Contact Professor Chris Sansom
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Areas of expertise
- Renewable Energy
Professor Christopher Sansom gained his BSc from Liverpool University, and his PhD from Sussex University for research into the optical properties of infrared detectors. During a research career in industry and academia that has spanned over twenty-five years he has also gained two postgraduate diplomas, one in "Manufacturing Management and Technology" and a second in "Higher Education Teaching and Learning", and is a Black-Belt Six Sigma practitioner. He is currently Professor of Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) and Head of the Centre for Renewable Energy Systems (CRES) at Cranfield.
Research opportunities
We are always interested in research proposals on topics related to renewable energy technologies and applications. In particular we welcome proposals related to concentrating solar power and its applications for power generation, heating, cooling, industrial process heat, and thermal desalination. Thermal energy storage, including PCM and thermochemical materials, is also a core area for our research.
Current activities
Dr Sansom's current research activities are in CSP (Concentrating Solar Power), solar thermal materials and applications, thermal energy storage, and thermal energy harvesting. Spearheading UK research on CSP, his current projects include concentrating solar power for electrical power generation, solar collector characterisation and ageing evaluation, polymer films for solar power plant heliostats and line-focus solar collectors, linear Fresnel community scale CSP, heliostat design and manufacture, solar thermal heating and cooling, solar driven desalination and water purification, thermal storage, and nanostructured thermo-electric devices for energy harvesting. Current collaborations include work with Egypt, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Libya, Jordan, Algeria, Tunisia, and Pakistan. He currently supervises three PhD students, eight taught MSc student projects, an MSc by Research student, all on CSP or solar thermal related research topics. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA); a Member of the International Solar Energy Society (ISES), and the sole UK representative on the EERA (European Energy Research Alliance) Joint Programme on CSP (Concentrating Solar Power). Dr Sansom also lectures on Solar Radiation - Fundamentals and Models, Solar Power: Thermal Collector Types, Applications of Solar Thermal, Solar Energy - CSP/PV Materials and Applications, Energy Harvesting, and Statistical Techniques in an industrial environment.
Current projects include:
H2020: LCE-11-2017 Grant no. 792103 'SOLWARIS' - 'Solving Water issues for CSP plants'
IUK: Energy Catalyst 7: 'A CSP and TFG hybrid energy system'
IUK: SIF1 No. 78689 'Low carbon heating and cooling with PCM storage and gender-based temperature-based regulation for public and commercial buildings'.
IUK: SIF1 No. 79783 'HH-Gen: High performance green hydrogen generation from solar energy' - short focus parabolic cline optics CSP
H2020: LC-SC3-RES-20 Grant no. 101022686 'DESOLINATION' - Demonstration of concentrated solar power coupled with advanced an desalination system in the Gulf region
Past projects include:
FP7-ENERGY-2010-2, Project Number 268219, MATS - "Multipurpose applications by Thermodynamic Solar".
FP7-ENERGY-2012-1, Project Number 308792, FRESH NRG - "Fresnel for Solar Heat with New Receiver and Geometry"
FP7-ENERGY-2013-IRP, Proposal Number 609837, STAGE STE - "Scientific and Technical Alliance for Guaranteeing the European Excellence in Concentrating Solar Thermal Energy"
EU project 654479 - WASCOP 'Water Saving in CSP plants'
British Council funded project 'Off-grid integrated water and energy systems for water treatment potable and non-potable) in Israel, Palestine and Jordan'.
EU Project 731287 INSHIP 'Integrating National Research Agendas on Solar Heat for Industrial Processes
'EPSRC Grant Ref: EP/P03103X/1; 'Solar Oil'
EPSRC Grant Ref: EP/P031072/1 'Solar Steam: A novel application of Fresnel lenses as a solar thermal collector to benefit industry'.
