Duca Z, .... (2019). Field Exploration and Life Detection Sampling via Planetary Analogue Research (FELDSPAR): Microbial population and distribution at the Dyngjusandur, Iceland alluvial plain in 2016
- Sitepu E & Cullen D. (2018). CubeSat 3U-payload for in-situ resource utilisation demonstration at C-type near Earth asteroids
- Gentry D, Amador E, Cable ML, Cantrell T, Chaudry N, .... (2018). Astrobiological assay validation across gradients in Mars analogue sites: lessons from the FELDSPAR Project
- Sitepu E & Cullen DC. (2018). Towards a 3U CubeSat-payload for in-situ resource utilisation demonstration at C-type near earth asteroids
- Gentry D, Stockton AM, Amador ES, Cable ML, Cantrell T, .... (2017). Field exploration and life detection sampling for planetary analogue research (FELDSPAR)
- Gentry D, Amador ES, Cable ML, Cantrell T, Chaudry N, .... (2017). Quantifying variability and correlation in biomarker and mineralogical measurements: lessons from five astrobiological Mars analogue expeditions in Iceland
- Juanes-Vallejo CM, Grama VV, Katramados I, Naicker L, Rato CC, .... (2011). Cranfield astrobiological stratospheric sampling experiment (CASS•E): Overview of flight hardware configuration, implemented planetary protection and contamination control procedures and preliminary post-flight results
- Cullen DC & Roberts PCE. (2011). The Hypervelocity Artificial Meteoroid Experiment (HAM.E): A Mission Concept Study
- Juanes-Vallejo CM, Grama VV, Katramados I, Naicker L, Rato CC, .... (2011). Cranfield astrobiological stratospheric sampling experiment (CASS•E): Overall performance of the experiment during flight and particle collection filter analysis
- Naicker L, Grama VV, Juanes-Vallejo CM, Katramados I, Rato C, .... (2010). CASS•E: Cranfield astrobiological stratospheric sampling experiment
- Marques C, Fowler S, Cullen D & Morgan S. (2009). A Surface-Tethered Model to Assess Size-Specific Effects of Hyaluronic Acid on Cell Proliferation of Tumour-Derived Cell Lines
- Sims MR, Cullen DC, Bannister NP, Grant WD & Jones R. (2004). A life marker chip for the Specific Molecular Identification of Life Experiment
- Sims MR, Cullen DC, Bannister NP, Grant WD & Jones R. (2004). A life marker chip for the specific molecular identification of life experiment
- Lee HJ, Villaume J, Cullen DC, Kim BC & Gu MB. (2003). Monitoring and classification of PAH toxicity using an immobilized bioluminescent bacteria
- Jawaheer S, Rughooputh HCS, White S & Cullen D. (2002). Development of an electrochemical sensor array for determination of food analytes
- Henry OYF, Piletsky S, Grant WD, Sims MR & Cullen DC. (2002). Robust molecular imprinted polymer thin-films for an astrobiology biomimetic sensor array
- Sesay AM & Cullen DC. (2001). Detection of hormone mimics in water using a miniturised SPR sensor
- Cullen DC, Grant WD, Piletsky S & Sims MR. (2001). Proposed biomimetic molecular sensor array for astrobiology applications
- Lowe PJ, Badley A & Cullen DC. (1999).
Dewetting of adsorbed protein on polystyrene and graphite surfaces during drying
- Hui Q, Pan Y, Cullen D & Yang Z. (2025). Advanced sensors enabled rapid and on-site wastewater surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 and beyond In Barceló D & Pico Y (eds), Sample Handling and Trace Analysis of Pollutants (2nd). Elsevier.
- Barnett MJ, Pearce DA & Cullen DC. (2012). Advances in the In-Field Detection of Microorganisms in Ice In Advances in Applied Microbiology (81). Elsevier.
- Marks RS, Lowe CR, Cullen D, Weetall HH & Karube I (eds). (2007). Handbook of Biosensors and Biochips
- Cullen DC & Sims MR. (2007). Life Detection within Planetary Exploration: Context for Biosensor and Related Bioanalytical Technologies In Handbook of Biosensors and Biochips. Wiley.
- Cullen DC. (2007). The Biology–Materials Interface: Interfacial Science and Receptor Integration In Handbook of Biosensors and Biochips. Wiley.
- Cullen DC. (2007). Data Analysis, Conditioning and Presentation In Handbook of Biosensors and Biochips. Wiley.
- Cullen DC. (2007). Miniaturized, Microengineered, and Particle Systems In Handbook of Biosensors and Biochips. Wiley.
- Siegert MJ, Behar A, Bentley M, Blake D, Bowden S, .... (2006). Exploration of Ellsworth Subglacial Lake: a concept paper on the development, organisation and execution of an experiment to explore, measure and sample the environment of a West Antarctic subglacial lake In Life in Extreme Environments (9781402062858). Springer Netherlands.
- Disley DM, Cullen DC & Lowe CR. (1994). Interfacial Protein Studies at Silver and Chemically-Modified Silver Surfaces for Immunosensor Applications In Biosensors '94. Elsevier.