- Solar Water PLC
- EGB Engineering Ltd
- EnSo Impact
- FOXX Am Pty Ltd
- Rothon Research Ltd
- Recoup Energy Solutions Ltd
- TFG Global Power Ltd
- Eider Investors LLP
Articles In Journals
- Ochella S, Shafiee M & Sansom C. (2022). An RUL-informed approach for life extension of high-value assets. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 171(September)
- Ochella S, Shafiee M & Sansom C. (2021). Adopting machine learning and condition monitoring P-F curves in determining and prioritizing high-value assets for life extension. Expert Systems with Applications, 176(August)
- King P, Sansom C & Comley P. (2020). Photogrammetry for Concentrating Solar Collector Form Measurement, Validated Using a Coordinate Measuring Machine. Sustainability, 12(1)
- Jakubczyk EM, Mapp A, Chung CC, Sansom CL, Jones JL, .... (2019). Enhancing thermoelectric properties of NaCo2O4 ceramics through Na pre-treatment induced nano-decoration. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 788
- Tawfik M, Tonnellier X & Sansom C. (2018). Light source selection for a solar simulator for thermal applications: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 90
- Sansom C, Fernández-García A, King P, Sutter F & Garcia Segura A. (2017). Reflectometer comparison for assessment of back-silvered glass solar mirrors. Solar Energy, 155
- Perini S, Tonnellier X, King P & Sansom C. (2017). Theoretical and experimental analysis of an innovative dual-axis tracking linear Fresnel lenses concentrated solar thermal collector. Solar Energy, 153
- Fernández-García A, Sutter F, Martínez-Arcos L, Sansom C, Wolfertstetter F, .... (2017). Equipment and methods for measuring reflectance of concentrating solar reflector materials. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 167
- Sansom C, Fernández-García A, Sutter F, Almond H, King P, .... (2016). Soiling and Cleaning of Polymer Film Solar Reflectors. Energies, 9(12)
- Pearce M, Shemfe M & Sansom C. (2016). Techno-economic analysis of solar integrated hydrothermal liquefaction of microalgae. Applied Energy, 166
- Atkinson C, Sansom CL, Almond HJ & Shaw CP. (2015). Coatings for concentrating solar systems – A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 45
- Sansom CL, Jones P, Dorey RA, Beck C, Stanhope-Bosumpim A, .... (2013). Synthesis and characterization of Mn0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 and Fe3O4 nanoparticle ferrofluids for thermo-electric conversion. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 335
- Sansom C & Shore P. (2013). Training ultra precision engineers for UK manufacturing industry. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 24(3)
- Sansom C & Shore P. (2009). The Integrated Knowledge Centre: A Partnership between UK Higher Education and the Engineering Industry. The Journal of the World Universities Forum, 2(4)
- Sansom C, King P & Carlisle K. Design of a Novel Heliostat for a Large-Scale Desalination System. SolarPACES Conference Proceedings, 1
- Endaya E, Sansom C, Comley P, Almond H, Dekam E, .... Simulation of Th Effct of Libyan Sand on Th Reflctance Surface of CSP. Solar Energy and Sustainable Development Journal, 8(2)
- Hussaini ZA, Crawley F, Luo Z, Sansom C, King P, .... A Novel Application of a Parabolic Trough Collector for Solar Cooking, Thermal Storage and Thermoelectric Energy Harvesting. SolarPACES Conference Proceedings, 1
- Karim M, Sansom C, King P, Almond H, Bouaichaoui S, .... Durability Assessment of Silvered Glass Mirrors Exposed in Two Different Desert Sites Suitable for CSP Installations. SolarPACES Conference Proceedings, 1
- Karim M, Sansom C, King P, Almond H & Hussaini Z. Comparative Assessment of the Durability of Glass and Polymer Mirrors for Concentrated Solar Thermal Technologies. SolarPACES Conference Proceedings, 2
Conference Papers
- Merkle H, Sansom C, King P, Schiller T, Bennett A, .... (2023). Artificial soiling method and test-rig for solar power related research
- Sansom C, Patchigolla K, Jonnalagadda K & King P. (2022). Design of a novel CSP/MED desalination system
- Ochella S, Shafiee M & Sansom C. (2021). Requirements for Standards and Regulations in AI-Enabled Prognostics and Health Management
- Bennett A, Sansom C, King P, Gobey K & Merkle H. (2020). Cleaning concentrating solar power mirrors without water
- Bourdon D, Wolfertstetter F, Fernández-García A, Sansom C, Azpitarte I, .... (2020). Saving water on concentrated solar power plants: The holistic approach of the WASCOP project
- Abdulkarim HT, Sansom CL, Patchigolla K & King P. (2020). Statistical and economic analysis of solar radiation and climatic data for the development of solar PV system in Nigeria
- King P, Sansom C, Almond H, Karim M & Idiazabal LR. (2020). Simulation of the effect of dust barriers on the reduction of mirror soiling in CSP plants
- Wolfertstetter F, Wilbert S, Terhag F, Hanrieder N, Fernandez-García A, .... (2019). Modelling the soiling rate: Dependencies on meteorological parameters
- Sansom C, Tonnellier X, King P & Almond H. (2019). Concentrating Fresnel lens technology for thermal desalination
- King P, Sansom C, Almond H & Abdulkarim H. (2019). An experimental investigation into factors affecting the soiling of glass mirrors
- Sansom C, King P, Fernández-García A, Almond H, Kayani T, .... (2018). The design of dust barriers to reduce collector mirror soiling in CSP plants
- Sansom C, Almond H, King P, Endaya E & Bouaichaoui S. (2017). Airborne sand and dust soiling of solar collecting mirrors
- Sansom C, Fernández-García A, Sutter F, Almond H & King P. (2016). Contact cleaning of polymer film solar reflectors
- Sansom C, Comley P, King P, Almond H, Atkinson C, .... (2015). Predicting the Effects of Sand Erosion on Collector Surfaces in CSP Plants
- Turner PJ & Sansom C. (2015). A Tubed, Volumetric Cavity Receiver Concept for High Efficiency, Low-cost Modular Molten Salt Solar Towers
- Sansom C, Tonnellier X, Read R, Nicholls J & Dorey R. (2014). Design and fabrication of a coating research machine to explore the nanometer scale coating of glass tubes for Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) systems
- Sansom C, Comley P, Bhattacharyya D & Macerol N. (2014). A Comparison of Polymer Film and Glass Collectors for Concentrating Solar Power
- Sansom C, Dorey R, Jones P, Peterson J & Jakubczyk E. (2011). Extending the functionality and efficiency of energy storage tanks in solar power plants
- Sansom C & Shore P. (2009). Precision engineering for optical applications: knowledge transfer into UK industry
- Sansom C & Shore P. (2009). Precision engineering for optical applications: Knowledge Transfer into UK industry
- Sengar N, Pearce M, Sansom C, Tonnellier X & Almond H. (2023). Concentrated Solar Integrated Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Wastes and Algal Feedstock In Wind and Solar Energy Applications. CRC Press.
- Fernández-García A, Sutter F, Martínez-Arcos L, Valenzuela L & Sansom C. (2017). Advanced mirror concepts for concentrating solar thermal systems In Blanco MJ & Santigosa LR (eds), Advances in Concentrating Solar Thermal Research and Technology. Elsevier.
- Fernández-García A, Sutter F, Martínez-Arcos L, Valenzuela L & Sansom C. (2017). 2 Advanced mirror concepts for concentrating solar thermal systems In Advances in Concentrating Solar Thermal Research and Technology. Elsevier.
- Jakubczyk EM, Sansom CL & Dorey RA. (2014). The Role of Sodium-Rich Pretreatments in the Enhanced Sintering of Sodium Cobalt Oxide Thermoelectric Ceramics In Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Thermoelectrics. Springer International Publishing.